1 /*
2  * XML Security Library (http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec).
3  *
4  * Simple Big Numbers processing.
5  *
6  * This is free software; see Copyright file in the source
7  * distribution for preciese wording.
8  *
9  * Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Aleksey Sanin <aleksey@aleksey.com>. All Rights Reserved.
10  */
11 #ifndef __XMLSEC_BN_H__
12 #define __XMLSEC_BN_H__
14 #include <libxml/tree.h>
15 #include <xmlsec/xmlsec.h>
16 #include <xmlsec/buffer.h>
18 #ifdef __cplusplus
19 extern "C" {
20 #endif /* __cplusplus */
22 typedef xmlSecBuffer                                            xmlSecBn,
23                                                                 *xmlSecBnPtr;
25 /**
26  * xmlSecBnFormat:
27  * @xmlSecBnBase64:             the base64 decoded binary blob.
28  * @xmlSecBnHex:                the hex number.
29  * @xmlSecBnDec:                the decimal number.
30  *
31  * The big numbers formats.
32  */
33 typedef enum {
34     xmlSecBnBase64,
35     xmlSecBnHex,
36     xmlSecBnDec
37 } xmlSecBnFormat;
39 XMLSEC_EXPORT xmlSecBnPtr       xmlSecBnCreate                  (xmlSecSize size);
40 XMLSEC_EXPORT void              xmlSecBnDestroy                 (xmlSecBnPtr bn);
41 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecBnInitialize              (xmlSecBnPtr bn,
42                                                                  xmlSecSize size);
43 XMLSEC_EXPORT void              xmlSecBnFinalize                (xmlSecBnPtr bn);
44 XMLSEC_EXPORT xmlSecByte*       xmlSecBnGetData                 (xmlSecBnPtr bn);
45 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecBnSetData                 (xmlSecBnPtr bn,
46                                                                  const xmlSecByte* data,
47                                                                  xmlSecSize size);
48 XMLSEC_EXPORT xmlSecSize        xmlSecBnGetSize                 (xmlSecBnPtr bn);
49 XMLSEC_EXPORT void              xmlSecBnZero                    (xmlSecBnPtr bn);
51 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecBnFromString              (xmlSecBnPtr bn,
52                                                                  const xmlChar* str,
53                                                                  xmlSecSize base);
54 XMLSEC_EXPORT xmlChar*          xmlSecBnToString                (xmlSecBnPtr bn,
55                                                                  xmlSecSize base);
56 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecBnFromHexString           (xmlSecBnPtr bn,
57                                                                  const xmlChar* str);
58 XMLSEC_EXPORT xmlChar*          xmlSecBnToHexString             (xmlSecBnPtr bn);
60 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecBnFromDecString           (xmlSecBnPtr bn,
61                                                                  const xmlChar* str);
62 XMLSEC_EXPORT xmlChar*          xmlSecBnToDecString             (xmlSecBnPtr bn);
64 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecBnMul                     (xmlSecBnPtr bn,
65                                                                  int multiplier);
66 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecBnDiv                     (xmlSecBnPtr bn,
67                                                                  int divider,
68                                                                  int* mod);
69 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecBnAdd                     (xmlSecBnPtr bn,
70                                                                  int delta);
71 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecBnReverse                 (xmlSecBnPtr bn);
72 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecBnCompare                 (xmlSecBnPtr bn,
73                                                                  const xmlSecByte* data,
74                                                                  xmlSecSize dataSize);
75 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecBnCompareReverse          (xmlSecBnPtr bn,
76                                                                  const xmlSecByte* data,
77                                                                  xmlSecSize dataSize);
78 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecBnGetNodeValue            (xmlSecBnPtr bn,
79                                                                  xmlNodePtr cur,
80                                                                  xmlSecBnFormat format,
81                                                                  int reverse);
82 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecBnSetNodeValue            (xmlSecBnPtr bn,
83                                                                  xmlNodePtr cur,
84                                                                  xmlSecBnFormat format,
85                                                                  int reverse,
86                                                                  int addLineBreaks);
87 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecBnBlobSetNodeValue        (const xmlSecByte* data,
88                                                                  xmlSecSize dataSize,
89                                                                  xmlNodePtr cur,
90                                                                  xmlSecBnFormat format,
91                                                                  int reverse,
92                                                                  int addLineBreaks);
94 #ifdef __cplusplus
95 }
96 #endif /* __cplusplus */
98 #endif /* __XMLSEC_BN_H__ */