1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# Copyright (c) 2005 - 2021 Detlev Offenbach <detlev@die-offenbachs.de>
7Module implementing a QSS lexer with some additional methods.
10import contextlib
12from PyQt5.Qsci import QsciLexerCSS
14from .Lexer import Lexer
15import Preferences
18class LexerQSS(Lexer, QsciLexerCSS):
19    """
20    Subclass to implement some additional lexer dependent methods.
21    """
22    def __init__(self, parent=None):
23        """
24        Constructor
26        @param parent parent widget of this lexer
27        """
28        QsciLexerCSS.__init__(self, parent)
29        Lexer.__init__(self)
31        self.commentString = "#"
32        self.streamCommentString = {
33            'start': '/* ',
34            'end': ' */'
35        }
37        self.keywordSetDescriptions = [
38            self.tr("CSS1 Properties"),
39            self.tr("Pseudo-Classes"),
40            self.tr("CSS2 Properties"),
41            self.tr("CSS3 Properties"),
42            self.tr("Pseudo-Elements"),
43            self.tr("Browser-Specific CSS Properties"),
44            self.tr("Browser-Specific Pseudo-Classes"),
45            self.tr("Browser-Specific Pseudo-Elements"),
46        ]
48    def initProperties(self):
49        """
50        Public slot to initialize the properties.
51        """
52        self.setFoldComments(Preferences.getEditor("CssFoldComment"))
53        self.setFoldCompact(Preferences.getEditor("AllFoldCompact"))
54        with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
55            self.setHSSLanguage(
56                Preferences.getEditor("CssHssSupport"))
57            self.setLessLanguage(
58                Preferences.getEditor("CssLessSupport"))
59            self.setSCSSLanguage(
60                Preferences.getEditor("CssSassySupport"))
62    def isCommentStyle(self, style):
63        """
64        Public method to check, if a style is a comment style.
66        @param style style to check (integer)
67        @return flag indicating a comment style (boolean)
68        """
69        return style in [QsciLexerCSS.Comment]
71    def isStringStyle(self, style):
72        """
73        Public method to check, if a style is a string style.
75        @param style style to check (integer)
76        @return flag indicating a string style (boolean)
77        """
78        return style in [QsciLexerCSS.DoubleQuotedString,
79                         QsciLexerCSS.SingleQuotedString]
81    def defaultKeywords(self, kwSet):
82        """
83        Public method to get the default keywords.
85        @param kwSet number of the keyword set (integer)
86        @return string giving the keywords (string) or None
87        """
88        if kwSet == 1:
89            return (
90                "alternate-background-color background background-color"
91                " background-image background-repeat background-position"
92                " background-attachment background-clip background-origin"
93                " border border-top border-right border-bottom border-left"
94                " border-color border-top-color border-right-color"
95                " border-bottom-color border-left-color border-image"
96                " border-radius border-top-left-radius"
97                " border-top-right-radius border-bottom-right-radius"
98                " border-bottom-left-radius border-style border-top-style"
99                " border-right-style border-bottom-style border-left-style"
100                " border-width border-top-width border-right-width"
101                " border-bottom-width border-left-width bottom button-layout"
102                " color dialogbuttonbox-buttons-have-icons font font-family"
103                " font-size font-style font-weight gridline-color"
104                " height icon-size image image-position left"
105                " lineedit-password-character margin margin-top margin-right"
106                " margin-bottom margin-left max-height max-width"
107                " messagebox-text-interaction-flags min-height min-width"
108                " opacity outline padding padding-top padding-right"
109                " padding-bottom padding-left"
110                " paint-alternating-row-colors-for-empty-area"
111                " position right selection-background-color selection-color"
112                " show-decoration-selected spacing subcontrol-origin"
113                " subcontrol-position text-align text-decoration"
114                " top width"
115                ""
116                " backward-icon cd-icon computer-icon desktop-icon"
117                " dialog-apply-icon dialog-cancel-icon dialog-close-icon"
118                " dialog-discard-icon dialog-help-icon dialog-no-icon"
119                " dialog-ok-icon dialog-open-icon dialog-reset-icon"
120                " dialog-save-icon dialog-yes-icon directory-closed-icon"
121                " directory-icon directory-link-icon directory-open-icon"
122                " dockwidget-close-icon downarrow-icon dvd-icon file-icon"
123                " file-link-icon filedialog-contentsview-icon"
124                " filedialog-detailedview-icon filedialog-end-icon"
125                " filedialog-infoview-icon filedialog-listview-icon"
126                " filedialog-new-directory-icon"
127                " filedialog-parent-directory-icon filedialog-start-icon"
128                " floppy-icon forward-icon harddisk-icon home-icon"
129                " leftarrow-icon messagebox-critical-icon"
130                " messagebox-information-icon messagebox-question-icon"
131                " messagebox-warning-icon network-icon rightarrow-icon"
132                " titlebar-contexthelp-icon titlebar-maximize-icon"
133                " titlebar-menu-icon titlebar-minimize-icon"
134                " titlebar-normal-icon titlebar-shade-icon"
135                " titlebar-unshade-icon trash-icon uparrow-icon"
136            )
137        elif kwSet == 2:
138            return (
139                "active adjoins-item alternate bottom checked closable"
140                " closed default disabled editable edit-focus enabled"
141                " exclusive first flat floatable focus has-children"
142                " has-siblings horizontal hover indeterminate last left"
143                " maximized middle minimized movable no-frame"
144                " non-exclusive off on only-one open next-selected"
145                " pressed previous-selected read-only right selected top"
146                " unchecked vertical window"
147                ""
148                " add-line add-page branch chunk close-button corner"
149                " down-arrow down-button drop-down float-button groove"
150                " indicator handle icon item left-arrow left-corner"
151                " menu-arrow menu-button menu-indicator right-arrow"
152                " pane right-corner scroller section separator sub-line"
153                " sub-page tab tab-bar tear tearoff text title up-arrow"
154                " up-button"
155            )
157        return None
159    def language(self):
160        """
161        Public method to return the lexer language.
163        @return lexer language (string)
164        """
165        return "QSS"
167    def lexerName(self):
168        """
169        Public method to return the lexer name.
171        @return lexer name (string)
172        """
173        return "QSS"