2# vim:fileencoding=UTF-8:ts=4:sw=4:sta:et:sts=4:fdm=marker:ai
4__license__   = 'GPL v3'
5__copyright__ = '2012, Kovid Goyal <kovid at kovidgoyal.net>'
6__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
8import operator, traceback, pprint, sys, time
9from threading import RLock
10from collections import namedtuple
11from functools import partial
13from calibre import prints, as_unicode, force_unicode
14from calibre.constants import islinux, ismacos
15from calibre.ptempfile import SpooledTemporaryFile
16from calibre.devices.errors import OpenFailed, DeviceError, BlacklistedDevice, OpenActionNeeded
17from calibre.devices.mtp.base import MTPDeviceBase, synchronous, debug
19MTPDevice = namedtuple('MTPDevice', 'busnum devnum vendor_id product_id '
20        'bcd serial manufacturer product')
22null = object()
25def fingerprint(d):
26    return MTPDevice(d.busnum, d.devnum, d.vendor_id, d.product_id, d.bcd,
27            d.serial, d.manufacturer, d.product)
30APPLE = 0x05ac
33class MTP_DEVICE(MTPDeviceBase):
35    supported_platforms = ['freebsd', 'linux', 'osx']
37    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
38        MTPDeviceBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
39        self.libmtp = None
40        self.known_devices = None
41        self.detect_cache = {}
43        self.dev = None
44        self._filesystem_cache = None
45        self.lock = RLock()
46        self.blacklisted_devices = set()
47        self.ejected_devices = set()
48        self.currently_connected_dev = None
49        self._is_device_mtp = None
50        if islinux:
51            from calibre.devices.mtp.unix.sysfs import MTPDetect
52            self._is_device_mtp = MTPDetect()
53        if ismacos and 'osx' in self.supported_platforms:
54            from calibre_extensions import usbobserver
55            self.usbobserver = usbobserver
56            self._is_device_mtp = self.osx_is_device_mtp
58    def is_device_mtp(self, d, debug=None):
59        ''' Returns True iff the _is_device_mtp check returns True and libmtp
60        is able to probe the device successfully. '''
61        if self._is_device_mtp is None:
62            return False
63        return (self._is_device_mtp(d, debug=debug) and
64                self.libmtp.is_mtp_device(d.busnum, d.devnum))
66    def osx_is_device_mtp(self, d, debug=None):
67        if not d.serial:
68            ans = False
69        else:
70            try:
71                ans = self.usbobserver.is_mtp_device(d.vendor_id, d.product_id, d.bcd, d.serial)
72            except Exception:
73                if debug is not None:
74                    import traceback
75                    traceback.print_stack()
76                return False
77        if debug is not None and ans:
78            debug('Device {} claims to be an MTP device in the IOKit registry'.format(d))
79        return bool(ans)
81    def set_debug_level(self, lvl):
82        self.libmtp.set_debug_level(lvl)
84    @synchronous
85    def detect_managed_devices(self, devices_on_system, force_refresh=False):
86        if self.libmtp is None:
87            return None
88        # First remove blacklisted devices.
89        devs = set()
90        for d in devices_on_system:
91            fp = fingerprint(d)
92            if fp not in self.blacklisted_devices and fp.vendor_id != APPLE:
93                # Do not try to open Apple devices
94                devs.add(fp)
96        # Clean up ejected devices
97        self.ejected_devices = devs.intersection(self.ejected_devices)
99        # Check if the currently connected device is still present
100        if self.currently_connected_dev is not None:
101            return (self.currently_connected_dev if
102                    self.currently_connected_dev in devs else None)
104        # Remove ejected devices
105        devs = devs - self.ejected_devices
107        # Now check for MTP devices
108        if force_refresh:
109            self.detect_cache = {}
110        cache = self.detect_cache
111        for d in devs:
112            ans = cache.get(d, None)
113            if ans is None:
114                ans = (
115                    (d.vendor_id, d.product_id) in self.known_devices or
116                    self.is_device_mtp(d))
117                cache[d] = ans
118            if ans:
119                return d
121        return None
123    @synchronous
124    def debug_managed_device_detection(self, devices_on_system, output):
125        if self.currently_connected_dev is not None:
126            return True
127        p = partial(prints, file=output)
128        if self.libmtp is None:
129            err = 'startup() not called on this device driver'
130            p(err)
131            return False
132        devs = [d for d in devices_on_system if
133            ((d.vendor_id, d.product_id) in self.known_devices or
134               self.is_device_mtp(d, debug=p)) and d.vendor_id != APPLE]
135        if not devs:
136            p('No MTP devices connected to system')
137            return False
138        p('MTP devices connected:')
139        for d in devs:
140            p(d)
142        for d in devs:
143            p('\nTrying to open:', d)
144            try:
145                self.open(d, 'debug')
146            except BlacklistedDevice:
147                p('This device has been blacklisted by the user')
148                continue
149            except:
150                p('Opening device failed:')
151                p(traceback.format_exc())
152                return False
153            else:
154                p('Opened', self.current_friendly_name, 'successfully')
155                p('Storage info:')
156                p(pprint.pformat(self.dev.storage_info))
157                self.post_yank_cleanup()
158                return True
159        return False
161    @synchronous
162    def create_device(self, connected_device):
163        d = connected_device
164        man, prod = d.manufacturer, d.product
165        man = force_unicode(man, 'utf-8') if isinstance(man, bytes) else man
166        prod = force_unicode(prod, 'utf-8') if isinstance(prod, bytes) else prod
167        return self.libmtp.Device(d.busnum, d.devnum, d.vendor_id,
168                d.product_id, man, prod, d.serial)
170    @synchronous
171    def eject(self):
172        if self.currently_connected_dev is None:
173            return
174        self.ejected_devices.add(self.currently_connected_dev)
175        self.post_yank_cleanup()
177    @synchronous
178    def post_yank_cleanup(self):
179        self.dev = self._filesystem_cache = self.current_friendly_name = None
180        self.currently_connected_dev = None
181        self.current_serial_num = None
183    @property
184    def is_mtp_device_connected(self):
185        return self.currently_connected_dev is not None
187    @synchronous
188    def startup(self):
189        try:
190            from calibre_extensions import libmtp
191        except Exception as err:
192            print('Failed to load libmtp, MTP device detection disabled')
193            print(err)
194            self.libmtp = None
195        else:
196            self.libmtp = libmtp
197            self.known_devices = frozenset(self.libmtp.known_devices())
199            for x in vars(self.libmtp):
200                if x.startswith('LIBMTP'):
201                    setattr(self, x, getattr(self.libmtp, x))
203    @synchronous
204    def shutdown(self):
205        self.dev = self._filesystem_cache = None
207    def format_errorstack(self, errs):
208        return '\n'.join('%d:%s'%(code, as_unicode(msg)) for code, msg in errs)
210    @synchronous
211    def open(self, connected_device, library_uuid):
212        self.dev = self._filesystem_cache = None
214        try:
215            self.dev = self.create_device(connected_device)
216        except Exception as e:
217            self.blacklisted_devices.add(connected_device)
218            raise OpenFailed('Failed to open %s: Error: %s'%(
219                    connected_device, as_unicode(e)))
221        try:
222            storage = sorted(self.dev.storage_info, key=operator.itemgetter('id'))
223        except self.libmtp.MTPError as e:
224            if "The device has no storage information." in str(e):
225                # This happens on newer Android devices while waiting for
226                # the user to allow access. Apparently what happens is
227                # that when the user clicks allow, the device disconnects
228                # and re-connects as a new device.
229                name = self.dev.friendly_name or ''
230                if not name:
231                    if connected_device.manufacturer:
232                        name = connected_device.manufacturer
233                    if connected_device.product:
234                        name = name and (name + ' ')
235                        name += connected_device.product
236                    name = name or _('Unnamed device')
237                raise OpenActionNeeded(name, _(
238                    'The device {0} is not allowing connections.'
239                    ' Unlock the screen on the {0}, tap "Allow" on any connection popup message you see,'
240                    ' then either wait a minute or restart calibre. You might'
241                    ' also have to change the mode of the USB connection on the {0}'
242                    ' to "Media Transfer mode (MTP)" or similar.'
243                ).format(name), (name, self.dev.serial_number))
244            raise
246        storage = [x for x in storage if x.get('rw', False)]
247        if not storage:
248            self.blacklisted_devices.add(connected_device)
249            raise OpenFailed('No storage found for device %s'%(connected_device,))
250        snum = self.dev.serial_number
251        if snum in self.prefs.get('blacklist', []):
252            self.blacklisted_devices.add(connected_device)
253            self.dev = None
254            raise BlacklistedDevice(
255                'The %s device has been blacklisted by the user'%(connected_device,))
256        self._main_id = storage[0]['id']
257        self._carda_id = self._cardb_id = None
258        if len(storage) > 1:
259            self._carda_id = storage[1]['id']
260        if len(storage) > 2:
261            self._cardb_id = storage[2]['id']
262        self.current_friendly_name = self.dev.friendly_name
263        if not self.current_friendly_name:
264            self.current_friendly_name = self.dev.model_name or _('Unknown MTP device')
265        self.current_serial_num = snum
266        self.currently_connected_dev = connected_device
268    @synchronous
269    def device_debug_info(self):
270        ans = self.get_gui_name()
271        ans += '\nSerial number: %s'%self.current_serial_num
272        ans += '\nManufacturer: %s'%self.dev.manufacturer_name
273        ans += '\nModel: %s'%self.dev.model_name
274        ans += '\nids: %s'%(self.dev.ids,)
275        ans += '\nDevice version: %s'%self.dev.device_version
276        ans += '\nStorage:\n'
277        storage = sorted(self.dev.storage_info, key=operator.itemgetter('id'))
278        ans += pprint.pformat(storage)
279        return ans
281    def _filesystem_callback(self, fs_map, entry, level):
282        name = entry.get('name', '')
283        self.filesystem_callback(_('Found object: %s')%name)
284        fs_map[entry.get('id', null)] = entry
285        path = [name]
286        pid = entry.get('parent_id', 0)
287        while pid != 0 and pid in fs_map:
288            parent = fs_map[pid]
289            path.append(parent.get('name', ''))
290            pid = parent.get('parent_id', 0)
291            if fs_map.get(pid, None) is parent:
292                break  # An object is its own parent
293        path = tuple(reversed(path))
294        ok = not self.is_folder_ignored(self._currently_getting_sid, path)
295        if not ok:
296            debug('Ignored object: %s' % '/'.join(path))
297        return ok
299    @property
300    def filesystem_cache(self):
301        if self._filesystem_cache is None:
302            st = time.time()
303            debug('Loading filesystem metadata...')
304            from calibre.devices.mtp.filesystem_cache import FilesystemCache
305            with self.lock:
306                storage, all_items, all_errs = [], [], []
307                for sid, capacity in zip([self._main_id, self._carda_id,
308                    self._cardb_id], self.total_space()):
309                    if sid is None:
310                        continue
311                    name = _('Unknown')
312                    for x in self.dev.storage_info:
313                        if x['id'] == sid:
314                            name = x['name']
315                            break
316                    storage.append({'id':sid, 'size':capacity,
317                        'is_folder':True, 'name':name, 'can_delete':False,
318                        'is_system':True})
319                    self._currently_getting_sid = str(sid)
320                    items, errs = self.dev.get_filesystem(sid,
321                            partial(self._filesystem_callback, {}))
322                    all_items.extend(items), all_errs.extend(errs)
323                if not all_items and all_errs:
324                    raise DeviceError(
325                            'Failed to read filesystem from %s with errors: %s'
326                            %(self.current_friendly_name,
327                                self.format_errorstack(all_errs)))
328                if all_errs:
329                    prints('There were some errors while getting the '
330                            ' filesystem from %s: %s'%(
331                                self.current_friendly_name,
332                                self.format_errorstack(all_errs)))
333                self._filesystem_cache = FilesystemCache(storage, all_items)
334            debug('Filesystem metadata loaded in %g seconds (%d objects)'%(
335                time.time()-st, len(self._filesystem_cache)))
336        return self._filesystem_cache
338    @synchronous
339    def get_basic_device_information(self):
340        d = self.dev
341        return (self.current_friendly_name, d.device_version, d.device_version, '')
343    @synchronous
344    def total_space(self, end_session=True):
345        ans = [0, 0, 0]
346        for s in self.dev.storage_info:
347            i = {self._main_id:0, self._carda_id:1,
348                    self._cardb_id:2}.get(s['id'], None)
349            if i is not None:
350                ans[i] = s['capacity']
351        return tuple(ans)
353    @synchronous
354    def free_space(self, end_session=True):
355        self.dev.update_storage_info()
356        ans = [0, 0, 0]
357        for s in self.dev.storage_info:
358            i = {self._main_id:0, self._carda_id:1,
359                    self._cardb_id:2}.get(s['id'], None)
360            if i is not None:
361                ans[i] = s['freespace_bytes']
362        return tuple(ans)
364    @synchronous
365    def create_folder(self, parent, name):
366        if not parent.is_folder:
367            raise ValueError('%s is not a folder'%(parent.full_path,))
368        e = parent.folder_named(name)
369        if e is not None:
370            return e
371        sid, pid = parent.storage_id, parent.object_id
372        if pid == sid:
373            pid = 0
374        ans, errs = self.dev.create_folder(sid, pid, name)
375        if ans is None:
376            raise DeviceError(
377                    'Failed to create folder named %s in %s with error: %s'%
378                    (name, parent.full_path, self.format_errorstack(errs)))
379        return parent.add_child(ans)
381    @synchronous
382    def put_file(self, parent, name, stream, size, callback=None, replace=True):
383        e = parent.folder_named(name)
384        if e is not None:
385            raise ValueError('Cannot upload file, %s already has a folder named: %s'%(
386                parent.full_path, e.name))
387        e = parent.file_named(name)
388        if e is not None:
389            if not replace:
390                raise ValueError('Cannot upload file %s, it already exists'%(
391                    e.full_path,))
392            self.delete_file_or_folder(e)
393        sid, pid = parent.storage_id, parent.object_id
394        if pid == sid:
395            pid = 0xFFFFFFFF
397        ans, errs = self.dev.put_file(sid, pid, name, stream, size, callback)
398        if ans is None:
399            raise DeviceError('Failed to upload file named: %s to %s: %s'
400                    %(name, parent.full_path, self.format_errorstack(errs)))
401        return parent.add_child(ans)
403    @synchronous
404    def get_mtp_file(self, f, stream=None, callback=None):
405        if f.is_folder:
406            raise ValueError('%s if a folder'%(f.full_path,))
407        set_name = stream is None
408        if stream is None:
409            stream = SpooledTemporaryFile(5*1024*1024, '_wpd_receive_file.dat')
410        ok, errs = self.dev.get_file(f.object_id, stream, callback)
411        if not ok:
412            raise DeviceError('Failed to get file: %s with errors: %s'%(
413                f.full_path, self.format_errorstack(errs)))
414        stream.seek(0)
415        if set_name:
416            stream.name = f.name
417        return stream
419    @synchronous
420    def delete_file_or_folder(self, obj):
421        if obj.deleted:
422            return
423        if not obj.can_delete:
424            raise ValueError('Cannot delete %s as deletion not allowed'%
425                    (obj.full_path,))
426        if obj.is_system:
427            raise ValueError('Cannot delete %s as it is a system object'%
428                    (obj.full_path,))
429        if obj.files or obj.folders:
430            raise ValueError('Cannot delete %s as it is not empty'%
431                    (obj.full_path,))
432        parent = obj.parent
433        ok, errs = self.dev.delete_object(obj.object_id)
434        if not ok:
435            raise DeviceError('Failed to delete %s with error: %s'%
436                (obj.full_path, self.format_errorstack(errs)))
437        parent.remove_child(obj)
438        return parent
441def develop():
442    from calibre.devices.scanner import DeviceScanner
443    scanner = DeviceScanner()
444    scanner.scan()
445    dev = MTP_DEVICE(None)
446    dev.startup()
447    try:
448        cd = dev.detect_managed_devices(scanner.devices)
449        if cd is None:
450            raise RuntimeError('No MTP device found')
451        dev.open(cd, 'develop')
452        pprint.pprint(dev.dev.storage_info)
453        dev.filesystem_cache
454    finally:
455        dev.shutdown()
458if __name__ == '__main__':
459    dev = MTP_DEVICE(None)
460    dev.startup()
461    from calibre.devices.scanner import DeviceScanner
462    scanner = DeviceScanner()
463    scanner.scan()
464    devs = scanner.devices
465    dev.debug_managed_device_detection(devs, sys.stdout)
466    dev.set_debug_level(dev.LIBMTP_DEBUG_ALL)
467    dev.shutdown()