1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2014 projectchrono.org
5 // All rights reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Radu Serban
13 // =============================================================================
14 //
15 // Base class for a track shoe.
16 //
17 // The reference frame for a vehicle follows the ISO standard: Z-axis up, X-axis
18 // pointing forward, and Y-axis towards the left of the vehicle.
19 //
20 // =============================================================================
22 #ifndef CH_TRACK_SHOE_H
23 #define CH_TRACK_SHOE_H
25 #include "chrono/physics/ChSystem.h"
26 #include "chrono/physics/ChBody.h"
27 #include "chrono/physics/ChBodyAuxRef.h"
29 #include "chrono_vehicle/ChApiVehicle.h"
30 #include "chrono_vehicle/ChPart.h"
31 #include "chrono_vehicle/ChChassis.h"
33 namespace chrono {
34 namespace vehicle {
36 class ChTrackAssembly;
38 /// @addtogroup vehicle_tracked_shoe
39 /// @{
41 /// Base class for a track shoe.
42 class CH_VEHICLE_API ChTrackShoe : public ChPart {
43   public:
44     ChTrackShoe(const std::string& name  ///< [in] name of the subsystem
45                 );
47     virtual ~ChTrackShoe();
49     /// Return the type of track shoe (guiding pin).
50     /// A derived class must specify the type of track shoe (which must be
51     /// consistent with the idler and road wheels in the containing track assembly.
52     virtual GuidePinType GetType() const = 0;
54     /// Get the index of this track shoe within its containing track assembly.
GetIndex()55     size_t GetIndex() const { return m_index; }
57     /// Get a handle to the shoe body.
GetShoeBody()58     std::shared_ptr<ChBody> GetShoeBody() const { return m_shoe; }
60     /// Return the height of the track shoe.
61     virtual double GetHeight() const = 0;
63     /// Return the pitch length of the track shoe.
64     /// This quantity must agree with the pitch of the sprocket gear.
65     virtual double GetPitch() const = 0;
67     /// Get the mass of the track shoe assembly.
68     virtual double GetMass() const = 0;
70     /// Return the location for lateral contact with the sprocket, expressed in the shoe reference frame.
71     /// This point, which must be in the median plane of the track shoe, is used to enforce lateral contact with the
72     /// sprocket as a detracking prevention mechanism. For track shoes with a central guiding pin, this can be the
73     /// center of the guiding pin collision shape.
74     virtual ChVector<> GetLateralContactPoint() const = 0;
76     /// Turn on/off collision flag for the shoe body.
SetCollide(bool val)77     void SetCollide(bool val) { m_shoe->SetCollide(val); }
79     /// Initialize this track shoe subsystem.
80     /// The track shoe is created within the specified system and initialized
81     /// at the specified location and orientation (expressed in the global frame).
82     /// All actual work is deferred to derived classes (subsystem templates) which
83     /// must create the bodies, joints, etc.  In addition, a derived class must set
84     /// the track shoe body's identifier to BodyID::SHOES.
85     virtual void Initialize(std::shared_ptr<ChBodyAuxRef> chassis,  ///< [in] handle to the chassis body
86                             const ChVector<>& location,             ///< [in] location relative to the chassis frame
87                             const ChQuaternion<>& rotation          ///< [in] orientation relative to the chassis frame
88                             ) = 0;
90   protected:
91     /// Set the index of this track shoe within its containing track assembly.
SetIndex(size_t index)92     void SetIndex(size_t index) { m_index = index; }
94     /// Connect this track shoe to the specified neighbor.
95     /// This function must be called only after all track shoes have been initialized.
96     virtual void Connect(std::shared_ptr<ChTrackShoe> next,  ///< [in] handle to the neighbor track shoe
97                          ChTrackAssembly* assembly,          ///< [in] containing track assembly
98                          ChChassis* chassis,                 ///< [in] associated chassis
99                          bool ccw                            ///< [in] track assembled in counter clockwise direction
100                          ) = 0;
102     size_t m_index;                  ///< index of this track shoe within its containing track assembly
103     std::shared_ptr<ChBody> m_shoe;  ///< handle to the shoe body
105     friend class ChTrackAssembly;
106 };
108 /// Vector of handles to track shoe subsystems.
109 typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChTrackShoe> > ChTrackShoeList;
111 /// @} vehicle_tracked_shoe
113 }  // end namespace vehicle
114 }  // end namespace chrono
116 #endif