1 /* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset:4 ; -*- */
2 /*
3  *
4  *  (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory.
5  *      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
6  */
7 #include "mpi.h"
8 #include "mpitestconf.h"
10 // Not all C++ compilers have iostream instead of iostream.h
11 #include <iostream>
13 // Those that do often need the std namespace; otherwise, a bare "cout"
14 // is likely to fail to compile
15 using namespace std;
16 #endif
17 #else
18 #include <iostream.h>
19 #endif
20 #include "mpitestcxx.h"
21 #include <stdlib.h>
22 #include <string.h>
24 static int dbgflag = 0;         /* Flag used for debugging */
25 static int wrank = -1;          /* World rank */
26 static int verbose = 0;         /* Message level (0 is none) */
28 static void MTestRMACleanup( void );
30 /*
31  * Initialize and Finalize MTest
32  */
34 /*
35    Initialize MTest, initializing MPI if necessary.
37  Environment Variables:
38 + MPITEST_DEBUG - If set (to any value), turns on debugging output
39 - MPITEST_VERBOSE - If set to a numeric value, turns on that level of
40   verbose output.
42  */
MTest_Init(void)43 void MTest_Init( void )
44 {
45     bool flag;
46     const char *envval = 0;
47     int        threadLevel, provided;
49     threadLevel = MPI::THREAD_SINGLE;
50     envval = getenv( "MTEST_THREADLEVEL_DEFAULT" );
51     if (envval && *envval) {
52 	if (strcmp(envval,"MULTIPLE") == 0 || strcmp(envval,"multiple") == 0) {
53 	    threadLevel = MPI::THREAD_MULTIPLE;
54 	}
55 	else if (strcmp(envval,"SERIALIZED") == 0 ||
56 		 strcmp(envval,"serialized") == 0) {
57 	    threadLevel = MPI::THREAD_SERIALIZED;
58 	}
59 	else if (strcmp(envval,"FUNNELED") == 0 ||
60 		 strcmp(envval,"funneled") == 0) {
61 	    threadLevel = MPI::THREAD_FUNNELED;
62 	}
63 	else if (strcmp(envval,"SINGLE") == 0 || strcmp(envval,"single") == 0) {
64 	    threadLevel = MPI::THREAD_SINGLE;
65 	}
66 	else {
67 	    cerr << "Unrecognized thread level " << envval << "\n";
68 	    cerr.flush();
69 	    /* Use exit since MPI_Init/Init_thread has not been called. */
70 	    exit(1);
71 	}
72     }
74     flag = MPI::Is_initialized( );
75     if (!flag) {
76 	provided = MPI::Init_thread( threadLevel );
77     }
79     /* Check for debugging control */
80     if (getenv( "MPITEST_DEBUG" )) {
81 	dbgflag = 1;
82 	wrank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
83     }
85     /* Check for verbose control */
86     envval = getenv( "MPITEST_VERBOSE" );
87     if (envval) {
88 	char *s;
89 	long val = strtol( envval, &s, 0 );
90 	if (s == envval) {
91 	    /* This is the error case for strtol */
92 	    cerr << "Warning: "<< envval << " not valid for MPITEST_VERBOSE\n";
93 	    cerr.flush();
94 	}
95 	else {
96 	    if (val >= 0) {
97 		verbose = val;
98 	    }
99 	    else {
100 		cerr << "Warning: " << envval <<
101 		    " not valid for MPITEST_VERBOSE\n";
102 		cerr.flush();
103 	    }
104 	}
105     }
106 }
108 /*
109   Finalize MTest.  errs is the number of errors on the calling process;
110   this routine will write the total number of errors over all of MPI_COMM_WORLD
111   to the process with rank zero, or " No Errors".
112   It does *not* finalize MPI.
113  */
MTest_Finalize(int errs)114 void MTest_Finalize( int errs )
115 {
116     int rank, toterrs;
118     rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
120     MPI::COMM_WORLD.Allreduce( &errs, &toterrs, 1, MPI::INT, MPI::SUM );
121     if (rank == 0) {
122 	if (toterrs) {
123 	    cout << " Found " << toterrs << " errors\n";
124 	}
125 	else {
126 	    cout << " No Errors\n";
127 	}
128 	cout.flush();
129     }
131     // Clean up any persistent objects that we allocated
132     MTestRMACleanup();
133 }
135 /*
136  * Datatypes
137  *
138  * Eventually, this could read a description of a file.  For now, we hard
139  * code the choices
140  *
141  */
142 static int datatype_index = 0;
144 /*
145  * Setup contiguous buffers of n copies of a datatype.
146  */
MTestTypeContigInit(MTestDatatype * mtype)147 static void *MTestTypeContigInit( MTestDatatype *mtype )
148 {
149     MPI::Aint size, lb;
150     if (mtype->count > 0) {
151 	signed char *p;
152 	int  i;
153         MPI::Aint totsize;
154 	mtype->datatype.Get_extent( lb, size );
155 	totsize = size * mtype->count;
156 	if (!mtype->buf) {
157 	    mtype->buf = (void *) malloc( totsize );
158 	}
159 	p = (signed char *)(mtype->buf);
160 	if (!p) {
161 	    /* Error - out of memory */
162 	    MTestError( "Out of memory in type buffer init" );
163 	}
164 	for (i=0; i<totsize; i++) {
165 	    p[i] = 0xff ^ (i & 0xff);
166 	}
167     }
168     else {
169 	mtype->buf = 0;
170     }
171     return mtype->buf;
172 }
174 /*
175  * Setup contiguous buffers of n copies of a datatype.  Initialize for
176  * reception (e.g., set initial data to detect failure)
177  */
MTestTypeContigInitRecv(MTestDatatype * mtype)178 static void *MTestTypeContigInitRecv( MTestDatatype *mtype )
179 {
180     MPI_Aint size;
181     if (mtype->count > 0) {
182 	signed char *p;
183 	int  i;
184         MPI::Aint totsize;
185 	MPI_Type_extent( mtype->datatype, &size );
186 	totsize = size * mtype->count;
187 	if (!mtype->buf) {
188 	    mtype->buf = (void *) malloc( totsize );
189 	}
190 	p = (signed char *)(mtype->buf);
191 	if (!p) {
192 	    /* Error - out of memory */
193 	    MTestError( "Out of memory in type buffer init" );
194 	}
195 	for (i=0; i<totsize; i++) {
196 	    p[i] = 0xff;
197 	}
198     }
199     else {
200 	if (mtype->buf) {
201 	    free( mtype->buf );
202 	}
203 	mtype->buf = 0;
204     }
205     return mtype->buf;
206 }
MTestTypeContigFree(MTestDatatype * mtype)207 static void *MTestTypeContigFree( MTestDatatype *mtype )
208 {
209     if (mtype->buf) {
210 	free( mtype->buf );
211 	mtype->buf = 0;
212     }
213     return 0;
214 }
MTestTypeContigCheckbuf(MTestDatatype * mtype)215 static int MTestTypeContigCheckbuf( MTestDatatype *mtype )
216 {
217     unsigned char *p;
218     unsigned char expected;
219     int  i, err = 0;
220     MPI_Aint size, totsize;
222     p = (unsigned char *)mtype->buf;
223     if (p) {
224 	MPI_Type_extent( mtype->datatype, &size );
225 	totsize = size * mtype->count;
226 	for (i=0; i<totsize; i++) {
227 	    expected = (0xff ^ (i & 0xff));
228 	    if (p[i] != expected) {
229 		err++;
230 		if (mtype->printErrors && err < 10) {
231 		    cout << "Data expected = " << hex << expected <<
232 			" but got " << p[i] << " for the " <<
233 			 dec << i << "th entry\n";
234 		    cout.flush();
235 		}
236 	    }
237 	}
238     }
239     return err;
240 }
242 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
243 /* Datatype routines for vector datatypes                                   */
244 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
MTestTypeVectorInit(MTestDatatype * mtype)246 static void *MTestTypeVectorInit( MTestDatatype *mtype )
247 {
248     MPI::Aint size, lb;
250     if (mtype->count > 0) {
251 	unsigned char *p;
252 	int  i, j, k, nc;
253         MPI::Aint totsize;
255 	mtype->datatype.Get_extent( lb, size );
256 	totsize	   = mtype->count * size;
257 	if (!mtype->buf) {
258 	    mtype->buf = (void *) malloc( totsize );
259 	}
260 	p	   = (unsigned char *)(mtype->buf);
261 	if (!p) {
262 	    /* Error - out of memory */
263 	    MTestError( "Out of memory in type buffer init" );
264 	}
266 	/* First, set to -1 */
267 	for (i=0; i<totsize; i++) p[i] = 0xff;
269 	/* Now, set the actual elements to the successive values.
270 	   To do this, we need to run 3 loops */
271 	nc = 0;
272 	/* count is usually one for a vector type */
273 	for (k=0; k<mtype->count; k++) {
274 	    /* For each element (block) */
275 	    for (i=0; i<mtype->nelm; i++) {
276 		/* For each value */
277 		for (j=0; j<mtype->blksize; j++) {
278 		    p[j] = (0xff ^ (nc & 0xff));
279 		    nc++;
280 		}
281 		p += mtype->stride;
282 	    }
283 	}
284     }
285     else {
286 	mtype->buf = 0;
287     }
288     return mtype->buf;
289 }
MTestTypeVectorFree(MTestDatatype * mtype)291 static void *MTestTypeVectorFree( MTestDatatype *mtype )
292 {
293     if (mtype->buf) {
294 	free( mtype->buf );
295 	mtype->buf = 0;
296     }
297     return 0;
298 }
300 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
301 /* Routines to select a datatype and associated buffer create/fill/check    */
302 /* routines                                                                 */
303 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
305 /*
306    Create a range of datatypes with a given count elements.
307    This uses a selection of types, rather than an exhaustive collection.
308    It allocates both send and receive types so that they can have the same
309    type signature (collection of basic types) but different type maps (layouts
310    in memory)
311  */
MTestGetDatatypes(MTestDatatype * sendtype,MTestDatatype * recvtype,int count)312 int MTestGetDatatypes( MTestDatatype *sendtype, MTestDatatype *recvtype,
313 		       int count )
314 {
315     sendtype->InitBuf	  = 0;
316     sendtype->FreeBuf	  = 0;
317     sendtype->CheckBuf	  = 0;
318     sendtype->datatype	  = 0;
319     sendtype->isBasic	  = 0;
320     sendtype->printErrors = 0;
321     recvtype->InitBuf	  = 0;
322     recvtype->FreeBuf	  = 0;
323     recvtype->CheckBuf	  = 0;
324     recvtype->datatype	  = 0;
325     recvtype->isBasic	  = 0;
326     recvtype->printErrors = 0;
328     sendtype->buf	  = 0;
329     recvtype->buf	  = 0;
331     /* Set the defaults for the message lengths */
332     sendtype->count       = count;
333     recvtype->count       = count;
334     /* Use datatype_index to choose a datatype to use.  If at the end of the
335        list, return 0 */
336     switch (datatype_index) {
337     case 0:
338 	sendtype->datatype = MPI::INT;
339 	sendtype->isBasic  = 1;
340 	recvtype->datatype = MPI::INT;
341 	recvtype->isBasic  = 1;
342 	break;
343     case 1:
344 	sendtype->datatype = MPI::DOUBLE;
345 	sendtype->isBasic  = 1;
346 	recvtype->datatype = MPI::DOUBLE;
347 	recvtype->isBasic  = 1;
348 	break;
349     case 2:
350 	sendtype->datatype = MPI::INT;
351 	sendtype->isBasic  = 1;
352 	recvtype->datatype = MPI::BYTE;
353 	recvtype->isBasic  = 1;
354 	recvtype->count    *= sizeof(int);
355 	break;
356     case 3:
357 	sendtype->datatype = MPI::FLOAT_INT;
358 	sendtype->isBasic  = 1;
359 	recvtype->datatype = MPI::FLOAT_INT;
360 	recvtype->isBasic  = 1;
361 	break;
362     case 4:
363 	sendtype->datatype = MPI::INT.Dup();
364 	sendtype->datatype.Set_name( "dup of MPI::INT" );
365 	recvtype->datatype = MPI::INT.Dup();
366 	recvtype->datatype.Set_name( "dup of MPI::INT" );
367 	/* dup'ed types are already committed if the original type
368 	   was committed (MPI-2, section 8.8) */
369 	break;
370     case 5:
371 	/* vector send type and contiguous receive type */
372 	/* These sizes are in bytes (see the VectorInit code) */
373 	sendtype->stride   = 3 * sizeof(int);
374 	sendtype->blksize  = sizeof(int);
375 	sendtype->nelm     = recvtype->count;
376 	sendtype->datatype = MPI::INT.Create_vector( recvtype->count, 1, sendtype->stride );
377         sendtype->datatype.Commit();
378 	sendtype->datatype.Set_name( "int-vector" );
379 	sendtype->count    = 1;
380 	recvtype->datatype = MPI::INT;
381 	recvtype->isBasic  = 1;
382 	sendtype->InitBuf  = MTestTypeVectorInit;
383 	recvtype->InitBuf  = MTestTypeContigInitRecv;
384 	sendtype->FreeBuf  = MTestTypeVectorFree;
385 	recvtype->FreeBuf  = MTestTypeContigFree;
386 	sendtype->CheckBuf = 0;
387 	recvtype->CheckBuf = MTestTypeContigCheckbuf;
388 	break;
389     default:
390 	datatype_index = -1;
391     }
393     if (!sendtype->InitBuf) {
394 	sendtype->InitBuf  = MTestTypeContigInit;
395 	recvtype->InitBuf  = MTestTypeContigInitRecv;
396 	sendtype->FreeBuf  = MTestTypeContigFree;
397 	recvtype->FreeBuf  = MTestTypeContigFree;
398 	sendtype->CheckBuf = MTestTypeContigCheckbuf;
399 	recvtype->CheckBuf = MTestTypeContigCheckbuf;
400     }
401     datatype_index++;
403     if (dbgflag && datatype_index > 0) {
404 	int typesize;
405 	cout << wrank << ": sendtype is " << MTestGetDatatypeName( sendtype )
406 	     << "\n";
407 	typesize = sendtype->datatype.Get_size();
408 	cout << wrank << ": sendtype size = " << typesize << "\n";
409 	cout << wrank << ": recvtype is " << MTestGetDatatypeName( recvtype )
410 	     << "\n";
411 	typesize = recvtype->datatype.Get_size();
412 	cout << wrank << ": recvtype size = " << typesize << "\n";
413 	cout.flush();
414     }
415     return datatype_index;
416 }
418 /* Reset the datatype index (start from the initial data type.
419    Note: This routine is rarely needed; MTestGetDatatypes automatically
420    starts over after the last available datatype is used.
421 */
MTestResetDatatypes(void)422 void MTestResetDatatypes( void )
423 {
424     datatype_index = 0;
425 }
426 /* Return the index of the current datatype.  This is rarely needed and
427    is provided mostly to enable debugging of the MTest package itself */
MTestGetDatatypeIndex(void)428 int MTestGetDatatypeIndex( void )
429 {
430     return datatype_index;
431 }
MTestFreeDatatype(MTestDatatype * mtype)433 void MTestFreeDatatype( MTestDatatype *mtype )
434 {
435     /* Invoke a datatype-specific free function to handle
436        both the datatype and the send/receive buffers */
437     if (mtype->FreeBuf) {
438 	(mtype->FreeBuf)( mtype );
439     }
440     // Free the datatype itself if it was created
441     if (!mtype->isBasic) {
442 	mtype->datatype.Free();
443     }
444 }
446 /* Check that a message was received correctly.  Returns the number of
447    errors detected.  Status may be NULL or MPI_STATUS_IGNORE */
MTestCheckRecv(MPI::Status & status,MTestDatatype * recvtype)448 int MTestCheckRecv( MPI::Status &status, MTestDatatype *recvtype )
449 {
450     int count;
451     int errs = 0;
453     /* Note that status may not be MPI_STATUS_IGNORE; C++ doesn't include
454        MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, instead using different function prototypes that
455        do not include the status argument */
456     count = status.Get_count( recvtype->datatype );
458     /* Check count against expected count */
459     if (count != recvtype->count) {
460 	errs ++;
461     }
463     /* Check received data */
464     if (!errs && recvtype->CheckBuf( recvtype )) {
465 	errs++;
466     }
467     return errs;
468 }
470 /* This next routine uses a circular buffer of static name arrays just to
471    simplify the use of the routine */
MTestGetDatatypeName(MTestDatatype * dtype)472 const char *MTestGetDatatypeName( MTestDatatype *dtype )
473 {
474     static char name[4][MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME];
475     static int sp=0;
476     int rlen;
478     if (sp >= 4) sp = 0;
479     dtype->datatype.Get_name( name[sp], rlen );
480     return (const char *)name[sp++];
481 }
482 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
484 /*
485  * Create communicators.  Use separate routines for inter and intra
486  * communicators (there is a routine to give both)
487  * Note that the routines may return MPI::COMM_NULL, so code should test for
488  * that return value as well.
489  *
490  */
491 static int interCommIdx = 0;
492 static int intraCommIdx = 0;
493 static const char *intraCommName = 0;
494 static const char *interCommName = 0;
496 /*
497  * Get an intracommunicator with at least min_size members.  If "allowSmaller"
498  * is true, allow the communicator to be smaller than MPI::COMM_WORLD and
499  * for this routine to return MPI::COMM_NULL for some values.  Returns 0 if
500  * no more communicators are available.
501  */
MTestGetIntracommGeneral(MPI::Intracomm & comm,int min_size,bool allowSmaller)502 int MTestGetIntracommGeneral( MPI::Intracomm &comm, int min_size,
503 			      bool allowSmaller )
504 {
505     int size, rank;
506     bool done=false;
507     bool isBasic = false;
509     /* The while loop allows us to skip communicators that are too small.
510        MPI::COMM_NULL is always considered large enough */
511     while (!done) {
512 	switch (intraCommIdx) {
513 	case 0:
514 	    comm = MPI::COMM_WORLD;
515 	    isBasic = true;
516 	    intraCommName = "MPI::COMM_WORLD";
517 	    break;
518 	case 1:
519 	    /* dup of world */
520 	    comm = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Dup();
521 	    intraCommName = "Dup of MPI::COMM_WORLD";
522 	    break;
523 	case 2:
524 	    /* reverse ranks */
525 	    size = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();
526 	    rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
527 	    comm = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Split( 0, size-rank );
528 	    intraCommName = "Rank reverse of MPI::COMM_WORLD";
529 	    break;
530 	case 3:
531 	    /* subset of world, with reversed ranks */
532 	    size = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();
533 	    rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
534 	    comm = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Split( (rank < size/2), size-rank );
535 	    intraCommName = "Rank reverse of half of MPI::COMM_WORLD";
536 	    break;
537 	case 4:
538 	    comm = MPI::COMM_SELF;
539 	    isBasic = true;
540 	    intraCommName = "MPI::COMM_SELF";
541 	    break;
543 	    /* These next cases are communicators that include some
544 	       but not all of the processes */
545 	case 5:
546 	case 6:
547 	case 7:
548 	case 8:
549 	{
550 	    int newsize;
551 	    size = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();
552 	    newsize = size - (intraCommIdx - 4);
554 	    if (allowSmaller && newsize >= min_size) {
555 		rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
556 		comm = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Split( rank < newsize, rank );
557 		if (rank >= newsize) {
558 		    comm.Free();
559 		    comm = MPI::COMM_NULL;
560 		}
561 	    }
562 	    else {
563 		/* Act like default */
564 		comm = MPI::COMM_NULL;
565 		isBasic = true;
566 		intraCommName = "MPI::COMM_NULL";
567 		intraCommIdx = -1;
568 	    }
569 	}
570 	break;
572 	    /* Other ideas: dup of self, cart comm, graph comm */
573 	default:
574 	    comm = MPI::COMM_NULL;
575 	    isBasic = true;
576 	    intraCommName = "MPI::COMM_NULL";
577 	    intraCommIdx = -1;
578 	    break;
579 	}
581 	if (comm != MPI::COMM_NULL) {
582 	    size = comm.Get_size();
583 	    if (size >= min_size)
584 		done = true;
585 	    else {
586 		/* Try again */
587 		if (!isBasic) comm.Free();
588 		intraCommIdx++;
589 	    }
590 	}
591 	else
592 	    done = true;
593     }
595     intraCommIdx++;
596     return intraCommIdx;
597 }
599 /*
600  * Get an intracommunicator with at least min_size members.
601  */
MTestGetIntracomm(MPI::Intracomm & comm,int min_size)602 int MTestGetIntracomm( MPI::Intracomm &comm, int min_size )
603 {
604     return MTestGetIntracommGeneral( comm, min_size, false );
605 }
607 /* Return the name of an intra communicator */
MTestGetIntracommName(void)608 const char *MTestGetIntracommName( void )
609 {
610     return intraCommName;
611 }
613 /*
614  * Return an intercomm; set isLeftGroup to 1 if the calling process is
615  * a member of the "left" group.
616  */
MTestGetIntercomm(MPI::Intercomm & comm,int & isLeftGroup,int min_size)617 int MTestGetIntercomm( MPI::Intercomm &comm, int &isLeftGroup, int min_size )
618 {
619     int size, rank, remsize;
620     bool done=false;
621     MPI::Intracomm mcomm;
622     int rleader;
624     /* The while loop allows us to skip communicators that are too small.
625        MPI::COMM_NULL is always considered large enough.  The size is
626        the sum of the sizes of the local and remote groups */
627     while (!done) {
628         comm          = MPI::COMM_NULL;
629 	isLeftGroup   = 0;
630 	interCommName = "MPI_COMM_NULL";
632 	switch (interCommIdx) {
633 	case 0:
634 	    /* Split comm world in half */
635 	    rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
636 	    size = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();
637 	    if (size > 1) {
638 		mcomm = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Split( (rank < size/2), rank );
639 		if (rank == 0) {
640 		    rleader = size/2;
641 		}
642 		else if (rank == size/2) {
643 		    rleader = 0;
644 		}
645 		else {
646 		    /* Remote leader is signficant only for the processes
647 		       designated local leaders */
648 		    rleader = -1;
649 		}
650 		isLeftGroup = rank < size/2;
651 		comm = mcomm.Create_intercomm( 0, MPI::COMM_WORLD, rleader, 12345 );
652 		mcomm.Free();
653 		interCommName = "Intercomm by splitting MPI::COMM_WORLD";
654 	    }
655 	    else {
656 		comm = MPI::COMM_NULL;
657             }
658 	    break;
659 	case 1:
660 	    /* Split comm world in to 1 and the rest */
661 	    rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
662 	    size = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();
663 	    if (size > 1) {
664 		mcomm = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Split( rank == 0, rank );
665 		if (rank == 0) {
666 		    rleader = 1;
667 		}
668 		else if (rank == 1) {
669 		    rleader = 0;
670 		}
671 		else {
672 		    /* Remote leader is signficant only for the processes
673 		       designated local leaders */
674 		    rleader = -1;
675 		}
676 		isLeftGroup = rank == 0;
677 		comm = mcomm.Create_intercomm( 0, MPI::COMM_WORLD, rleader, 12346 );
678 		mcomm.Free();
679 		interCommName = "Intercomm by splitting MPI::COMM_WORLD into 1, rest";
680 	    }
681 	    else {
682 		comm = MPI::COMM_NULL;
683             }
684 	    break;
686 	case 2:
687 	    /* Split comm world in to 2 and the rest */
688 	    rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
689 	    size = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();
690 	    if (size > 3) {
691 		mcomm = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Split( rank < 2, rank );
692 		if (rank == 0) {
693 		    rleader = 2;
694 		}
695 		else if (rank == 2) {
696 		    rleader = 0;
697 		}
698 		else {
699 		    /* Remote leader is signficant only for the processes
700 		       designated local leaders */
701 		    rleader = -1;
702 		}
703 		isLeftGroup = rank < 2;
704 		comm = mcomm.Create_intercomm( 0, MPI::COMM_WORLD, rleader, 12347 );
705 		mcomm.Free();
706 		interCommName = "Intercomm by splitting MPI::COMM_WORLD into 2, rest";
707 	    }
708 	    else {
709 		comm = MPI::COMM_NULL;
710             }
711 	    break;
713 	default:
714 	    comm = MPI::COMM_NULL;
715 	    interCommName = "MPI::COMM_NULL";
716 	    interCommIdx = -1;
717 	    break;
718 	}
719 	if (comm != MPI::COMM_NULL) {
720 	    size = comm.Get_size();
721 	    remsize = comm.Get_remote_size();
722 	    if (size + remsize >= min_size) done = true;
723 	}
724 	else
725 	    done = true;
727         /* we are only done if all processes are done */
728         MPI::COMM_WORLD.Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &done, 1, MPI::BOOL, MPI::LAND);
730         /* Advance the comm index whether we are done or not, otherwise we could
731          * spin forever trying to allocate a too-small communicator over and
732          * over again. */
733         interCommIdx++;
735         if (!done && comm != MPI::COMM_NULL) {
736             comm.Free();
737         }
738     }
740     return interCommIdx;
741 }
742 /* Return the name of an intercommunicator */
MTestGetIntercommName(void)743 const char *MTestGetIntercommName( void )
744 {
745     return interCommName;
746 }
748 /* Get a communicator of a given minimum size.  Both intra and inter
749    communicators are provided
750    Because Comm is an abstract base class, you can only have references
751    to a Comm.*/
MTestGetComm(MPI::Comm ** comm,int min_size)752 int MTestGetComm( MPI::Comm **comm, int min_size )
753 {
754     int idx;
755     static int getinter = 0;
757     if (!getinter) {
758 	MPI::Intracomm rcomm;
759 	idx = MTestGetIntracomm( rcomm, min_size );
760 	if (idx == 0) {
761 	    getinter = 1;
762 	}
763 	else {
764 	    MPI::Intracomm *ncomm = new MPI::Intracomm(rcomm);
765 	    *comm = ncomm;
766 	}
767     }
768     if (getinter) {
769 	MPI::Intercomm icomm;
770 	int isLeft;
771 	idx = MTestGetIntercomm( icomm, isLeft, min_size );
772 	if (idx == 0) {
773 	    getinter = 0;
774 	}
775 	else {
776 	    MPI::Intercomm *ncomm = new MPI::Intercomm(icomm);
777 	    *comm = ncomm;
778 	}
779     }
781     return idx;
782 }
784 /* Free a communicator.  It may be called with a predefined communicator
785  or MPI_COMM_NULL */
MTestFreeComm(MPI::Comm & comm)786 void MTestFreeComm( MPI::Comm &comm )
787 {
788     if (comm != MPI::COMM_WORLD &&
789 	comm != MPI::COMM_SELF &&
790 	comm != MPI::COMM_NULL) {
791 	comm.Free();
792     }
793 }
795 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
MTestPrintError(int errcode)796 void MTestPrintError( int errcode )
797 {
798     int errclass, slen;
799     char string[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING];
801     errclass = MPI::Get_error_class( errcode );
802     MPI::Get_error_string( errcode, string, slen );
803     cout << "Error class " << errclass << "(" << string << ")\n";
804     cout.flush();
805 }
MTestPrintErrorMsg(const char msg[],int errcode)806 void MTestPrintErrorMsg( const char msg[], int errcode )
807 {
808     int errclass, slen;
809     char string[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING];
811     errclass = MPI::Get_error_class( errcode );
812     MPI::Get_error_string( errcode, string, slen );
813     cout << msg << ": Error class " << errclass << " (" << string << ")\n";
814     cout.flush();
815 }
816 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
817 /* Fatal error.  Report and exit */
MTestError(const char * msg)818 void MTestError( const char *msg )
819 {
820     cerr << msg << "\n";
821     cerr.flush();
822     MPI::COMM_WORLD.Abort(1);
823 }
826 /*
827  * Create MPI Windows
828  */
829 static int win_index = 0;
830 static const char *winName;
831 /* Use an attribute to remember the type of memory allocation (static,
832    malloc, or MPI_Alloc_mem) */
833 static int mem_keyval = MPI::KEYVAL_INVALID;
MTestGetWin(MPI::Win & win,bool mustBePassive)834 int MTestGetWin( MPI::Win &win, bool mustBePassive )
835 {
836     static char actbuf[1024];
837     static char *pasbuf;
838     char        *buf;
839     int         n, rank;
840     MPI::Info   info;
842     if (mem_keyval == MPI::KEYVAL_INVALID) {
843 	/* Create the keyval */
844 	mem_keyval = MPI::Win::Create_keyval( MPI::Win::NULL_COPY_FN,
845 					      MPI::Win::NULL_DELETE_FN, 0 );
846     }
848     switch (win_index) {
849     case 0:
850 	/* Active target window */
851 	win = MPI::Win::Create( actbuf, 1024, 1, MPI::INFO_NULL, MPI::COMM_WORLD );
852 	winName = "active-window";
853 	win.Set_attr( mem_keyval, (void *)0 );
854 	break;
855     case 1:
856 	/* Passive target window */
857 	pasbuf = (char *)MPI::Alloc_mem( 1024, MPI::INFO_NULL );
858 	win = MPI::Win::Create( pasbuf, 1024, 1, MPI::INFO_NULL, MPI::COMM_WORLD );
859 	winName = "passive-window";
860 	win.Set_attr( mem_keyval, (void *)2 );
861 	break;
862     case 2:
863 	/* Active target; all windows different sizes */
864 	rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
865 	n = rank * 64;
866 	if (n)
867 	    buf = (char *)malloc( n );
868 	else
869 	    buf = 0;
870 	win = MPI::Win::Create( buf, n, 1, MPI::INFO_NULL, MPI::COMM_WORLD );
871 	winName = "active-all-different-win";
872 	win.Set_attr( mem_keyval, (void *)1 );
873 	break;
874     case 3:
875 	/* Active target, no locks set */
876 	rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
877 	n = rank * 64;
878 	if (n)
879 	    buf = (char *)malloc( n );
880 	else
881 	    buf = 0;
882 	info = MPI::Info::Create( );
883 	info.Set( "nolocks", "true" );
884 	win = MPI::Win::Create( buf, n, 1, info, MPI::COMM_WORLD );
885 	info.Free();
886 	winName = "active-nolocks-all-different-win";
887 	win.Set_attr( mem_keyval, (void *)1 );
888 	break;
889     default:
890 	win_index = -1;
891     }
892     win_index++;
893     return win_index;
894 }
895 /* Return a pointer to the name associated with a window object */
MTestGetWinName(void)896 const char *MTestGetWinName( void )
897 {
899     return winName;
900 }
901 /* Free the storage associated with a window object */
MTestFreeWin(MPI::Win & win)902 void MTestFreeWin( MPI::Win &win )
903 {
904     void *addr;
905     bool flag;
907     flag = win.Get_attr( MPI_WIN_BASE, &addr );
908     if (!flag) {
909 	MTestError( "Could not get WIN_BASE from window" );
910     }
911     if (addr) {
912 	void *val;
913 	flag = win.Get_attr( mem_keyval, &val );
914 	if (flag) {
915 	    if (val == (void *)1) {
916 		free( addr );
917 	    }
918 	    else if (val == (void *)2) {
919 		MPI::Free_mem( addr );
920 	    }
921 	    /* if val == (void *)0, then static data that must not be freed */
922 	}
923     }
924     win.Free();
925 }
MTestRMACleanup(void)926 static void MTestRMACleanup( void )
927 {
928     if (mem_keyval != MPI::KEYVAL_INVALID) {
929 	MPI::Win::Free_keyval( mem_keyval );
930     }
931 }
932 #else
MTestRMACleanup(void)933 static void MTestRMACleanup( void ) {}
934 #endif