1Function: idealnumden
2Section: number_fields
3C-Name: idealnumden
4Prototype: GG
5Help: idealnumden(nf,x): returns [A,B], where A,B are coprime integer ideals
6 such that x = A/B.
7Doc: returns $[A,B]$, where $A,B$ are coprime integer ideals
8 such that $x = A/B$, in the number field $\var{nf}$.
9 \bprog
10 ? nf = nfinit(x^2+1);
11 ? idealnumden(nf, (x+1)/2)
12 %2 = [[1, 0; 0, 1], [2, 1; 0, 1]]
13 @eprog