2  [item]
3    description=_( "Not much warmth reaches your stiff fingers in these homemade gloves. It also appears that either this is not a single pair or the previous owner's left hand was much larger than the right." )
4    display_name=_( "Leather Work Gloves" )
5    icon="7,9"
6    inventory_location=16384
7    name="Leather Work Gloves"
8    price=80
9    rareness=8
10    shape="GLOVES"
11    short_description=_( "A pair of ill-made, ill-fitting leather gloves." )
12    type="ARMOR"
13    weight=2
14    [armor]
15      pierce_defense=1
16      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
17      slash_defense=1
18    [/armor]
19  [/item]
20  [item]
21    description=_( "This embroidered pair of heavy leather gloves bears the symbols of the Horghh city guards. In places it is worn very thin, yet it appears to be exceptionally sturdy." )
22    display_name=_( "Embroidered Guard Gloves" )
23    icon="8,9"
24    inventory_location=16384
25    name="Embroidered Guard Gloves"
26    price=150
27    rareness=8
28    shape="EMBGLOVES"
29    short_description=_( "A comfortable pair of heavy leather gloves." )
30    type="ARMOR"
31    weight=2
32    [armor]
33      pierce_defense=1
34      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
35      slash_defense=1
36    [/armor]
37  [/item]
38  [item]
39    description=_( "This chainmail mitten is full of dents and scratches. Despite the occasional rust-spots, it fits admirably and provides good protection in combat." )
40    display_name=_( "Link Gauntlet" )
41    icon="9,9"
42    inventory_location=16384
43    name="Link Gauntlet"
44    price=220
45    rareness=8
46    shape="CHAINGLOVES"
47    short_description=_( "A pair of sturdy chainmail mittens." )
48    tags="METAL"
49    type="ARMOR"
50    weight=5
51    [armor]
52      crush_defense=1
53      pierce_defense=1
54      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
55      slash_defense=2
56    [/armor]
57    [skill_adjustment]
58      skill=POWER
59      [armor]
60        max="18,linear,1"
61        min="12,exponential,2"
62      [/armor]
63    [/skill_adjustment]
64  [/item]
65  [item]
66    description=_( "A few minutes of cleaning reveals a rare find: a full-plait armored gauntlet still in tact rescued from the depths." )
67    display_name=_( "Plaite Gauntlet" )
68    icon="9,9"
69    inventory_location=16384
70    name="Plaite Gauntlet"
71    price=450
72    rareness=8
73    shape="PLAITGLOVES"
74    short_description=_( "A dirty pair of plait-mail armored gauntlets." )
75    tags="PLATE"
76    type="ARMOR"
77    weight=8
78    [armor]
79      crush_defense=2
80      pierce_defense=2
81      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
82      slash_defense=2
83    [/armor]
84    [skill_adjustment]
85      skill=POWER
86      [armor]
87        max="18,linear,1"
88        min="14,exponential,2"
89      [/armor]
90    [/skill_adjustment]
91  [/item]
92  [item]
93    description=_( "Your enemies may laugh at your dorky headgear, however, it does protect you from dull, bludgeoning objects" )
94    display_name=_( "Horned helmet" )
95    icon="5,9"
96    inventory_location=1
97    name="Horned helmet"
98    price=100
99    rareness=8
100    shape="HELM_HORNED"
101    short_description=_( "A stylish helmet adorned with the horns of a slain foe" )
102    type="ARMOR"
103    weight=12
104    [armor]
105      crush_defense=1
106      pierce_defense=1
107      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
108      slash_defense=1
109    [/armor]
110  [/item]
111  [item]
112    description=_( "Finally a head-gear designed to protect others from viewing the hideous wounds you have acquired over the years." )
113    display_name=_( "Full face helmet" )
114    icon="4,9"
115    inventory_location=1
116    name="Full face helmet"
117    price=120
118    rareness=8
119    shape="HELM_FULLFACE"
120    short_description=_( "A clunky helmet with narrow slits for the eyes and nose." )
121    tags="METAL"
122    type="ARMOR"
123    weight=20
124    [armor]
125      crush_defense=2
126      pierce_defense=1
127      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
128      slash_defense=1
129    [/armor]
130    [skill_adjustment]
131      skill=POWER
132      [armor]
133        max="18,linear,1"
134        min="10,exponential,2"
135      [/armor]
136    [/skill_adjustment]
137  [/item]
138  [item]
139    description=_( "This metallic piece of medieval clothing comes equipped with a visor that you can swoosh open when striking a dramatic pose." )
140    display_name=_( "Helmet with visor" )
141    icon="3,9"
142    inventory_location=1
143    min_depth=1
144    name="Helmet with visor"
145    price=150
146    rareness=8
147    shape="HELM_VISOR"
148    short_description=_( "A dented metal helmet with a removable visor." )
149    tags="METAL"
150    type="ARMOR"
151    weight=24
152    [armor]
153      crush_defense=2
154      pierce_defense=1
155      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
156      slash_defense=1
157    [/armor]
158    [skill_adjustment]
159      skill=POWER
160      [armor]
161        max="18,linear,1"
162        min="10,exponential,2"
163      [/armor]
164    [/skill_adjustment]
165  [/item]
166  [item]
167    description=_( "This large helmet covers your entire face and parts of your neck and shoulders. It is worn mostly by knights." )
168    display_name=_( "Knight's helmet" )
169    icon="6,9"
170    inventory_location=1
171    min_depth=2
172    name="Knight's helmet"
173    price=180
174    rareness=7
175    shape="HELM_KNIGHTS"
176    short_description=_( "A giant metal orb of a helmet. The visor is rusted shut." )
177    tags="METAL"
178    type="ARMOR"
179    weight=25
180    [armor]
181      crush_defense=2
182      pierce_defense=1
183      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
184      slash_defense=2
185    [/armor]
186    [skill_adjustment]
187      skill=POWER
188      [armor]
189        max="18,linear,1"
190        min="12,exponential,2"
191      [/armor]
192    [/skill_adjustment]
193  [/item]
194  [item]
195    description=_( "This is the typical wizard's hat. It's as if the hat is begging others to mock its wearer. (Of course, this is generally when the mocker is engulfed in flames...)" )
196    display_name=_( "Pointy Hat" )
197    icon="2,9"
198    inventory_location=1
199    name="Pointy Hat"
200    price=2
201    rareness=7
202    shape="HAT_POINTY"
203    short_description=_( "A light blue broad rimmed hat with a weird pointy top." )
204    type="ARMOR"
205    weight=8
206    [armor]
207      crush_defense=1
208      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
209    [/armor]
210  [/item]
211  [item]
212    description=_( "In early autumn when the nights start to cool and that old feeling returns, to hop over the backyard fence and follow a trail wherever it may lead... this is the hat you'd reach for." )
213    display_name=_( "Adventuring Hat" )
214    icon="1,9"
215    inventory_location=1
216    name="Adventuring Hat"
217    price=2
218    rareness=9
219    shape="HAT_ADVENTURING"
220    short_description=_( "A brown leather hat with a feather." )
221    type="ARMOR"
222    weight=8
223    [armor]
224      crush_defense=1
225      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
226    [/armor]
227  [/item]
228  [item]
229    description=_( "I'm sure the couple flimsy boards held together by cat-gut will provide tons of life-saving cover in battle. On the positive side, at least it's a small, maneuverable shield." )
230    display_name=_( "Buckler" )
231    icon="12,8"
232    inventory_location=48
233    name="Buckler"
234    price=15
235    rareness=10
236    shape="SHIELD_BUCKLER"
237    short_description=_( "A small home-made wooden shield." )
238    type="ARMOR"
239    weight=2
240    [armor]
241      crush_defense=1
242      pierce_defense=1
243      skill="SHIELD_DEFEND"
244      slash_defense=1
245    [/armor]
246  [/item]
247  [item]
248    description=_( "The shield's hard wood is dried and flame toughened. It is covered in martial colors and someone jokingly painted a bulls-eye on it." )
249    display_name=_( "Wooden Shield" )
250    icon="11,8"
251    inventory_location=48
252    name="Wooden Shield"
253    price=22
254    rareness=10
255    shape="SHIELD_WOODEN"
256    short_description=_( "A well-made, sturdy wooden shield." )
257    type="ARMOR"
258    weight=5
259    [armor]
260      crush_defense=1
261      dodge_penalty=1
262      pierce_defense=2
263      skill="SHIELD_DEFEND"
264      slash_defense=2
265    [/armor]
266  [/item]
267  [item]
268    description=_( "This triangular metal shield would be a boon to any adventuring knight, if not for the the countless dents and rust-spots that cover its surface." )
269    display_name=_( "Steel Shield" )
270    icon="15,8"
271    inventory_location=48
272    min_depth=1
273    name="Steel Shield"
274    price=60
275    rareness=10
276    shape="SHIELD_STEEL"
277    short_description=_( "A triangular metal shield." )
278    tags="METAL"
279    type="ARMOR"
280    weight=8
281    [armor]
282      crush_defense=2
283      dodge_penalty=1
284      pierce_defense=2
285      skill="SHIELD_DEFEND"
286      slash_defense=2
287    [/armor]
288    [skill_adjustment]
289      skill=POWER
290      [armor]
291        max="18,linear,1"
292        min="10,exponential,2"
293      [/armor]
294    [/skill_adjustment]
295    [skill_adjustment]
296      skill=COORDINATION
297      [armor]
298        max="18,linear,1"
299        min="10,exponential,2"
300      [/armor]
301    [/skill_adjustment]
302  [/item]
303  [item]
304    description=_( "A symbolic, painted dragon roars to life on this shield, as if to only remind its wearer of the absolute futility of carrying it against an actual one." )
305    display_name=_( "Ornate Dragon Shield" )
306    icon="10,8"
307    inventory_location=48
308    min_depth=1
309    name="Ornate Dragon Shield"
310    price=45
311    rareness=10
312    shape="SHIELD_DRAGON"
313    short_description=_( "A metal shield covered with the painting of an ornate dragon." )
314    tags="METAL"
315    type="ARMOR"
316    weight=8
317    [armor]
318      crush_defense=2
319      dodge_penalty=1
320      pierce_defense=2
321      skill="SHIELD_DEFEND"
322      slash_defense=2
323    [/armor]
324    [skill_adjustment]
325      skill=POWER
326      [armor]
327        max="18,linear,1"
328        min="10,exponential,2"
329      [/armor]
330    [/skill_adjustment]
331    [skill_adjustment]
332      skill=COORDINATION
333      [armor]
334        max="18,linear,1"
335        min="10,exponential,2"
336      [/armor]
337    [/skill_adjustment]
338  [/item]
339  [item]
340    description=_( "A heavy duty cavalry shield, designed to withstand an impact by the lance of a horse-mounted rider, charging at full speed. Judging by the gaping whole in its center, it failed to do so last time." )
341    display_name=_( "Cavalry Shield" )
342    icon="14,8"
343    inventory_location=48
344    min_depth=2
345    name="Cavalry Shield"
346    price=60
347    rareness=10
348    shape="SHIELD_CAVALRY"
349    short_description=_( "A heavy metal shield." )
350    tags="METAL,LARGE"
351    type="ARMOR"
352    weight=10
353    [armor]
354      crush_defense=3
355      dodge_penalty=2
356      pierce_defense=2
357      skill="SHIELD_DEFEND"
358      slash_defense=2
359    [/armor]
360    [skill_adjustment]
361      skill=POWER
362      [armor]
363        max="18,linear,1"
364        min="12,exponential,2"
365      [/armor]
366    [/skill_adjustment]
367    [skill_adjustment]
368      skill=COORDINATION
369      [armor]
370        max="18,linear,1"
371        min="12,exponential,2"
372      [/armor]
373    [/skill_adjustment]
374  [/item]
375  [item]
376    description=_( "A shield cleverly constructed from the cured hide of a mountain troll. These were especially popular during the dwarven-troll war when each side used such handiwork to idle away the time between skirmishes." )
377    display_name=_( "Trollhide Shield" )
378    icon="13,8"
379    inventory_location=48
380    min_depth=2
381    name="Trollhide Shield"
382    price=30
383    rareness=10
384    shape="SHIELD_TROLLHIDE"
385    short_description=_( "A gray shield featuring advanced troll-hide technology." )
386    tags="LARGE"
387    type="ARMOR"
388    weight=7
389    [armor]
390      crush_defense=3
391      dodge_penalty=2
392      pierce_defense=2
393      skill="SHIELD_DEFEND"
394      slash_defense=3
395    [/armor]
396    [skill_adjustment]
397      skill=POWER
398      [armor]
399        max="18,linear,1"
400        min="15,exponential,2"
401      [/armor]
402    [/skill_adjustment]
403    [skill_adjustment]
404      skill=COORDINATION
405      [armor]
406        max="18,linear,1"
407        min="4,exponential,2"
408      [/armor]
409    [/skill_adjustment]
410  [/item]
411  [item]
412    description=_( "If one is smitten due to a lack of protective cover, will anyone hear of the tragedy? In order for such paradox to not come to pass, the clerics of Minirmuir created these divine shields." )
413    display_name=_( "Shield of the Golden Lotus" )
414    icon="16,8"
415    inventory_location=48
416    min_depth=3
417    name="Shield of the Golden Lotus"
418    price=230
419    rareness=10
421    short_description=_( "A shield exhibiting golden harmony and unperturbable peace." )
422    tags="METAL,LARGE"
423    type="ARMOR"
424    weight=3.5
425    [armor]
426      crush_defense=3
427      dodge_penalty=2
428      pierce_defense=3
429      skill="SHIELD_DEFEND"
430      slash_defense=3
431    [/armor]
432    [skill_adjustment]
433      skill=POWER
434      [armor]
435        max="18,linear,1"
436        min="15,exponential,2"
437      [/armor]
438    [/skill_adjustment]
439    [skill_adjustment]
440      skill=COORDINATION
441      [armor]
442        max="18,linear,1"
443        min="12,exponential,2"
444      [/armor]
445    [/skill_adjustment]
446  [/item]
448  [item]
449    description=_( "The lightweight cloth keeps you warm (and ready to party) but does not protect you from weapon attacks." )
450    display_name=_( "Toga" )
451    icon="12,6"
452    inventory_location=8
453    name="Toga"
454    price=10
455    rareness=10
456    shape="TOGA"
457    short_description=_( "A white bedsheet that's been made into robes." )
458    tags="ROBES"
459    type="ARMOR"
460    weight=2
461    [armor]
462      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
463      slash_defense=1
464    [/armor]
465  [/item]
466  [item]
467    description=_( "A much worn and slept-in traveling garment which looks to also have served as an item of personal hygiene." )
468    display_name=_( "Traveling cloak" )
469    icon="17,8"
470    inventory_location=4
471    name="Traveling cloak"
472    price=15
473    rareness=10
474    shape="CLOAK"
475    short_description=_( "A worn brownish cloak." )
476    type="ARMOR"
477    weight=2.5
478    [armor]
479      pierce_defense=1
480      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
481      slash_defense=1
482    [/armor]
483  [/item]
484  [item]
485    description=_( "A travel cloak of quality workmanship. It looks to actually stave off the cold of the outdoors." )
486    display_name=_( "Heavy woodland cloak" )
487    icon="18,8"
488    inventory_location=4
489    name="Heavy woodland cloak"
490    price=15
491    rareness=7
492    shape="CLOAK_FOREST"
493    short_description=_( "A heavy-weight traveling cloak." )
494    type="ARMOR"
495    weight=2.5
496    [armor]
497      pierce_defense=1
498      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
499      slash_defense=1
500    [/armor]
501  [/item]
502  [item]
503    description=_( "The usual gamete of spellcasters lets the user perform much agitated hand waving as required by the casted spell." )
504    display_name=_( "Robes of the Sorcerer" )
505    icon="13,6"
506    inventory_location=8
507    min_depth=2
508    name="Robes of the Sorcerer"
509    price=25
510    rareness=9
511    shape="ROBE_SORCERS"
512    short_description=_( "These robes have magic symbols on their sleeves and hood." )
513    tags="ROBES"
514    type="ARMOR"
515    weight=4
516    [armor]
517      crush_defense=1
518      pierce_defense=1
519      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
520      slash_defense=1
521    [/armor]
522  [/item]
523  [item]
524    description=_( "These robes are cleverly padded to protect its frail wearer a little longer in battle." )
525    display_name=_( "Padded Robes" )
526    icon="14,6"
527    inventory_location=8
528    min_depth=3
529    name="Padded Robes"
530    price=50
531    rareness=7
532    shape="ROBE_PADDED"
533    short_description=_( "These robes seem to be padded on the inside." )
534    tags="ROBES"
535    type="ARMOR"
536    weight=8
537    [armor]
538      crush_defense=2
539      pierce_defense=2
540      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
541      slash_defense=2
542    [/armor]
543  [/item]
544  [item]
545    description=_( "Ye olde leather armor is created from the cured and toughened skin of thy foe. On this particular model the leather pieces are clumsily held together by what appears to be the guts of thy foe." )
546    display_name=_( "Leather Armor" )
547    icon="18,6"
548    inventory_location=8
549    name="Leather Armor"
550    price=250
551    rareness=9
552    shape="LEATHERARMOR"
553    short_description=_( "Looks to be an old piece of leather armor" )
554    type="ARMOR"
555    weight=20
556    [armor]
557      crush_defense=2
558      pierce_defense=2
559      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
560      slash_defense=2
561    [/armor]
562    [skill_adjustment]
563      skill=COORDINATION
564      [armor]
565        max="18,linear,1"
566        min="10,exponential,2"
567      [/armor]
568    [/skill_adjustment]
569  [/item]
570  [item]
571    description=_( "As a small evolutionary step in leather armor technology, this model sports blunted metal studs, built more to intimidate rather than to cause actual damage. Still, there is a lot to be said for looking cool." )
572    display_name=_( "Studded Leather Armor" )
573    icon="17,6"
574    inventory_location=8
575    min_depth=1
576    name="Studded Leather Armor"
577    price=320
578    rareness=7
579    shape="STUDDEDLEATHER"
580    short_description=_( "This leather armor piece has embedded metal studs." )
581    type="ARMOR"
582    weight=25
583    [armor]
584      crush_defense=3
585      dodge_penalty=1
586      pierce_defense=3
587      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
588      slash_defense=3
589    [/armor]
590    [skill_adjustment]
591      skill=COORDINATION
592      [armor]
593        max="18,linear,1"
594        min="10,exponential,2"
595      [/armor]
596    [/skill_adjustment]
597  [/item]
598  [item]
599    description=_( "This indeed -is- your parents' armor. It is rusty, ill-fitting with a few links missing here and there. It's also quite heavy, makes a lot of noise and seems to be home for a very nice family of rodents." )
600    display_name=_( "Rusty Chainmail" )
601    icon="19,6"
602    inventory_location=8
603    name="Rusty Chainmail"
604    price=500
605    rareness=9
606    shape="RUSTYCHAIN"
607    short_description=_( "The rust is the only thing that holds this chainmail's links together" )
608    tags="METAL"
609    type="ARMOR"
610    weight=40
611    [armor]
612      crush_defense=4
613      dodge_penalty=2
614      pierce_defense=3
615      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
616      slash_defense=4
617    [/armor]
618    [skill_adjustment]
619      skill=COORDINATION
620      [armor]
621        max="18,linear,1"
622        min="10,exponential,2"
623      [/armor]
624    [/skill_adjustment]
625    [skill_adjustment]
626      skill=POWER
627      [armor]
628        max="18,linear,1"
629        min="10,exponential,2"
630      [/armor]
631    [/skill_adjustment]
632  [/item]
633  [item]
634    description=_( "One finds strange things in the deep places of the earth... This city guard's uniform is one such curiosity. What ill fate befell the wearer of this finely crafted chainmail?" )
635    display_name=_( "Guard's Chainmail" )
636    icon="3,7"
637    inventory_location=8
638    min_depth=2
639    name="Guard's Chainmail"
640    price=720
641    rareness=8
642    shape="GUARDCHAIN"
643    short_description=_( "It appears to be an official city guard chainmail." )
644    tags="METAL"
645    type="ARMOR"
646    weight=50
647    [armor]
648      crush_defense=5
649      dodge_penalty=3
650      pierce_defense=4
651      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
652      slash_defense=5
653    [/armor]
654    [skill_adjustment]
655      skill=COORDINATION
656      [armor]
657        max="18,linear,1"
658        min="10,exponential,2"
659      [/armor]
660    [/skill_adjustment]
661    [skill_adjustment]
662      skill=POWER
663      [armor]
664        max="18,linear,1"
665        min="12,exponential,2"
666      [/armor]
667    [/skill_adjustment]
668  [/item]
669  [item]
670    description=_( "This is the fabled mythril mail of the elves of Alovium. The metal is lightweight, flexible, never rusts of deforms. It's light blue in color and is known to be easy to enchant." )
671    display_name=_( "Mythril Mail" )
672    icon="4,7"
673    inventory_location=8
674    min_depth=3
675    name="Mythril Mail"
676    price=1200
677    rareness=5
678    shape="MYTHRILCHAIN"
679    short_description=_( "You feel that in spite of its light weight this armor is well designed to deflect damage." )
680    tags="METAL"
681    type="ARMOR"
682    weight=20
683    [armor]
684      crush_defense=5
685      dodge_penalty=1
686      pierce_defense=6
687      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
688      slash_defense=6
689    [/armor]
690    [skill_adjustment]
691      skill=COORDINATION
692      [armor]
693        max="18,linear,1"
694        min="14,exponential,2"
695      [/armor]
696    [/skill_adjustment]
697    [skill_adjustment]
698      skill=POWER
699      [armor]
700        max="18,linear,1"
701        min="10,exponential,2"
702      [/armor]
703    [/skill_adjustment]
704  [/item]
705  [item]
706    description=_( "This type of armor is constructed by attaching strips of metal to chain or leather. This particular model was created by the dwarven smiths under the mountains of Mozmoril. Although heavy and uncomfortable it protect you from but the sharpest weapons." )
707    display_name=_( "Banded Mail" )
708    icon="7,7"
709    inventory_location=8
710    min_depth=2
711    name="Banded Mail"
712    price=950
713    rareness=8
714    shape="BANDEDMAIL"
715    short_description=_( "Banded strips of metal compose the main sections of this armor." )
716    tags="METAL"
717    type="ARMOR"
718    weight=60
719    [armor]
720      crush_defense=6
721      dodge_penalty=4
722      pierce_defense=6
723      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
724      slash_defense=6
725    [/armor]
726    [skill_adjustment]
727      skill=COORDINATION
728      [armor]
729        max="18,linear,1"
730        min="12,exponential,2"
731      [/armor]
732    [/skill_adjustment]
733    [skill_adjustment]
734      skill=POWER
735      [armor]
736        max="18,linear,1"
737        min="13,exponential,2"
738      [/armor]
739    [/skill_adjustment]
740  [/item]
741  [item]
742    description=_( "Congratulations. Wearing a set of heavy-gage, full plate mail officially qualifies you as a human tank. Though you're virtually untouchable by conventional weapons, you can be heard for miles." )
743    display_name=_( "Heavy field plate" )
744    icon="9,7"
745    inventory_location=8
746    min_depth=3
747    name="Heavy field plate"
748    price=1250
749    rareness=7
750    shape="FIELDPLAIT"
751    short_description=_( "An incredibly heavy set of full plate mail armor." )
752    tags="METAL,PLATE"
753    type="ARMOR"
754    weight=110
755    [armor]
756      crush_defense=8
757      dodge_penalty=5
758      pierce_defense=8
759      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
760      slash_defense=8
761    [/armor]
762    [skill_adjustment]
763      skill=COORDINATION
764      [armor]
765        max="18,linear,1"
766        min="12,exponential,2"
767      [/armor]
768    [/skill_adjustment]
769    [skill_adjustment]
770      skill=POWER
771      [armor]
772        max="18,linear,1"
773        min="15,exponential,2"
774      [/armor]
775    [/skill_adjustment]
776  [/item]
777  [item]
778    description=_( "Like other elven works, this platemail is a study in perfection. It is lightweight, resilient and quite comfortable to wear for long periods of time." )
779    display_name=_( "Elven platemail" )
780    icon="10,7"
781    inventory_location=8
782    min_depth=4
783    name="Elven platemail"
784    price=2000
785    rareness=4
786    shape="ELVENPLAIT"
787    short_description=_( "A well-fitted set of lightweight platemail armor." )
788    tags="METAL,PLATE"
789    type="ARMOR"
790    weight=40
791    [armor]
792      crush_defense=6
793      dodge_penalty=3
794      pierce_defense=8
795      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
796      slash_defense=8
797    [/armor]
798    [skill_adjustment]
799      skill=COORDINATION
800      [armor]
801        max="18,linear,1"
802        min="15,exponential,2"
803      [/armor]
804    [/skill_adjustment]
805    [skill_adjustment]
806      skill=POWER
807      [armor]
808        max="18,linear,1"
809        min="12,exponential,2"
810      [/armor]
811    [/skill_adjustment]
812  [/item]
813  [item]
814    description=_( "The half-ogre wizard, Enarol supposedly created this white armor from the skin of flayed relative." )
815    display_name=_( "Enarol's Ogre Skin" )
816    icon="11,7"
817    inventory_location=8
818    min_depth=4
819    name="Enarol's Ogre Skin"
820    price=2300
821    rareness=3
822    shape="OGREPLAIT"
823    short_description=_( "Stinky white armor that seems rough to the touch." )
824    tags="METAL"
825    type="ARMOR"
826    weight=80
827    [armor]
828      crush_defense=8
829      dodge_penalty=5
830      pierce_defense=8
831      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
832      slash_defense=9
833    [/armor]
834    [skill_adjustment]
835      skill=COORDINATION
836      [armor]
837        max="18,linear,1"
838        min="10,exponential,2"
839      [/armor]
840    [/skill_adjustment]
841    [skill_adjustment]
842      skill=POWER
843      [armor]
844        max="18,linear,1"
845        min="15,exponential,2"
846      [/armor]
847    [/skill_adjustment]
848  [/item]
849  [item]
850    description=_( "This armor is made from the hide of a magical dragon. If that sounds hard to believe, wait until you see how well this armor protects its wearer in battle." )
851    display_name=_( "Dragonscale armor" )
852    icon="16,7"
853    inventory_location=8
854    min_depth=5
855    name="Dragonscale armor"
856    price=4550
857    rareness=2
858    shape="REDDRAGONARMOR"
859    short_description=_( "Armor made from the scales of some beast." )
860    tags="METAL,PLATE"
861    type="ARMOR"
862    weight=85
863    [armor]
864      crush_defense=9
865      dodge_penalty=6
866      pierce_defense=9
867      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
868      slash_defense=9
869    [/armor]
870    [skill_adjustment]
871      skill=COORDINATION
872      [armor]
873        max="18,linear,1"
874        min="14,exponential,2"
875      [/armor]
876    [/skill_adjustment]
877    [skill_adjustment]
878      skill=POWER
879      [armor]
880        max="18,linear,1"
881        min="15,exponential,2"
882      [/armor]
883    [/skill_adjustment]
884    [skill_adjustment]
885      skill=IQ
886      [armor]
887        max="18,linear,1"
888        min="12,exponential,2"
889      [/armor]
890    [/skill_adjustment]
891  [/item]
892  [item]
893    description=_( "This armor is made to protect mages. It's created from a transdimensional goo that protects the user while letting them cast spells." )
894    display_name=_( "Smeth's Slimy Defender" )
895    icon="2,8"
896    inventory_location=8
897    min_depth=5
898    name="Smeth's Slimy Defender"
899    price=8000
900    rareness=1
901    shape="SLIMYDEFENDER"
902    short_description=_( "Armor made from space-goo." )
903    tags="METAL,PLATE"
904    type="ARMOR"
905    weight=40
906    [armor]
907      crush_defense=10
908      dodge_penalty=5
909      pierce_defense=10
910      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
911      slash_defense=9
912    [/armor]
913    [skill_adjustment]
914      skill=COORDINATION
915      [armor]
916        max="18,linear,1"
917        min="14,exponential,2"
918      [/armor]
919    [/skill_adjustment]
920    [skill_adjustment]
921      skill=POWER
922      [armor]
923        max="18,linear,1"
924        min="15,exponential,2"
925      [/armor]
926    [/skill_adjustment]
927  [/item]
928  [item]
929    description=_( "This gold colored armor offers the highest levels of protection. Imbued with the magic contained in its yellow strands of fleece it protects the wearer via a mystic aura of repulsion." )
930    display_name=_( "Merzul Goldenfleece" )
931    icon="6,8"
932    inventory_location=8
933    min_depth=6
934    name="Merzul Goldenfleece"
935    price=12200
936    rareness=1
937    shape="GOLDENARMOR"
938    short_description=_( "Lightweight gold colored armor, made from some kind of wool." )
939    tags="METAL,PLATE"
940    type="ARMOR"
941    weight=50
942    [armor]
943      crush_defense=10
944      dodge_penalty=5
945      pierce_defense=10
946      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
947      slash_defense=10
948    [/armor]
949    [skill_adjustment]
950      skill=COORDINATION
951      [armor]
952        max="18,linear,1"
953        min="15,exponential,2"
954      [/armor]
955    [/skill_adjustment]
956    [skill_adjustment]
957      skill=POWER
958      [armor]
959        max="18,linear,1"
960        min="15,exponential,2"
961      [/armor]
962    [/skill_adjustment]
963  [/item]
964  [item]
965    description=_( "Slightly worn workboots. They smell about as good as they look." )
966    display_name=_( "Workboots" )
967    icon="11,9"
968    inventory_location=256
969    name="Workboots"
970    price=25
971    rareness=10
972    shape="BOOTS_WORK"
973    short_description=_( "Comfortable looking workboots." )
974    type="ARMOR"
975    weight=1.5
976    [armor]
977      crush_defense=1
978      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
979    [/armor]
980  [/item]
982  [item]
983    description=_( "Workboots of a more complex construction. The toebox is encased in steel making your toes at least dry and safe." )
984    display_name=_( "Steel-toed Workboots" )
985    icon="13,9"
986    inventory_location=256
987    name="Steel-toed Workboots"
988    price=50
989    rareness=9
990    shape="BOOTS_STEELTOED"
991    short_description=_( "Workboots with a steel reinforced toebox." )
992    type="ARMOR"
993    weight=2.5
994    [armor]
995      crush_defense=2
996      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
997    [/armor]
998  [/item]
999  [item]
1000    description=_( "These heavy duty boots are designed to last a lifetime. However long that may be..." )
1001    display_name=_( "Leather boots" )
1002    icon="14,9"
1003    inventory_location=256
1004    min_depth=1
1005    name="Leather boots"
1006    price=120
1007    rareness=9
1008    shape="BOOTS_LEATHER"
1009    short_description=_( "A nice pair of leather boots" )
1010    type="ARMOR"
1011    weight=5
1012    [armor]
1013      crush_defense=1
1014      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
1015      slash_defense=1
1016    [/armor]
1017  [/item]
1018  [item]
1019    description=_( "Boots made specifically for walking all over other folks. This pair in particular seems made for battle." )
1020    display_name=_( "Warboots" )
1021    icon="12,9"
1022    inventory_location=256
1023    min_depth=2
1024    name="Warboots"
1025    price=310
1026    rareness=7
1027    shape="BOOTS_WAR"
1028    short_description=_( "Combat boots with a bad attitude." )
1029    tags="METAL"
1030    type="ARMOR"
1031    weight=7.5
1032    [armor]
1033      crush_defense=1
1034      pierce_defense=1
1035      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
1036      slash_defense=1
1037    [/armor]
1038    [skill_adjustment]
1039      skill=POWER
1040      [armor]
1041        max="18,linear,1"
1042        min="14,exponential,2"
1043      [/armor]
1044    [/skill_adjustment]
1045  [/item]
1046  [item]
1047    description=_( "These blue robes blend its wearer into nearby shadows, granting an invisibility-like protection." )
1048    display_name=_( "Cloak of Safe Passage" )
1049    icon="19,8"
1050    inventory_location=4
1051    min_depth=1
1052    min_level=7
1053    name="Cloak of Safe Passage"
1054    price=12500
1055    rareness=2
1056    shape="ROBE_SAFEPASSAGE"
1057    short_description=_( "You have to look carefully to notice this blue cloak." )
1058    type="ARMOR"
1059    weight=2.5
1060    [armor]
1061      crush_defense=2
1062      pierce_defense=2
1063      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
1064      slash_defense=2
1065    [/armor]
1066  [/item]
1067  [item]
1068    description=_( "Infused with the hateful spirit of Unamoin, this cloak assists its wearer in combat, but at a price..." )
1069    display_name=_( "Cloak of Hateful Vengeance" )
1070    icon="20,8"
1071    inventory_location=4
1072    min_depth=2
1073    min_level=9
1074    name="Cloak of Hateful Vengeance"
1075    price=22320
1076    rareness=3
1077    shape="ROBE_UNAMOIN"
1078    short_description=_( "These red robes radiate palpable dread." )
1079    type="ARMOR"
1080    weight=2.5
1081    [armor]
1082      crush_defense=2
1083      pierce_defense=2
1084      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
1085      slash_defense=3
1086    [/armor]
1087  [/item]
1088  [item]
1089    description=_( "This snazzy footwear positively sizzles with magic absorbtion as you tread the ground. " )
1090    display_name=_( "Boots of antimagic binding" )
1091    icon="14,9"
1092    inventory_location=256
1093    name="Boots of antimagic binding"
1094    price=25
1095    rareness=17
1096    shape="BOOTS_ANTIMAGIC"
1097    short_description=_( "These boots were made for walking through a magic field." )
1098    type="MISSION"
1099    weight=1.5
1100    [armor]
1101      crush_defense=5
1102      pierce_defense=5
1103      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
1104      slash_defense=5
1105    [/armor]
1106  [/item]
1107  [item]
1108    description=_( "This foil wraps tightly around your head and apparently deflects all kinds of, uh, rays..." )
1109    display_name=_( "Antimagic foil hat" )
1110    icon="12,17"
1111    inventory_location=1
1112    name="Antimagic foil hat"
1113    price=2
1114    rareness=17
1115    shape="HELM_ANTIMAGIC"
1116    short_description=_( "A piece of metal foil you can wear as a hat." )
1117    type="MISSION"
1118    weight=8
1119    [armor]
1120      crush_defense=1
1121      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
1122    [/armor]
1123  [/item]
1124  [item]
1125    description=_( "The armor is made to conform to the contours of the wearer. You can't help but admire the mold of its last owner." )
1126    display_name=_( "Antimagic chestplate" )
1127    icon="2,8"
1128    inventory_location=8
1129    min_depth=5
1130    name="Antimagic chestplate"
1131    price=8000
1132    rareness=17
1134    short_description=_( "A shape-changing armor that fits creatures of all sizes." )
1135    type="MISSION"
1136    weight=40
1137    [armor]
1138      crush_defense=12
1139      pierce_defense=12
1140      skill="ARMOR_DEFEND"
1141      slash_defense=12
1142    [/armor]
1143  [/item]