1 /*
2  * This source file is part of libRocket, the HTML/CSS Interface Middleware
3  *
4  * For the latest information, see http://www.librocket.com
5  *
6  * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 CodePoint Ltd, Shift Technology Ltd
7  *
8  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
9  * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
10  * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
11  * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
12  * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
13  * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
14  *
15  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
16  * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
17  *
25  *
26  */
31 #include "ReferenceCountable.h"
32 #include "ScriptInterface.h"
33 #include "ValueReference.h"
34 #include "Header.h"
35 #include "Box.h"
36 #include "Event.h"
37 #include "Property.h"
38 #include "Types.h"
40 #include <memory>
42 namespace Rocket {
43 namespace Core {
44 	class Dictionary;
45 }
46 }
48 namespace Rocket {
49 namespace Core {
51 class Context;
52 class Decorator;
53 class ElementInstancer;
54 class EventDispatcher;
55 class EventListener;
56 class ElementBackground;
57 class ElementBorder;
58 class ElementDecoration;
59 class ElementDefinition;
60 class ElementDocument;
61 class ElementScroll;
62 class ElementStyle;
63 class FontFaceHandle;
64 class PropertyDictionary;
65 class RenderInterface;
66 class StyleSheet;
68 /**
69 	A generic element in the DOM tree.
71 	@author Peter Curry
72  */
74 class ROCKETCORE_API Element : public ScriptInterface
75 {
76 public:
77 	/// Constructs a new libRocket element. This should not be called directly; use the Factory
78 	/// instead.
79 	/// @param[in] tag The tag the element was declared as in RML.
80 	Element(const String& tag);
81 	virtual ~Element();
83 	void Update();
84 	void Render();
86 	/// Clones this element, returning a new, unparented element.
87 	Element* Clone() const;
89 	/** @name Classes
90 	 */
91 	//@{
92 	/// Sets or removes a class on the element.
93 	/// @param[in] class_name The name of the class to add or remove from the class list.
94 	/// @param[in] activate True if the class is to be added, false to be removed.
95 	void SetClass(const String& class_name, bool activate);
96 	/// Checks if a class is set on the element.
97 	/// @param[in] class_name The name of the class to check for.
98 	/// @return True if the class is set on the element, false otherwise.
99 	bool IsClassSet(const String& class_name) const;
100 	/// Specifies the entire list of classes for this element. This will replace any others specified.
101 	/// @param[in] class_names The list of class names to set on the style, separated by spaces.
102 	void SetClassNames(const String& class_names);
103 	/// Return the active class list.
104 	/// @return The space-separated list of classes active on the element.
105 	String GetClassNames() const;
106 	//@}
108 	/// Returns the active style sheet for this element. This may be NULL.
109 	/// @return The element's style sheet.
110 	virtual StyleSheet* GetStyleSheet() const;
112 	/// Returns the element's definition, updating if necessary.
113 	/// @return The element's definition.
114 	const ElementDefinition* GetDefinition();
116 	/// Fills a string with the full address of this element.
117 	/// @param[in] include_pseudo_classes True if the address is to include the pseudo-classes of the leaf element.
118 	/// @return The address of the element, including its full parentage.
119 	String GetAddress(bool include_pseudo_classes = false) const;
121 	/// Sets the position of this element, as a two-dimensional offset from another element.
122 	/// @param[in] offset The offset (in pixels) of our primary box's top-left border corner from our offset parent's top-left border corner.
123 	/// @param[in] offset_parent The element this element is being positioned relative to.
124 	/// @param[in] offset_fixed True if the element is fixed in place (and will not scroll), false if not.
125 	void SetOffset(const Vector2f& offset, Element* offset_parent, bool offset_fixed = false);
126 	/// Returns the position of the top-left corner of one of the areas of this element's primary box, relative to its
127 	/// offset parent's top-left border corner.
128 	/// @param[in] area The desired area position.
129 	/// @return The relative offset.
130 	Vector2f GetRelativeOffset(Box::Area area = Box::CONTENT);
131 	/// Returns the position of the top-left corner of one of the areas of this element's primary box, relative to
132 	/// the element root.
133 	/// @param[in] area The desired area position.
134 	/// @return The absolute offset.
135 	Vector2f GetAbsoluteOffset(Box::Area area = Box::CONTENT);
137 	/// Sets an alternate area to use as the client area.
138 	/// @param[in] client_area The box area to use as the element's client area.
139 	void SetClientArea(Box::Area client_area);
140 	/// Returns the area the element uses as its client area.
141 	/// @return The box area used as the element's client area.
142 	Box::Area GetClientArea() const;
144 	/// Sets the dimensions of the element's internal content. This is the tightest fitting box surrounding all of
145 	/// this element's logical children, plus the element's padding.
146 	/// @param[in] content_offset The offset of the box's internal content.
147 	/// @param[in] content_box The dimensions of the box's internal content.
148 	void SetContentBox(const Vector2f& content_offset, const Vector2f& content_box);
149 	/// Sets the box describing the size of the element, and removes all others.
150 	/// @param[in] box The new dimensions box for the element.
151 	void SetBox(const Box& box);
152 	/// Adds a box to the end of the list describing this element's geometry.
153 	/// @param[in] box The auxiliary box for the element.
154 	void AddBox(const Box& box);
155 	/// Returns one of the boxes describing the size of the element.
156 	/// @param[in] index The index of the desired box. If this is outside of the bounds of the element's list of boxes, it will be clamped.
157 	/// @return The requested box.
158 	const Box& GetBox(int index = 0);
159 	/// Returns the number of boxes making up this element's geometry.
160 	/// @return the number of boxes making up this element's geometry.
161 	int GetNumBoxes();
163 	/// Returns the baseline of the element, in pixels offset from the bottom of the element's content area.
164 	/// @return The element's baseline. A negative baseline will be further 'up' the element, a positive on further 'down'. The default element will return 0.
165 	virtual float GetBaseline() const;
166 	/// Gets the intrinsic dimensions of this element, if it is of a type that has an inherent size. This size will
167 	/// only be overriden by a styled width or height.
168 	/// @param[in] dimensions The dimensions to size, if appropriate.
169 	/// @return True if the element has intrinsic dimensions, false otherwise. The default element will return false.
170 	virtual bool GetIntrinsicDimensions(Vector2f& dimensions);
172 	/// Checks if a given point in screen coordinates lies within the bordered area of this element.
173 	/// @param[in] point The point to test.
174 	/// @return True if the element is within this element, false otherwise.
175 	virtual bool IsPointWithinElement(const Vector2f& point);
177 	/// Returns the visibility of the element.
178 	/// @return True if the element is visible, false otherwise.
179 	bool IsVisible() const;
180 	/// Returns the z-index of the element.
181 	/// @return The element's z-index.
182 	float GetZIndex() const;
184 	/// Returns the element's font face handle.
185 	/// @return The element's font face handle.
186 	FontFaceHandle* GetFontFaceHandle() const;
188 	/** @name Properties
189 	 */
190 	//@{
191 	/// Sets a local property override on the element.
192 	/// @param[in] name The name of the new property.
193 	/// @param[in] value The new property to set.
194 	/// @return True if the property parsed successfully, false otherwise.
195 	bool SetProperty(const String& name, const String& value);
196 	/// Sets a local property override on the element to a pre-parsed value.
197 	/// @param[in] name The name of the new property.
198 	/// @param[in] property The parsed property to set.
199 	/// @return True if the property was set successfully, false otherwise.
200 	bool SetProperty(const String& name, const Property& property);
201 	/// Removes a local property override on the element; its value will revert to that defined in
202 	/// the style sheet.
203 	/// @param[in] name The name of the local property definition to remove.
204 	void RemoveProperty(const String& name);
205 	/// Returns one of this element's properties. If this element is not defined this property, or a parent cannot
206 	/// be found that we can inherit the property from, the default value will be returned.
207 	/// @param[in] name The name of the property to fetch the value for.
208 	/// @return The value of this property for this element, or NULL if no property exists with the given name.
209 	const Property* GetProperty(const String& name);
210 	/// Returns the values of one of this element's properties.
211 	/// @param[in] name The name of the property to get.
212 	/// @return The value of this property.
213 	template < typename T >
214 	T GetProperty(const String& name);
215 	/// Returns one of this element's properties. If this element is not defined this property, NULL will be
216 	/// returned.
217 	/// @param[in] name The name of the property to fetch the value for.
218 	/// @return The value of this property for this element, or NULL if this property has not been explicitly defined for this element.
219 	const Property* GetLocalProperty(const String& name);
220 	/// Resolves one of this element's properties. If the value is a number or px, this is returned. If it's a
221 	/// percentage then it is resolved based on the second argument (the base value).
222 	/// @param[in] name The name of the property to resolve the value for.
223 	/// @param[in] base_value The value that is scaled by the percentage value, if it is a percentage.
224 	/// @return The value of this property for this element.
225 	float ResolveProperty(const String& name, float base_value);
226 	/// Resolves one of this element's non-inherited properties. If the value is a number or px, this is returned. If it's a
227 	/// percentage then it is resolved based on the second argument (the base value).
228 	/// @param[in] name The property to resolve the value for.
229 	/// @param[in] base_value The value that is scaled by the percentage value, if it is a percentage.
230 	/// @return The value of this property for this element.
231 	float ResolveProperty(const Property *property, float base_value);
233 	/// Returns 'top', 'bottom', 'left' and 'right' properties from element's style or local cache.
234 	void GetOffsetProperties(const Property **top, const Property **bottom, const Property **left, const Property **right );
235 	/// Returns 'border-width' properties from element's style or local cache.
236 	void GetBorderWidthProperties(const Property **border_top_width, const Property **border_bottom_width, const Property **border_left_width, const Property **border_right_width);
237 	/// Returns 'margin' properties from element's style or local cache.
238 	void GetMarginProperties(const Property **margin_top, const Property **margin_bottom, const Property **margin_left, const Property **margin_right);
239 	/// Returns 'padding' properties from element's style or local cache.
240 	void GetPaddingProperties(const Property **padding_top, const Property **padding_bottom, const Property **padding_left, const Property **padding_right);
241 	/// Returns 'width' and 'height' properties from element's style or local cache.
242 	void GetDimensionProperties(const Property **width, const Property **height);
243 	/// Returns local 'width' and 'height' properties from element's style or local cache,
244 	/// ignoring default values.
245 	void GetLocalDimensionProperties(const Property **width, const Property **height);
246 	/// Returns 'overflow' properties' values from element's style or local cache.
247 	void GetOverflow(int *overflow_x, int *overflow_y);
248 	/// Returns 'position' property value from element's style or local cache.
249 	int GetPosition();
250 	/// Returns 'float' property value from element's style or local cache.
251 	int GetFloat();
252 	/// Returns 'display' property value from element's style or local cache.
253 	int GetDisplay();
254 	/// Returns 'white-space' property value from element's style or local cache.
255 	int GetWhitespace();
257 	/// Returns 'line-height' property value from element's style or local cache.
258 	const Property *GetLineHeightProperty();
259 	/// Returns 'text-align' property value from element's style or local cache.
260 	int GetTextAlign();
261 	/// Returns 'text-transform' property value from element's style or local cache.
262 	int GetTextTransform();
263 	/// Returns 'vertical-align' property value from element's style or local cache.
264 	const Property *GetVerticalAlignProperty();
266 	/// Iterates over the properties defined on this element.
267 	/// @param[inout] index Index of the property to fetch. This is incremented to the next valid index after the fetch. Indices are not necessarily incremental.
268 	/// @param[out] pseudo_classes The pseudo-classes the property is defined by.
269 	/// @param[out] name The name of the property at the specified index.
270 	/// @param[out] property The property at the specified index.
271 	/// @return True if a property was successfully fetched.
272 	bool IterateProperties(int& index, PseudoClassList& pseudo_classes, String& name, const Property*& property) const;
273 	///@}
275 	/** @name Pseudo-classes
276 	 */
277 	//@{
278 	/// Sets or removes a pseudo-class on the element.
279 	/// @param[in] pseudo_class The pseudo class to activate or deactivate.
280 	/// @param[in] activate True if the pseudo-class is to be activated, false to be deactivated.
281 	void SetPseudoClass(const String& pseudo_class, bool activate);
282 	/// Checks if a specific pseudo-class has been set on the element.
283 	/// @param[in] pseudo_class The name of the pseudo-class to check for.
284 	/// @return True if the pseudo-class is set on the element, false if not.
285 	bool IsPseudoClassSet(const String& pseudo_class) const;
286 	/// Checks if a complete set of pseudo-classes are set on the element.
287 	/// @param[in] pseudo_classes The set of pseudo-classes to check for.
288 	/// @return True if all of the pseudo-classes are set, false if not.
289 	bool ArePseudoClassesSet(const PseudoClassList& pseudo_classes) const;
290 	/// Gets a list of the current active pseudo-classes.
291 	/// @return The list of active pseudo-classes.
292 	const PseudoClassList& GetActivePseudoClasses() const;
293 	//@}
295 	/** @name Attributes
296 	 */
297 	//@{
298 	/// Sets an attribute on the element.
299 	/// @param[in] name Name of the attribute.
300 	/// @param[in] value Value of the attribute.
301 	template< typename T >
302 	void SetAttribute(const String& name, const T& value);
303 	/// Gets the specified attribute.
304 	/// @param[in] name Name of the attribute to retrieve.
305 	/// @return A variant representing the attribute, or NULL if the attribute doesn't exist.
306 	Variant* GetAttribute(const String& name) const;
307 	/// Gets the specified attribute, with default value.
308 	/// @param[in] name Name of the attribute to retrieve.
309 	/// @param[in] default_value Value to return if the attribute doesn't exist.
310 	template< typename T >
311 	T GetAttribute(const String& name, const T& default_value) const;
312 	/// Checks if the element has a certain attribute.
313 	/// @param[in] name The name of the attribute to check for.
314 	/// @return True if the element has the given attribute, false if not.
315 	bool HasAttribute(const String& name);
316 	/// Removes the attribute from the element.
317 	/// @param[in] name Name of the attribute.
318 	void RemoveAttribute(const String& name);
319 	/// Set a group of attributes.
320 	/// @param[in] attributes Attributes to set.
321 	void SetAttributes(const ElementAttributes* attributes);
322 	/// Iterates over the attributes.
323 	/// @param[inout] index Index to fetch. This is incremented after the fetch.
324 	/// @param[out] name Name of the attribute at the specified index
325 	/// @param[out] value Value of the attribute at the specified index.
326 	/// @return True if an attribute was successfully fetched.
327 	template< typename T >
328 	bool IterateAttributes(int& index, String& name, T& value) const;
329 	/// Returns the number of attributes on the element.
330 	/// @return The number of attributes on the element.
331 	int GetNumAttributes() const;
332 	//@}
334 	/** @name Decorators
335 	 */
336 	//@{
337 	/// Iterates over all decorators attached to the element. Note that all decorators are iterated
338 	/// over, not just active ones.
339 	/// @param[inout] index Index to fetch. This is incremented after the fetch.
340 	/// @param[out] pseudo_classes The pseudo-classes the decorator required to be active before it renders.
341 	/// @param[out] name The name of the decorator at the specified index.
342 	/// @param[out] decorator The decorator at the specified index.
343 	/// @param[out] decorator_data This element's handle to any data is has stored against the decorator.
344 	/// @return True if a decorator was successfully fetched, false if not.
345 	bool IterateDecorators(int& index, PseudoClassList& pseudo_classes, String& name, Decorator*& decorator, DecoratorDataHandle& decorator_data);
346 	//@}
348 	/// Gets the outer-most focus element down the tree from this node.
349 	/// @return Outer-most focus element.
350 	Element* GetFocusLeafNode();
352 	/// Returns the element's context.
353 	/// @return The context this element's document exists within.
354 	Context* GetContext();
356 	/** @name DOM Properties
357 	 */
358 	//@{
360 	/// Gets the name of the element.
361 	/// @return The name of the element.
362 	const String& GetTagName() const;
364 	/// Gets the id of the element.
365 	/// @return The element's id.
366 	const String& GetId() const;
367 	/// Sets the id of the element.
368 	/// @param[in] id The new id of the element.
369 	void SetId(const String& id);
371 	/// Gets the horizontal offset from the context's left edge to element's left border edge.
372 	/// @return The horizontal offset of the element within its context, in pixels.
373 	float GetAbsoluteLeft();
374 	/// Gets the vertical offset from the context's top edge to element's top border edge.
375 	/// @return The vertical offset of the element within its context, in pixels.
376 	float GetAbsoluteTop();
378 	/// Gets the horizontal offset from the element's left border edge to the left edge of its client area. This is
379 	/// usually the edge of the padding, but may be the content area for some replaced elements.
380 	/// @return The horizontal offset of the element's client area, in pixels.
381 	float GetClientLeft();
382 	/// Gets the vertical offset from the element's top border edge to the top edge of its client area. This is
383 	/// usually the edge of the padding, but may be the content area for some replaced elements.
384 	/// @return The vertical offset of the element's client area, in pixels.
385 	float GetClientTop();
386 	/// Gets the width of the element's client area. This is usually the padded area less the vertical scrollbar
387 	/// width, but may be the content area for some replaced elements.
388 	/// @return The width of the element's client area, usually including padding but not the vertical scrollbar width, border or margin.
389 	float GetClientWidth();
390 	/// Gets the height of the element's client area. This is usually the padded area less the horizontal scrollbar
391 	/// height, but may be the content area for some replaced elements.
392 	/// @return The inner height of the element, usually including padding but not the horizontal scrollbar height, border or margin.
393 	float GetClientHeight();
395 	/// Returns the element from which all offset calculations are currently computed.
396 	/// @return This element's offset parent.
397 	Element* GetOffsetParent();
398 	/// Gets the distance from this element's left border to its offset parent's left border.
399 	/// @return The horizontal distance (in pixels) from this element's offset parent to itself.
400 	float GetOffsetLeft();
401 	/// Gets the distance from this element's top border to its offset parent's top border.
402 	/// @return The vertical distance (in pixels) from this element's offset parent to itself.
403 	float GetOffsetTop();
404 	/// Gets the width of the element, including the client area, padding, borders and scrollbars, but not margins.
405 	/// @return The width of the rendered element, in pixels.
406 	float GetOffsetWidth();
407 	/// Gets the height of the element, including the client area, padding, borders and scrollbars, but not margins.
408 	/// @return The height of the rendered element, in pixels.
409 	float GetOffsetHeight();
411 	/// Gets the left scroll offset of the element.
412 	/// @return The element's left scroll offset.
413 	float GetScrollLeft();
414 	/// Sets the left scroll offset of the element.
415 	/// @param[in] scroll_left The element's new left scroll offset.
416 	void SetScrollLeft(float scroll_left);
417 	/// Gets the top scroll offset of the element.
418 	/// @return The element's top scroll offset.
419 	float GetScrollTop();
420 	/// Sets the top scroll offset of the element.
421 	/// @param[in] scroll_top The element's new top scroll offset.
422 	void SetScrollTop(float scroll_top);
423 	/// Gets the width of the scrollable content of the element; it includes the element padding but not its margin.
424 	/// @return The width (in pixels) of the of the scrollable content of the element.
425 	float GetScrollWidth();
426 	/// Gets the height of the scrollable content of the element; it includes the element padding but not its margin.
427 	/// @return The height (in pixels) of the of the scrollable content of the element.
428 	float GetScrollHeight();
430 	/// Gets the object representing the declarations of an element's style attributes.
431 	/// @return The element's style.
432 	ElementStyle* GetStyle();
434 	/// Gets the document this element belongs to.
435 	/// @return This element's document.
436 	virtual ElementDocument* GetOwnerDocument();
438 	/// Gets this element's parent node.
439 	/// @return This element's parent.
440 	Element* GetParentNode() const;
442 	/// Gets the element immediately following this one in the tree.
443 	/// @return This element's next sibling element, or NULL if there is no sibling element.
444 	Element* GetNextSibling() const;
445 	/// Gets the element immediately preceding this one in the tree.
446 	/// @return This element's previous sibling element, or NULL if there is no sibling element.
447 	Element* GetPreviousSibling() const;
449 	/// Returns the first child of this element.
450 	/// @return This element's first child, or NULL if it contains no children.
451 	Element* GetFirstChild() const;
452 	/// Gets the last child of this element.
453 	/// @return This element's last child, or NULL if it contains no children.
454 	Element* GetLastChild() const;
455 	/// Get the child element at the given index.
456 	/// @param[in] index Index of child to get.
457 	/// @return The child element at the given index.
458 	Element* GetChild(int index) const;
459 	/// Get the current number of children in this element
460 	/// @param[in] include_non_dom_elements True if the caller wants to include the non DOM children. Only set this to true if you know what you're doing!
461 	/// @return The number of children.
462 	int GetNumChildren(bool include_non_dom_elements = false) const;
464 	/// Gets the markup and content of the element.
465 	/// @param[out] content The content of the element.
466 	virtual void GetInnerRML(String& content) const;
467 	/// Gets the markup and content of the element.
468 	/// @return The content of the element.
469 	String GetInnerRML() const;
470 	/// Sets the markup and content of the element. All existing children will be replaced.
471 	/// @param[in] rml The new content of the element.
472 	void SetInnerRML(const String& rml);
474 	//@}
476 	/** @name DOM Methods
477 	 */
478 	//@{
480 	/// Gives focus to the current element.
481 	/// @return True if the change focus request was successful
482 	bool Focus();
483 	/// Removes focus from from this element.
484 	void Blur();
485 	/// Fakes a mouse click on this element.
486 	void Click();
488 	/// Adds an event listener to this element.
489 	/// @param[in] event Event to attach to.
490 	/// @param[in] listener The listener object to be attached.
491 	/// @param[in] in_capture_phase True to attach in the capture phase, false in bubble phase.
492 	void AddEventListener(const String& event, EventListener* listener, bool in_capture_phase = false);
493 	/// Removes an event listener from this element.
494 	/// @param[in] event Event to detach from.
495 	/// @param[in] listener The listener object to be detached.
496 	/// @param[in] in_capture_phase True to detach from the capture phase, false from the bubble phase.
497 	void RemoveEventListener(const String& event, EventListener* listener, bool in_capture_phase = false);
498 	/// Sends an event to this element.
499 	/// @param[in] event Name of the event in string form.
500 	/// @param[in] parameters The event parameters.
501 	/// @param[in] interruptible True if the propagation of the event be stopped.
502 	/// @return True if the event was not consumed (ie, was prevented from propagating by an element), false if it was.
503 	bool DispatchEvent(const String& event, const Dictionary& parameters, bool interruptible = false);
505 	/// Scrolls the parent element's contents so that this element is visible.
506 	/// @param[in] align_with_top If true, the element will align itself to the top of the parent element's window. If false, the element will be aligned to the bottom of the parent element's window.
507 	void ScrollIntoView(bool align_with_top = true);
509 	/// Append a child to this element.
510 	/// @param[in] element The element to append as a child.
511 	/// @param[in] dom_element True if the element is to be part of the DOM, false otherwise. Only set this to false if you know what you're doing!
512 	void AppendChild(Element* element, bool dom_element = true);
513 	/// Adds a child to this element, directly after the adjacent element. The new element inherits the DOM/non-DOM
514 	/// status from the adjacent element.
515 	/// @param[in] element Element to insert into the this element.
516 	/// @param[in] adjacent_element The element to insert directly before.
517 	void InsertBefore(Element* element, Element* adjacent_element);
518 	/// Replaces the second node with the first node.
519 	/// @param[in] inserted_element The element that will be inserted and replace the other element.
520 	/// @param[in] replaced_element The existing element that will be replaced. If this doesn't exist, inserted_element will be appended.
521 	/// @return True if the replaced_element was found, false otherwise.
522 	bool ReplaceChild(Element* inserted_element, Element* replaced_element);
523 	/// Remove a child element from this element.
524 	/// @param[in] The element to remove.
525 	/// @returns True if the element was found and removed.
526 	bool RemoveChild(Element* element);
527 	/// Returns whether or not this element has any DOM children.
528 	/// @return True if the element has at least one DOM child, false otherwise.
529 	bool HasChildNodes() const;
531 	/// Get a child element by its ID.
532 	/// @param[in] id Id of the the child element
533 	/// @return The child of this element with the given ID, or NULL if no such child exists.
534 	Element* GetElementById(const String& id);
535 	/// Get all descendant elements with the given tag.
536 	/// @param[out] elements Resulting elements.
537 	/// @param[in] tag Tag to search for.
538 	void GetElementsByTagName(ElementList& elements, const String& tag);
539 	/// Get all descendant elements with the given class set on them.
540 	/// @param[out] elements Resulting elements.
541 	/// @param[in] tag Tag to search for.
542 	void GetElementsByClassName(ElementList& elements, const String& class_name);
543 	//@}
545 	/**
546 		@name Internal Functions
547 	 */
548 	//@{
549 	/// Access the event dispatcher for this element.
550 	/// @return The element's dispatcher.
551 	EventDispatcher* GetEventDispatcher() const;
552 	/// Access the element background.
553 	/// @return The element's background.
554 	ElementBackground* GetElementBackground() const;
555 	/// Access the element border.
556 	/// @return The element's boder.
557 	ElementBorder* GetElementBorder() const;
558 	/// Access the element decorators.
559 	/// @return The element decoration.
560 	ElementDecoration* GetElementDecoration() const;
561 	/// Returns the element's scrollbar functionality.
562 	/// @return The element's scrolling functionality.
563 	ElementScroll* GetElementScroll() const;
564 	//@}
566 	/// Returns true if this element requires clipping
567 	int GetClippingIgnoreDepth();
568 	/// Returns true if this element has clipping enabled
569 	bool IsClippingEnabled();
571 	/// Gets the render interface owned by this element's context.
572 	/// @return The element's context's render interface.
573 	RenderInterface* GetRenderInterface();
575 	/// Sets the instancer to use for releasing this element.
576 	/// @param[in] instancer Instancer to set on this element.
577 	void SetInstancer(ElementInstancer* instancer);
579 	/// Called for every event sent to this element or one of its descendants.
580 	/// @param[in] event The event to process.
581 	virtual void ProcessEvent(Event& event);
583 	/// Update the element's layout if required.
584 	void UpdateLayout();
586     void PutUserValue(const String& identifier, std::unique_ptr<ValueReference> reference);
587     ValueReference* GetUserValue(const String& identifier) const;
589 protected:
590 	/// Forces the element to generate a local stacking context, regardless of the value of its z-index
591 	/// property.
592 	void ForceLocalStackingContext();
594 	/// Called during the update loop after children are updated.
595 	virtual void OnUpdate();
596 	/// Called during render after backgrounds, borders, decorators, but before children, are rendered.
597 	virtual void OnRender();
598 	virtual void OnBeforeRender();
599 	virtual void OnAfterRender();
601 	/// Called during a layout operation, when the element is being positioned and sized.
602 	virtual void OnLayout();
604 	/// Called when attributes on the element are changed.
605 	/// @param[in] changed_attributes The attributes changed on the element.
606 	virtual void OnAttributeChange(const AttributeNameList& changed_attributes);
607 	/// Called when properties on the element are changed.
608 	/// @param[in] changed_properties The properties changed on the element.
609 	virtual void OnPropertyChange(const PropertyNameList& changed_properties);
611 	/// Called when a child node has been added somewhere in the hierarchy.
612 	// @param[in] child The element that has been added. This may be this element.
613 	virtual void OnChildAdd(Element* child);
614 	/// Called when a child node has been removed somewhere in the hierarchy.
615 	// @param[in] child The element that has been removed. This may be this element.
616 	virtual void OnChildRemove(Element* child);
618 	/// Forces a re-layout of this element, and any other elements required.
619 	virtual void DirtyLayout();
621 	/// Returns true if the element has been marked as needing a re-layout.
622 	virtual bool IsLayoutDirty();
624 	/// Increment/Decrement the layout lock
625 	virtual void LockLayout(bool lock);
627 	/// Forces a reevaluation of applicable font effects.
628 	virtual void DirtyFont();
630 	/// Returns the RML of this element and all children.
631 	/// @param[out] content The content of this element and those under it, in XML form.
632 	virtual void GetRML(String& content);
634 	virtual void OnReferenceDeactivate();
636 private:
637 	void SetParent(Element* parent);
639 	void ReleaseDeletedElements();
640 	void ReleaseElements(ElementList& elements);
642 	void DirtyOffset();
643 	void UpdateOffset();
645 	void BuildLocalStackingContext();
646 	void BuildStackingContext(ElementList* stacking_context);
647 	void DirtyStackingContext();
649 	void DirtyStructure();
651 	// Original tag this element came from.
652 	String tag;
654 	// The optional, unique ID of this object.
655 	String id;
657 	// Instancer that created us, used for destruction.
658 	ElementInstancer* instancer;
660 	// Parent element.
661 	Element* parent;
662 	// Currently focused child object
663 	Element* focus;
664 	// The owning document
665 	ElementDocument* owner_document;
667 	// The event dispatcher for this element.
668 	EventDispatcher* event_dispatcher;
669 	// Style information for this element.
670 	ElementStyle* style;
671 	// Background functionality for this element.
672 	ElementBackground* background;
673 	// Border functionality for this element.
674 	ElementBorder* border;
675 	// Decorator information for this element.
676 	ElementDecoration* decoration;
677 	// Scrollbar information for this element.
678 	ElementScroll* scroll;
679 	// Attributes on this element.
680 	ElementAttributes attributes;
682 	// The offset of the element, and the element it is offset from.
683 	Element* offset_parent;
684 	Vector2f relative_offset_base;		// the base offset from the parent
685 	Vector2f relative_offset_position;	// the offset of a relatively positioned element
686 	bool offset_fixed;
688 	mutable Vector2f absolute_offset;
689 	mutable bool offset_dirty;
691 	// The offset this element adds to its logical children due to scrolling content.
692 	Vector2f scroll_offset;
694 	// The size of the element.
695 	typedef std::vector< Box > BoxList;
696 	BoxList boxes;
697 	// And of the element's internal content.
698 	Vector2f content_offset;
699 	Vector2f content_box;
701 	// Defines what box area represents the element's client area; this is usually padding, but may be content.
702 	Box::Area client_area;
704 	// True if the element is visible and active.
705 	bool visible;
707 	ElementList children;
708 	int num_non_dom_children;
710 	ElementList active_children;
711 	ElementList deleted_children;
713 	float z_index;
714 	bool local_stacking_context;
715 	bool local_stacking_context_forced;
717 	ElementList stacking_context;
718 	bool stacking_context_dirty;
720 	// The element's font face; used to render text and resolve em / ex properties.
721 	FontFaceHandle* font_face_handle;
723 	std::map<String, std::unique_ptr<ValueReference>> user_values;
725 	// Cached rendering information
726 	int clipping_ignore_depth;
727 	bool clipping_enabled;
728 	bool clipping_state_dirty;
730 	friend class Context;
731 	friend class ElementStyle;
732 	friend class LayoutEngine;
733 	friend class LayoutInlineBox;
734 };
736 #include "Element.inl"
738 }
739 }
741 #endif