1 // This file is part of OpenCV project.
2 // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
3 // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
4 //
5 // Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making WeChat QRCode available.
6 // Copyright (C) 2020 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
7 //
8 // Modified from ZXing. Copyright ZXing authors.
9 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
14 #include "counted.hpp"
16 namespace zxing {
18 template <typename T>
19 class Array : public Counted {
20 protected:
21 public:
22     std::vector<T> values_;
Array()23     Array() {}
Array(int n)24     explicit Array(int n) : Counted(), values_(n, T()) {}
Array(T const * ts,int n)25     Array(T const *ts, int n) : Counted(), values_(ts, ts + n) {}
Array(T const * ts,T const * te)26     Array(T const *ts, T const *te) : Counted(), values_(ts, te) {}
Array(T v,int n)27     Array(T v, int n) : Counted(), values_(n, v) {}
Array(std::vector<T> & v)28     explicit Array(std::vector<T> &v) : Counted(), values_(v) {}
Array(Array<T> & other)29     Array(Array<T> &other) : Counted(), values_(other.values_) {}
Array(Array<T> * other)30     explicit Array(Array<T> *other) : Counted(), values_(other->values_) {}
~Array()31     virtual ~Array() {}
operator =(const Array<T> & other)32     Array<T> &operator=(const Array<T> &other) {
33         values_ = other.values_;
34         return *this;
35     }
operator =(const std::vector<T> & array)36     Array<T> &operator=(const std::vector<T> &array) {
37         values_ = array;
38         return *this;
39     }
operator [](int i) const40     T const &operator[](int i) const { return values_[i]; }
operator [](int i)41     T &operator[](int i) { return values_[i]; }
size() const42     int size() const { return values_.size(); }
empty() const43     bool empty() const { return values_.size() == 0; }
values() const44     std::vector<T> const &values() const { return values_; }
values()45     std::vector<T> &values() { return values_; }
data()47     T *data() {
48         // return values_.data();
49         return &values_[0];
50     }
append(T value)51     void append(T value) { values_.push_back(value); }
52 };
54 template <typename T>
55 class ArrayRef : public Counted {
56 private:
57 public:
58     Array<T> *array_;
ArrayRef()59     ArrayRef() : array_(0) {}
ArrayRef(int n)60     explicit ArrayRef(int n) : array_(0) { reset(new Array<T>(n)); }
ArrayRef(T * ts,int n)61     ArrayRef(T *ts, int n) : array_(0) { reset(new Array<T>(ts, n)); }
ArrayRef(Array<T> * a)62     explicit ArrayRef(Array<T> *a) : array_(0) { reset(a); }
ArrayRef(const ArrayRef & other)63     ArrayRef(const ArrayRef &other) : Counted(), array_(0) { reset(other.array_); }
~ArrayRef()65     ~ArrayRef() {
66         if (array_) {
67             array_->release();
68         }
69         array_ = 0;
70     }
operator [](int i) const72     T const &operator[](int i) const { return (*array_)[i]; }
operator [](int i)74     T &operator[](int i) { return (*array_)[i]; }
reset(Array<T> * a)76     void reset(Array<T> *a) {
77         if (a) {
78             a->retain();
79         }
80         if (array_) {
81             array_->release();
82         }
83         array_ = a;
84     }
reset(const ArrayRef<T> & other)85     void reset(const ArrayRef<T> &other) { reset(other.array_); }
operator =(const ArrayRef<T> & other)86     ArrayRef<T> &operator=(const ArrayRef<T> &other) {
87         reset(other);
88         return *this;
89     }
operator =(Array<T> * a)90     ArrayRef<T> &operator=(Array<T> *a) {
91         reset(a);
92         return *this;
93     }
operator *() const95     Array<T> &operator*() const { return *array_; }
operator ->() const97     Array<T> *operator->() const { return array_; }
operator bool() const99     operator bool() const { return array_ != 0; }
operator !() const100     bool operator!() const { return array_ == 0; }
data()102     T *data() { return array_->data(); }
clear()104     void clear() {
105         T *ptr = array_->data();
106         memset(ptr, 0, array_->size());
107     }
append(T value)108     void append(T value) { array_->append(value); }
109 };
111 }  // namespace zxing
113 #endif  // __ZXING_COMMON_ARRAY_HPP__