1 /*
2 XLiFE++ is an extended library of finite elements written in C++
3     Copyright (C) 2014  Lunéville, Eric; Kielbasiewicz, Nicolas; Lafranche, Yvon; Nguyen, Manh-Ha; Chambeyron, Colin
5     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
9     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12     GNU General Public License for more details.
13     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
15  */
17 /*!
18   \file TermMatrix.hpp
19   \author E. Lunéville
20   \since 23 mar 2012
21   \date 5 oct 2012
23   \brief Definition of the xlifepp::TermMatrix class
25   xlifepp::TermMatrix class handles the numerical representation of general bilinear forms (xlifepp::BilinearForm)
26   that is the matrix a(vi,wj), i=1,...m; j=1,..,n with (vi)and (wj) the basis functions.
27   It inherits from xlifepp::Term class and it is an end user class.
29   A xlifepp::BilinearForm object (see BilinearForm.hpp) is a multiple unknowns/spaces bilinear form
30   that is a list of bilinear forms acting on a couple of (sub)spaces (xlifepp::SuBilinearForm object)
31   indexed by unknown/testfunction . As a consquence, a xlifepp::TermMatrix object is a list of xlifepp::SuTermMatrix objects
32   that are related to xlifepp::SuBilinearForm objects
34   \verbatim
35           child
36   Term  --------> TermMatrix
37                     | BilinearForm
38                     | MatrixEntry*
39                     | map<uvPair,SuTermMatrix>  (uvPair is a pair of unknown, testfunction)
40                     | ...
41   \endverbatim
43   End user has to instanciate only xlifepp::TermMatrix object, xlifepp::SuTermMatrix is an internal object never managed by end user,
44   even if its bilinear form is really a single unknown/testfunction bilinear form.
46   xlifepp::MatrixEntry pointer of xlifepp::TermMatrix is in general null, may be not in case of multiple uvPair bilinear form.
47   xlifepp::TermMatrix being seen as a block matrix, its matrix values are given by xlifepp::MatrixEntry of each xlifepp::SuTermMatrix.
48   In some circonstances (direct solvers), xlifepp::MatrixEntry pointer of xlifepp::TermMatrix may be allocated to store xlifepp::TermMatrix
49   as a contiguous matrix without block structure.
50   Be care, both representations may exist at the same time but with two times memory consuming !!!
52   Note : if required it is possible to go to scalar representation of matrix by using scalar_entries_p
53          and renumbering vectors cdofs_u (column) and cdofs_v (row).
54          This representation has no interest if all the unknowns involved in xlifepp::TemMatrix are scalar !
55 */
58 #ifndef TERM_MATRIX_HPP
59 #define TERM_MATRIX_HPP
61 #include "config.h"
62 #include "Term.hpp"
63 #include "TermVector.hpp"
64 #include "SuTermMatrix.hpp"
65 #include "form.h"
66 #include "largeMatrix.h"
67 #include "solvers.h"
68 #include "computation/termUtils.hpp"
69 #include "EigenTerms.hpp"
71 namespace xlifepp
72 {
74 //@{
75 //! useful aliases for TermMatrix class
76 typedef std::map<uvPair, SuTermMatrix*>::iterator it_mustm;
77 typedef std::map<uvPair, SuTermMatrix*>::const_iterator cit_mustm;
78 //@}
80 extern TermMatrix theDefaultTermMatrix;
81 extern const TermVector theDefaultTermVector;
82 extern Preconditioner theDefaultPreconditioner;
84 /*!
85    \class TermMatrix
86    end user class handling numerical representation of any
87    bilinear form (BilinearForm). May be multiple unknowns
88 */
89 class TermMatrix : public Term
90 {
91   protected:
92     BilinearForm bilinForm_;                    //!< bilinear form
93     std::map<uvPair, SuTermMatrix*> suTerms_;   //!< list of single unknowns term matrices
94     MatrixEntry* entries_p;                     //!< pointer to values of TermMatrix (see explanations)
96     //to deal with constraints
97     SetOfConstraints* constraints_u_p;         //!< constraints data related to conditions to apply to unknowns  (col)
98     SetOfConstraints* constraints_v_p;         //!< constraints data related to conditions to apply to test functions (row), in general equal to constraints_u_p
99     MatrixEntry* rhs_matrix_p;                 //!< pointer to a correction matrix when constraints applied
101     // for scalar representation
102     MatrixEntry* scalar_entries_p;             //!< values of TermMatrix in scalar representation, same as entries_p if scalar unknowns
103     std::vector<DofComponent> cdofs_c;         //!< col scalar numbering when scalar_entries_p is allocated
104     std::vector<DofComponent> cdofs_r;         //!< row scalar numbering when scalar_entries_p is allocated
106   public:
107     TermMatrix(const string_t & na="?");                                           //!< default constructor
109     //old constructors kept for ascending compatibility
110     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm &, const string_t& na, bool noass);   //!< constructor with no essential boundary conditions
111     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm &,  const EssentialConditions&,
112                const string_t& na, bool noass);                        //!< constructor with blf and essential conditions on u
113     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm &, const EssentialConditions&, const EssentialConditions&,
114                const string_t& na, bool noass );                       //!< constructor with blf and essential conditions on u and v (if different)
115     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm &, const SetOfConstraints&,
116                const string_t& na, bool noass);                        //!< constructor with blf and explicit constraints data on u
117     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm &, const SetOfConstraints&, const SetOfConstraints&,
118                const string_t& na, bool noass);                        //!< constructor with blf and explicit constraints data on u and v (if different)
120     //constructors with options and no essential boundary conditions
121     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const string_t& na="");
122     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
123     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, TermOption, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
124     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, TermOption, TermOption, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
126     //constructor with options and one essential boundary condition (same on u and v)
127     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, const string_t& na="");
128     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
129     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, TermOption, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
130     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, TermOption, TermOption, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
132     //constructor with one essential boundary condition (same on u and v) and explicit reduction method
133     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, const ReductionMethod&, const string_t& na="");
134     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, const ReductionMethod&, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
135     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, const ReductionMethod&, TermOption, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
136     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, const ReductionMethod&, TermOption, TermOption, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
138     //constructor with options and two essential boundary conditions (resp. on u and v)
139     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, const EssentialConditions&, const string_t& na="");
140     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, const EssentialConditions&, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
141     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, const EssentialConditions&, TermOption, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
142     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, const EssentialConditions&, TermOption, TermOption, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
144     //constructor with options and two essential boundary conditions (resp. on u and v) and explicit reduction method
145     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, const EssentialConditions&, const ReductionMethod&, const string_t& na="");
146     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, const EssentialConditions&, const ReductionMethod&, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
147     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, const EssentialConditions&, const ReductionMethod&, TermOption, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
148     TermMatrix(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions&, const EssentialConditions&, const ReductionMethod&, TermOption, TermOption, TermOption, const string_t& na="");
150     void build(const BilinearForm&, const EssentialConditions*, const EssentialConditions*, const ReductionMethod&,
151                const std::vector<TermOption>&, const string_t&);            //!< effective constructor from bilinear form, essential conditions  and options
153     //special constructors
154     TermMatrix(const TermMatrix &, const string_t& na="");                  //!< copy constructor (full copy)
155     explicit TermMatrix(const TermVector &, const string_t& na="");         //!< constructor of a diagonal TermMatrix from a TermVector
156     TermMatrix(const TermMatrix&, SpecialMatrix, const string_t& na="");    //!< construct special matrix from a TermMatrix (e.g _IdMatrix)
157     TermMatrix(const SuTermMatrix &, const string_t& na="");                //!< constructor of a TermMatrix from a SuTermMatrix   (full copy)
158     TermMatrix(SuTermMatrix *, const string_t& na="");                      //!< constructor of a TermMatrix from a SuTermMatrix * (pointer copy)
159     template<typename T>
160     TermMatrix(const Unknown&, const GeomDomain&, const Vector<T> &, const string_t& na=""); //!< special constructor of a diagonal TermMatrix from a vector
161     TermMatrix(const Unknown&, const GeomDomain&, const Unknown&, const GeomDomain&,
162                const OperatorOnKernel&, const string_t& na="");             //!< constructor of matrix opker(xi,yj) (Lagrange interpolation)
163     TermMatrix(const LcTerm<TermMatrix>&,const string_t& na="");            //!<constructor from a linear combination of TermMatrix's
165     //destructor, assign and construction tools
166     virtual ~TermMatrix();                                                //!< destructor
167     TermMatrix& operator=(const LcTerm<TermMatrix>&);                     //!< assign operator from a linear combination of TermMatrix's
168     TermMatrix& operator=(const TermMatrix&);                             //!< assign operator (full copy)
169     void initFromBlf(const BilinearForm &, const string_t& na ="", bool noass = false);  //!< initializer with blf
170     void copy(const TermMatrix&);                                         //!< copy a TermMatrix in current TermMatrix
171     void clear();                                                         //!< deallocate memory used by a TermMatrix
172     void insert(const SuTermMatrix &);                                    //!< insert a SuTermMatrix  with full copy
173     void insert(SuTermMatrix *);                                          //!< insert a SuTermMatrix with pointer copy
174     void initTermVector(TermVector&, ValueType, bool col=true) const;    //!< initialize a TermVector consistent with matrix rows or columns
175     template<typename T>
176     void initTermVectorT(TermVector&,const T&, bool col=true) const;     //!< initialize a TermVector from value T, consistent with matrix rows or columns
178     //accessors and properties
name() const179     string_t name() const { return Term::name(); }
180     void name(const string_t& nam);                                       //!< update the name of a TermMatrix and its SuTermMatrixs
181     void setStorage(StorageType, AccessType);                             //!< specify the storage of SuTermMatrix's
storageType()182     StorageType storageType()                                             //! returns storage type (cs, skyline, dense)
183     {return computingInfo_.storageType;}
storageAccess()184     AccessType storageAccess()                                            //! returns storage access (row, col, sym, dual)
185     {return computingInfo_.storageAccess;}
isSingleUnknown() const186     bool isSingleUnknown() const                                          //!  true if a single unknown matrix
187     {return suTerms_.size()==1;}
188     std::set<const Unknown*> rowUnknowns() const;                         //!< return set of row Unknowns (say v unknowns)
189     std::set<const Unknown*> colUnknowns() const;                         //!< return set of col Unknowns (say u unknowns)
190     std::set<const Space*> unknownSpaces() const;                         //!< list of involved unknown spaces
191     ValueType valueType() const;                                          //!< return value type (_real,_complex)
192     bool isScalar() const;                                                //!< true if all SuTermMatrix's are scalar
hasConstraints() const193     bool hasConstraints() const                                           //! true if one constraints pointer is not null
194     {return (constraints_u_p!=0 || constraints_v_p!=0);}
195     number_t numberOfRows() const;                                        //!< number of rows (counted in scalar dof)
196     number_t numberOfCols() const;                                        //!< number of columns (counted in scalar dof)
197     number_t nnz() const;                                                 //!< number of non zero coefficients (counted in scalar)
198     void markAsComputed(bool = true);                                     //!< TermMatrix and SutermMatrix's computed state = true or false
200     TermMatrix operator()(const Unknown&,const Unknown&) const;           //!< access to single unknowns block matrix as TermMatrix
201     SuTermMatrix& subMatrix(const Unknown*,const Unknown*);               //!< access to single unknowns term matrix
202     const SuTermMatrix& subMatrix(const Unknown*,const Unknown*) const;   //!< access to single unknowns term matrix (const)
203     SuTermMatrix* subMatrix_p(const Unknown*,const Unknown*);             //!< access to single unknowns term matrix pointer
204     const SuTermMatrix* subMatrix_p(const Unknown*,const Unknown*) const; //!< access to single unknowns term matrix pointer (const)
205     TermVector& getRowCol(number_t, AccessType, TermVector&) const;       //!< return the i-th row or col as a TermVector (i=1,...)
206     TermVector row(number_t) const;                                       //!< return the i-th row as a TermVector (i=1,...)
207     TermVector column(number_t) const;                                    //!< return the j-th col as a TermVector (j=1,...)
208     template <typename T>
209     LargeMatrix<T>& getLargeMatrix(StrucType =_undefStrucType) const;     //!< get internal matrix (restrictive), advanced usage
210     template <typename T>
211     HMatrix<T,FeDof>& getHMatrix(StrucType =_undefStrucType) const;       //!< get internal HMatrix if exists, advanced usage
begin() const213     cit_mustm begin() const                                               //! iterator to the first element of the SuTermMatrix map (const)
214     {return suTerms_.begin();}
begin()215     it_mustm begin()                                                      //! iterator to the first element of the SuTermMatrix map
216     {return suTerms_.begin();}
end() const217     cit_mustm end() const                                                 //! iterator to the last element of the SuTermMatrix map (const)
218     {return suTerms_.end();}
end()219     it_mustm end()                                                        //! iterator to the last element of the SuTermMatrix map
220     {return suTerms_.end();}
firstSut() const221     SuTermMatrix* firstSut() const                         //! first SuTermMatrix as pointer, 0 if void TermMatrix (const)
222     {
223       if(suTerms_.size()>0) return suTerms_.begin()->second;
224       else return 0;
225     }
firstSut()226     SuTermMatrix* firstSut()                               //! first SuTermMatrix as pointer, 0 if void TermMatrix
227     {
228       if(suTerms_.size()>0) return suTerms_.begin()->second;
229       else return 0;
230     }
suTerms()231     std::map<uvPair, SuTermMatrix*>& suTerms()              //! access to suterms
232     {return suTerms_;}
nbTerms() const233     number_t nbTerms() const                                //! number of suTerms
234     {return suTerms_.size();}
entries()235     MatrixEntry*& entries()                                 //! access to entries pointer (r/w)
236     {return entries_p;}
entries() const237     const MatrixEntry* entries() const                      //! access to entries pointer (r)
238     {return entries_p;}
scalar_entries()239     MatrixEntry*& scalar_entries()                          //! access to scalar entries pointer (r/w)
240     {return scalar_entries_p;}
scalar_entries() const241     const MatrixEntry* scalar_entries() const               //! access to scalar entries pointer (r)
242     {return scalar_entries_p;}
243     MatrixEntry* actual_entries() const;                    //!< return the actual pointer to entries (priority to scalar entry)
rhs_matrix()244     MatrixEntry*& rhs_matrix()                              //! access to rhs matrix pointer (r/w)
245     {return rhs_matrix_p;}
rhs_matrix() const246     const MatrixEntry* rhs_matrix()   const                 //! access to rhs matrix pointer (r)
247     {return rhs_matrix_p;}
cdofsr() const248     const std::vector<DofComponent>& cdofsr() const         //! access to cdofs_r vector (r)
249     {return cdofs_r;}
cdofsc() const250     const std::vector<DofComponent>& cdofsc() const         //! access to cdofs_c vector (r)
251     {return cdofs_c;}
cdofsr()252     std::vector<DofComponent>& cdofsr()                     //! access to cdofs_r vector (r/w)
253     {return cdofs_r;}
cdofsc()254     std::vector<DofComponent>& cdofsc()                     //! access to cdofs_c vector (r/w)
255     {return cdofs_c;}
257     SymType symmetry() const;                               //!< return global symmetry property
258     FactorizationType factorization() const;                //!< return factorization type if factorized
260     //computation functions and related tools
261     void compute();                                                       //!< compute TermMatrix
262     void compute(const LcTerm<TermMatrix>&,const string_t& na="");        //!< compute TermMatrix from a linear combination of TermMatrix's
264     //storage management tools
265     std::pair<StorageType,AccessType> findGlobalStorageType() const;      //!< suggest storage type for global representation
266     void toScalar(bool keepEntries=false);                                //!< create scalar representation of TermMatrix
267     void toGlobal(StorageType, AccessType, SymType=_noSymmetry,
268                   bool keepSuTerms=false);                                //!< create global scalar representation of TermMatrix
269     void toSkyline();                                                     //!< convert to skyline storage (works only for cs storage single unknown matrix)
270     void mergeNumbering(std::map<const Unknown*, std::list<SuTermMatrix* > >&, std::map<SuTermMatrix*, std::vector<number_t > >&,
271                         std::vector<DofComponent>&, AccessType);          //!< merging tool used by toGlobal()
272     void mergeNumberingFast(std::map<const Unknown*, std::list<SuTermMatrix*> >&, std::map<SuTermMatrix*, std::vector<number_t > >&,
273                             std::vector<DofComponent>&, AccessType);      //!< merging tool used by toGlobal(), fast version
275     void addIndices(std::vector<std::set<number_t> >&, MatrixStorage*,
276                     const std::vector<number_t>&, const std::vector<number_t>&); //!< merging tool used by toGlobal()
277     void mergeBlocks();                                                   //!< merge blocks referring to same vector unknowns
278     MatrixEntry* matrixData();                                            //!< turns to scalar representation and returns pointer to data
280     //essential conditions tools
281     void pseudoReduction();                           //!< reduction of essential condition using pseudo reduction method
283     //scalar type moving
284     TermMatrix& toReal();                             //!< go to real representation getting the real part when complex
285     TermMatrix& toComplex();                          //!< go to complex representation
286     TermMatrix& toImag();                             //!< go to real representation getting the imag part when complex
287     TermMatrix& toConj();                             //!< change to conj(U)
288     TermMatrix& roundToZero(real_t aszero=10*theEpsilon);  //!< round to zero all coefficients close to 0 (|.| < aszero)
289     friend TermMatrix real(const TermMatrix&);
290     friend TermMatrix imag(const TermMatrix&);
291     friend TermMatrix toComplex(const TermMatrix&);
292     friend TermMatrix roundToZero(const TermMatrix&, real_t aszero);
294     real_t norm2() const;                                                 //!< Frobenius norm : sqrt(sum|a_ij|^2)
295     real_t norminfty() const;                                             //!< infinite norm : sup|a_ij|
297     //in/out utilities
298     void print(std::ostream&) const;                                      //!< print TermMatrix
print(PrintStream & os) const299     void print(PrintStream& os) const {print(os.currentStream());}
300     void printSummary(std::ostream&) const;                               //!< print summary TermMatrix
printSummary(PrintStream & os) const301     void printSummary(PrintStream& os) const {printSummary(os.currentStream());}
302     void viewStorage(std::ostream&) const;                                //!< print storage on stream
viewStorage(PrintStream & os) const303     void viewStorage(PrintStream& os) const {viewStorage(os.currentStream());}
304     void saveToFile(const string_t&, StorageType, bool=false) const;      //!< save TermMatrix to file (dense or Matlab format)
306     //various algebraic operation
307     template<typename T> TermMatrix& operator*=(const T&);                //!< TermMatrix *= t
308     template<typename T> TermMatrix& operator/=(const T&);                //!< TermMatrix /= t
309     TermMatrix& operator+=(const TermMatrix&);                            //!< TermMatrix += TermMatrix
310     TermMatrix& operator-=(const TermMatrix&);                            //!< TermMatrix -= TermMatrix
311     friend TermVector& multMatrixVector(const TermMatrix&,const TermVector&, TermVector&);
312     friend TermVector operator*(const TermMatrix&,const TermVector&);
313     friend TermVector& multVectorMatrix(const TermVector&, const TermMatrix&, TermVector&);
314     friend TermVector& multVectorMatrix(const TermMatrix&, const TermVector&, TermVector&);
315     friend TermVector operator*(const TermVector&, const TermMatrix&);
316     friend TermMatrix operator*(const TermMatrix&, const TermMatrix&);
318     //solvers
319     friend TermVector prepareLinearSystem(TermMatrix&, TermVector&, MatrixEntry*&, VectorEntry*&,
320                                           StorageType, AccessType, bool);
321     friend void updateRhs(TermMatrix&, TermVector&);
322     void ldltSolve(const TermVector&, TermVector&);   //!< solve linear system using LDLt factorization
323     void ldlstarSolve(const TermVector&,TermVector&); //!< solve linear system using LDL* factorization
324     void luSolve(const TermVector&,TermVector&);      //!< solve linear system using LU factorization
325     void umfpackSolve(const TermVector&,TermVector&); //!< solve linear system using umfpack
326     void sorSolve(const TermVector& V, TermVector& R, const real_t w, SorSolverType sType ); //!< solve linear system using SOR
327     void sorUpperSolve(const TermVector& V, TermVector& R, const real_t w );           //!< solve linear system using SOR for upper triangular matrices
328     void sorDiagonalMatrixVector(const TermVector& V, TermVector& R, const real_t w ); //!< solve linear system using SOR for block diagonal matrices
329     void sorLowerSolve(const TermVector& V, TermVector& R, const real_t w );           //!< solve linear system using SOR for lower triangular matrices
330     void sorDiagonalSolve(const TermVector& V, TermVector& R, const real_t w );        //!< solve linear system using SOR for diagonal matrices
331 };
333 TermMatrix real(const TermMatrix&);        //!< return real part as a real TermMatrix
334 TermMatrix imag(const TermMatrix&);        //!< return imag part as a real TermMatrix
335 TermMatrix toComplex(const TermMatrix&);   //!< return the complex representation of the given TermMatrix
336 TermMatrix roundToZero(const TermMatrix&, real_t aszero);   //!< return the 0 rounded TermMatrix
338 TermVector& multMatrixVector(const TermMatrix&,const TermVector&, TermVector&);   //!< product TermMatrix * TermVector
339 TermVector operator*(const TermMatrix&,const TermVector&);     //!< product TermMatrix * TermVector
340 TermVector& multVectorMatrix(const TermVector&, const TermMatrix&, TermVector&);  //!< product TermVector * TermMatrix
341 TermVector& multVectorMatrix(const TermMatrix&, const TermVector&, TermVector&);  //!< product TermVector * TermMatrix
342 TermVector operator*(const TermVector&, const TermMatrix&);    //!< product TermVector * TermMatrix
343 TermMatrix operator*(const TermMatrix&, const TermMatrix&);    //!< product of TermMatrix
345 //! prepare linear system AX=B (internal tool)
346 TermVector prepareLinearSystem(TermMatrix&, TermVector&, MatrixEntry*&, VectorEntry*&, StorageType, AccessType, bool);
347 void updateRhs(TermMatrix&, TermVector&); //!< prepare rhs B of linear system AX=B (internal tool)
349 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
350 // External functions declaration
351 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
352 #include "decLinSys.hpp"
353 #include "decEigen.hpp"
norm2(const TermMatrix & A)355 inline real_t norm2(const TermMatrix& A)
356 {return A.norm2();}
norminfty(const TermMatrix & A)358 inline real_t norminfty(const TermMatrix& A)
359 {return A.norminfty();}
361 //in/out utils
saveToFile(const TermMatrix & A,const string_t & fn,StorageType st,bool enc=false)362 inline void saveToFile(const TermMatrix& A, const string_t& fn, StorageType st, bool enc = false)     //! save TermMatrix to file (dense or Matlab format)
363 {A.saveToFile(fn,st,enc);}
365 //integral representation
366 TermMatrix integralRepresentation(const Unknown&, const GeomDomain&, const LinearForm&, string_t nam="IR"); //!< integral representation
367 TermMatrix integralRepresentation(const GeomDomain&, const LinearForm&, string_t nam="IR");         //!< integral representation, no unknown
368 TermMatrix integralRepresentation(const std::vector<Point>&, const LinearForm&, string_t nam="IR"); //!< integral representation, no unknown, no domain
370 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
371 // template functions
372 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
373 //! special constructor of a diagonal TermMatrix from a vector
374 template<typename T>
TermMatrix(const Unknown & u,const GeomDomain & dom,const Vector<T> & v,const string_t & na)375 TermMatrix::TermMatrix(const Unknown& u, const GeomDomain& dom, const Vector<T> & v, const string_t& na)
376 {
377   trace_p->push("TermMatrix::TermMatrix(Vector<T>)");
378   entries_p = 0;
379   scalar_entries_p=0;
380   rhs_matrix_p=0;
381   constraints_u_p = 0;
382   constraints_v_p = 0;
383   termType_ = _termMatrix;
384   computingInfo_.noAssembly = false;
385   name_ = na;
386   TermVector tv(u,dom,v);
387   for(it_mustv it = tv.begin(); it != tv.end(); it++)
388     suTerms_[uvPair(&u,&u)]=new SuTermMatrix(*it->second, na+"_"+u.name());
389   computingInfo_.isComputed = true;
390   trace_p->pop();
391 }
393 /*
394   multiple algebraic operations on TermMatrix
395   produce a LcTerm object (linear combination of terms)
396   the computation is done by constructor from LcTerm or assign operation of a LcTerm
397 */
398 const TermMatrix& operator+(const TermMatrix&);         //!< unary operator+
399 LcTerm<TermMatrix> operator-(const TermMatrix&);                                //!< unary operator- (returns a LcTerm)
400 LcTerm<TermMatrix> operator+(const TermMatrix&, const TermMatrix&);             //!< addition of TermMatrix
401 LcTerm<TermMatrix> operator-(const TermMatrix&, const TermMatrix&);             //!< substraction of TermMatrix of a TermMatrix
402 LcTerm<TermMatrix> operator+(const LcTerm<TermMatrix>&, const TermMatrix&);     //!< addition of a TermMatrix to a LcTerm
403 LcTerm<TermMatrix> operator-(const LcTerm<TermMatrix>&, const TermMatrix&);     //!< substraction of a TermMatrix of a LcTerm
404 LcTerm<TermMatrix> operator+(const TermMatrix&, const LcTerm<TermMatrix>&);     //!< addition of a TermMatrix to a LcTerm
405 LcTerm<TermMatrix> operator-(const TermMatrix&, const LcTerm<TermMatrix>&);     //!< substraction of a LcTerm from a TermMatrix
406 TermVector operator*(const LcTerm<TermMatrix>&, const TermVector&);             //!< LcTerm * TermVector
408 //! product of TermMatrix by a real or a complex (template T)
409 template<typename T>
operator *(const TermMatrix & tv,const T & t)410 LcTerm<TermMatrix> operator*(const TermMatrix& tv, const T& t)
411 {
412   return LcTerm<TermMatrix>(&tv,t);
413 }
414 //! product of TermMatrix by a real or a complex (template T)
415 template<typename T>
operator *(const T & t,const TermMatrix & tv)416 LcTerm<TermMatrix> operator*(const T& t, const TermMatrix& tv)
417 {
418   return LcTerm<TermMatrix>(&tv,t);
419 }
420 //! division of TermMatrix by a real or a complex (template T)
421 template<typename T>
operator /(const TermMatrix & tv,const T & t)422 LcTerm<TermMatrix> operator/(const TermMatrix& tv, const T& t)
423 {
424   return LcTerm<TermMatrix>(&tv,1./t);
425 }
427 //! product assignment by a real or a complex (template T)
428 template<typename T>
operator *=(const T & t)429 TermMatrix& TermMatrix::operator*=(const T& t)
430 {
431   for(it_mustm it = suTerms_.begin(); it != suTerms_.end(); it++) *it->second *= t;
432   bilinForm_*=t;
433   return *this;
434 }
436 //! division assignment by a real or a complex (template T)
437 template<typename T>
operator /=(const T & t)438 TermMatrix& TermMatrix::operator/=(const T& t)
439 {
440   if(t == 0) error("divBy0");
441   for(it_mustm it = suTerms_.begin(); it != suTerms_.end(); it++) *it->second /= t;
442   bilinForm_/=t;
443   return *this;
444 }
446 //! product of TermMatrix by a real or a complex (template T)
447 template<typename T>
operator *(const TermMatrix & tM,const T & t)448 TermMatrix operator*(const TermMatrix & tM, const T& t)
449 {
450   TermMatrix R(tM);
451   return R*=t;
452 }
454 //! initialize a TermVector consistent with matrix column unknown (col=true), with matrix row unknown (col=false)
455 template<typename T>
initTermVectorT(TermVector & tv,const T & v,bool col) const456 void TermMatrix::initTermVectorT(TermVector& tv, const T& v, bool col) const
457 {
458   string_t na = tv.name(); //preserving only name
459   tv.clear();
460   tv.name() = na;
461   //make list of col unknowns
462   std::map<const Unknown*, SuTermMatrix*> terms;
463   for(cit_mustm itA = begin(); itA != end(); itA++)
464   {
465     const Unknown* u;
466     if(col) u = itA->first.first;
467     else    u = itA->first.second;
468     SuTermMatrix* Auv = itA->second;
469     if(terms.find(u) == terms.end()) terms[u] = Auv;
470   }
471   std::map<const Unknown*, SuTermMatrix*>::iterator it;
472   for(it = terms.begin(); it != terms.end(); it++)
473   {
474     const Unknown* u = it->first;
475     SuTermMatrix* sut = it->second;
476     Space* sp = sut->space_up();
477     if(!col) sp = sut->space_vp();
478     SuTermVector* sutX = new SuTermVector("", u, sp, v);
479     tv.insert(u, sutX);
480   }
481 }
483 /*! get internal matrix (restrictive), i.e LargeMatrix object if available
484     available only for single unknowns TermMatrix and multiple unknowns TermMatrix having a global representation
485     if scalar and vector representations both exist, the scalar representation is prior except if StrucType argument is specified
486     user has to specify the LargeMatrix type :
487         TermMatrix M(intg(omega,u*v));
488         LargeMatrix& Alm=M.getMatrix<Real>();
489     It returns a reference to the LargeMatrix
490     Note : designed for advanced usage
491 */
492 template <typename T>
getLargeMatrix(StrucType str) const493 LargeMatrix<T>& TermMatrix::getLargeMatrix(StrucType str) const
494 {
495   number_t nbsut=suTerms_.size();
496   if (nbsut==1) return suTerms_.begin()->second->getLargeMatrix<T>(str);
497   if (scalar_entries_p!=0 && str!=_matrix) return scalar_entries_p->getLargeMatrix<T>();
498   if (entries_p!=0) return entries_p->getLargeMatrix<T>();
499   where("TermMatrix::getLargeMatrix(StrucType)");
500   error("term_no_entries");
501   return *(new LargeMatrix<T>());  //fake return
502 }
504 /*! get internal H-matrix (restrictive), i.e HMatrix object if available
505     available only for single unknown TermMatrix
506     if scalar and vector representations both exist, the scalar representation is prior except if StrucType argument is specified
507     It returns a reference to a HMatrix
508     Note : designed for advanced usage
509 */
510 template <typename T>
getHMatrix(StrucType str) const511 HMatrix<T,FeDof>& TermMatrix::getHMatrix(StrucType str) const
512 {
513   number_t nbsut=suTerms_.size();
514   if (nbsut==1) return suTerms_.begin()->second->getHMatrix<T>(str);
515   where("TermMatrix::getHMatrix(StrucType)");
516   error("term_no_entries");
517   return *(new HMatrix<T,FeDof>());  //fake return
518 }
520 /* ================================================================================================
521                        computation algorithm for bilinear form as linear form
522                         (placed here because it uses TermMatrix's machinery)
523    ================================================================================================ */
524 /*!
525   Computation of a linear form defined from a bilinear form and a TermVector to apply to
526                    l(v) = a(U,v) or l(u)=a(u,V)   where U,V are some term vectors
527   \param lf   : a pair of BasicLinearForm and coefficient
528   \param val  : vector of values to fill in
529   \param vt   : type of value type
531   example :  intg_gamma grad(U)|grad(v) dy  U a termvector
532              int_sigma intg_gamma (U*G)*v   U a termvector
534   The algorithm is the most lazy one :
535       - go to the TermMatrix machinery to compute matrix A from a(u,v)
536       - do the product A*U or V*A
537       - add the product result to vector val
538 */
540 template<typename T, typename K>
computeBilAsLin(const std::pair<BasicLinearForm *,complex_t> & lf,Vector<T> & val,K & vt)541 void computeBilAsLin(const std::pair<BasicLinearForm*, complex_t>& lf, Vector<T>& val, K& vt)
542 {
543   if(lf.first->type()!=_bilinearAsLinear)
544   {
545     where("SuTermVector::computeBilAsLin(...)");
546     error("lform_not_handled", words("form type", lf.first->type()));
547   }
548   BilinearFormAsLinearForm* blfaslf = lf.first->asBilinearAsLinearForm();
549   K coef = complexToT<K>(lf.second);
550   //create TermMatrix
551   SuBilinearForm sublf(std::vector<blfPair>(1, blfPair(blfaslf->blf(), lf.second)));
552   BilinearForm blf(sublf);
553   TermMatrix S(blf);
554   //do product
555   TermVector R;
556   if(blfaslf->asUnknown_)  R=S* *blfaslf->termVector();
557   else                     R=*blfaslf->termVector()*S;
558   //add R to vector val
559   Vector<T> r;
560   R.asVector(r);
561   typename  Vector<T>::iterator itv=val.begin(), itr=r.begin();
562   for(;itr!=r.end(); ++itr, ++itv) *itv+=*itr;
563 }
565 } //end of namespace xlifepp
567 #endif /* TERM_MATRIX_HPP */