1 #include "shaders_common.h"
3 static const char* stock_fragment_xmb_snow_core = GLSL(
4    uniform float time;
5    uniform vec2 OutputSize;
6    out vec4 FragColor;
8    float baseScale = 3.5;  /* [1.0  .. 10.0] */
9    float density   = 0.7;  /* [0.01 ..  1.0] */
10    float speed     = 0.25; /* [0.1  ..  1.0] */
12    float rand(vec2 co)
13    {
14       return fract(sin(dot(co.xy, vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453);
15    }
17    float dist_func(vec2 distv)
18    {
19       float dist = sqrt((distv.x * distv.x) + (distv.y * distv.y)) * (40.0 / baseScale);
20       dist = clamp(dist, 0.0, 1.0);
21       return cos(dist * (3.14159265358 * 0.5)) * 0.5;
22    }
24    float random_dots(vec2 co)
25    {
26       float part = 1.0 / 20.0;
27       vec2 cd = floor(co / part);
28       float p = rand(cd);
30       if (p > 0.005 * (density * 40.0))
31          return 0.0;
33       vec2 dpos = (vec2(fract(p * 2.0) , p) + vec2(2.0, 2.0)) * 0.25;
35       vec2 cellpos = fract(co / part);
36       vec2 distv = (cellpos - dpos);
38       return dist_func(distv);
39    }
41    float snow(vec2 pos, float time, float scale)
42    {
43       /* add wobble */
44       pos.x += cos(pos.y * 1.2 + time * 3.14159 * 2.0 + 1.0 / scale) / (8.0 / scale) * 4.0;
45       /* add gravity */
46       pos += time * scale * vec2(-0.5, 1.0) * 4.0;
47       return random_dots(pos / scale) * (scale * 0.5 + 0.5);
48    }
50    void main(void)
51    {
52       float tim = time * 0.4 * speed;
53       vec2 pos = gl_FragCoord.xy / OutputSize.xx;
54       float a = 0.0;
55       /**
56        * Each of these is a layer of snow
57        * Remove some for better performance
58        * Changing the scale (3rd value) will mess with the looping
59        **/
60       a += snow(pos, tim, 1.0);
61       a += snow(pos, tim, 0.7);
62       a += snow(pos, tim, 0.6);
63       a += snow(pos, tim, 0.5);
64       a += snow(pos, tim, 0.4);
65       a += snow(pos, tim, 0.3);
66       a += snow(pos, tim, 0.25);
67       a += snow(pos, tim, 0.125);
68       a = a * min(pos.y * 4.0, 1.0);
69       FragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, a);
70    }
72 );