1#textdomain wesnoth-dm
3    name=_ "Overture"
4    id=01_Overture
5    next_scenario=02_This_Valley_Belongs_to_Me
6    {MEMOIRS_MAP 01_Overture.map}
7    turns=1
8    theme=Cutscene_Minimal
9    {MORNING}
11    {INTRO_AND_SCENARIO_MUSIC revelation.ogg heroes_rite.ogg}
13    [side]
14        # wmllint: who YOUNG_DELFADOR is Delfador
15        {YOUNG_DELFADOR}
16        facing=nw
17        side=1
18        save_id=Player
19        persistent=yes
20        controller=human
21        recruit=Mage,Spearman,Horseman
22        team_name=allies
23        user_team_name= _ "Mages"
24    [/side]
26    [side]
27        type=Mage of Light
28        id=Marshal
29        name=_"Marshal"
30        facing=sw
31        side=2
32        canrecruit=no
33        team_name=allies
34        user_team_name= _ "Mages"
35        controller=ai
36        {NAMED_UNIT 2 (Great Mage)  8   9 "First Oracle" (_"First Oracle") (ai_special,facing,profile=guardian,se,portraits/oracle1.png)}
37        {NAMED_UNIT 2 (Great Mage) 10  11 "Second Oracle" (_"Second Oracle")  (ai_special,facing,profile=guardian,sw,portraits/oracle2.png)}
38        {NAMED_UNIT 2 (Great Mage)  8  13 "Third Oracle" (_"Third Oracle")  (ai_special,facing,profile=guardian,nw,portraits/oracle3.png)}
39        {NAMED_UNIT 2 (Great Mage)  6  11 "Fourth Oracle" (_"Fourth Oracle")  (ai_special,facing,profile=guardian,ne,portraits/oracle4.png)}
40    [/side]
42    [story]
43        [part]
44            story = _ "This is the true story of Delfador the Great from his humble beginnings; the tale of how he became the most famous and powerful of all the mages of Wesnoth."
45        [/part]
46        [part]
47            story = _ "It begins on the Isle of Alduin, at the Academy which trains mages from throughout the Great Continent."
48        [/part]
49        [part]
50            story = _ "After ten years of training, two tests stand between that apprentice and attainment of the degree of Mage:"
51        [/part]
52        [part]
53            story = _ "<i>The New Mage Ceremony</i>"
54        [/part]
55        [part]
56            story = _ "and"
57        [/part]
58        [part]
59            story = _ "<i>The Name Journey</i>"
60        [/part]
61    [/story]
64    [event]
65        name=prestart
67        [unit]
68            {METHOR}
69            facing=nw
70            side=1
71            x,y=18,15
72        [/unit]
73    [/event]
75    [event]
76        name=start
77        [message]
78            speaker=narrator
79            message = _ "Academy of Magic, Isle of Alduin."
80            image=wesnoth-icon.png
81        [/message]
82        # wmllint: local spelling thorum restro targa
83        [message]
84            speaker=narrator
85            message = _ "... thorum restro targa thorum..."
86            image=items/brazier-lit1.png
87        [/message]
88        [message]
89            speaker=Marshal
90            message = _ "Come, O aspirant. The Oracles await you."
91        [/message]
93        # Delfador's entrance
94        [redraw][/redraw]
95        [delay]
96            time=500
97        [/delay]
98        {MOVE_UNIT id=Delfador 8 11}
99        [redraw][/redraw]
100        [delay]
101            time=500
102        [/delay]
104        [message]
105            speaker=narrator
106            message = _ "... thorum restro targa thorum..."
107            image=items/brazier-lit1.png
108        [/message]
109        # wmllint: local spelling del dor
110        [message]
111            speaker=First Oracle
112            message = _ "The time of peace is passing. Chaos is rising; evil is rooted in the land’s very heart. Darkness is coming soon. The world will be changed. And you will be among the champions of our brotherhood of mages. I give you the first syllable of power, the beginning of your name: DEL"
113        [/message]
114        [message]
115            speaker=narrator
116            message = _ "... thorum restro targa thorum..."
117            image=items/brazier-lit1.png
118        [/message]
119        [message]
120            speaker=Second Oracle
121            message = _ "You will not be least among those champions. Nay; you will be called <i>“The Great”</i> before your days are through. I give you the second syllable of power, the second part of your name: FA"
122        [/message]
123        [message]
124            speaker=narrator
125            message = _ "... thorum restro targa thorum..."
126            image=items/brazier-lit1.png
127        [/message]
128        [message]
129            speaker=Third Oracle
130            message = _ "Yes. Peace is broken, but hope is not extinguished. There is always hope. And you will be the father of it. I give you the final syllable of power, the last part of your name: DOR"
131        [/message]
132        [message]
133            speaker=narrator
134            message = _ "... thorum restro targa thorum..."
135            image=items/brazier-lit1.png
136        [/message]
137        [message]
138            speaker=Fourth Oracle
139            message = _ "After the battle, peace. After the darkness, dawn. From death springs new life. I call the power of the Bright Gods into your name: DELFADOR"
140        [/message]
141        [message]
142            speaker=narrator
143            message = _ "... thorum restro targa thorum..."
144            image=items/brazier-lit1.png
145        [/message]
146        [message]
147            speaker=Marshal
148            message = _ "DELFADOR, open your eyes. And open them again!"
149        [/message]
151        [message]
152            speaker=Delfador
153            message = _ ". ."
154        [/message]
155        [message]
156            speaker=Delfador
157            message = _ "o o"
158        [/message]
159        [message]
160            speaker=Delfador
161            message = _ "O O"
162        [/message]
163        [message]
164            speaker=Delfador
165            message = _ "The light fills me!"
166        [/message]
167        [message]
168            speaker=First Oracle
169            message = _ "It is well."
170        [/message]
171        [message]
172            speaker=Second Oracle
173            message = _ "It is well."
174        [/message]
175        [message]
176            speaker=Third Oracle
177            message = _ "It is well."
178        [/message]
179        [message]
180            speaker=Fourth Oracle
181            message = _ "It is well."
182        [/message]
183        [message]
184            speaker=Marshal
185            message = _ "Now, go forth!"
186        [/message]
187        [message]
188            speaker=Marshal
189            message = _ "Your name journey begins. Methor will lead you from this place."
190        [/message]
192        # Methor’s entrance
193        [redraw][/redraw]
194        [delay]
195            time=500
196        [/delay]
197        {MOVE_UNIT id=Methor 9 10}
198        [redraw][/redraw]
199        [delay]
200            time=500
201        [/delay]
203        # wmllint: recognize Methor
204        [message]
205            speaker=Methor
206            message = _ "But I will not see you to its end, for that is yours alone."
207        [/message]
209        {MODIFY_UNIT id=Delfador facing ne}
210        [redraw][/redraw]
211        [delay]
212            time=250
213        [/delay]
215        [message]
216            speaker=Methor
217            message = _ "Dangers and trials await us. When you have truly claimed the name you have been given, I will depart."
218        [/message]
219        [message]
220            speaker=Delfador
221            message=_"I am ready."
222        [/message]
224        # Using separate tags to insure Methor moves first
225        [move_unit]
226            id=Methor
227            to_x=13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
228            to_y=15,15,16,15,16,15,16,16
229        [/move_unit]
230        [move_unit]
231            id=Delfador
232            to_x=13,14,15,16,17,18,19
233            to_y=15,15,16,15,16,15,16
234        [/move_unit]
235        [delay]
236            time=250
237        [/delay]
239        [endlevel]
240            result=victory
241            linger_mode=no
242            carryover_report=no
244            #result=continue
245        [/endlevel]
246    [/event]