1#textdomain wesnoth-sota
4    name= _ "Meeting of the Minds"
5    map_data="{campaigns/Secrets_of_the_Ancients/maps/07_Meeting_of_the_Minds.map}"
6    theme=Cutscene_Minimal
8    [story]
9        [part]
10            story=_ "9 IV, 23 YW
12The tunnel at the back of the cave narrowed and ran on for quite some time. Patches of fungus on the wall gave off a feeble glow that kept me from stumbling too badly. Finally I saw a brighter light up ahead."
13        [/part]
14        {JOURNEY_PART 7}
15    [/story]
17    id=07_Meeting_of_the_Minds
18    next_scenario=08_Carcyn
26    [side]
27        {SIDE_1_ARDONNA}
28        shroud=yes
29        gold=0
30    [/side]
32    [side]
33        side=2
34        controller=ai
35        team_name=good
36        user_team_name= _ "Ras-Tabahn"
37        type=Dark Sorcerer SotA
38        name= _ "Ras-Tabahn"
39        id=Ras-Tabahn
40        canrecruit=yes
41        color=darkred
42        facing=sw
43        [unit]
44            type=Shadow
45            id=Shadow
46            x,y=11,7
47            facing=nw
48        [/unit]
49        [unit]
50            type=Ghost
51            x,y=8,4
52            facing=sw
53            experience=6
54        [/unit]
55        [unit]
56            type=Skeleton
57            x,y=3,6
58            facing=n
59            experience=3
60        [/unit]
61        [unit]
62            type=Skeleton
63            x,y=4,6
64            facing=n
65            experience=16
66        [/unit]
67    [/side]
69    [event]
70        name=prestart
72        [item]
73            x,y=13,3
74            image=scenery/gate-rusty-sw.png
75        [/item]
76        [item]
77            x,y=9,5
78            image=scenery/summoning-center.png
79        [/item]
80        [item]
81            x,y=12,6
82            image=items/potion-green.png
83        [/item]
84        [item]
85            x,y=13,6
86            image=items/potion-blue.png
87        [/item]
88        [item]
89            x,y=13,7
90            image=items/gold-coins.png
91        [/item]
92        [item]
93            x,y=7,4
94            image=items/ornate1.png
95        [/item]
96        [item]
97            x,y=8,3
98            image=items/book1.png
99        [/item]
100        [item]
101            x,y=14,4
102            image=items/ball-green.png
103        [/item]
104        [item]
105            x,y=10,4
106            image=items/altar-evil.png
107        [/item]
108        [item]
109            x,y=11,3
110            image=items/chest-plain-open.png
111        [/item]
112        [item]
113            x,y=10,7
114            image=items/coffin-closed.png
115        [/item]
116        [item]
117            x,y=9,3
118            image=items/chest-plain-closed.png
119        [/item]
120        [item]
121            x,y=14,1
122            image=units/leech-giant.png
123        [/item]
124    [/event]
126    # move_unit doesn't automatically clear the shroud until all the move_unit commands are
127    # finished. But, it looks better if the shroud clears as Ardonna moves. This macro makes
128    # that easier to do:
130    [move_unit]
131        id=Ardonna
132        to_x,to_y={X},{Y}
133    [/move_unit]
134    [redraw]
135        clear_shroud=yes
136        side=1
137    [/redraw]
142    [event]
143        name=start
145        [delay]
146            time=1000
147        [/delay]
148        {MOVE_AND_UNSHROUD 2 4}
149        {MOVE_AND_UNSHROUD 3 5}
150        {MOVE_AND_UNSHROUD 4 5}
151        {MOVE_AND_UNSHROUD 5 5}
152        {MOVE_AND_UNSHROUD 6 5}
153        {MOVE_AND_UNSHROUD 7 6}
154        [remove_shroud]
155            side=1
156        [/remove_shroud]
157        [delay]
158            time=2000
159        [/delay]
160        [message]
161            speaker=Ardonna
162            message= _ "Oh, wow."
163        [/message]
164        [message]
165            speaker=Ras-Tabahn
166            message= _ "I am Ras-Tabahn. Welcome to my laboratory, Ardonna of Tarrynth!"
167        [/message]
168        [message]
169            speaker=Ardonna
170            message= _ "How do you know my name?"
171        [/message]
172        [message]
173            speaker=Ras-Tabahn
174            message= _ "I know much about you. My ghosts have been watching you for some time now, and you and I share the goal of resisting death. I have been hoping several students would free themselves from that conservative academy, but it seems that you will be the only one. Fortunately, you are quite innovative, and have even accomplished something which I have not. You have useful creatures — I believe you call them ghouls?"
175        [/message]
176        [message]
177            speaker=Ardonna
178            message= _ "Yes, I can show you how to make your own, but have you not solved the problem already with your ghosts?"
179        [/message]
180        [message]
181            speaker=Ras-Tabahn
182            message= _ "Alas, no. Ghosts can retain some memories if they are raised quickly enough, and they make good scouts and soldiers after they have some experience, but you wouldn’t want to become one yourself. You see the blades Vash-Gorn carries? It took a complicated ritual to bind that metal to the spirit, and one couldn’t perform that ritual oneself without a physical body. Being unable to interact with the world would be terribly frustrating. No matter; I have another idea."
183        [/message]
184        [message]
185            speaker=Ras-Tabahn
186            message= _ "I believe I know how to get the information we seek, but it would have been too difficult to obtain myself. Therefore, we shall go on a mission, you and I. First, we will enlarge our armies, and then..."
187        [/message]
188        [message]
189            speaker=Ardonna
190            message= _ "Wait. I have heard nothing yet that makes me think I should trust you."
191        [/message]
192        [message]
193            speaker=Ras-Tabahn
194            message= _ "Ah... yes, I suppose not. Let me teach you some of what I know today, and see if that informs your opinion. However, the question of trust is not the most important. The question is whether or not we can work together. Listen. The ancient Wesfolk honed their craft over generations. There is more to know than one individual can learn in a lifetime. If you do your research alone, you will one day be as old as I, and death will pursue you just as relentlessly. However, if we combine our research, we have a chance of finishing before it is too late for us."
195        [/message]
196        [message]
197            speaker=Ardonna
198            message= _ "For you, you mean. I am only nineteen. Still, you make a good case. We can work together for now."
199        [/message]
200        [message]
201            speaker=Ras-Tabahn
202            message= _ "Splendid. Here is what I propose. First, we part ways for a time, and you raise a force of ghosts following my instructions. Meanwhile, I am going to try to train some local peasants in the magical arts. I don't expect much from that uneducated rabble, but hopefully some will be intelligent enough to add to our firepower. When we reunite, you will show me how to make one of those shambling ghouls. I am actually in no hurry, as they have a terrible odor."
203        [/message]
204        [message]
205            speaker=Ardonna
206            message= _ "Well I can’t smell, so I didn’t know about that."
207        [/message]
208        [message]
209            speaker=Ras-Tabahn
210            message= _ "Curious, but convenient for one such as us."
211        [/message]
212        [message]
213            speaker=Ardonna
214            message= _ "Why can’t I just raise some of the goblins outside?"
215        [/message]
216        [message]
217            speaker=Ras-Tabahn
218            message= _ "Those goblins were too weak, and it would take their spirits a long time to become strong enough to be useful. You are going to raise Elvish warriors instead. A few miles into the Grey Woods, there lies an ancient battleground from a civil war hundreds of years ago. You will follow an old elf road there and raise an army of ghosts while I visit Carcyn, a nearby town. We will meet at the end of the elf road by the Great River, and I will explain where we should go next."
219        [/message]
220        [message]
221            speaker=Ardonna
222            message= _ "Very well. We will do as you suggest."
223        [/message]
224        [endlevel]
225            result=victory
226            linger_mode=no
227            carryover_report=no
228            bonus=no
229            carryover_percentage=100
230            # We don't use carryover_add because we're about to switch leaders.
231        [/endlevel]
232    [/event]
235#undef JOURNEY_STAGE1
236#undef JOURNEY_STAGE2
237#undef JOURNEY_STAGE3
238#undef JOURNEY_STAGE4
239#undef JOURNEY_STAGE5
240#undef JOURNEY_STAGE6
241#undef JOURNEY_STAGE7