1#textdomain wesnoth-httt
3    id=21_Elven_Council
4    name= _ "The Elven Council"
5    map_data="{campaigns/Heir_To_The_Throne/maps/21_Elven_Council.map}"
7    turns=1
8    theme=Cutscene_Minimal
10    next_scenario=22_Return_to_Wesnoth
16    {SCENARIO_MUSIC "elf-land.ogg"} # More in start event
18    # wmllint: local spellings Elandria Kliada
19    [side]
20        type=Commander
21        id=Konrad
22        name= _ "Konrad"
23        unrenamable=yes
24        profile=portraits/konrad-human.png
25        side=1
26        canrecruit=yes
27        controller=human
28        gold=0
29        team_name=elves
30        user_team_name=_"Allies"
31        {FLAG_VARIANT long}
32    [/side]
34    [side]
35        type=Elvish Lord
36        id=Uradredia
37        name= _ "Uradredia"
38        side=2
39        canrecruit=yes
40        team_name=elves
41        user_team_name=_"Allies"
42        {FLAG_VARIANT wood-elvish}
43    [/side]
44    [side]
45        type=Elvish Lady
46        id=Parandra
47        name= _ "Parandra"
48        side=3
49        canrecruit=yes
50        team_name=elves
51        user_team_name=_"Allies"
52        {FLAG_VARIANT wood-elvish}
53    [/side]
55    [event]
56        name=prestart
58        [music]
59            name=silvan_sanctuary.ogg
60            immediate=no
61            append=no
62        [/music]
64        {NEED_DELFADOR (x,y=10,13)}
65        {NEED_KALENZ (x,y=10,9)}
66        {NEED_LISAR (x,y=11,14)}
67        [unit]
68            type=Elvish Champion
69            x=11
70            y=8
71            side=3
72            id=Bellrok
73            name= _ "Bellrok"
74        [/unit]
75        [unit]
76            type=Elvish Avenger
77            gender=female
78            side=2
79            x=15
80            y=10
81            id=Tindolean
82            name= _ "Tindolean"
83        [/unit]
84        [unit]
85            type=Elvish Enchantress
86            x=15
87            y=12
88            side=2
89            id=Everlore
90            name= _ "Everlore"
91        [/unit]
92    [/event]
94    [event]
95        name=start
97        [message]
98            speaker=Uradredia
99            message= _ "Greetings, and welcome to our capital. You should feel honored. It has been half a century — a generation in the way your race counts time — since any man has been considered Elf-friend enough to stand here in Elensiria."
100        [/message]
101        [message]
102            speaker=Konrad
103            message= _ "We are indeed honored."
104        [/message]
105        [message]
106            speaker="Li'sar"
107            message= _ "I might also say that it is you who are honored. It has been so long since you have been graced by the presence of a princess of Wesnoth."
108        [/message]
109        [message]
110            speaker=Delfador
111            {DELFADOR_VARIATION mad}
112            message= _ "Silence, foolish girl! With such arrogance, is it any surprise that the royal family of Wesnoth long ago saw their ancient alliances fall to pieces?"
113        [/message]
114        [message]
115            speaker="Li'sar"
116            message= _ "Yes... you are right, sir. It is I who am honored to be here, and I apologize for my discourtesy."
117        [/message]
118        [message]
119            speaker=Uradredia
120            message= _ "Delfador the Great. As wise with his tongue in advice as he is strong with his staff in battle. A rare combination, especially among men."
121        [/message]
122        [message]
123            speaker=Parandra
124            message= _ "How quickly does the race of men mature! Only seventeen winters have passed since I last laid eyes on you, Konrad, yet you are now a grown man. A proven warrior stands before me!"
125        [/message]
126        [message]
127            speaker=Konrad
128            message= _ "Forgive me, Elf, but I’m afraid I do not recall meeting you before."
129        [/message]
130        [message]
131            speaker=Delfador
132            message= _ "Konrad, this is Parandra. She helped me rescue you from the clutches of Asheviere."
133        [/message]
134        [message]
135            speaker=Konrad
136            message= _ "I had no idea! Thank you, my lady. It is a pleasure to meet you again."
137        [/message]
138        [message]
139            speaker="Li'sar"
140            message= _ "Rescued him from my mother? But seventeen years ago Konrad would have been an infant! What is this you are talking about?"
141        [/message]
142        [message]
143            speaker=Delfador
144            message= _ "Your mother has much blood upon her hands, child. She has had many killed unjustly. When Konrad was an infant, she ordered all the princes put to death, so she could seize control."
145        [/message]
146        [message]
147            speaker="Li'sar"
148            message= _ "She had them murdered? There were others too, not just Konrad? Surely you do not speak the truth! Parandra, what do you say?"
149        [/message]
150        [message]
151            speaker=Parandra
152            message= _ "When Delfador the Great speaks of the Queen Dowager, Asheviere, ordering the princes of Wesnoth to be put to death, he speaks the truth."
153        [/message]
154        [message]
155            speaker="Li'sar"
156            message= _ "And what say you, Elf-king?"
157        [/message]
158        [message]
159            speaker=Uradredia
160            message= _ "I did not see it myself, but I have heard many reliable reports. Asheviere indeed has the blood of the princes on her hands. She has also allowed orcs to desecrate the lands, abandoning all respect for the peoples around her."
161        [/message]
162        [if]
163            [variable]
164                name=sceptre
165                equals="Konrad"
166            [/variable]
167            [then]
168                [message]
169                    speaker="Li'sar"
170                    message= _ "Well, that is why I must take the Sceptre. I will return, and people will accept me as Queen. I will rule justly and fairly. My mother is only Queen Dowager. The throne is rightfully mine, and with the Sceptre I can prove it."
171                [/message]
172                [message]
173                    speaker=Delfador
174                    {DELFADOR_MENTORING}
175                    message= _ "Young lady, there is some good in you, but the throne is not yours to claim. Konrad has the Sceptre. He will take the throne."
176                [/message]
177            [/then]
178            [else]
179                [message]
180                    speaker="Li'sar"
181                    message= _ "Well, I have the Sceptre! I will return and the people will accept me as Queen! My mother is only Queen Dowager. The Throne is rightfully mine, and I will rule from it with justice and fairness. I may even accept you as my adviser and counselor, Delfador."
182                [/message]
183                [message]
184                    speaker=Delfador
185                    {DELFADOR_MENTORING}
186                    message= _ "Though you have the Sceptre, Li’sar, it is rightfully Konrad’s. You have it now only because we helped you get it."
187                [/message]
188                [message]
189                    speaker="Li'sar"
190                    message= _ "And if I refuse to give it to him?"
191                [/message]
192                [message]
193                    speaker=Delfador
194                    {DELFADOR_MENTORING}
195                    message= _ "If it is necessary, I will ask Konrad to fight you in a duel for it."
196                [/message]
197                [message]
198                    speaker=Konrad
199                    message= _ "Delfador! Li’sar has become our friend. I don’t want to fight her! As long as she rules well, what does it matter if she becomes queen?"
200                [/message]
201                [message]
202                    speaker=Delfador
203                    {DELFADOR_MENTORING}
204                    message= _ "You are the rightful heir. You should be king, Konrad."
205                [/message]
206            [/else]
207        [/if]
209        [message]
210            speaker=Parandra
211            message= _ "Delfador, you have raised Konrad to be skillful and wise, honorable and just. A warrior who has respect, and appreciates peace. Yet the throne is not the place for him. You know of what I speak, Delfador."
212        [/message]
213        [message]
214            speaker="Li'sar"
215            message= _ "But I do not! What is your meaning, Parandra?"
216        [/message]
217        [message]
218            speaker=Parandra
219            message= _ "In time, things will be revealed, fair Princess. For the moment, go forth and claim the throne of Wesnoth."
220        [/message]
221        [message]
222            speaker=Delfador
223            message= _ "Parandra, what you say may seem right to some, but as long as you and I speak to no-one of what we know, I see no reason why Konrad would not best have the throne."
224        [/message]
225        [message]
226            speaker=Parandra
227            message= _ "In so many things you are right, Delfador, and your wisdom is unmatched in the world of men. But in this, you are mistaken. Li’sar is the heir. She should take the throne. Now that I have met her for myself, I am sure of it."
228        [/message]
229        [message]
230            speaker=Konrad
231            message= _ "She will claim the throne, and not me? What should I do?"
232        [/message]
233        [message]
234            speaker=Parandra
235            message= _ "Li’sar should be Queen, but you will go with her. Indeed, I suspect we could not convince you otherwise. I have seen the way you look at her, Konrad. I think that now you would follow her even to the ends of the earth."
236        [/message]
237        [message]
238            speaker=Konrad
239            message= _ "With all due respect, my lady, she is my cousin! There is nothing between us!"
240        [/message]
241        [message]
242            speaker=Parandra
243            message= _ "Then if it is as you say, Konrad, perhaps you should stay here with us. It would surely be safer for you. The elves could show you things that would amaze you, things that no man has seen before."
244        [/message]
245        [message]
246            speaker=Konrad
247            message= _ "That is a generous offer, my lady, but you are indeed right, I would rather go with Li’sar."
248        [/message]
249        [message]
250            speaker=Delfador
251            message= _ "And what say you, Uradredia?"
252        [/message]
253        [message]
254            speaker=Uradredia
255            message= _ "Tell me, Li’sar, are you willing to fight your own mother for the throne?"
256        [/message]
257        [message]
258            speaker="Li'sar"
259            message= _ "It is for the good of the country. If it is necessary, I will fight her, Elf-king."
260        [/message]
261        [message]
262            speaker=Uradredia
263            message= _ "I feel that this lady speaks the truth. Delfador, although I know that you do not concur, the words of Parandra, daughter of Elandria are wise. Rest here for a time, and then go forth with them."
264        [/message]
265        [message]
266            speaker=Delfador
267            message= _ "And you who have been with us for a time, Kalenz son of Kliada, what say you?"
268        [/message]
269        [message]
270            speaker=Kalenz
271            message= _ "Wisdom has been spoken here today, Delfador. We have been with Li’sar in the most trying of times, and risked life and limb with her. Yet we still have both our lives and our limbs. She lacks experience, and has too much of the brashness of youth, but she will make a good Queen in time."
272        [/message]
273        [message]
274            speaker=Delfador
275            message= _ "So, the Elven Council has spoken. But which path should we take on our journey? The Ford of Abez will not be passable, for surely it will be watched and guarded by many men."
276        [/message]
277        [message]
278            speaker=Uradredia
279            message= _ "There is another way by which you can return to Wesnoth: past the mountains of the dragons and through the dark valley, to the land of the East. From there you can return to Wesnoth and surprise the Dark Queen, catching her off guard."
280        [/message]
281        [message]
282            speaker=Konrad
283            message= _ "Mountains of the dragons? That sounds very dangerous! I didn’t even think there were such things as dragons!"
284        [/message]
285        [message]
286            speaker=Delfador
287            message= _ "No dragon has been sighted in those mountains for many years, but they retain their name of old. Still, that path will be dangerous for us. Is there not another route we might take?"
288        [/message]
289        [message]
290            speaker=Uradredia
291            message= _ "All routes are dangerous, though there is some hope along this path. Rest, and then go forth, friends. Fortune has smiled upon you so far, despite great dangers. Perhaps she will continue to do so."
292        [/message]
293        [message]
294            speaker=Parandra
295            message= _ "Yes, rest. Your soldiers will be tended to and refreshed. We have made sure you will leave our protection with the resources to finish your journey."
296        [/message]
297        [endlevel]
298            result=victory
299            bonus=no
300            {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 100}
301            carryover_report=no
302            linger_mode=no
303        [/endlevel]
304    [/event]