1 // -*- c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
3 /** @file BatchFrame.h
4  *
5  *  @brief Batch processor for Hugin with GUI
6  *
7  *  @author Marko Kuder <marko.kuder@gmail.com>
8  *
9  *  $Id: BatchFrame.h 3322 2008-08-16 5:00:07Z mkuder $
10  *
11  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
13  *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
14  *  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15  *
16  *  This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19  *  General Public License for more details.
20  *
21  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
22  *  License along with this software. If not, see
23  *  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24  *
25  */
27 #ifndef BATCHFRAME_H
28 #define BATCHFRAME_H
30 #include "RunStitchFrame.h"
31 #include "Batch.h"
32 #include "ProjectListBox.h"
33 #include "DirTraverser.h"
34 #include "wx/help.h"
35 #if !wxUSE_HELP
36 #error wxWidgets needs to be compiled with help support (wxUSE_HELP not set)
37 #endif
38 #if defined __WXMSW__ && !(wxCHECK_VERSION(3,1,1))
39 #include "base_wx/wxPlatform.h"
40 #define wxHelpController HuginCHMHelpController
41 #endif
42 #include "BatchTrayIcon.h"
43 //#include <wx/app.h>
44 #include "ProgressStatusBar.h"
45 #include <wx/timer.h>
47 /** Simple class that forward the drop to the mainframe */
48 class BatchDropTarget : public wxFileDropTarget
49 {
50 public:
51     /** File/directory drag and drop handler method
52      *
53      * When a project file is droped, it is added with default prefix.
54      * When a directory is dropped, the directory and all sub-directory are scanned and
55      * all found project files are added to the queue.
56      */
57     bool OnDropFiles(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxArrayString& filenames);
58 };
60 class BatchFrame : public wxFrame
61 {
62 public:
63     //Main constructor
64     BatchFrame(wxLocale* locale, wxString xrc);
65     // create statusbar with progress control
66     wxStatusBar* OnCreateStatusBar(int number, long style, wxWindowID id, const wxString& name);
68     void OnUserExit(wxCommandEvent& event);
69     void OnButtonAddCommand(wxCommandEvent& event);
70     void OnButtonAddDir(wxCommandEvent& event);
71     void OnButtonSearchPano(wxCommandEvent& e);
72     /** let the user select a project file which should be added to the stitching queue */
73     void OnButtonAddToStitchingQueue(wxCommandEvent& event);
74     /** let the user select a project file which should be added to the stitching queue */
75     void OnButtonAddToAssistantQueue(wxCommandEvent& event);
76     void OnButtonCancel(wxCommandEvent& event);
77     void OnButtonChangePrefix(wxCommandEvent& event);
78     void OnButtonClear(wxCommandEvent& event);
79     void OnMinimizeTrayMenu(wxCommandEvent& e);
80     void OnButtonHelp(wxCommandEvent& event);
81     void OnButtonMoveDown(wxCommandEvent& event);
82     void OnButtonMoveUp(wxCommandEvent& event);
83     void OnButtonOpenBatch(wxCommandEvent& event);
84     void OnButtonOpenWithHugin(wxCommandEvent& event);
85     void OnButtonPause(wxCommandEvent& event);
86     void OnButtonRemoveComplete(wxCommandEvent& event);
87     void OnButtonRemoveFromList(wxCommandEvent& event);
88     void OnButtonReset(wxCommandEvent& event);
89     void OnButtonResetAll(wxCommandEvent& event);
90     void OnButtonRunBatch(wxCommandEvent& event);
91     void OnButtonSaveBatch(wxCommandEvent& event);
92     void OnButtonSkip(wxCommandEvent& event);
94     void OnCheckOverwrite(wxCommandEvent& event);
95     void OnChoiceEnd(wxCommandEvent& event);
96     void OnCheckVerbose(wxCommandEvent& event);
97     /** event handler called when auto remove checkbox was changed */
98     void OnCheckAutoRemove(wxCommandEvent& event);
99     /** event handler called when auto stitch checkbox was changed */
100     void OnCheckAutoStitch(wxCommandEvent& event);
101     /** event handler called when always save log checkbox was changed */
102     void OnCheckSaveLog(wxCommandEvent& event);
103     /** event handler for update progress controls */
104     void OnProgress(wxCommandEvent& event);
106     //Called on window close to take care of the child thread
107     void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event);
108     /** handle when minimize or restore image */
109     void OnMinimize(wxIconizeEvent& e);
110     //Resets all checkboxes based on m_batch object properties
111     void PropagateDefaults();
112     //Sets all checkboxes corresponding the setting in config
113     void SetCheckboxes();
114     //Starts batch execution
115     void RunBatch();
116     //Sets locale and XRC prefix pointers from main app
117     void SetLocaleAndXRC(wxLocale* locale, wxString xrc);
118     //Swaps the project entry at index in the list with the next (at index+1).
119     void SwapProject(int index, bool down);
120     //PanoramaOptions readOptions(wxString projectFile);
121     /** return which task should be executed at end*/
122     Batch::EndTask GetEndTask();
123     /** return if overwrite checkbox is checked */
124     bool GetCheckOverwrite();
125     /** return if verbose checkbox is checked */
126     bool GetCheckVerbose();
127     /** return if auto remove checkbox is checked */
128     bool GetCheckAutoRemove();
129     /** return if auto stitch checkbox is checked */
130     bool GetCheckAutoStitch();
131     /** return if always save log is checked */
132     bool GetCheckSaveLog();
133     void RestoreSize();
134     void AddToList(wxString aFile, Project::Target target=Project::STITCHING);
135     void AddDirToList(wxString aDir);
136     void ChangePrefix(int index,wxString newPrefix);
137     /** returns true, if batch is running */
138     bool IsRunning();
139     /** returns true, if batch is paused */
140     bool IsPaused();
141     /** sets status message, also updates tooltip of taskbar icon
142      *  @param status text for status bar
143      */
144     void SetStatusInformation(wxString status);
145     /** update visibility of verbose output window depending on status of verbose checkbox */
146     void UpdateBatchVerboseStatus();
147     /** returns true, if last session was finished minimized */
IsStartedMinimized()148     bool IsStartedMinimized()
149     {
150         return m_startedMinimized;
151     };
152     /** sets the current verbose status, does not update the checkbox */
153     void SetInternalVerbose(bool newVerbose);
154     /** update the progress bar in the task bar */
155     void UpdateTaskBarProgressBar();
157     /** return help controller for open help */
GetHelpController()158     wxHelpController& GetHelpController() { return m_HelpController; }
160     //wxMutex* projListMutex;
161     ProjectListBox* projListBox;
163 private:
164     wxLocale* m_locale;
165     wxString m_xrcPrefix;
166     Batch* m_batch;
167     bool m_cancelled;
168     bool m_paused;
169     wxChoice* m_endChoice;
170     // help controller
171     wxHelpController m_HelpController;
172     BatchTaskBarIcon* m_tray;
173     ProgressStatusBar* m_progStatusBar;
174     wxIcon m_iconNormal;
175     wxIcon m_iconRunning;
176     wxIcon m_iconPaused;
177     // timer for checking of modified projects
178     wxTimer* m_updateProjectsTimer;
179     bool m_startedMinimized;
181     void OnProcessTerminate(wxProcessEvent& event);
182     /** called by thread to update listbox */
183     void OnUpdateListBox(wxTimerEvent& event);
184     /** called when batch was finished and there are failed projects */
185     void OnBatchFailed(wxCommandEvent& event);
186     /** called when batch wants to show some progress message */
187     void OnBatchInformation(wxCommandEvent& e);
188     /** called if the project box needs to be updated, because projects were added or deleted */
189     void OnRefillListBox(wxCommandEvent& e);
190     /** create or destroy the tray icon */
191     void UpdateTrayIcon(const bool createTrayIcon);
194 };
196 #endif //BATCHFRAME_H