1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2004  INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France).
2 // All rights reserved.
3 //
4 // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org)
5 //
6 // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.3/Triangulation_2/include/CGAL/apply_to_range.h $
7 // $Id: apply_to_range.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot
8 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial
9 //
10 //
11 // Author(s)     : Radu Ursu
13 #ifndef CGAL_apply_to_range_h
14 #define CGAL_apply_to_range_h
16 #include <CGAL/Point_2.h>
17 #include <CGAL/Unique_hash_map.h>
18 #include <stack>
20 namespace CGAL{
23 template <class Tr, class Fct, class R>
apply_to_range(const Tr & t,const Point_2<R> & p1,const Point_2<R> & p2,Fct & fct)24 void apply_to_range(const Tr &t,
25              const Point_2<R> &p1, const Point_2<R> &p2,
26              Fct& fct)
27 {
28   if (t.dimension()<2) return;
29   typedef typename Tr::Point         POINT;
30   typedef typename Tr::Face_handle   hFACE;
31   typedef typename Tr::Vertex_handle hVERTEX;
32   typedef typename Tr::Line_face_circulator      LFC;
33   typedef typename Tr::Finite_vertices_iterator  FVI;
34   typedef typename Tr::Finite_faces_iterator     FFI;
35   typedef typename Kernel_traits<POINT>::Kernel K;
36   typedef typename K::FT FT;
38   LFC l1, l2, l3, l4;         //the faces that intersect the pixmap RECTANGLE
39   hFACE hface1, hface2,
40         hface3, hface4;       //the faces where we start to search
41   FT    xr_left,   yr_top,
42         xr_right,  yr_bottom;//the coordinates of the screen boundaries
43   CGAL::Unique_hash_map<hFACE, bool> visited(false);//used for DFS
44   std::stack<hFACE>               face_stack; //used for DFS
46   xr_left = p1.x(); xr_right = p2.x();
47   yr_top = p1.y(); yr_bottom = p2.y();
49   hface1 = t.locate(POINT(xr_left, yr_top));
50   hface2 = t.locate(POINT(xr_right, yr_top));
51   hface3 = t.locate(POINT(xr_right, yr_bottom));
52   hface4 = t.locate(POINT(xr_left, yr_bottom));
54   l1 = t.line_walk(POINT(xr_left, yr_top), POINT(xr_right, yr_top), hface1);
55   l2 = t.line_walk(POINT(xr_right, yr_top), POINT(xr_right, yr_bottom), hface2);
56   l3 = t.line_walk(POINT(xr_right, yr_bottom), POINT(xr_left, yr_bottom), hface3);
57   l4 = t.line_walk(POINT(xr_left, yr_bottom), POINT(xr_left, yr_top), hface4);
59   //test if everything is inside or outside
60   if( (l1 == nullptr) && (l2 == nullptr) &&
61       (l3 == nullptr) && (l4 == nullptr))
62   {
63     FVI v = t.finite_vertices_begin();
64     if((*v).point().x() < xr_left || (*v).point().x() > xr_right ||
65        (*v).point().y() < yr_bottom || (*v).point().y() > yr_top) //true if everything is outside
66       return;
67     else{ //everything is inside
68       FFI it = t.finite_faces_begin();
69       while(it != t.finite_faces_end())
70       {
71         fct(it);
72         it++;
73       }
74     }
75     return;
76   }
78   //if we are here, then a part of the triangulation is inside, the other is outside
80   //put all the faces on the boundaries in the stack and the map
81   if(l1 != nullptr) //found at least one face that intersect the TOP segment
82   {
83     while (t.is_infinite(l1)) l1++; //we should start with a finite face
84     do{                             //put all of them in the stack;
85       face_stack.push(l1);
86       visited[l1] = true;
87       l1++;
88     }while(!t.is_infinite(l1) &&
89            t.triangle(l1).has_on_unbounded_side(POINT(xr_right, yr_top)));
90   }
91   if(l2 != nullptr) //found at least one face that intersect the RIGHT segment
92   {
93     while (t.is_infinite(l2)) l2++; //we should start with a finite face
94     do{                             //put all of them in the stack;
95       if(!visited[l2]){
96         face_stack.push(l2);
97         visited[l2] = true;
98       }
99       l2++;
100     }while(!t.is_infinite(l2) &&
101            t.triangle(l2).has_on_unbounded_side(POINT(xr_right, yr_bottom)));
102   }
103   if(l3 != nullptr) //found at least one face that intersect the BOTTOM segment
104   {
105     while (t.is_infinite(l3)) l3++; //we should start with a finite face
106     do{                             //put all of them in the stack;
107       if(!visited[l3]){
108         face_stack.push(l3);
109         visited[l3] = true;
110       }
111       l3++;
112     }while(!t.is_infinite(l3) &&
113            t.triangle(l3).has_on_unbounded_side(POINT(xr_left, yr_bottom)));
114   }
115   if(l4 != nullptr) //found at least one face that intersect the LEFT segment
116   {
117     while (t.is_infinite(l4)) l4++; //we should start with a finite face
118     do{                             //put all of them in the stack;
119       if(!visited[l4]){
120         face_stack.push(l4);
121         visited[l4] = true;
122       }
123       l4++;
124     }while(!t.is_infinite(l4) &&
125            t.triangle(l4).has_on_unbounded_side(POINT(xr_left, yr_top)));
126   }
128   //HERE we begin to walk through the faces DFS
129   hFACE hf;
130   typename CGAL::Unique_hash_map<hFACE,bool>::Data&
131      data_ref_start(visited[hf]);
132   data_ref_start = true;
133   while(!face_stack.empty()){
134     hf = face_stack.top();
135     face_stack.pop();         //done with this face
136     for (int i=0; i<3; i++){  //visit all the neighbors
137       if(!visited[(*hf).neighbor(i)] )
138         if(!t.is_infinite((*hf).neighbor(i))){                //true if it is not an infinite face
139           hVERTEX hv = (*(*hf).neighbor(i)).vertex((*(*hf).neighbor(i)).index(hf));
140           if(!((*hv).point().x() < xr_left || (*hv).point().x() > xr_right ||
141                (*hv).point().y() < yr_bottom || (*hv).point().y() > yr_top)) //true if the vertex is outside
142           face_stack.push((*hf).neighbor(i));
143           typename CGAL::Unique_hash_map<hFACE,bool>::Data&
144               data_ref(visited[(*hf).neighbor(i)]);
145           data_ref = true;
146         }
147     }
148     fct(hf);
149   }
150 }
152 }//end namespace
154 #endif