2 /*
3  * File Tracer.hpp.
4  *
5  * This file is part of the source code of the software program
6  * Vampire. It is protected by applicable
7  * copyright laws.
8  *
9  * This source code is distributed under the licence found here
10  * https://vprover.github.io/license.html
11  * and in the source directory
12  *
13  * In summary, you are allowed to use Vampire for non-commercial
14  * purposes but not allowed to distribute, modify, copy, create derivatives,
15  * or use in competitions.
16  * For other uses of Vampire please contact developers for a different
17  * licence, which we will make an effort to provide.
18  */
19 /**
20  * @file Tracer.hpp
21  * Implements call tracing.
22  * @since 01/05/2002 Manchester
23  * @since 24/10/2002 Manchester, changed after talking with Shura
24  * @since 08/12/2005 Redmond, moved to the Debug namespace with the purpose
25  *                   of making global to Vampire
26  */
29 #ifndef __Tracer__
30 #  define __Tracer__
32 #if VDEBUG
34 #include <iostream>
36 using namespace std;
38 namespace Debug {
40 /**
41  * What kind of control point it is.
42  */
43 enum ControlPointKind {
44   /** Entry to a function */
45   CP_ENTRY,
46   /** Exit from a function */
47   CP_EXIT,
48   /** Point inside a function */
49   CP_MID
50 }; // enum ControlPointKind
52 class Tracer {
53  public:
54   explicit Tracer (const char* fun);
55   virtual ~Tracer ();
56   static void printStack (ostream&);
57   static void printOnlyStack (ostream&);
58   static void controlPoint (const char* name);
passedControlPoints()59   static unsigned passedControlPoints () { return _passedControlPoints; }
60   /** start outputting the trace independently of the first and last
61    *  control point setting */
forceOutput()62   static void forceOutput() { _forced = true; }
63   /** stop outputting forced by startOutput */
stopOutput()64   static void stopOutput() { _forced = false; }
65   static bool canWatch;
66  private:
67   const char* _fun;
68   Tracer* _previous;
70   static void printStackRec (Tracer* current, ostream&, int& depth);
71   static void spaces(ostream& str,int number);
73   /** current trace point */
74   static Tracer* _current;
75   /** current depth */
76   static unsigned _depth;
77   /** description of the last control point (function name) */
78   static const char* _lastControlPoint;
79   /** total number of passed control points */
80   static unsigned _passedControlPoints;
81   /** kind of the last point */
82   static ControlPointKind _lastPointKind;
83   /** forced by startTrace */
84   static bool _forced;
85   static void controlPoint (const char*, ControlPointKind);
86   static void outputLastControlPoint (ostream& str);
87 public:
88   /* prints a message with indent in the of the same size as the current _depth */
89   template<class... A>
90   static void printDbg(A... msg);
91 };
93 template<class... As>
94 struct _printDbg {
95   void operator()(const As&... msg);
96 };
98 template<> struct _printDbg<>{
operator ()Debug::_printDbg99   void operator()() { }
100 };
102 template<class A, class... As> struct _printDbg<A, As...>{
operator ()Debug::_printDbg103   void operator()(const A& a, const As&... as) {
104     cout << a;
105     _printDbg<As...>{}(as...);
106   }
107 };
printDbg(A...msg)109 template<class... A> void Tracer::printDbg(A... msg)
110 {
111   for (unsigned i = 0; i< _depth; i++) {
112     cout << "  ";
113   }
114   // cout << _lastControlPoint << ": ";
115   cout << _current->_fun << ": ";
117   _printDbg<A...>{}(msg...);
118 }
121 } // namespace Debug
123 #  define AUX_CALL_(SEED,Fun) Debug::Tracer _tmp_##SEED##_(Fun);
124 #  define AUX_CALL(SEED,Fun) AUX_CALL_(SEED,Fun)
125 #  define CALL(Fun) AUX_CALL(__LINE__,Fun)
126 #  define DBG(...) {\
127   std::cout << "[ debug ] " << __FILE__ <<  "@" << __LINE__ << ":";\
128   Debug::Tracer::printDbg(__VA_ARGS__); \
129   std::cout << std::endl; \
130   }
131 #  define CALLC(Fun,check) if (check){ AUX_CALL(__LINE__,Fun) }
132 #  define CONTROL(description) Debug::Tracer::controlPoint(description)
133 #  define AFTER(number,command) \
134             if (Debug::Tracer::passedControlPoints() >= number) { command };
135 #  define BETWEEN(number1,number2,command) \
136             if (Debug::Tracer::passedControlPoints() >= number1 &&	\
137                 Debug::Tracer::passedControlPoints() <= number2)	\
138               { command };
140 #else // ! VDEBUG
141 #  define DBG(...) {}
142 #  define CALL(Fun)
143 #  define CALLC(Fun,check)
144 #  define CONTROL(description)
145 #endif
147 #ifndef CALL
148 #error BLIN
149 #endif
151 #endif // Tracer