1 {******************************************************************************}
2 {                                                                              }
3 { ICMP Echo API interface Unit for Object Pascal                               }
4 {                                                                              }
5 { Portions created by Microsoft are Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Microsoft          }
6 { Corporation. All Rights Reserved.                                            }
7 {                                                                              }
8 { The original file is: icmpapi.h, released Feb 2003. The original Pascal      }
9 { code is: IcmpApi.pas, released December 2003. The initial developer of the   }
10 { Pascal code is Marcel van Brakel (brakelm att chello dott nl).               }
11 {                                                                              }
12 { Portions created by Marcel van Brakel are Copyright (C) 1999-2001            }
13 { Marcel van Brakel. All Rights Reserved.                                      }
14 {                                                                              }
15 { Obtained through: Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators (Project JEDI)        }
16 {                                                                              }
17 { You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI         }
18 { APILIB home page, located at http://jedi-apilib.sourceforge.net              }
19 {                                                                              }
20 { The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla   }
21 { Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except }
22 { in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at      }
23 { http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html                                      }
24 {                                                                              }
25 { Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,   }
26 { WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for }
27 { the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.    }
28 {                                                                              }
29 { Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the  }
30 { GNU Lesser General Public License (the  "LGPL License"), in which case the   }
31 { provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above.        }
32 { If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms   }
33 { of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file }
34 { under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting  the provisions above and  }
35 { replace  them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL      }
36 { License.  If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use     }
37 { your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License.          }
38 {                                                                              }
39 { For more information about the LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html }
40 {                                                                              }
41 {******************************************************************************}
43 // $Id: JwaIcmpApi.pas,v 1.17 2007/09/14 06:48:45 marquardt Exp $
45 unit JwaIcmpApi;
50 {$HPPEMIT ''}
51 {$HPPEMIT '#include "icmpapi.h"'}
52 {$HPPEMIT ''}
55 {$I jediapilib.inc}
57 interface
59 uses
60   JwaWinType, JwaIpExport, JwaNative, JwaWS2tcpip;
65 //    Declarations for the Win32 ICMP Echo request API.
67 //
68 // Exported Routines.
69 //
71 //++
72 //
73 // Routine Name:
74 //
75 //     IcmpCreateFile
76 //
77 // Routine Description:
78 //
79 //     Opens a handle on which ICMP Echo Requests can be issued.
80 //
81 // Arguments:
82 //
83 //     None.
84 //
85 // Return Value:
86 //
87 //     An open file handle or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE. Extended error information
88 //     is available by calling GetLastError().
89 //
90 //--
IcmpCreateFilenull92 function IcmpCreateFile: HANDLE; stdcall;
93 {$EXTERNALSYM IcmpCreateFile}
95 //++
96 //
97 // Routine Name:
98 //
99 //     Icmp6CreateFile
100 //
101 // Routine Description:
102 //
103 //     Opens a handle on which ICMPv6 Echo Requests can be issued.
104 //
105 // Arguments:
106 //
107 //     None.
108 //
109 // Return Value:
110 //
111 //     An open file handle or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE. Extended error information
112 //     is available by calling GetLastError().
113 //
114 //--
Icmp6CreateFilenull116 function Icmp6CreateFile: HANDLE; stdcall;
117 {$EXTERNALSYM Icmp6CreateFile}
119 //++
120 //
121 // Routine Name:
122 //
123 //     IcmpCloseHandle
124 //
125 // Routine Description:
126 //
127 //     Closes a handle opened by ICMPOpenFile.
128 //
129 // Arguments:
130 //
131 //     IcmpHandle  - The handle to close.
132 //
133 // Return Value:
134 //
135 //     TRUE if the handle was closed successfully, otherwise FALSE. Extended
136 //     error information is available by calling GetLastError().
137 //
138 //--
IcmpCloseHandlenull140 function IcmpCloseHandle(IcmpHandle: HANDLE): BOOL; stdcall;
141 {$EXTERNALSYM IcmpCloseHandle}
143 //++
144 //
145 // Routine Name:
146 //
147 //     IcmpSendEcho
148 //
149 // Routine Description:
150 //
151 //     Sends an ICMP Echo request and returns any replies. The
152 //     call returns when the timeout has expired or the reply buffer
153 //     is filled.
154 //
155 // Arguments:
156 //
157 //     IcmpHandle           - An open handle returned by ICMPCreateFile.
158 //
159 //     DestinationAddress   - The destination of the echo request.
160 //
161 //     RequestData          - A buffer containing the data to send in the
162 //                            request.
163 //
164 //     RequestSize          - The number of bytes in the request data buffer.
165 //
166 //     RequestOptions       - Pointer to the IP header options for the request.
167 //                            May be NULL.
168 //
169 //     ReplyBuffer          - A buffer to hold any replies to the request.
170 //                            On return, the buffer will contain an array of
171 //                            ICMP_ECHO_REPLY structures followed by the
172 //                            options and data for the replies. The buffer
173 //                            should be large enough to hold at least one
174 //                            ICMP_ECHO_REPLY structure plus
175 //                            MAX(RequestSize, 8) bytes of data since an ICMP
176 //                            error message contains 8 bytes of data.
177 //
178 //     ReplySize            - The size in bytes of the reply buffer.
179 //
180 //     Timeout              - The time in milliseconds to wait for replies.
181 //
182 // Return Value:
183 //
184 //     Returns the number of ICMP_ECHO_REPLY structures stored in ReplyBuffer.
185 //     The status of each reply is contained in the structure. If the return
186 //     value is zero, extended error information is available via
187 //     GetLastError().
188 //
189 //--
IcmpSendEchonull191 function IcmpSendEcho(
192   IcmpHandle: HANDLE;
193   DestinationAddress: IpAddr;
194   RequestData: LPVOID;
195   RequestSize: WORD;
196   RequestOptions: PIP_OPTION_INFORMATION;
197   ReplyBuffer: LPVOID;
198   ReplySize: DWORD;
199   Timeout: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;
200 {$EXTERNALSYM IcmpSendEcho}
202 //++
203 //
204 // Routine Description:
205 //
206 //    Sends an ICMP Echo request and the call returns either immediately
207 //    (if Event or ApcRoutine is NonNULL) or returns after the specified
208 //    timeout.   The ReplyBuffer contains the ICMP responses, if any.
209 //
210 // Arguments:
211 //
212 //    IcmpHandle           - An open handle returned by ICMPCreateFile.
213 //
214 //    Event                - This is the event to be signalled whenever an IcmpResponse
215 //                           comes in.
216 //
217 //    ApcRoutine           - This routine would be called when the calling thread
218 //                           is in an alertable thread and an ICMP reply comes in.
219 //
220 //    ApcContext           - This optional parameter is given to the ApcRoutine when
221 //                           this call succeeds.
222 //
223 //    DestinationAddress   - The destination of the echo request.
224 //
225 //    RequestData          - A buffer containing the data to send in the
226 //                           request.
227 //
228 //    RequestSize          - The number of bytes in the request data buffer.
229 //
230 //    RequestOptions       - Pointer to the IP header options for the request.
231 //                           May be NULL.
232 //
233 //    ReplyBuffer          - A buffer to hold any replies to the request.
234 //                           On return, the buffer will contain an array of
235 //                           ICMP_ECHO_REPLY structures followed by options
236 //                           and data. The buffer must be large enough to
237 //                           hold at least one ICMP_ECHO_REPLY structure.
238 //                           It should be large enough to also hold
239 //                           8 more bytes of data - this is the size of
240 //                           an ICMP error message.
241 //
242 //    ReplySize            - The size in bytes of the reply buffer.
243 //
244 //    Timeout              - The time in milliseconds to wait for replies.
245 //                           This is NOT used if ApcRoutine is not NULL or if Event
246 //                           is not NULL.
247 //
248 // Return Value:
249 //
250 //    Returns the number of replies received and stored in ReplyBuffer. If
251 //    the return value is zero, extended error information is available
252 //    via GetLastError().
253 //
254 // Remarks:
255 //
256 //    On NT platforms,
257 //    If used Asynchronously (either ApcRoutine or Event is specified), then
258 //    ReplyBuffer and ReplySize are still needed.  This is where the response
259 //    comes in.
260 //    ICMP Response data is copied to the ReplyBuffer provided, and the caller of
hasnull261 //    this function has to parse it asynchronously.  The function IcmpParseReply
262 //    is provided for this purpose.
263 //
264 //    On non-NT platforms,
265 //    Event, ApcRoutine and ApcContext are IGNORED.
266 //
267 //--
269 function IcmpSendEcho2(
270   IcmpHandle: HANDLE;
271   Event: HANDLE;
272   ApcRoutine: PIO_APC_ROUTINE;
273   ApcContext: PVOID;
274   DestinationAddress: IpAddr;
275   RequestData: LPVOID;
276   RequestSize: WORD;
277   RequestOptions: PIP_OPTION_INFORMATION;
278   ReplyBuffer: LPVOID;
279   ReplySize: DWORD;
280   Timeout: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;
281 {$EXTERNALSYM IcmpSendEcho2}
Icmp6SendEcho2null283 function Icmp6SendEcho2(
284   IcmpHandle: HANDLE;
285   Event: HANDLE;
286   ApcRoutine: PIO_APC_ROUTINE;
287   ApcContext: PVOID;
288   SourceAddress: Psockaddr_in6;
289   DestinationAddress: Psockaddr_in6;
290   RequestData,
291   RequestSize: WORD;
292   RequestOptions: PIP_OPTION_INFORMATION;
293   ReplyBuffer: LPVOID;
294   ReplySize: DWORD;
295   Timeout: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;
296 {$EXTERNALSYM Icmp6SendEcho2}
298 //++
299 //
300 // Routine Description:
301 //
302 //    Parses the reply buffer provided and returns the number of ICMP responses found.
303 //
304 // Arguments:
305 //
306 //    ReplyBuffer            - This must be the same buffer that was passed to IcmpSendEcho2
307 //                             This is rewritten to hold an array of ICMP_ECHO_REPLY structures.
308 //                             (i.e. the type is PICMP_ECHO_REPLY).
309 //
310 //    ReplySize              - This must be the size of the above buffer.
311 //
312 // Return Value:
313 //    Returns the number of ICMP responses found.  If there is an errors, return value is
314 //    zero.  The error can be determined by a call to GetLastError.
315 //
316 // Remarks:
SHOULDnull317 //    This function SHOULD NOT BE USED on a reply buffer that was passed to SendIcmpEcho.
318 //    SendIcmpEcho actually parses the buffer before returning back to the user.  This function
319 //    is meant to be used only with SendIcmpEcho2.
320 //--
322 function IcmpParseReplies(ReplyBuffer: LPVOID; ReplySize: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;
323 {$EXTERNALSYM IcmpParseReplies}
Icmp6ParseRepliesnull325 function Icmp6ParseReplies(ReplyBuffer: LPVOID; ReplySize: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;
326 {$EXTERNALSYM Icmp6ParseReplies}
331 implementation
332 //uses ...
338 const
339   icmplib = 'iphlpapi.dll';
344 var
345   _IcmpCreateFile: Pointer;
IcmpCreateFilenull347 function IcmpCreateFile;
348 begin
349   GetProcedureAddress(_IcmpCreateFile, icmplib, 'IcmpCreateFile');
350   asm
351         MOV     ESP, EBP
352         POP     EBP
353         JMP     [_IcmpCreateFile]
354   end;
355 end;
357 var
358   _Icmp6CreateFile: Pointer;
Icmp6CreateFilenull360 function Icmp6CreateFile;
361 begin
362   GetProcedureAddress(_Icmp6CreateFile, icmplib, 'Icmp6CreateFile');
363   asm
364         MOV     ESP, EBP
365         POP     EBP
366         JMP     [_Icmp6CreateFile]
367   end;
368 end;
370 var
371   _IcmpCloseHandle: Pointer;
IcmpCloseHandlenull373 function IcmpCloseHandle;
374 begin
375   GetProcedureAddress(_IcmpCloseHandle, icmplib, 'IcmpCloseHandle');
376   asm
377         MOV     ESP, EBP
378         POP     EBP
379         JMP     [_IcmpCloseHandle]
380   end;
381 end;
383 var
384   _IcmpSendEcho: Pointer;
IcmpSendEchonull386 function IcmpSendEcho;
387 begin
388   GetProcedureAddress(_IcmpSendEcho, icmplib, 'IcmpSendEcho');
389   asm
390         MOV     ESP, EBP
391         POP     EBP
392         JMP     [_IcmpSendEcho]
393   end;
394 end;
396 var
397   _IcmpSendEcho2: Pointer;
IcmpSendEcho2null399 function IcmpSendEcho2;
400 begin
401   GetProcedureAddress(_IcmpSendEcho2, icmplib, 'IcmpSendEcho2');
402   asm
403         MOV     ESP, EBP
404         POP     EBP
405         JMP     [_IcmpSendEcho2]
406   end;
407 end;
409 var
410   _Icmp6SendEcho2: Pointer;
Icmp6SendEcho2null412 function Icmp6SendEcho2;
413 begin
414   GetProcedureAddress(_Icmp6SendEcho2, icmplib, 'Icmp6SendEcho2');
415   asm
416         MOV     ESP, EBP
417         POP     EBP
418         JMP     [_Icmp6SendEcho2]
419   end;
420 end;
422 var
423   _IcmpParseReplies: Pointer;
IcmpParseRepliesnull425 function IcmpParseReplies;
426 begin
427   GetProcedureAddress(_IcmpParseReplies, icmplib, 'IcmpParseReplies');
428   asm
429         MOV     ESP, EBP
430         POP     EBP
431         JMP     [_IcmpParseReplies]
432   end;
433 end;
435 var
436   _Icmp6ParseReplies: Pointer;
Icmp6ParseRepliesnull438 function Icmp6ParseReplies;
439 begin
440   GetProcedureAddress(_Icmp6ParseReplies, icmplib, 'Icmp6ParseReplies');
441   asm
442         MOV     ESP, EBP
443         POP     EBP
444         JMP     [_Icmp6ParseReplies]
445   end;
446 end;
448 {$ELSE}
IcmpCreateFilenull450 function IcmpCreateFile; external icmplib name 'IcmpCreateFile';
Icmp6CreateFilenull451 function Icmp6CreateFile; external icmplib name 'Icmp6CreateFile';
IcmpCloseHandlenull452 function IcmpCloseHandle; external icmplib name 'IcmpCloseHandle';
IcmpSendEchonull453 function IcmpSendEcho; external icmplib name 'IcmpSendEcho';
IcmpSendEcho2null454 function IcmpSendEcho2; external icmplib name 'IcmpSendEcho2';
Icmp6SendEcho2null455 function Icmp6SendEcho2; external icmplib name 'Icmp6SendEcho2';
IcmpParseRepliesnull456 function IcmpParseReplies; external icmplib name 'IcmpParseReplies';
Icmp6ParseRepliesnull457 function Icmp6ParseReplies; external icmplib name 'Icmp6ParseReplies';
464 end.