1-- SWL3MGMT MIB Ver 0.02                           2002/07/30
4-- Modified swL3IpFdbInfoTable
5-- Modified swL3IpDomainMgmt to swL3IpCtrlMgmt
6--   By Tommy Wang
8-- SWL3MGMT MIB Ver 0.01                           2000/07/05
13        Counter32,MODULE-IDENTITY,OBJECT-TYPE,IpAddress,
15                                                  FROM SNMPv2-SMI
16        PhysAddress,DisplayString,RowStatus,MacAddress,TruthValue,TimeStamp
17                                                  FROM SNMPv2-TC
18        privateMgmt     	                      FROM SWPRIMGMT-MIB
19        TOSType, Metric, AreaID                   FROM OSPF-MIB
20        ifIndex                                   FROM IF-MIB;
23	    LAST-UPDATED "0007150000Z"
24	    ORGANIZATION "enterprise, Inc."
26	        "   Customer Service
28		    Postal:
30		       Tel:
32		    E-mail: "
34		    "The Structure of Layer 3 Network Management Information for the
35		    proprietary enterprise."
36        ::= { privateMgmt 3 }
38    NodeAddress             ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(6))
39    NetAddress              ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(4))
41    swL3DevMgmt             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 1 }
42    swL3IpMgmt              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 2 }
43    swL3RelayMgmt           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 3 }
45    swL3IpCtrlMgmt          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3IpMgmt 1 }
46    swL3IpFdbMgmt           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3IpMgmt 2 }
47    swL3IpFilterMgmt        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3IpMgmt 3 }
49    swL3RelayBootpMgmt      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3RelayMgmt 1 }
50    swL3RelayDnsMgmt        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3RelayMgmt 2 }
52-- ********************************************************************
53--  swL3DevMgmt             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 1 }
54-- ********************************************************************
56    swL3DevCtrl             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3DevMgmt 1 }
58    swL3DevCtrlRIPState OBJECT-TYPE
59        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
60               other(1),
61               disabled(2),
62               enabled(3)
63               }
64        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
65        STATUS  current
67            "This object indicates Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
68            version 2 function is enabled or disabled."
69        ::= { swL3DevCtrl 1 }
71    swL3DevCtrlOSPFState OBJECT-TYPE
72        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
73               other(1),
74               disabled(2),
75               enabled(3)
76               }
77        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
78        STATUS  current
80            "This object indicates OSPF protocol is enabled or disabled."
81        ::= { swL3DevCtrl 2 }
83    swL3DevCtrlDVMRPState OBJECT-TYPE
84        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
85               other(1),
86               disabled(2),
87               enabled(3)
88               }
89        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
90        STATUS  current
92            "This object indicates DVMRP protocol is enabled or disabled."
93        ::= { swL3DevCtrl 3 }
96    swL3DevCtrlVRRPState OBJECT-TYPE
97        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
98               other(1),
99               disabled(2),
100               enabled(3)
101               }
102        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
103        STATUS  current
104        DESCRIPTION
105            "This object indicates VRRP protocol is enabled or disabled."
106        ::= { swL3DevCtrl 4 }
108    swL3DevCtrlVRRPPingVirtualAddrState OBJECT-TYPE
109        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
110               other(1),
111               disabled(2),
112               enabled(3)
113               }
114        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
115        STATUS  current
116        DESCRIPTION
117            "This object let host can ping the virtual ip address or not.
118            Default is disabled(2)."
119        ::= { swL3DevCtrl 5 }
122-- ********************************************************************
123--  swL3IpCtrlMgmt        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3IpMgmt 1 }
124-- ********************************************************************
126    swL3IpCtrlTable OBJECT-TYPE
127        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SwL3IpCtrlEntry
128        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
129        STATUS  current
130        DESCRIPTION
131            "This table contain IP interface information."
132        ::= { swL3IpCtrlMgmt 1 }
134    swL3IpCtrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
135        SYNTAX  SwL3IpCtrlEntry
136        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
137        STATUS  current
138        DESCRIPTION
139            "A list of information about a specific IP interface."
140        INDEX  { swL3IpCtrlInterfaceName }
141        ::= { swL3IpCtrlTable 1 }
143    SwL3IpCtrlEntry ::=
144        SEQUENCE {
145            swL3IpCtrlInterfaceName
146                DisplayString,
147            swL3IpCtrlIfIndex
148                INTEGER,
149            swL3IpCtrlIpAddr
150                IpAddress,
151            swL3IpCtrlIpSubnetMask
152                IpAddress,
153            swL3IpCtrlVlanName
154                DisplayString,
155            swL3IpCtrlMode
156                INTEGER,
157            swL3IpCtrlState
158                RowStatus,
159            swL3IpCtrlOperState
160                INTEGER
161        }
163    swL3IpCtrlInterfaceName OBJECT-TYPE
164        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..12))
165        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
166        STATUS  current
167        DESCRIPTION
168            "This object indicates the name of the IP interface."
169        ::= { swL3IpCtrlEntry 1 }
171    swL3IpCtrlIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
172        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
173        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
174        STATUS  current
175        DESCRIPTION
176            "This object uniquely identifies the IP interface number in the
177            swL3IpCtrlTable."
178        ::= { swL3IpCtrlEntry 2 }
180    swL3IpCtrlIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
181        SYNTAX  IpAddress
182        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
183        STATUS  current
184        DESCRIPTION
185            "The IP address of the interface. This object only can take the
186            value of the unicast IP address."
187        ::= { swL3IpCtrlEntry 3 }
189    swL3IpCtrlIpSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE
190        SYNTAX  IpAddress
191        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
192        STATUS  current
193        DESCRIPTION
194            "The IP net mask for this interface."
195        ::= { swL3IpCtrlEntry 4 }
197    swL3IpCtrlVlanName OBJECT-TYPE
198        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
199        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
200        STATUS  current
201        DESCRIPTION
202            "This object indicates the IP control entry's VLAN name. The
203            VLAN name in each entry must be unique in the IP Control Table."
204        ::= { swL3IpCtrlEntry 5 }
206    swL3IpCtrlMode OBJECT-TYPE
207        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
208                other(1),
209                manual(2),
210                bootp(3),
211                dhcp(4)
212                }
213        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
214        STATUS  current
215        DESCRIPTION
216            "This object indicates the IP operation mode.
218            other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions
219                under which it will remain so are different from each of the
220                following values.
221            manual(2) - the IP address will be set by manual.
222            bootp(3) -  the IP address will be set automatically from BOOTP
223                server.
224            dhcp(4) - the IP address will be set automatically from DHCP
225                server."
226        ::= { swL3IpCtrlEntry 6 }
228    swL3IpCtrlState OBJECT-TYPE
229        SYNTAX  RowStatus
230        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
231        STATUS  current
232        DESCRIPTION
233            "This variable displays the status of the entry. The status used
234            for creating, modifying, and deleting instances of the objects
235            in this table."
236        ::= { swL3IpCtrlEntry 7 }
238    swL3IpCtrlOperState OBJECT-TYPE
239        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
240                    other(1),
241                    up(2),
242                    down(3)
243                }
244        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
245        STATUS  current
246        DESCRIPTION
247            "The current operational state of the IP interface."
248        ::= { swL3IpCtrlEntry 8 }
250-- ********************************************************************
251--  swL3IpFdbMgmt           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3IpMgmt 2 }
252-- ********************************************************************
254    swL3IpFdbInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE
255        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SwL3IpFdbInfoEntry
256        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
257        STATUS  current
258        DESCRIPTION
259            "A table that contains forwarding and/or filtering information.
260            This information is used by the switch in determining how to
261            propagate the received IP packets."
262        ::= { swL3IpFdbMgmt 1 }
264    swL3IpFdbInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE
265        SYNTAX  SwL3IpFdbInfoEntry
266        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
267        STATUS  current
268        DESCRIPTION
269            "Information about a specific IP address for which the bridge
270            has some forwarding and/or filtering information."
271        INDEX  { swL3IpFdbInfoIpAddr }
272        ::= { swL3IpFdbInfoTable 1 }
274    SwL3IpFdbInfoEntry ::=
275        SEQUENCE {
276--            swL3IpFdbInfoRdIndex
277--                INTEGER,
278            swL3IpFdbInfoIpAddr
279                IpAddress,
280            swL3IpFdbInfoIpSubnetMask
281                IpAddress,
282            swL3IpFdbInfoPort
283                INTEGER,
284            swL3IpFdbInfoType
285                INTEGER
286        }
288--    swL3IpFdbInfoRdIndex OBJECT-TYPE
289--        SYNTAX  INTEGER(0..65535)
290--        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
291--        STATUS  current
292--        DESCRIPTION
293--            "The object indicates the IP routing domain index, and should
294--            be associated with one of swL3IpDomainStatsIndex."
295--        ::= { swL3IpFdbInfoEntry 1 }
297    swL3IpFdbInfoIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
298        SYNTAX  IpAddress
299        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
300        STATUS  current
301        DESCRIPTION
302            "A IP address for which switch has forwarding and/or filtering
303            information."
304        ::= { swL3IpFdbInfoEntry 1 }
306    swL3IpFdbInfoIpSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE
307        SYNTAX  IpAddress
308        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
309        STATUS  current
310        DESCRIPTION
311            "A IP net mask for this interface.for which switch has
312            forwarding and/or filtering information."
313        ::= { swL3IpFdbInfoEntry 2 }
315    swL3IpFdbInfoPort OBJECT-TYPE
316        SYNTAX  INTEGER(0..65535)
317        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
318        STATUS  current
319        DESCRIPTION
320            "Either the value '0', or the port number of the port on which
321            packet having a IP address equal to the value of the
322            corresponding instance of swL3IpFdbInfoIpAddr has been seen. A
323            value of '0' indicates that the port number has not been learned
324            but that switch does have some forwarding/filtering information
325            about this address."
326        ::= { swL3IpFdbInfoEntry 3 }
328    swL3IpFdbInfoType OBJECT-TYPE
329        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
330                other(1),
331                static(2),
332                dynamic(3)
333                }
334        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
335        STATUS  current
336        DESCRIPTION
337            "The status of this entry."
338        ::= { swL3IpFdbInfoEntry 4 }
340-- ********************************************************************
341--  swL3IpFilterMgmt        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3IpMgmt 3 }
342-- ********************************************************************
344    swL3IpFilterAddrConfig  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3IpFilterMgmt 1 }
346    swL3IpFilterAddrMaxSupportedEntries OBJECT-TYPE
347        SYNTAX  INTEGER(0..65535)
348        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
349        STATUS  current
350        DESCRIPTION
351            "Maximum number of entries in the IP address filtering table
352            (swL3IpFilterAddrCtrlTable) ."
353        ::= { swL3IpFilterAddrConfig 1 }
355    swL3IpFilterAddrCurrentTotalEntries OBJECT-TYPE
356        SYNTAX  INTEGER(0..65535)
357        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
358        STATUS  current
359        DESCRIPTION
360            "Current applied number of entries in the IP address filtering
361            table. If the swL3IpFilterAddrCtrlState = dst-src-addr, then it
362            means there are two entries in swL3IpFilterAddrCtrlTable."
363        ::= { swL3IpFilterAddrConfig 2 }
365    swL3IpFilterAddrCtrlTable OBJECT-TYPE
366        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SwL3IpFilterAddrCtrlEntry
367        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
368        STATUS  current
369        DESCRIPTION
370            "This table defines information for the device to filter packets
371            with specific IP address (either as the DA and/or as the SA).
372            The IP address can be a unicast address or multicast address.
373            This table has higher priority than both static FDB table and
374            IGMP table. It means that if a IP address appears on this table
375            also appears on the static FDB table, the device will use the
376            information provide by this table to process the packet."
377        ::= { swL3IpFilterAddrConfig 3 }
379    swL3IpFilterAddrCtrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
380        SYNTAX  SwL3IpFilterAddrCtrlEntry
381        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
382        STATUS  current
383        DESCRIPTION
384            "A list of information about a specific unicast/multicast IP
385            address for which the switch has filtering information."
386        INDEX  { swL3IpFilterAddrIpAddr }
387        ::= { swL3IpFilterAddrCtrlTable 1 }
389    SwL3IpFilterAddrCtrlEntry ::=
390        SEQUENCE {
391            swL3IpFilterAddrIpAddr
392                IpAddress,
393--            swL3IpFilterAddrIpSktGE
394--                INTEGER,
395--            swL3IpFilterAddrIpSktLE
396--                INTEGER,
397            swL3IpFilterAddrCtrlState
398                INTEGER
399        }
401    swL3IpFilterAddrIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
402        SYNTAX  IpAddress
403        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
404        STATUS  current
405        DESCRIPTION
406            "This object indicates a unicast/multicast IP address for which
407            the switch has filtering information. But if the
408            swL3IpFilterAddrCtrlState = src-addr, then the object can not be
409            a multicast IP address (Class D IP address)."
410        ::= { swL3IpFilterAddrCtrlEntry 1 }
412--    swL3IpFilterAddrIpSktGE OBJECT-TYPE
413--        SYNTAX  INTEGER
414--        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
415--        STATUS  current
416--        DESCRIPTION
417--            "This object indicates a socket number which the used socket
418--            number should be greater than or equal to"
419--        ::= { swL3IpFilterAddrCtrlEntry 2 }
421--    swL3IpFilterAddrIpSktLE OBJECT-TYPE
422--        SYNTAX  INTEGER
423--        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
424--        STATUS  current
425--        DESCRIPTION
426--            "This object indicates a socket number which the used socket
427--            number should be less than or equal to"
428--        ::= { swL3IpFilterAddrCtrlEntry 3 }
430    swL3IpFilterAddrCtrlState OBJECT-TYPE
431        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
432               other(1),
433               dst-addr(2),
434               src-addr(3),
435               dst-src-addr(4),
436               invalid(5)
437               }
438        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
439        STATUS  current
440        DESCRIPTION
441            "This object indicates the status of this entry.
443            other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions
444                under which it will remain so are different from each of the
445                following values.
446            dst-addr(2) - recieved frames's destination address are
447                currently used to be filtered as it meets with the IP
448                address entry of the table.
449            src-addr(3) - recieved frames's source address are currently
450                used to be filtered as it meets with the IP address entry of
451                the table.
452            dst-src-addr(4) - recieved frames's destination address or
453                source address are currently used to be filtered as it meets
454                with the IP address entry of the table.
455            invalid(5) - writing this value to the object, and then the
456                corresponding entry will be removed from the table."
457        ::= { swL3IpFilterAddrCtrlEntry 2 }
460    swL3IpArpAgingTime OBJECT-TYPE
461        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
462        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
463        STATUS  current
464        DESCRIPTION
465            "The timeout period in minutes for aging out dynamically learned
466            arp information."
467        ::= { swL3IpMgmt 4 }
470    swL3IpStaticRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
471        SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF SwL3IpStaticRouteEntry
472        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
473        STATUS   current
474        DESCRIPTION
475        "This entity's IP static Routing table."
476        ::= { swL3IpMgmt 5 }
478    swL3IpStaticRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
479        SYNTAX   SwL3IpStaticRouteEntry
480        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
481        STATUS   current
482        DESCRIPTION
483           "A particular route to  a  particular  destination, under a particular policy."
484        INDEX {
485            swL3IpStaticRouteDest,
486            swL3IpStaticRouteMask,
487            swL3IpStaticRouteNextHop
488            }
489        ::= { swL3IpStaticRouteTable 1 }
491    SwL3IpStaticRouteEntry ::=
492        SEQUENCE {
493            swL3IpStaticRouteDest
494                IpAddress,
495            swL3IpStaticRouteMask
496                IpAddress,
497            swL3IpStaticRouteNextHop
498                IpAddress,
499            swL3IpStaticRouteMetric
500                INTEGER,
501            swL3IpStaticRouteStatus
502                INTEGER
503        }
505    swL3IpStaticRouteDest OBJECT-TYPE
506        SYNTAX   IpAddress
507        MAX-ACCESS read-only
508        STATUS   current
509        DESCRIPTION
510           "The destination IP address of this route.
512           This object may not take a Multicast (Class  D)
513           address value.
515           Any assignment (implicit or  otherwise)  of  an
516           instance  of  this  object to a value x must be
517           rejected if the bitwise logical-AND of  x  with
518           the  value of the corresponding instance of the
519           swL3IpStaticRouteMask object is not equal to x."
520        ::= { swL3IpStaticRouteEntry 1 }
522    swL3IpStaticRouteMask OBJECT-TYPE
523        SYNTAX   IpAddress
524        MAX-ACCESS read-only
525        STATUS   current
526        DESCRIPTION
527           "Indicate the mask to be logical-ANDed with the
528           destination  address  before  being compared to
529           the value  in  the  swL3IpStaticRouteDest  field.
530           For those  systems  that  do  not support arbitrary
531           subnet masks, an agent constructs the value  of
532           the  swL3IpStaticRouteMask  by  reference to the IP
533           Address Class.
535           Any assignment (implicit or  otherwise)  of  an
536           instance  of  this  object to a value x must be
537           rejected if the bitwise logical-AND of  x  with
538           the  value of the corresponding instance of the
539           swL3IpStaticRouteDest object is not equal to
540           swL3IpStaticRouteDest."
541        ::= { swL3IpStaticRouteEntry 2 }
543    swL3IpStaticRouteNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
544        SYNTAX   IpAddress
545        MAX-ACCESS read-only
546        STATUS   current
547        DESCRIPTION
548           "On remote routes, the address of the next sys-
549           tem en route; Otherwise,"
550        ::= { swL3IpStaticRouteEntry 3 }
552    swL3IpStaticRouteMetric OBJECT-TYPE
553        SYNTAX   INTEGER (1..65535)
554        MAX-ACCESS read-create
555        STATUS   current
556        DESCRIPTION
557            "The routing  metric  for  this  route."
558        ::= { swL3IpStaticRouteEntry 4 }
560    swL3IpStaticRouteStatus OBJECT-TYPE
561        SYNTAX   INTEGER {
562                    other(1),
563                    invalid(2),
564                    valid(3)
565                }
566        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
567        STATUS  current
568        DESCRIPTION
569            "This object indicates the status of this entry.
571            other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions
572                under which it will remain so are different from each of
573                the following values.
574            invalid(2) - writing this value to the object, and then the
575                corresponding entry will be removed from the table.
576            valid(3) - this entry is reside in the table."
577        ::= { swL3IpStaticRouteEntry 5 }
580    swL3IpArpTable OBJECT-TYPE
581        SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF SwL3IpArpEntry
582        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
583        STATUS   current
584        DESCRIPTION
585            "The ARP table used for mapping from IP addresses to physical
586            addresses."
587        ::= { swL3IpMgmt 6 }
589    swL3IpArpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
590        SYNTAX   SwL3IpArpEntry
591        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
592        STATUS   current
593        DESCRIPTION
594            "Each entry contains one IpAddress to `physical' address
595            equivalence."
596        INDEX { swL3IpArpIfIndex, swL3IpArpNetAddress }
597        ::= { swL3IpArpTable 1 }
599    SwL3IpArpEntry ::=
600        SEQUENCE {
601            swL3IpArpIfIndex
602                INTEGER,
603            swL3IpArpNetAddress
604                IpAddress,
605            swL3IpArpPhysAddress
606                MacAddress,
607            swL3IpArpType
608                INTEGER,
609            swL3IpArpDynamicAgingTime
610                INTEGER
611        }
613    swL3IpArpIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
614        SYNTAX   INTEGER
615        MAX-ACCESS read-only
616        STATUS   current
617        DESCRIPTION
618           "The interface on which this entry's equivalence is effective.
619           The interface identified by a particular value of this index is
620           the same interface as identified by the same value of ifIndex."
621        ::= { swL3IpArpEntry 1 }
623    swL3IpArpNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
624        SYNTAX   IpAddress
625        MAX-ACCESS read-only
626        STATUS   current
627        DESCRIPTION
628           "The IpAddress corresponding to the media-dependent `physical'
629           address."
630        ::= { swL3IpArpEntry 2 }
632    swL3IpArpPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
633        SYNTAX   MacAddress
634        MAX-ACCESS read-create
635        STATUS   current
636        DESCRIPTION
637           "The media-dependent `physical' address."
638        ::= { swL3IpArpEntry 3 }
640    swL3IpArpType OBJECT-TYPE
641        SYNTAX   INTEGER {
642                    other(1),        -- none of the following
643                    invalid(2),      -- an invalidated mapping
644                    dynamic(3),
645                    static(4),
646                    local(5),
647                    local-broadcast(6)
648                }
649        MAX-ACCESS read-create
650        STATUS   current
651        DESCRIPTION
652            "The type of mapping.
654            Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the effect of
655            invalidating the corresponding entry in the swL3IpArpTable.
656            That is, it effectively dissasociates the interface identified
657            with said entry from the mapping identified with said entry. It
658            is an implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent
659            removes an invalidated entry from the table.  Accordingly,
660            management stations must be prepared to receive tabular
661            information from agents that corresponds to entries not
662            currently in use.  Proper interpretation of such entries
663            requires examination of the relevant swL3IpArpType object."
664        ::= { swL3IpArpEntry 4 }
666    swL3IpArpDynamicAgingTime OBJECT-TYPE
667        SYNTAX   INTEGER (0..65535)
668        MAX-ACCESS read-only
669        STATUS   current
670        DESCRIPTION
671           "The timeout period in seconds for aging out dynamically learned
672           arp information. If the swL3IpArpType is not dynamic(3), this
673           object will display zero."
674        ::= { swL3IpArpEntry 5 }
677    swL3IpArpReqRateLimitState OBJECT-TYPE
678        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
679               other(1),
680               disabled(2),
681               enabled(3)
682               }
683        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
684        STATUS  current
685        DESCRIPTION
686            "To enable limit ARP requests trapped to CPU or disabled."
687        ::= { swL3IpMgmt 7 }
689    swL3IpArpReqRateLimitValue OBJECT-TYPE
690        SYNTAX  INTEGER (10..100)
691        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
692        STATUS  current
693        DESCRIPTION
694            "To configure how much frames per second that ARP request
695            limit. This value will be usefull only when
696            swL3IpArpReqRateLimitState is enabled."
697        DEFVAL  { 50 }
698        ::= { swL3IpMgmt 8 }
700-- ********************************************************************
701--  swL3RelayBootpMgmt      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3RelayMgmt 1 }
702-- ********************************************************************
704    swL3RelayBootpState OBJECT-TYPE
705        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
706               other(1),
707               disabled(2),
708               enabled(3)
709               }
710        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
711        STATUS  current
712        DESCRIPTION
713            "This object indicates BOOTP Relay function is enabled or
714            disabled."
715        ::= { swL3RelayBootpMgmt 1 }
717    swL3RelayBootpHopCount OBJECT-TYPE
718        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
719        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
720        STATUS  current
721        DESCRIPTION
722            "This object indicates the maximum number of router hops that
723            the BOOTP packets can cross."
724        ::= { swL3RelayBootpMgmt 2 }
726    swL3RelayBootpTimeThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
727        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
728        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
729        STATUS  current
730        DESCRIPTION
731            "This object indicates the minimum time in seconds within which
732            the switch must relay the BOOTP request. If this time is
733            exceeded, the switch will drop the BOOTP packet."
734        ::= { swL3RelayBootpMgmt 3 }
736    swL3RelayBootpCtrlTable OBJECT-TYPE
737        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SwL3RelayBootpCtrlEntry
738        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
739        STATUS  current
740        DESCRIPTION
741            "This table specifys the IP address as a destination to forward
742            (relay) BOOTP packets to."
743        ::= { swL3RelayBootpMgmt 4 }
745    swL3RelayBootpCtrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
746        SYNTAX  SwL3RelayBootpCtrlEntry
747        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
748        STATUS  current
749        DESCRIPTION
750            "A list of information specifies the IP address as a destination
751            to forward (relay) BOOTP packets to."
752        INDEX  { swL3RelayBootpCtrlInterfaceName,  swL3RelayBootpCtrlServer}
753        ::= { swL3RelayBootpCtrlTable 1 }
755    SwL3RelayBootpCtrlEntry ::=
756        SEQUENCE {
757            swL3RelayBootpCtrlInterfaceName
758                DisplayString,
759            swL3RelayBootpCtrlServer
760                IpAddress,
761            swL3RelayBootpCtrlState
762                INTEGER
763        }
765    swL3RelayBootpCtrlInterfaceName OBJECT-TYPE
766        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..12))
767        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
768        STATUS  current
769        DESCRIPTION
770            "The name of the IP interface."
771        ::= { swL3RelayBootpCtrlEntry 1 }
773    swL3RelayBootpCtrlServer OBJECT-TYPE
774        SYNTAX IpAddress
775        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
776        STATUS current
777        DESCRIPTION
778            "The BOOTP server IP address."
779        ::= { swL3RelayBootpCtrlEntry 2 }
781    swL3RelayBootpCtrlState OBJECT-TYPE
782        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
783                    other(1),
784                    invalid(2),
785                    valid(3)
786                }
787        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
788        STATUS  current
789        DESCRIPTION
790            "This object indicates the status of this entry.
792            other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions
793                under which it will remain so are different from each of
794                the following values.
795            invalid(2) - writing this value to the object, and then the
796                corresponding entry will be removed from the table.
797            valid(3) - this entry is reside in the table."
798        ::= { swL3RelayBootpCtrlEntry 3 }
801-- ********************************************************************
802--  swL3RelayDnsMgmt        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3RelayMgmt 2 }
803-- ********************************************************************
805    swL3RelayDnsState OBJECT-TYPE
806        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
807               other(1),
808               disabled(2),
809               enabled(3)
810               }
811        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
812        STATUS  current
813        DESCRIPTION
814            "This object indicates DNS Relay function is enabled or
815            disabled."
816        ::= { swL3RelayDnsMgmt 1 }
818    swL3RelayDnsPrimaryServer OBJECT-TYPE
819        SYNTAX  IpAddress
820        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
821        STATUS  current
822        DESCRIPTION
823            "This object indicates the address of the primary DNS server."
824        ::= { swL3RelayDnsMgmt 2 }
826    swL3RelayDnsSecondaryServer OBJECT-TYPE
827        SYNTAX  IpAddress
828        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
829        STATUS  current
830        DESCRIPTION
831            "This object indicates the address of the secondary DNS server."
832        ::= { swL3RelayDnsMgmt 3 }
834    swL3RelayDnsCacheState OBJECT-TYPE
835        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
836               other(1),
837               disabled(2),
838               enabled(3)
839               }
840        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
841        STATUS  current
842        DESCRIPTION
843            "This object indicates DNS Relay cache is enabled or
844            disabled."
845        ::= { swL3RelayDnsMgmt 4 }
847    swL3RelayDnsStaticTableState OBJECT-TYPE
848        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
849               other(1),
850               disabled(2),
851               enabled(3)
852               }
853        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
854        STATUS  current
855        DESCRIPTION
856            "This object indicates DNS Relay static table is enabled or
857            disabled."
858        ::= { swL3RelayDnsMgmt 5 }
860    swL3RelayDnsCtrlTable OBJECT-TYPE
861        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SwL3RelayDnsCtrlEntry
862        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
863        STATUS  current
864        DESCRIPTION
865            "This table display the current DNS relay static table."
866        ::= { swL3RelayDnsMgmt 6 }
868    swL3RelayDnsCtrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
869        SYNTAX  SwL3RelayDnsCtrlEntry
870        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
871        STATUS  current
872        DESCRIPTION
873            "A list of information display the current DNS relay static
874            table."
875        INDEX  { swL3RelayDnsCtrlDomainName,  swL3RelayDnsCtrlIpAddr}
876        ::= { swL3RelayDnsCtrlTable 1 }
878    SwL3RelayDnsCtrlEntry ::=
879        SEQUENCE {
880            swL3RelayDnsCtrlDomainName
881                DisplayString,
882            swL3RelayDnsCtrlIpAddr
883                IpAddress,
884            swL3RelayDnsCtrlState
885                INTEGER
886        }
888    swL3RelayDnsCtrlDomainName OBJECT-TYPE
889        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..255))
890        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
891        STATUS  current
892        DESCRIPTION
893            "The domain name of the entry."
894        ::= { swL3RelayDnsCtrlEntry 1 }
896    swL3RelayDnsCtrlIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
897        SYNTAX IpAddress
898        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
899        STATUS current
900        DESCRIPTION
901            "The IP address of the entry."
902        ::= { swL3RelayDnsCtrlEntry 2 }
904    swL3RelayDnsCtrlState OBJECT-TYPE
905        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
906                    other(1),
907                    invalid(2),
908                    valid(3)
909                }
910        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
911        STATUS  current
912        DESCRIPTION
913            "This object indicates the status of this entry.
915            other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions
916                under which it will remain so are different from each of
917                the following values.
918            invalid(2) - writing this value to the object, and then the
919                corresponding entry will be removed from the table.
920            valid(3) - this entry is reside in the table."
921        ::= { swL3RelayDnsCtrlEntry 3 }
924-- ********************************************************************
925--  swL3Md5Table            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 4 }
926-- ********************************************************************
928    swL3Md5Table OBJECT-TYPE
929        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SwL3Md5Entry
930        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
931        STATUS  current
932        DESCRIPTION
933            "This table display the current MD5 key table."
934        ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 4 }
936    swL3Md5Entry OBJECT-TYPE
937        SYNTAX  SwL3Md5Entry
938        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
939        STATUS  current
940        DESCRIPTION
941            "A list of information display the current MD5 key table."
942        INDEX  { swL3Md5KeyId}
943        ::= { swL3Md5Table 1 }
945    SwL3Md5Entry ::=
946        SEQUENCE {
947            swL3Md5KeyId
948                INTEGER,
949            swL3Md5Key
950                DisplayString,
951            swL3Md5State
952                INTEGER
953        }
955    swL3Md5KeyId OBJECT-TYPE
956        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..255)
957        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
958        STATUS  current
959        DESCRIPTION
960            "The MD5 key ID."
961        ::= { swL3Md5Entry 1 }
963    swL3Md5Key OBJECT-TYPE
964        SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..16))
965        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
966        STATUS current
967        DESCRIPTION
968            "An MD5 password of up to 16 bytes."
969        ::= { swL3Md5Entry 2 }
971    swL3Md5State OBJECT-TYPE
972        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
973                    other(1),
974                    invalid(2),
975                    valid(3)
976                }
977        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
978        STATUS  current
979        DESCRIPTION
980            "This object indicates the status of this entry.
982            other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions
983                under which it will remain so are different from each of
984                the following values.
985            invalid(2) - writing this value to the object, and then the
986                corresponding entry will be removed from the table.
987            valid(3) - this entry is reside in the table."
988        ::= { swL3Md5Entry 3 }
991-- ********************************************************************
992--  swL3RouteRedistriTable          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 5 }
993-- ********************************************************************
995    swL3RouteRedistriTable OBJECT-TYPE
996        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SwL3RouteRedistriEntry
997        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
998        STATUS  current
999        DESCRIPTION
1000            "Route redistribution allows routers on the network. That are
1001            running different routing protocols to exchange routing
1002            information. This is accomplished by comparing the routes stored
1003            in the vairous router��s routing tables and assinging appropriate
1004            metrics. This information is then exchanged among the various
1005            routers according to the individual routers current routing
1006            protocol."
1007        ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 5 }
1009    swL3RouteRedistriEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1010        SYNTAX  SwL3RouteRedistriEntry
1011        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1012        STATUS  current
1013        DESCRIPTION
1014            "A list of information display the route redistribution table."
1015        INDEX  { swL3RouteRedistriSrcProtocol, swL3RouteRedistriDstProtocol}
1016        ::= { swL3RouteRedistriTable 1 }
1018    SwL3RouteRedistriEntry ::=
1019        SEQUENCE {
1020            swL3RouteRedistriSrcProtocol
1021                INTEGER,
1022            swL3RouteRedistriDstProtocol
1023                INTEGER,
1024            swL3RouteRedistriType
1025                INTEGER,
1026            swL3RouteRedistriMetric
1027                INTEGER,
1028            swL3RouteRedistriState
1029                INTEGER
1030        }
1032    swL3RouteRedistriSrcProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
1033        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
1034                    other(1),
1035                    rip(2),
1036                    ospf(3),
1037                    static(4),
1038                    local(5)
1039                }
1040        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1041        STATUS  current
1042        DESCRIPTION
1043            "Allows the selection of the protocol of the source device."
1044        ::= { swL3RouteRedistriEntry 1 }
1046    swL3RouteRedistriDstProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
1047        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
1048                    other(1),
1049                    rip(2),
1050                    ospf(3)
1051                }
1052        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1053        STATUS  current
1054        DESCRIPTION
1055            "Allows the selection of the protocol of the destination device."
1056        ::= { swL3RouteRedistriEntry 2 }
1058    swL3RouteRedistriType OBJECT-TYPE
1059        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
1060                    other(1),
1061                    all(2),
1062                    type-1(3),
1063                    type-2(4),
1064                    internal(5),
1065                    external(6),
1066                    inter-E1(7),
1067                    inter-E2(8),
1068                    extType1(9),
1069                    extType2(10)
1070                }
1071        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1072        STATUS  current
1073        DESCRIPTION
1074            "Allows the selection of one of the methods for calcalculating
1075            the metric value."
1076        ::= { swL3RouteRedistriEntry 3 }
1078    swL3RouteRedistriMetric OBJECT-TYPE
1079        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..16777214)
1080        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1081        STATUS  current
1082        DESCRIPTION
1083            "Allows the entry of an OSPF interface cost. This is analogous
1084            to a Hop Count in the RIP routing protocol. The value '0'
1085            indicates default value."
1086        ::= { swL3RouteRedistriEntry 4 }
1088    swL3RouteRedistriState OBJECT-TYPE
1089        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
1090                    other(1),
1091                    invalid(2),
1092                    valid(3)
1093                }
1094        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1095        STATUS  current
1096        DESCRIPTION
1097            "This object indicates the status of this entry.
1099            other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions
1100                under which it will remain so are different from each of
1101                the following values.
1102            invalid(2) - writing this value to the object, and then the
1103                corresponding entry will be removed from the table.
1104            valid(3) - this entry is reside in the table."
1105        ::= { swL3RouteRedistriEntry 5 }
1108-- ********************************************************************
1109--  swL3OspfHostTable          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 6 }
1110-- ********************************************************************
1112    swL3OspfHostTable OBJECT-TYPE
1113        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SwL3OspfHostEntry
1114        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1115        STATUS  current
1116        DESCRIPTION
1117            "The list of Hosts, and their metrics, that the router will
1118            advertise as host routes."
1119        ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 6 }
1121    swL3OspfHostEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1122        SYNTAX   SwL3OspfHostEntry
1123        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1124        STATUS   current
1125        DESCRIPTION
1126            "A metric to be advertised, for a given type of service, when a
1127            given host is reachable."
1128        INDEX { swL3OspfHostIpAddress, swL3OspfHostTOS }
1129        ::= { swL3OspfHostTable 1 }
1131    SwL3OspfHostEntry ::=
1132        SEQUENCE {
1133            swL3OspfHostIpAddress
1134                IpAddress,
1135            swL3OspfHostTOS
1136                TOSType,
1137            swL3OspfHostMetric
1138                Metric,
1139            swL3OspfHostStatus
1140                RowStatus,
1141            swL3OspfHostAreaID
1142                AreaID
1143        }
1145    swL3OspfHostIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
1146        SYNTAX   IpAddress
1147        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
1148        STATUS   current
1149        DESCRIPTION
1150            "The IP Address of the Host."
1151        ::= { swL3OspfHostEntry 1 }
1153    swL3OspfHostTOS OBJECT-TYPE
1154        SYNTAX   TOSType
1155        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
1156        STATUS   current
1157        DESCRIPTION
1158            "The Type of Service of the route being configured."
1159        ::= { swL3OspfHostEntry 2 }
1161    swL3OspfHostMetric OBJECT-TYPE
1162        SYNTAX   Metric
1163        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
1164        STATUS   current
1165        DESCRIPTION
1166           "The Metric to be advertised."
1167        ::= { swL3OspfHostEntry 3 }
1169    swL3OspfHostStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1170        SYNTAX   RowStatus
1171        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
1172        STATUS   current
1173        DESCRIPTION
1174           "This variable displays the status of the entry. Setting it to
1175           'invalid' has the effect of rendering it inoperative. The internal
1176           effect (row removal) is implementation dependent."
1177        ::= { swL3OspfHostEntry 4 }
1179    swL3OspfHostAreaID OBJECT-TYPE
1180        SYNTAX   AreaID
1181        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
1182        STATUS   current
1183        DESCRIPTION
1184           "The Area the Host Entry is to be found within. By default, the
1185           area that a subsuming OSPF interface is in, or"
1186        ::= { swL3OspfHostEntry 5 }
1189-- ********************************************************************
1190--  swL3VrrpMgmt            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 7 }
1191-- ********************************************************************
1193    swL3VrrpMgmt            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 7 }
1195    swL3VrrpOperTable OBJECT-TYPE
1196        SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF SwL3VrrpOperEntry
1197        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1198        STATUS   current
1199        DESCRIPTION
1200            "Operations table for a VRRP router which consists of a
1201            sequence (i.e., one or more conceptual rows) of
1202            'swL3VrrpOperEntry' items."
1203         ::= { swL3VrrpMgmt 1 }
1205    swL3VrrpOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1206        SYNTAX   SwL3VrrpOperEntry
1207        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1208        STATUS   current
1209        DESCRIPTION
1210            "An entry in the swL3VrrpOperTable containing the operational
1211            characteristics of a virtual router. On a VRRP router,
1212            a given virtual router is identified by a combination
1213            of the IF index and VRID."
1214            INDEX    { ifIndex, swL3VrrpOperVrId }
1215        ::= { swL3VrrpOperTable 1 }
1217    SwL3VrrpOperEntry ::=
1218        SEQUENCE {
1219            swL3VrrpOperVrId
1220                INTEGER,
1221            swL3VrrpOperCriticalIpAddr
1222                IpAddress,
1223            swL3VrrpOperCriticalIpState
1224                INTEGER,
1225            swL3VrrpOperHoldDownTimer
1226                INTEGER
1227    }
1229    swL3VrrpOperVrId OBJECT-TYPE
1230        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..255)
1231        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1232        STATUS       current
1233        DESCRIPTION
1234            "This object contains the Virtual Router Identifier (VRID)."
1235        ::= { swL3VrrpOperEntry 1 }
1237    swL3VrrpOperCriticalIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
1238        SYNTAX       IpAddress
1239        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
1240        STATUS       current
1241        DESCRIPTION
1242            "To make sure the ip interface connected by this virtual router
1243            is alive or not."
1244        ::= { swL3VrrpOperEntry 2 }
1246    swL3VrrpOperCriticalIpState OBJECT-TYPE
1247        SYNTAX   INTEGER {
1248                other(1),
1249                disabled(2),
1250                enabled(3)
1251            }
1252        MAX-ACCESS read-write
1253        STATUS     current
1254        DESCRIPTION
1255            "To enable or disable the feature of critical IP."
1256        ::= { swL3VrrpOperEntry 3 }
1258    swL3VrrpOperHoldDownTimer OBJECT-TYPE
1259        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..21600)
1260        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1261        STATUS      current
1262        DESCRIPTION
1263            "When VRRP is started, it need to spend this period of time to
1264            let the routing would be leared as well. The unit of this object
1265            is second."
1266        DEFVAL    { 0 }
1267        ::= { swL3VrrpOperEntry 4 }
1269-- ********************************************************************
1270--  swL3RoutePrefTable          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 8 }
1271-- ********************************************************************
1273    swL3RoutePrefTable OBJECT-TYPE
1274        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SwL3RoutePrefEntry
1275        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1276        STATUS  current
1277        DESCRIPTION
1278            "IP Route Pref table."
1279        ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 8 }
1281    swL3RoutePrefEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1282        SYNTAX  SwL3RoutePrefEntry
1283        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1284        STATUS  current
1285        DESCRIPTION
1286            "An entry of Ip Route Pref Table."
1287        INDEX  { swL3RoutePrefProtocol }
1288        ::= { swL3RoutePrefTable 1 }
1290    SwL3RoutePrefEntry ::=
1291        SEQUENCE {
1292            swL3RoutePrefProtocol
1293                INTEGER,
1294            swL3RoutePrefValue
1295                INTEGER
1296        }
1298    swL3RoutePrefProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
1299        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
1300                    isis(1),
1301                    rip(2),
1302                    ospfIntra(3),
1303                    static(4),
1304                    local(5),
1305                    bgp(6),
1306                    staticLow(7),
1307                    ospfInter(8),
1308                    ospfExternal(9),
1309                    ospfExternal1(10),
1310                    ospfExternal2(11),
1311                    ospfNssa1(12),
1312                    ospfNssa2(13)
1313                }
1314        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1315        STATUS  current
1316        DESCRIPTION
1317            "Protocol"
1318        ::= { swL3RoutePrefEntry 1 }
1320    swL3RoutePrefValue OBJECT-TYPE
1321        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..999)
1322        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1323        STATUS  current
1324        DESCRIPTION
1325            "This value is a preference value for the given protocol."
1326        ::= { swL3RoutePrefEntry 2 }
1329-- ********************************************************************
1330--  swL3DvmrpInterfaceTable            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 9 }
1331-- ********************************************************************
1333    swL3DvmrpInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE
1334        SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF SwL3DvmrpInterfaceEntry
1335        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1336        STATUS   current
1337        DESCRIPTION
1338            "The (conceptual) table listing the router's multicast-
1339            capable interfaces."
1340         ::= { swL3MgmtMIB 9 }
1342    swL3DvmrpInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1343        SYNTAX   SwL3DvmrpInterfaceEntry
1344        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1345        STATUS   current
1346        DESCRIPTION
1347            "An entry (conceptual row) in the swL3DvmrpInterfaceTable."
1348        INDEX    { swL3DvmrpInterfaceIfIndex }
1349        ::= { swL3DvmrpInterfaceTable 1 }
1351    SwL3DvmrpInterfaceEntry ::=
1352        SEQUENCE {
1353            swL3DvmrpInterfaceIfIndex
1354                INTEGER,
1355            swL3DvmrpInterfaceNeighborTimeout
1356                INTEGER,
1357            swL3DvmrpInterfaceProbe
1358                INTEGER
1359    }
1361    swL3DvmrpInterfaceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1362        SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..65535)
1363        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1364        STATUS       current
1365        DESCRIPTION
1366            "The ifIndex value of the interface for which DVMRP is
1367            enabled."
1368        ::= { swL3DvmrpInterfaceEntry 1 }
1370    swL3DvmrpInterfaceNeighborTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
1371        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..65535)
1372        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
1373        STATUS       current
1374        DESCRIPTION
1375            "The time period for DVMRP will hold Neithbor Router reports
1376            before issuing poison route messages. The unit is second."
1377        DEFVAL    { 35 }
1378        ::= { swL3DvmrpInterfaceEntry 2 }
1380    swL3DvmrpInterfaceProbe OBJECT-TYPE
1381        SYNTAX   INTEGER (1..65535)
1382        MAX-ACCESS read-write
1383        STATUS     current
1384        DESCRIPTION
1385            "DVMRP defines an extension to IGMP that allows routers to
1386            query other routers to determine if a multicast group is
1387            present on an given router subnetwork or not.  This is referred
1388            to as a 'probe'. The unit is second."
1389        DEFVAL    { 10 }
1390        ::= { swL3DvmrpInterfaceEntry 3 }