1 /* Siconos is a program dedicated to modeling, simulation and control
2  * of non smooth dynamical systems.
3  *
4  * Copyright 2021 INRIA.
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17 */
19 /*!\file NonSmoothDrivers.h
20   \brief This file provides all generic functions (drivers), interfaces to the different formulations for Non-Smooth Problems available in Numerics.
21   \todo solve_qp does not exist
23   Use fc3d tools.
24 */
25 #ifndef NonSmoothSolvers_H
26 #define NonSmoothSolvers_H
28 #include "SiconosConfig.h"
30 /* #include "mlcp_cst.h" */
31 /* #include "MCP_cst.h" */
32 /* #include "NCP_cst.h" */
33 /* #include "lcp_cst.h" */
34 /* #include "relay_cst.h" */
35 /* #include "Friction_cst.h" */
36 /* #include "VI_cst.h" */
37 /* #include "AVI_cst.h" */
38 /* #include "SOCLCP_cst.h" */
39 //#include "VariationalInequality.h"
40 //#include "VariationalInequality_Solvers.h"
41 //#include "SecondOrderConeLinearComplementarityProblem.h"
42 /* #include "SOCLCP_Solvers.h" */
43 /* #include "Relay_Solvers.h" */
44 /* #include "LCP_Solvers.h" */
45 /* #include "AVI_Solvers.h" */
46 /* #include "MLCP_Solvers.h" */
47 /* #include "NCP_Solvers.h" */
48 /* #include "MCP_Solvers.h" */
49 //#include "SolverOptions.h"
50 #include "NumericsFwd.h"
51 //#include "MixedComplementarityProblem.h"
52 /* #include "fc2d_Solvers.h" */
53 /* #include "fc3d_Solvers.h" */
54 /* #include "gfc3d_Solvers.h" */
55 //#include "GenericMechanical_Solvers.h"
57 //#include "NonSmoothNewton.h"
59 #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(BUILD_AS_CPP)
60 extern "C"
61 {
62 #endif
64   /** General interface to solvers for Linear Complementarity Problems
65     \param[in] problem the LinearComplementarityProblem structure which handles the problem (M,q)
66     \param[in,out] z a n-vector of doubles which contains the solution of the problem.
67     \param[in,out] w a n-vector of doubles which contains the solution of the problem.
68     \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and their parameters
69     \return info termination value
70     - 0 : successful
71     - >0 : otherwise see each solver for more information about the log info
72   */
73   int linearComplementarity_driver(LinearComplementarityProblem* problem, double *z , double *w, SolverOptions* options);
75   /** General interface to solver for MLCP problems
76       \param[in] problem the MixedLinearComplementarityProblem structure which handles the problem (M,q)
77       \param[in,out] z a m+n-vector of doubles which contains the solution of the problem.
78       \param[in,out] w a m+n-vector of doubles which contains the solution of the problem.
79       \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and their parameters
80       \return info termination value
81       - 0 : successful
82       - >0 : otherwise see each solver for more information about the log info
83       \todo Sizing the regularization parameter and apply it only on null diagnal term
84   */
85   int mlcp_driver(MixedLinearComplementarityProblem* problem, double *z, double *w, SolverOptions* options);
87   /** General interface to solvers for friction-contact 2D problem
88    *  \param[in] problem the structure which handles the Friction-Contact problem
89    *  \param[in,out] reaction global vector (n)
90    *  \param[in,out] velocity global vector (n)
91    *  \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and their parameters
92    *  \return result (0 if successful otherwise 1).
93    */
94   int fc2d_driver(FrictionContactProblem* problem, double *reaction , double *velocity, SolverOptions* options);
97   /** General interface to solvers for friction-contact 3D problem
98    *  \param[in] problem the structure which handles the Friction-Contact problem
99    *  \param[in,out] reaction global vector (n)
100    *  \param[in,out] velocity global vector (n)
101    *  \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and their parameters
102    *  \return result (0 if successful otherwise 1).
103    */
104   int fc3d_driver(FrictionContactProblem* problem, double *reaction , double *velocity, SolverOptions* options);
106   /** General interface to solvers for rolling friction-contact 3D problem
107    *  \param[in] problem the structure which handles the Friction-Contact problem
108    *  \param[in,out] reaction global vector (n)
109    *  \param[in,out] velocity global vector (n)
110    *  \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and their parameters
111    *  \return result (0 if successful otherwise 1).
112    */
113   int rolling_fc3d_driver(RollingFrictionContactProblem* problem, double *reaction , double *velocity, SolverOptions* options);
115   /** General interface to solvers for rolling friction-contact 2D problem
116    *  \param[in] problem the structure which handles the Friction-Contact problem
117    *  \param[in,out] reaction global vector (n)
118    *  \param[in,out] velocity global vector (n)
119    *  \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and their parameters
120    *  \return result (0 if successful otherwise 1).
121    */
122   int rolling_fc2d_driver(RollingFrictionContactProblem* problem, double *reaction , double *velocity, SolverOptions* options);
124   /** General interface to solvers for global friction-contact 3D problem
125     \param[in] problem the structure which handles the Friction-Contact problem
126     \param[in,out] reaction global vector (n)
127     \param[in,out] velocity global vector (n)
128     \param[in,out] globalVelocity global vector
129     \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and their parameters
130     \return result (0 if successful otherwise 1).
131   */
132   int gfc3d_driver(GlobalFrictionContactProblem* problem, double *reaction ,
133                                      double *velocity, double* globalVelocity,
134                                      SolverOptions* options);
136   /** General interface to solvers for global rolling friction-contact 3D problem
137    *  \param[in] problem the structure which handles the Friction-Contact problem
138    *  \param[in,out] reaction global vector (n)
139    *  \param[in,out] velocity global vector (n)
140    *  \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and their parameters
141    *  \return result (0 if successful otherwise 1).
142    */
143   int g_rolling_fc3d_driver(GlobalRollingFrictionContactProblem* problem,
144                             double *reaction, double *velocity, double* globalVelocity,
145                             SolverOptions* options);
147   /** General interface to solvers for friction-contact 3D problem
148    *  \param[in] problem the structure which handles the Friction-Contact problem
149    *  \param[in,out] x global vector (n)
150    *  \param[in,out] w global vector (n)
151    *  \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and their parameters
152    *  \return result (0 if successful otherwise 1).
153    */
154   int variationalInequality_driver(VariationalInequality* problem, double *x , double *w, SolverOptions* options);
156   /** General interface to solvers for Affine Variational Inequalities (AVI)
157     \param[in] problem the AffineVariationalInequalities structure which handles the problem (M,q)
158     \param[in,out] z a n-vector of doubles which contains the solution of the problem.
159     \param[in,out] w a n-vector of doubles which contains the solution of the problem.
160     \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and their parameters
161     \return info termination value
162     - 0 : successful
163     - >0 : otherwise see each solver for more information about the log info
164   */
165   int avi_driver(AffineVariationalInequalities* problem, double* z, double* w, SolverOptions* options);
167   /** General interface to solver for MCP problems
168       \param[in] problem the MixedComplementarityProblem_old structure which handles the problem
169       \param[in,out] z a m+n-vector of doubles which contains the solution of the problem.
170       \param[in,out] w a m+n-vector of doubles which contains the solution of the problem.
171       \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and its(their) parameters
172       \return info termination value  0 : successful, else error.
173   */
174   int mcp_old_driver(MixedComplementarityProblem_old* problem, double *z, double *w, SolverOptions* options);
176   /** General interface to solver for MCP problems -- new version
177       \param[in] problem the MixedComplementarityProblem structure which handles the problem
178       \param[in,out] z a m+n-vector of doubles which contains the solution of the problem.
179       \param[in,out] w a m+n-vector of doubles which contains the solution of the problem.
180       \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and its(their) parameters
181       \return info termination value  0 : successful, else error.
182   */
183   int mcp_driver(MixedComplementarityProblem* problem, double *z, double *w, SolverOptions* options);
185   /** General interface to solver for NCP problems
186       \param[in] problem the NonlinearComplementarityProblem structure which handles the problem
187       \param[in,out] z a n-vector of doubles which contains the solution of the problem.
188       \param[in,out] F a n-vector of doubles which contains value of the function evaluated at the solution of the problem.
189       \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and its(their) parameters
190       \return info termination value  0 : successful, else error
191   */
192   int ncp_driver(NonlinearComplementarityProblem* problem, double *z , double *F, SolverOptions* options);
194   /** General interface to solvers for SOCLCP problem
195       \param[in] problem the structure which handles the Friction-Contact problem
196       \param[in,out] r global vector (n)
197       \param[in,out] v global vector (n)
198       \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and their parameters
199       \return result (0 if successful otherwise 1).
200   */
201   int soclcp_driver(SecondOrderConeLinearComplementarityProblem* problem, double *r , double *v, SolverOptions* options);
203   /** LMGC interface to solvers for friction-contact 3D problem
204    *  \param[in,out] reaction global vector (nc*3)
205    *  \param[in,out] velocity global vector (nc*3)
206    *  \param[in] q global vector (nc*3)
207    *  \param[in] mu global vector (nc)
208    *  \param[in] W the block matrix in coordinate format
209    *  \param[in] row block row indices
210    *  \param[in] column block column indices
211    *  \param[in] nc number of contacts
212    *  \param[in] nb number of blocks
213    *  \param[in] solver_id id an int to be mapped to actual solver in Numerics
214    *  \param[in] tolerance threshold used to validate the solution: if the error is less than this value, the solution is accepted
215    *  \param[in] itermax the maximum number of iteration
216    *  \param[in] verbose level 0 : nothing, 1: mid level 2: high level
217    *  \param[in] outputFile outputFile option 0 : nothing 1 : dat file 2: FCLIB HDF5 file if FCLIB is found
218    *  \param[in] freq_output
219    *  \param[in] ndof the numbe of dof in the dynamical systems involved in contact (for output in file.)
220    *  \return result (0 if successful otherwise 1).
221    *
222    */
223   int fc3d_LmgcDriver(double *reaction,
224                                    double *velocity,
225                                    double *q,
226                                    double *mu,
227                                    double* W,
228                                    unsigned int *row,
229                                    unsigned int *column,
230                                    unsigned int nc,
231                                    unsigned int nb,
232                                    int solver_id,
233                                    double tolerance,
234                                    int itermax,
235                                    int verbose,
236                                    int outputFile,
237                                    int freq_output,
238                                    int ndof);
240   /** LMGC interface to solvers for global friction-contact 3D problem
241    *  \param[in,out] reaction global vector (nc*3)
242    *  \param[in,out] velocity global vector (nc*3)
243    *  \param[in,out] globalVelocity global velocity vector (n)
244    *  \param[in] q global vector (n)
245    *  \param[in] b global vector (nc*3)
246    *  \param[in] mu global vector (nc)
247    *  \param[in] Mdata the sparse matrix in coordinate format
248    *  \param[in] nzM number of non zeros in Mdata
249    *  \param[in] rowM  row indices of M
250    *  \param[in] colM  column indices of M
251    *  \param[in] Hdata the sparse matrix in coordinate format
252    *  \param[in] nzH number of non zeros in Hdata
253    *  \param[in] rowH  row indices of H
254    *  \param[in] colH  column indices of H
255    *  \param[in] n size of global velocity
256    *  \param[in] nc number of contacts
257    *  \param[in] solver_id id an int to be mapped to actual solver in Numerics
258    *  \param[in] isize sive of integer parameters array
259    *  \param[in] iparam integer parameters array
260    *  \param[in] dsize sive of double parameters array
261    *  \param[in] dparam double parameters array
262    *  \param[in] verbose level 0 : nothing, 1: mid level 2: high level
263    *  \param[in] outputFile outputFile option 0 : nothing 1 : C file , 1 :  dat file 3: FCLIB HDF5 file if FCLIB is found
264    *  \param[in] freq_output
265    *  \return result (0 if successful otherwise 1).
266    *
267    */
268   int gfc3d_LmgcDriver(double *reaction,
269                                          double *velocity,
270                                          double *globalVelocity,
271                                          double *q,
272                                          double *b,
273                                          double *mu,
274                                          double *Mdata,
275                                          unsigned int nzM,
276                                          unsigned int *rowM,
277                                          unsigned int *colM,
278                                          double* Hdata,
279                                          unsigned int nzH,
280                                          unsigned int *rowH,
281                                          unsigned int *colH,
282                                          unsigned int n,
283                                          unsigned int nc,
284                                          int solver_id,
285                                          int isize,
286                                          int *iparam,
287                                          int dsize,
288                                          double *dparam,
289                                          int verbose,
290                                          int outputFile,
291                                          int freq_output);
293   /** General interface to solver for relay problems
294       \param[in] problem the RelayProblem structure which handles the problem (M,q)
295       \param[in,out] z a n-vector of doubles which contains the solution of the problem.
296       \param[in,out] w a n-vector of doubles which contains the solution of the problem.
297       \param[in,out] options structure used to define the solver(s) and its (their) parameters
298       \return info termination value
299       - 0 : successful
300       - >0 : otherwise see each solver for more information about the log info
301    */
302   int relay_driver(RelayProblem* problem, double *z , double *w, SolverOptions* options);
306 #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(BUILD_AS_CPP)
307 }
308 #endif
310 #endif