1 /*
2 	draw.h
4 	Video buffer handling definitions and prototypes
6 	Copyright (C) 1996-1997  Id Software, Inc.
8 	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
10 	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
11 	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 	See the GNU General Public License for more details.
19 	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 	along with this program; if not, write to:
22 		Free Software Foundation, Inc.
23 		59 Temple Place - Suite 330
24 		Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA
26 */
28 #ifndef _DRAW_H
29 #define _DRAW_H
31 /** \defgroup video Video Sub-sytem */
33 /** \defgroup video_renderer Renderer Sub-system
34 	\ingroup video
35 */
37 /** \defgroup video_renderer_draw Generic draw functions
38 	\ingroup video_renderer
39 */
40 //@{
42 #include "QF/wad.h"
44 extern byte *draw_chars;
46 /** Initialize the draw stuff.
47 */
48 void Draw_Init (void);
50 /** Draws one 8*8 graphics character with 0 being transparent.
51 	It can be clipped to the top of the screen to allow the console to be
52 	smoothly scrolled off.
53 	\param x	horizontal location of the top left corner of the character.
54 	\param y	vertical location of the top left corner of the character.
55 	\param ch	8 bit character to draw.
56 	\note		The character drawn is from the quake character set, which is
57 				(by default) standard ascii for 0x20-0x7e (white). 0xa0-0xfe is
58 				also standard ascii (brown). 0x01-0x1f and 0x80-0x9f are
59 				various drawing characters, and 0x7f is a backwards arrow.
60 */
61 void Draw_Character (int x, int y, unsigned ch);
63 /** Draws a character string to the screen.
64 	No line wrapping is performed.
65 	\param x	horizontal location of the top left corner of the character.
66 	\param y	vertical location of the top left corner of the character.
67 	\param str	8 bit character string to draw.
68 	\note		See Draw_Character() for character set description.
69 				String is normal nul terminated C string.
70 */
71 void Draw_String (int x, int y, const char *str);
73 /** Draws a character sub-string to the screen.
74 	No line wrapping is performed.
75 	\param x	horizontal location of the top left corner of the character.
76 	\param y	vertical location of the top left corner of the character.
77 	\param str	8 bit character string to draw.
78 	\param count Maximum characters of the string to draw.
79 	\note		See Draw_Character() for character set description.
80 				Draws up to \p count characters, or stops at the first nul
81 				character.
82 */
83 void Draw_nString (int x, int y, const char *str, int count);
85 /** Draws a character string to the screen.
86 	No line wrapping is performed.
87 	\param x	horizontal location of the top left corner of the character.
88 	\param y	vertical location of the top left corner of the character.
89 	\param str	8 bit character string to draw.
90 	\note		See Draw_Character() for character set description.
91 				String is normal nul terminated C string.
92 				Characters of the string are forced to have their high bit set
93 				(ie, they will be in the range 0x80-0xff).
94 */
95 void Draw_AltString (int x, int y, const char *str);
97 /** Draw the console background with various optional effects.
98 	\param lines Vertical size in pixels of the console.
99 	\param alpha Console transparency level (255 = opaque).
100 	\note		\p alpha is effective only in the OpenGL renderer. Effectively
101 				255 (opaque) for the software renderer.
103 	\c gl_conspin causes the background to spin.
105 	\c gl_constretch causes the background to stretch rather than slide.
106 */
107 void Draw_ConsoleBackground (int lines, byte alpha);
109 /** Draw a crosshair at the center of the screen.
110 	\c crosshair specifies which crosshair (1 = '+', 2 = large 'x' shape,
111 	3 = fancy '+' shape)
112 	\c cl_crossx and \c cl_crossy offset the crosshair from the center of the
113 	screen.
114 */
115 void Draw_Crosshair (void);
117 /** Draw the specified crosshair on the screen.
118 	\param ch	crosshair to draw
119 	\param x	horizontal position of the center of the crosshair.
120 	\param y	vertical position of the center of the crosshair.
122 	See Draw_Crosshair() for description of crosshair values.
123 */
124 void Draw_CrosshairAt (int ch, int x, int y);
126 /** Clear a rectangle with a tiled background.
127 	\param x	horizontal position of the upper left corner of the rectangle
128 	\param y	horizontal position of the upper left corner of the rectangle
129 	\param w	width of the rectangle
130 	\param h	height of the rectangle
132 	The background used is the "backtile" WAD lump.
133 */
134 void Draw_TileClear (int x, int y, int w, int h);
136 /** Clear a rectangle with a solid color.
137 	\param x	horizontal position of the upper left corner of the rectangle
138 	\param y	horizontal position of the upper left corner of the rectangle
139 	\param w	width of the rectangle
140 	\param h	height of the rectangle
141 	\param c	8 bit color index.
143 	The color comes from the quake palette.
144 */
145 void Draw_Fill (int x, int y, int w, int h, int c);
147 /** Draw a text box on the screen
148 	\param x	horizontal location of the upper left corner of the box
149 	\param y	vertical location of the upper left corner of the box
150 	\param width horizontal size in character cells of the region
151 	\param lines vertical size in character cells of the region
152 	\param alpha transparency of the box
153 */
154 void Draw_TextBox (int x, int y, int width, int lines, byte alpha);
156 /** Darken the screen.
157 */
158 void Draw_FadeScreen (void);
160 /** Shift the screen colors.
161 */
162 void Draw_BlendScreen (quat_t color);
163 //@}
165 /** \defgroup video_renderer_draw_qpic QPic functions
166 	\ingroup video_renderer_draw
167 */
168 //@{
169 /** Load a qpic from the filesystem.
170 	\param path	path of the file within the quake filesystem
171 	\param alpha transparency level of the pic.
172 	\return		pointer qpic data.
173 	\note		Up to MAX_CACHED_PICS qpics can be loaded at a time this way
174 */
175 qpic_t *Draw_CachePic (const char *path, qboolean alpha);
177 /** Remove a qpic from the qpic cache.
179 	This affects only those qpics that were loaded via Draw_CachePic.
181 	\param path	path of the file within the quake filesystem
182 */
183 void Draw_UncachePic (const char *path);
185 /** Create a qpic from raw data.
187 	\param width	The width of the pic.
188 	\param height	The height of the pic.
189 	\param data		The raw data bytes. The system palette will be used for
190 					colors.
191 	\return			pointer qpic data.
192 */
193 qpic_t *Draw_MakePic (int width, int height, const byte *data);
195 /** Destroy a qpic created by Draw_MakePic.
197 	\param pic		The qpic to destory.
198 */
199 void Draw_DestroyPic (qpic_t *pic);
201 /** Load a qpic from gfx.wad.
202 	\param name	name of the was lump to load
203 	\return		pointer qpic data.
204 */
205 qpic_t *Draw_PicFromWad (const char *name);
207 /** Draw a qpic to the screen
208 	\param x	horizontal location of the upper left corner of the qpic
209 	\param y	vertical location of the upper left corner of the qpic
210 	\param pic	qpic to draw
211 */
212 void Draw_Pic (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic);
214 /** Draw a qpic to the screen
215 	\param x	horizontal location of the upper left corner of the qpic
216 	\param y	vertical location of the upper left corner of the qpic
217 	\param pic	qpic to draw
218 */
219 void Draw_Picf (float x, float y, qpic_t *pic);
221 /** Draw a sub-region of a qpic to the screan
222 	\param x	horizontal screen location of the upper left corner of the
223 				sub-region
224 	\param y	vertical screen location of the upper left corner of the
225 				sub-region
226 	\param pic	qpic to draw
227 	\param srcx	horizontal qpic location of the upper left corner of the
228 				sub-region
229 	\param srcy	vertical qpic location of the upper left corner of the
230 				sub-region
231 	\param width horizontal size of the sub-region to be drawn
232 	\param height vertical size of the sub-region to be drawn
233 */
234 void Draw_SubPic(int x, int y, qpic_t *pic, int srcx, int srcy, int width, int height);
235 //@}
237 #endif // _DRAW_H