4 #include "measure_fwd.hpp"
6 #include <Revoropt/Tools/measure_def.hpp>
7 #include <Revoropt/Neighbours/neighbourhood_def.hpp>
9 #include <Eigen/Dense>
11 namespace Revoropt {
13 /*{{{ Area */
15 /* Area of a face of a mesh */
16 template<typename Mesh>
mesh_face_area(const Mesh * mesh,unsigned int face)17 typename Mesh::Scalar mesh_face_area(const Mesh* mesh, unsigned int face) {
18   //scalar type
19   typedef typename Mesh::Scalar Scalar ;
21   //result
22   double area = 0 ;
24   //iterate over the faces
25   unsigned int fsize = mesh->face_size(face) ;
26   const unsigned int* fverts = mesh->face(face) ;
27   for(unsigned int v = 1; v < fsize-1; ++v) {
28     area += triangle_area<Mesh::VertexDim,Scalar>(
29               mesh->vertex(fverts[0]),
30               mesh->vertex(fverts[v]),
31               mesh->vertex(fverts[v+1])
32             ) ;
33   }
35   return area ;
36 }
38 /* Area of a mesh */
39 template<typename Mesh>
mesh_area(const Mesh * mesh)40 typename Mesh::Scalar mesh_area(const Mesh* mesh) {
41   //scalar type
42   typedef typename Mesh::Scalar Scalar ;
44   //the area will be stored here
45   Scalar area = 0 ;
47   //iterate over the faces
48   for(unsigned int face = 0; face < mesh->faces_size(); ++face) {
49     area += mesh_face_area(mesh, face) ;
50   }
52   return area ;
53 }
55 //}}}
57 /*{{{ Edge length */
59 template< typename Mesh >
edge_length_from_vertices(const Mesh * mesh,unsigned int v0,unsigned int v1)60 typename Mesh::Scalar edge_length_from_vertices( const Mesh* mesh,
61                                                  unsigned int v0,
62                                                  unsigned int v1
63                                                ) {
64   //scalar type
65   typedef typename Mesh::Scalar Scalar ;
66   //vector type
67   typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,Mesh::VertexDim,1> Vector ;
68   //vertex positions
69   Eigen::Map<const Vector> v0_pos(mesh->vertex(v0)) ;
70   Eigen::Map<const Vector> v1_pos(mesh->vertex(v1)) ;
71   //length
72   return (v1_pos-v0_pos).norm() ;
73 }
75 template< typename Mesh >
edge_length_from_face_index(const Mesh * mesh,unsigned int face,unsigned int edge)76 typename Mesh::Scalar edge_length_from_face_index( const Mesh* mesh,
77                                                    unsigned int face,
78                                                    unsigned int edge
79                                                  ) {
80   //edge vertex indices
81   const unsigned int v0 = mesh->face_edge_start_vertex(face, edge) ;
82   const unsigned int v1 = mesh->face_edge_end_vertex(face, edge) ;
83   return edge_length_from_vertices(mesh,v0,v1) ;
84 }
86 /* Longest edge of a face */
88 template< typename Mesh >
face_longest_edge(const Mesh * mesh,unsigned int face,typename Mesh::Scalar * output_length)89 unsigned int face_longest_edge( const Mesh* mesh,
90                                 unsigned int face,
91                                 typename Mesh::Scalar* output_length
92                               ) {
93   //scalar type
94   typedef typename Mesh::Scalar Scalar ;
95   //size of the face
96   const unsigned int face_size = mesh->face_size(face) ;
97   //initialization
98   unsigned int longest_edge = 0 ;
99   Scalar longest_length = 0 ;
100   //iterate over the edges
101   for(unsigned int edge = 0; edge < face_size; ++edge) {
102     //length
103     Scalar length = edge_length_from_face_index(mesh, face, edge) ;
104     //update
105     if(length == longest_length) {
106       //decide depending on edge vertices in lexicographic order
107       const unsigned int v0 = mesh->face_edge_start_vertex(face, edge) ;
108       const unsigned int v1 = mesh->face_edge_end_vertex(face, edge) ;
109       const unsigned int v2 = mesh->face_edge_start_vertex(face, longest_edge) ;
110       const unsigned int v3 = mesh->face_edge_end_vertex(face, longest_edge) ;
111       const unsigned int v0_min = v0 < v1 ? v0 : v1 ;
112       const unsigned int v0_max = v0 < v1 ? v1 : v0 ;
113       const unsigned int v1_min = v2 < v3 ? v2 : v3 ;
114       const unsigned int v1_max = v2 < v3 ? v3 : v2 ;
115       if(v0_max == v1_max) {
116         if(v0_min > v1_min) {
117           longest_edge = edge ;
118           longest_length = length ;
119         }
120       } else if(v0_max > v1_max){
121         longest_edge = edge ;
122         longest_length = length ;
123       }
125     } else if(length > longest_length) {
126       longest_edge = edge ;
127       longest_length = length ;
128     }
129   }
130   //result
131   if(output_length != NULL) {
132     *output_length = longest_length ;
133   }
134   return longest_edge ;
135 }
137 /* Longest edge of a mesh */
138 template< typename Mesh >
mesh_longest_edge_vertices(const Mesh * mesh,unsigned int * v0,unsigned int * v1,typename Mesh::Scalar * output_length)139 void mesh_longest_edge_vertices( const Mesh* mesh,
140                                  unsigned int* v0,
141                                  unsigned int* v1,
142                                  typename Mesh::Scalar* output_length
143                                ) {
144   //scalar type
145   typedef typename Mesh::Scalar Scalar ;
146   //initialization
147   unsigned int longest_face = 0 ;
148   unsigned int longest_edge = 0 ;
149   Scalar longest_length = 0 ;
150   //variables  to store edges and lengths
151   unsigned int edge ;
152   Scalar length ;
153   for(unsigned int face = 0; face < mesh->faces_size(); ++face) {
154     //longest edge of the face
155     edge = face_longest_edge(mesh, face, &length) ;
156     if(length > longest_length) {
157       longest_face = face ;
158       longest_edge = edge ;
159       longest_length = length ;
160     }
161   }
162   //result
163   if(output_length != NULL) {
164     *output_length = longest_length ;
165   }
166   return mesh->face_edge_vertices(longest_face,longest_edge,v0,v1) ;
167 }
169 //}}}
171 /*{{{ Angles */
173 template<typename Mesh>
face_angle_cos(const Mesh * mesh,unsigned int face,unsigned int vertex)174 typename Mesh::Scalar face_angle_cos( const Mesh* mesh,
175                                       unsigned int face,
176                                       unsigned int vertex
177                                     ) {
178   //size of the face
179   const unsigned int fsize = mesh->face_size(face) ;
180   //vertices of the face
181   const unsigned int* fverts = mesh->face(face) ;
182   //previous and next vertex
183   const unsigned int prev = fverts[(vertex+fsize-1) % fsize] ;
184   const unsigned int next = fverts[(vertex      +1) % fsize] ;
185   //angle cosine
186   return angle_cos<Mesh::VertexDim>( mesh->vertex(vertex),
187                                      mesh->vertex(prev),
188                                      mesh->vertex(next)
189                                    ) ;
190 }
192 //}}}
194 /*{{{ Normalization */
196 template<typename Mesh>
normalize_mesh(Mesh * mesh,double * out_center,double * out_scale)197 void normalize_mesh( Mesh* mesh, double* out_center, double* out_scale ) {
198   //typedefs
199   typedef typename Mesh::Scalar Scalar ;
200   typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,Mesh::VertexDim,1> Vector ;
201   //compute the new center
202   Vector center = Vector::Zero() ;
203   for(unsigned int i=0; i<mesh->vertices_size(); ++i) {
204     Eigen::Map<const Vector> x(mesh->vertex(i)) ;
205     center += x ;
206   }
207   center /= mesh->vertices_size() ;
209   if(out_center) {
210     for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
211       out_center[i] = center[i] ;
212     }
213   }
215   //center the mesh
216   for(unsigned int i=0; i<mesh->vertices_size(); ++i) {
217     Eigen::Map<Vector> x(mesh->vertex(i)) ;
218     x -= center ;
219   }
221   //compute the scene radius
222   Scalar radius = 0 ;
223   for(unsigned int i=0; i<mesh->vertices_size(); ++i) {
224     Eigen::Map<const Vector> x(mesh->vertex(i)) ;
225     radius = std::max(radius,(center - x).norm()) ;
226   }
228   //scale the mesh
229   for(unsigned int i=0; i<mesh->vertices_size(); ++i) {
230     Eigen::Map<Vector> x(mesh->vertex(i)) ;
231     x /= radius ;
232   }
234   if(out_scale) {
235     *out_scale = radius ;
236   }
238   mesh->set_dirty() ;
239 }
241 //}}}
243 /*{{{ Distance to a mesh */
245 /* Action passed to a neighbourhood computer to compute normals */
246 template<typename Triangulation>
247 class NeighDistanceCompute {
249   public :
251   //scalar type, dimension and vector
252   typedef typename Triangulation::Scalar Scalar ;
253   enum { Dim = Triangulation::VertexDim } ;
254   typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,Dim,1> Vector ;
NeighDistanceCompute(const Triangulation * mesh,const Scalar * queries,const unsigned int * indices,Scalar * output,bool translate_queries=true)256   NeighDistanceCompute( const Triangulation* mesh,
257                         const Scalar* queries,
258                         const unsigned int* indices,
259                         Scalar* output,
260                         bool translate_queries = true
261                       ) : mesh_(mesh),
262                           queries_(queries),
263                           indices_(indices),
264                           output_(output),
265                           translate_queries_(translate_queries) {} ;
NeighDistanceCompute(const Triangulation * mesh,const Scalar * queries,Scalar * output)267   NeighDistanceCompute( const Triangulation* mesh,
268                         const Scalar* queries,
269                         Scalar* output
270                       ) : mesh_(mesh),
271                           queries_(queries),
272                           indices_(NULL),
273                           output_(output),
274                           translate_queries_(false) {} ;
operator ()(unsigned int query,unsigned int triangle)276   void operator()( unsigned int query,
277                    unsigned int triangle
278                  ) {
279     //position of the query
280     const unsigned int q_in_index =
281       translate_queries_ ? indices_[query] : query ;
282     const Scalar* qp = queries_ +Dim*q_in_index ;
283     Eigen::Map<const Vector> qv(qp) ;
285     //vertices of the triangle
286     const unsigned int* tverts = mesh_->face(triangle) ;
287     Eigen::Map<const Vector> x0(mesh_->vertex(tverts[0])) ;
288     Eigen::Map<const Vector> x1(mesh_->vertex(tverts[1])) ;
289     Eigen::Map<const Vector> x2(mesh_->vertex(tverts[2])) ;
291     //distance of the query to the triangle
292     Scalar uv[2] ;
293     point_in_triangle<Dim, Scalar>( qp, x0.data(), x1.data(), x2.data(), uv ) ;
294     const Scalar distance = (uv[0]*x0+uv[1]*x1+(1-uv[0]-uv[1])*x2 - qv).norm() ;
296     //assign the minimum distance
297     const unsigned int q_out_index =
298       indices_ == NULL ? query : indices_[query] ;
299     output_[q_out_index] =
300       distance < output_[q_out_index] ? distance : output_[q_out_index] ;
301   }
303   private :
305   const Triangulation* mesh_ ;
306   const Scalar* queries_ ;
307   const unsigned int* indices_ ;
308   bool translate_queries_ ;
309   Scalar* output_ ;
311 } ;
313 template<typename Mesh>
mesh_distances(const Mesh * mesh,typename Mesh::Scalar * queries,unsigned int queries_size,typename Mesh::Scalar radius,typename Mesh::Scalar * output)314 void mesh_distances( const Mesh* mesh,
315                      typename Mesh::Scalar* queries,
316                      unsigned int queries_size,
317                      typename Mesh::Scalar radius,
318                      typename Mesh::Scalar* output
319                    ) {
320   //typedefs
321   enum { Dim = Mesh::VertexDim, Offset = Mesh::VertexOffset } ;
322   typedef typename Mesh::Scalar Scalar ;
323   typedef ROMesh<3, Dim, Scalar, Offset> Triangulation ;
325   //initialize the distance array
326   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < queries_size; ++i) {
327     output[i] = 2*radius ;
328   }
330   //wrap the mesh as a triangle mesh
331   ROTriangulationWrapper<Dim, Scalar, Offset> trimesh(mesh) ;
333   //use the neighbourhoods of the queries
334   NeighbourhoodComputer<Triangulation> n_computer(
335     &trimesh, queries, queries_size
336   ) ;
337   NeighDistanceCompute<Triangulation> action(&trimesh, queries, output) ;
338   n_computer.compute(radius, action) ;
339 }
341 //}}}
343 /**{{{ Gradient of the mesh area wrt. its vertices **/
345 template<typename Triangulation>
mesh_area_gradient(const Triangulation * mesh,double * output,double factor)346 void mesh_area_gradient(
347     const Triangulation* mesh,
348     double* output,
349     double factor
350     ) {
351   typedef typename Triangulation::Scalar Scalar ;
352   enum { Dim = Triangulation::VertexDim } ;
353   typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Dim, 1> Vector ;
355   for(unsigned int f = 0; f < mesh->faces_size(); ++f) {
356     //flag for degenerate triangle
357     bool degenerate = false ;
358     //vertices of the triangle
359     const unsigned int* fverts = mesh->face(f) ;
361     //edges of the triangle
362     Vector edges[3] ;
363     Scalar e_len[3] ;
364     for(unsigned int v = 0; v < 3; ++v) {
365       Eigen::Map<const Vector> x0(mesh->vertex(fverts[v])) ;
366       Eigen::Map<const Vector> x1(mesh->vertex(fverts[(v+1)%3])) ;
367       edges[v] = x1 - x0 ;
368       e_len[v] = edges[v].norm() ;
369       degenerate |= (e_len[v] == 0) ;
370       if(degenerate) break ;
371     }
372     if(degenerate) continue ;
374     //heights of the triangle
375     Vector heights[3] ;
376     Scalar h_len[3] ;
377     for(unsigned int v = 0; v < 3; ++v) {
378       const Scalar& base_len = e_len[(v+1)%3] ;
379       const Vector& base = edges[(v+1)%3] ;
380       heights[v] = edges[(v+2)%3]
381                  - edges[(v+2)%3].dot(base) * base / (base_len*base_len) ;
382       h_len[v] = heights[v].norm() ;
383       degenerate |= (h_len[v] == 0) ;
384       if(degenerate) break ;
385     }
386     if(degenerate) continue ;
388     //fill the gradient for the appropriate variables
389     for(unsigned int v = 0; v < 3; ++v) {
390       Eigen::Map<Vector> g(output + Dim*fverts[v]) ;
391       g += factor * 0.5 * e_len[(v+1)%3] * heights[v] / h_len[v] ;
392     }
394   }
396 }
398 //}}}
400 } //end of namespace Revoropt
402 #endif