1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2 /*  NOMAD - Nonlinear Optimization by Mesh Adaptive Direct search - version 3.7.2      */
3 /*                                                                                     */
4 /*  Copyright (C) 2001-2015  Mark Abramson        - the Boeing Company, Seattle        */
5 /*                           Charles Audet        - Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal      */
6 /*                           Gilles Couture       - Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal      */
7 /*                           John Dennis          - Rice University, Houston           */
8 /*                           Sebastien Le Digabel - Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal      */
9 /*                           Christophe Tribes    - Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal      */
10 /*                                                                                     */
11 /*  funded in part by AFOSR and Exxon Mobil                                            */
12 /*                                                                                     */
13 /*  Author: Sebastien Le Digabel                                                       */
14 /*                                                                                     */
15 /*  Contact information:                                                               */
16 /*    Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal - GERAD                                          */
17 /*    C.P. 6079, Succ. Centre-ville, Montreal (Quebec) H3C 3A7 Canada                  */
18 /*    e-mail: nomad@gerad.ca                                                           */
19 /*    phone : 1-514-340-6053 #6928                                                     */
20 /*    fax   : 1-514-340-5665                                                           */
21 /*                                                                                     */
22 /*  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the  */
23 /*  terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software   */
24 /*  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later         */
25 /*  version.                                                                           */
26 /*                                                                                     */
27 /*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY    */
28 /*  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A    */
29 /*  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.   */
30 /*                                                                                     */
31 /*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along     */
32 /*  with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                     */
33 /*                                                                                     */
34 /*  You can find information on the NOMAD software at www.gerad.ca/nomad               */
35 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
36 /**
37  \file   SMesh.hpp
38  \brief  Class for the static orthogonal MADS mesh (headers)
39  \author Christophe Tribes
40  \date   2010-04-06
41  \see    OrthogonalMesh.cpp SMesh.cpp
42  */
43 #ifndef __SMESH__
44 #define __SMESH__
46 #include "Point.hpp"
47 #include "OrthogonalMesh.hpp"
49 namespace NOMAD {
51     /// Class for the MADS orthogonal static mesh.
52     /**
53      - The static mesh is defined with the basic directions and a
54      mesh size parameter delta^k.
55      - The mesh size parameter is defined with a single mesh index (the integer r^k)
56      and the initial mesh size delta^0 for all coordinates.
57      - The poll size parameter Delta^k (single value for all coordinates) is not
58      used to define the mesh but to define the poll trial points.
59      - At each MADS iteration the mesh is updated with
60      delta^k+1 = tau^w+ delta^k and w+ >= 0 (dominating iteration)
61      or with
62      delta^k+1 = tau^w- delta^k and w- < 0 (iteration failure).
63      The mesh is not changed after improving iterations.
64      - Mesh and poll size parameters are stored as NOMAD::Point objects
65      (one value for each variable). The scaling is done once based on initial mesh size.
66      - See the MADS papers for more details on the mesh.
67      */
69 	class SMesh : public NOMAD::OrthogonalMesh {
71 	private:
73 		int _initial_mesh_index;
74 		int	_mesh_index;
75 		int	_min_mesh_index;           ///< Minimal value reached by the mesh index
76 		int	_max_mesh_index;           ///< Maximal value reached by the mesh index
78 		/*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
80 		/// Private affectation operator.
81 		/**
82 		 \param m The right-hand side object -- \b IN.
83 		 */
84 		const SMesh & operator = ( const SMesh & m );
86 		/// Check the minimal poll size criterion.
87 		bool check_min_poll_size_criterion ( ) const;
89 		/// Check the minimal mesh size criterion.
90 		bool check_min_mesh_size_criterion ( ) const;
92         /// Access to the mesh size parameter delta^k.
93         /**
94          \return delta    The mesh size parameter delta^k -- \b OUT.
95          \param  i        The index of the mesh size
96          */
97         NOMAD::Double get_delta ( int i ) const ;
100         /// Access to the poll size parameter Delta^k.
101         /**
102          \return Delta    The poll size parameter Delta^k -- \b OUT.
103          \param  i        The index of the poll size
104          */
105         NOMAD::Double get_Delta ( int i ) const ;
109 		/*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
111 	public:
113 		/// Constructor.
114 		/**
115 		 \param delta_0					Initial mesh size delta_0                      -- \b IN.
116 		 \param Delta_min				Minimal poll size Delta_min (may be undefined) -- \b IN.
117 		 \param delta_min				Minimal mesh size delta_min (may be undefined) -- \b IN.
118 		 \param mesh_update_basis		Mesh update basis (tau), default=4             -- \b IN.
119 		 \param mesh_coarsening_step	Mesh coarsening step (w+), default=1		   -- \b IN.
120 		 \param mesh_refining_step		Mesh refining step (w-), default=-1			   -- \b IN.
121 		 \param initial_mesh_index		Initial mesh index ell_0, default=0			   -- \b IN.
122 		 \param limit_max_mesh_index	Limit max of the mesh index, default=L_LIMITS  -- \b IN.
123          \param fixed_variables         Fixed variables                                -- \b IN.
124 		 */
SMesh(const NOMAD::Point & delta_0,const NOMAD::Point & Delta_min,const NOMAD::Point & delta_min,const NOMAD::Point & fixed_variables,NOMAD::Double mesh_update_basis=4.0,int mesh_coarsening_step=1,int mesh_refining_step=-1,int initial_mesh_index=0,int limit_max_mesh_index=NOMAD::L_LIMITS)125 		SMesh ( const NOMAD::Point & delta_0   ,
126 			   const NOMAD::Point & Delta_min ,
127 			   const NOMAD::Point & delta_min ,
128                const NOMAD::Point & fixed_variables ,
129 			   NOMAD::Double		mesh_update_basis=4.0,
130 			   int					mesh_coarsening_step=1,
131 			   int					mesh_refining_step=-1,
132 			   int					initial_mesh_index=0,
133                int                  limit_max_mesh_index=NOMAD::L_LIMITS)
134 		: NOMAD::OrthogonalMesh ( delta_0,
135 								 Delta_min,
136 								 delta_min,
137                                  fixed_variables,
138 								 mesh_update_basis,
139 								 mesh_coarsening_step,
140 								 mesh_refining_step ,
141                                  limit_max_mesh_index ),
142         _initial_mesh_index ( initial_mesh_index ),
143         _mesh_index ( _initial_mesh_index ),
144         _min_mesh_index ( initial_mesh_index ),
145         _max_mesh_index ( initial_mesh_index )  {}
148 		/// Copy constructor.
149 		/**
150 		 \param m The copied object -- \b IN.
151 		 */
SMesh(const SMesh & m)152 		SMesh ( const SMesh & m )
153 		: OrthogonalMesh(m) ,
154 		_initial_mesh_index ( m._initial_mesh_index ),
155 		_mesh_index ( m._initial_mesh_index ),
156 		_min_mesh_index( m._initial_mesh_index ),
157 		_max_mesh_index ( m._initial_mesh_index ) {}
159 		/// Destructor.
~SMesh(void)160 		virtual ~SMesh ( void )
161         {
162             _delta_0.clear();
163             _Delta_0.clear();
164             _delta_min.clear();
165             _Delta_min.clear();
166         }
169 		/// Access to the mesh index.
170 		/**
171 		 \return A Point with the mesh index.
172 		 */
get_mesh_indices(void) const173 		const NOMAD::Point get_mesh_indices ( void  ) const
174         {
175             return NOMAD::Point( 1 , NOMAD::Double(_mesh_index) );
176         }
178 		/// Access to the min mesh index reached so far.
179 		/**
180 		 \return A Point with the mesh index.
181 		 */
get_min_mesh_indices(void) const182 		const NOMAD::Point get_min_mesh_indices ( void  ) const
183         {
184             return NOMAD::Point( 1 , NOMAD::Double(_min_mesh_index) );
185         }
188 		/// Access to the max mesh index reached so far.
189 		/**
190 		 \return A Point with the mesh index.
191 		 */
get_max_mesh_indices(void) const192 		const NOMAD::Point get_max_mesh_indices ( void  ) const
193         {
194             return NOMAD::Point( 1 , NOMAD::Double(_max_mesh_index) );
195         }
198 		/// Manually set the mesh index using a point. (set_mesh_indices for consistency with XMesh)
199 		/**
200 		 \param r   The mesh index provided as a point -- \b IN.
201 		 */
202 		void set_mesh_indices ( const NOMAD::Point & r );
206         /// Manually set the limit mesh index used for termination criterion (max value for SMesh).
207 		/**
208 		 \param l   The limit mesh index for all coordinates -- \b IN.
209 		 */
210 		void set_limit_mesh_index ( int l );
214 		/// Test if finest mesh so far.
215 		/**
216 		 \return True if mesh index greater or equal to the maximal mesh index; False otherwise.
217 		 */
is_finest(void) const218 		bool is_finest(void) const {return _mesh_index >= _max_mesh_index;  }
221 		/// Access to the mesh ratios after a success
222 		/**
223 		 \return A point with the ratio for each coordinate
224 		 */
225 		NOMAD::Point get_mesh_ratio_if_success( void ) const;
228 		/// Update the provided mesh indices (the Mesh is unchanged).
229 		/**
230 		 \param success			Type of success of the iteration				-- \b IN.
231 		 \param mesh_indices	The mesh indices before and after the update	-- \b IN/OUT.
232 		 \param dir				The direction that is considered (opt)			-- \b IN.
233 		 */
234 		void update ( NOMAD::success_type success , NOMAD::Point & mesh_indices, const NOMAD::Direction *dir=NULL ) const ;
237 		/// Update the Mesh.
238 		/**
239 		 \param success			Type of success of the iteration				-- \b IN.
240 		 \param dir				The direction that is considered (opt)			-- \b IN.
241 		 */
242 		void update ( NOMAD::success_type success , const NOMAD::Direction *dir=NULL);
245 		/// Reset the mesh to its original size (mesh indices).
reset(void)246 		void reset ( void )
247         {
248             set_mesh_indices( NOMAD::Point(1,NOMAD::Double(_initial_mesh_index))) ;
249 			_min_mesh_index=_initial_mesh_index ;
250 			_max_mesh_index=_initial_mesh_index;
251         }
253 		/// Access to the mesh size parameter delta^k.
254 		/**
255 		 \param delta    The mesh size parameter delta^k -- \b OUT.
256 		 \return A boolean equal to \c true if all values are
257 		 strictly inferior than the associated minimal
258 		 mesh size delta_min
259 		 (stopping criterion MIN_MESH_SIZE).
260 		 */
261 		virtual bool get_delta ( NOMAD::Point & delta ) const ;
266 		/// Access to the larget mesh size so far.
267 		/**
268 		 \return delta_max    The largest mesh size reached so far -- \b OUT.
269 		 */
270         NOMAD::Point get_delta_max ( void ) const ;
272 		/// Access to the poll size parameter Delta^k.
273 		/**
274 		 \param Delta    The poll size parameter Delta^k -- \b OUT.
275 		 \return A boolean equal to \c true if all values are
276 		 strictly inferior than the associated minimal
277 		 mesh size Delta_min
278 		 (stopping criterion MIN_POLL_SIZE).
279 		 */
280 		virtual bool get_Delta ( NOMAD::Point & Delta ) const ;
283 		/// Check the stopping conditions on the minimal poll and mesh sizes.
284 		/**
285 		 \param stop           Stop flag                  -- \b IN/OUT.
286 		 \param stop_reason    Stop reason                -- \b OUT.
287 		 */
288 		void check_min_mesh_sizes (	bool             & stop           ,
289                                    NOMAD::stop_type & stop_reason      ) const;
290 		/// Display.
291 		/**
292 		 \param out The NOMAD::Display object -- \b IN.
293 		 */
294 		void display ( const NOMAD::Display & out ) const;
297 		/// Scale and project the ith component of a vector on the mesh
298 		/**
299 		 \param i	The vector component number			-- \b IN.
300 		 \param l	The vector component value			-- \b IN.
301 		 \return	The ith component of a vector after mesh scaling and projection
302 		 */
303 		NOMAD::Double scale_and_project(int i, const NOMAD::Double & l) const ;
306 	};
307 }
309 #endif