1package Safe; 2 3use 5.003_11; 4use Scalar::Util qw(reftype refaddr); 5 6$Safe::VERSION = "2.46"; 7 8# *** Don't declare any lexicals above this point *** 9# 10# This function should return a closure which contains an eval that can't 11# see any lexicals in scope (apart from __ExPr__ which is unavoidable) 12 13sub lexless_anon_sub { 14 # $_[0] is package; 15 # $_[1] is strict flag; 16 my $__ExPr__ = $_[2]; # must be a lexical to create the closure that 17 # can be used to pass the value into the safe 18 # world 19 20 # Create anon sub ref in root of compartment. 21 # Uses a closure (on $__ExPr__) to pass in the code to be executed. 22 # (eval on one line to keep line numbers as expected by caller) 23 eval sprintf 24 'package %s; %s sub { @_=(); local *SIG; eval q[my $__ExPr__;] . $__ExPr__; }', 25 $_[0], $_[1] ? 'use strict;' : ''; 26} 27 28use strict; 29use Carp; 30BEGIN { eval q{ 31 use Carp::Heavy; 32} } 33 34use B (); 35BEGIN { 36 no strict 'refs'; 37 if (defined &B::sub_generation) { 38 *sub_generation = \&B::sub_generation; 39 } 40 else { 41 # fake sub generation changing for perls < 5.8.9 42 my $sg; *sub_generation = sub { ++$sg }; 43 } 44} 45 46use Opcode 1.01, qw( 47 opset opset_to_ops opmask_add 48 empty_opset full_opset invert_opset verify_opset 49 opdesc opcodes opmask define_optag opset_to_hex 50); 51 52*ops_to_opset = \&opset; # Temporary alias for old Penguins 53 54# Regular expressions and other unicode-aware code may need to call 55# utf8->SWASHNEW (via perl's utf8.c). That will fail unless we share the 56# SWASHNEW method. 57# Sadly we can't just add utf8::SWASHNEW to $default_share because perl's 58# utf8.c code does a fetchmethod on SWASHNEW to check if utf8.pm is loaded, 59# and sharing makes it look like the method exists. 60# The simplest and most robust fix is to ensure the utf8 module is loaded when 61# Safe is loaded. Then we can add utf8::SWASHNEW to $default_share. 62require utf8; 63# we must ensure that utf8_heavy.pl, where SWASHNEW is defined, is loaded 64# but without depending on too much knowledge of that implementation detail. 65# This code (//i on a unicode string) should ensure utf8 is fully loaded 66# and also loads the ToFold SWASH, unless things change so that these 67# particular code points don't cause it to load. 68# (Swashes are cached internally by perl in PL_utf8_* variables 69# independent of being inside/outside of Safe. So once loaded they can be) 70do { my $a = pack('U',0x100); $a =~ m/\x{1234}/; $a =~ tr/\x{1234}//; }; 71# now we can safely include utf8::SWASHNEW in $default_share defined below. 72 73my $default_root = 0; 74# share *_ and functions defined in universal.c 75# Don't share stuff like *UNIVERSAL:: otherwise code from the 76# compartment can 0wn functions in UNIVERSAL 77my $default_share = [qw[ 78 *_ 79 &PerlIO::get_layers 80 &UNIVERSAL::import 81 &UNIVERSAL::isa 82 &UNIVERSAL::can 83 &UNIVERSAL::unimport 84 &UNIVERSAL::VERSION 85 &utf8::is_utf8 86 &utf8::valid 87 &utf8::encode 88 &utf8::decode 89 &utf8::upgrade 90 &utf8::downgrade 91 &utf8::native_to_unicode 92 &utf8::unicode_to_native 93 &utf8::SWASHNEW 94 $version::VERSION 95 $version::CLASS 96 $version::STRICT 97 $version::LAX 98 @version::ISA 99], ($] < 5.010 && qw[ 100 &utf8::SWASHGET 101]), ($] >= 5.008001 && qw[ 102 &Regexp::DESTROY 103]), ($] >= 5.010 && qw[ 104 &re::is_regexp 105 &re::regname 106 &re::regnames 107 &re::regnames_count 108 &UNIVERSAL::DOES 109 &version::() 110 &version::new 111 &version::("" 112 &version::stringify 113 &version::(0+ 114 &version::numify 115 &version::normal 116 &version::(cmp 117 &version::(<=> 118 &version::vcmp 119 &version::(bool 120 &version::boolean 121 &version::(nomethod 122 &version::noop 123 &version::is_alpha 124 &version::qv 125 &version::vxs::declare 126 &version::vxs::qv 127 &version::vxs::_VERSION 128 &version::vxs::stringify 129 &version::vxs::new 130 &version::vxs::parse 131 &version::vxs::VCMP 132]), ($] >= 5.011 && qw[ 133 &re::regexp_pattern 134]), ($] >= 5.010 && $] < 5.014 && qw[ 135 &Tie::Hash::NamedCapture::FETCH 136 &Tie::Hash::NamedCapture::STORE 137 &Tie::Hash::NamedCapture::DELETE 138 &Tie::Hash::NamedCapture::CLEAR 139 &Tie::Hash::NamedCapture::EXISTS 140 &Tie::Hash::NamedCapture::FIRSTKEY 141 &Tie::Hash::NamedCapture::NEXTKEY 142 &Tie::Hash::NamedCapture::SCALAR 143 &Tie::Hash::NamedCapture::flags 144])]; 145if (defined $Devel::Cover::VERSION) { 146 push @$default_share, '&Devel::Cover::use_file'; 147} 148 149sub new { 150 my($class, $root, $mask) = @_; 151 my $obj = {}; 152 bless $obj, $class; 153 154 if (defined($root)) { 155 croak "Can't use \"$root\" as root name" 156 if $root =~ /^main\b/ or $root !~ /^\w[:\w]*$/; 157 $obj->{Root} = $root; 158 $obj->{Erase} = 0; 159 } 160 else { 161 $obj->{Root} = "Safe::Root".$default_root++; 162 $obj->{Erase} = 1; 163 } 164 165 # use permit/deny methods instead till interface issues resolved 166 # XXX perhaps new Safe 'Root', mask => $mask, foo => bar, ...; 167 croak "Mask parameter to new no longer supported" if defined $mask; 168 $obj->permit_only(':default'); 169 170 # We must share $_ and @_ with the compartment or else ops such 171 # as split, length and so on won't default to $_ properly, nor 172 # will passing argument to subroutines work (via @_). In fact, 173 # for reasons I don't completely understand, we need to share 174 # the whole glob *_ rather than $_ and @_ separately, otherwise 175 # @_ in non default packages within the compartment don't work. 176 $obj->share_from('main', $default_share); 177 178 Opcode::_safe_pkg_prep($obj->{Root}) if($Opcode::VERSION > 1.04); 179 180 return $obj; 181} 182 183sub DESTROY { 184 my $obj = shift; 185 $obj->erase('DESTROY') if $obj->{Erase}; 186} 187 188sub erase { 189 my ($obj, $action) = @_; 190 my $pkg = $obj->root(); 191 my ($stem, $leaf); 192 193 no strict 'refs'; 194 $pkg = "main::$pkg\::"; # expand to full symbol table name 195 ($stem, $leaf) = $pkg =~ m/(.*::)(\w+::)$/; 196 197 # The 'my $foo' is needed! Without it you get an 198 # 'Attempt to free unreferenced scalar' warning! 199 my $stem_symtab = *{$stem}{HASH}; 200 201 #warn "erase($pkg) stem=$stem, leaf=$leaf"; 202 #warn " stem_symtab hash ".scalar(%$stem_symtab)."\n"; 203 # ", join(', ', %$stem_symtab),"\n"; 204 205# delete $stem_symtab->{$leaf}; 206 207 my $leaf_glob = $stem_symtab->{$leaf}; 208 my $leaf_symtab = *{$leaf_glob}{HASH}; 209# warn " leaf_symtab ", join(', ', %$leaf_symtab),"\n"; 210 %$leaf_symtab = (); 211 #delete $leaf_symtab->{'__ANON__'}; 212 #delete $leaf_symtab->{'foo'}; 213 #delete $leaf_symtab->{'main::'}; 214# my $foo = undef ${"$stem\::"}{"$leaf\::"}; 215 216 if ($action and $action eq 'DESTROY') { 217 delete $stem_symtab->{$leaf}; 218 } else { 219 $obj->share_from('main', $default_share); 220 } 221 1; 222} 223 224 225sub reinit { 226 my $obj= shift; 227 $obj->erase; 228 $obj->share_redo; 229} 230 231sub root { 232 my $obj = shift; 233 croak("Safe root method now read-only") if @_; 234 return $obj->{Root}; 235} 236 237 238sub mask { 239 my $obj = shift; 240 return $obj->{Mask} unless @_; 241 $obj->deny_only(@_); 242} 243 244# v1 compatibility methods 245sub trap { shift->deny(@_) } 246sub untrap { shift->permit(@_) } 247 248sub deny { 249 my $obj = shift; 250 $obj->{Mask} |= opset(@_); 251} 252sub deny_only { 253 my $obj = shift; 254 $obj->{Mask} = opset(@_); 255} 256 257sub permit { 258 my $obj = shift; 259 # XXX needs testing 260 $obj->{Mask} &= invert_opset opset(@_); 261} 262sub permit_only { 263 my $obj = shift; 264 $obj->{Mask} = invert_opset opset(@_); 265} 266 267 268sub dump_mask { 269 my $obj = shift; 270 print opset_to_hex($obj->{Mask}),"\n"; 271} 272 273 274sub share { 275 my($obj, @vars) = @_; 276 $obj->share_from(scalar(caller), \@vars); 277} 278 279 280sub share_from { 281 my $obj = shift; 282 my $pkg = shift; 283 my $vars = shift; 284 my $no_record = shift || 0; 285 my $root = $obj->root(); 286 croak("vars not an array ref") unless ref $vars eq 'ARRAY'; 287 no strict 'refs'; 288 # Check that 'from' package actually exists 289 croak("Package \"$pkg\" does not exist") 290 unless keys %{"$pkg\::"}; 291 my $arg; 292 foreach $arg (@$vars) { 293 # catch some $safe->share($var) errors: 294 my ($var, $type); 295 $type = $1 if ($var = $arg) =~ s/^(\W)//; 296 # warn "share_from $pkg $type $var"; 297 for (1..2) { # assign twice to avoid any 'used once' warnings 298 *{$root."::$var"} = (!$type) ? \&{$pkg."::$var"} 299 : ($type eq '&') ? \&{$pkg."::$var"} 300 : ($type eq '$') ? \${$pkg."::$var"} 301 : ($type eq '@') ? \@{$pkg."::$var"} 302 : ($type eq '%') ? \%{$pkg."::$var"} 303 : ($type eq '*') ? *{$pkg."::$var"} 304 : croak(qq(Can't share "$type$var" of unknown type)); 305 } 306 } 307 $obj->share_record($pkg, $vars) unless $no_record or !$vars; 308} 309 310 311sub share_record { 312 my $obj = shift; 313 my $pkg = shift; 314 my $vars = shift; 315 my $shares = \%{$obj->{Shares} ||= {}}; 316 # Record shares using keys of $obj->{Shares}. See reinit. 317 @{$shares}{@$vars} = ($pkg) x @$vars if @$vars; 318} 319 320 321sub share_redo { 322 my $obj = shift; 323 my $shares = \%{$obj->{Shares} ||= {}}; 324 my($var, $pkg); 325 while(($var, $pkg) = each %$shares) { 326 # warn "share_redo $pkg\:: $var"; 327 $obj->share_from($pkg, [ $var ], 1); 328 } 329} 330 331 332sub share_forget { 333 delete shift->{Shares}; 334} 335 336 337sub varglob { 338 my ($obj, $var) = @_; 339 no strict 'refs'; 340 return *{$obj->root()."::$var"}; 341} 342 343sub _clean_stash { 344 my ($root, $saved_refs) = @_; 345 $saved_refs ||= []; 346 no strict 'refs'; 347 foreach my $hook (qw(DESTROY AUTOLOAD), grep /^\(/, keys %$root) { 348 push @$saved_refs, \*{$root.$hook}; 349 delete ${$root}{$hook}; 350 } 351 352 for (grep /::$/, keys %$root) { 353 next if \%{$root.$_} eq \%$root; 354 _clean_stash($root.$_, $saved_refs); 355 } 356} 357 358sub reval { 359 my ($obj, $expr, $strict) = @_; 360 die "Bad Safe object" unless $obj->isa('Safe'); 361 362 my $root = $obj->{Root}; 363 364 my $evalsub = lexless_anon_sub($root, $strict, $expr); 365 # propagate context 366 my $sg = sub_generation(); 367 my @subret; 368 if (defined wantarray) { 369 @subret = (wantarray) 370 ? Opcode::_safe_call_sv($root, $obj->{Mask}, $evalsub) 371 : scalar Opcode::_safe_call_sv($root, $obj->{Mask}, $evalsub); 372 } 373 else { 374 Opcode::_safe_call_sv($root, $obj->{Mask}, $evalsub); 375 } 376 _clean_stash($root.'::') if $sg != sub_generation(); 377 $obj->wrap_code_refs_within(@subret); 378 return (wantarray) ? @subret : $subret[0]; 379} 380 381my %OID; 382 383sub wrap_code_refs_within { 384 my $obj = shift; 385 386 %OID = (); 387 $obj->_find_code_refs('wrap_code_ref', @_); 388} 389 390 391sub _find_code_refs { 392 my $obj = shift; 393 my $visitor = shift; 394 395 for my $item (@_) { 396 my $reftype = $item && reftype $item 397 or next; 398 399 # skip references already seen 400 next if ++$OID{refaddr $item} > 1; 401 402 if ($reftype eq 'ARRAY') { 403 $obj->_find_code_refs($visitor, @$item); 404 } 405 elsif ($reftype eq 'HASH') { 406 $obj->_find_code_refs($visitor, values %$item); 407 } 408 # XXX GLOBs? 409 elsif ($reftype eq 'CODE') { 410 $item = $obj->$visitor($item); 411 } 412 } 413} 414 415 416sub wrap_code_ref { 417 my ($obj, $sub) = @_; 418 die "Bad safe object" unless $obj->isa('Safe'); 419 420 # wrap code ref $sub with _safe_call_sv so that, when called, the 421 # execution will happen with the compartment fully 'in effect'. 422 423 croak "Not a CODE reference" 424 if reftype $sub ne 'CODE'; 425 426 my $ret = sub { 427 my @args = @_; # lexical to close over 428 my $sub_with_args = sub { $sub->(@args) }; 429 430 my @subret; 431 my $error; 432 do { 433 local $@; # needed due to perl_call_sv(sv, G_EVAL|G_KEEPERR) 434 my $sg = sub_generation(); 435 @subret = (wantarray) 436 ? Opcode::_safe_call_sv($obj->{Root}, $obj->{Mask}, $sub_with_args) 437 : scalar Opcode::_safe_call_sv($obj->{Root}, $obj->{Mask}, $sub_with_args); 438 $error = $@; 439 _clean_stash($obj->{Root}.'::') if $sg != sub_generation(); 440 }; 441 if ($error) { # rethrow exception 442 $error =~ s/\t\(in cleanup\) //; # prefix added by G_KEEPERR 443 die $error; 444 } 445 return (wantarray) ? @subret : $subret[0]; 446 }; 447 448 return $ret; 449} 450 451 452sub rdo { 453 my ($obj, $file) = @_; 454 die "Bad Safe object" unless $obj->isa('Safe'); 455 456 my $root = $obj->{Root}; 457 458 my $sg = sub_generation(); 459 my $evalsub = eval 460 sprintf('package %s; sub { @_ = (); do $file }', $root); 461 my @subret = (wantarray) 462 ? Opcode::_safe_call_sv($root, $obj->{Mask}, $evalsub) 463 : scalar Opcode::_safe_call_sv($root, $obj->{Mask}, $evalsub); 464 _clean_stash($root.'::') if $sg != sub_generation(); 465 $obj->wrap_code_refs_within(@subret); 466 return (wantarray) ? @subret : $subret[0]; 467} 468 469 4701; 471 472__END__ 473 474=head1 NAME 475 476Safe - Compile and execute code in restricted compartments 477 478=head1 SYNOPSIS 479 480 use Safe; 481 482 $compartment = new Safe; 483 484 $compartment->permit(qw(time sort :browse)); 485 486 $result = $compartment->reval($unsafe_code); 487 488=head1 DESCRIPTION 489 490The Safe extension module allows the creation of compartments 491in which perl code can be evaluated. Each compartment has 492 493=over 8 494 495=item a new namespace 496 497The "root" of the namespace (i.e. "main::") is changed to a 498different package and code evaluated in the compartment cannot 499refer to variables outside this namespace, even with run-time 500glob lookups and other tricks. 501 502Code which is compiled outside the compartment can choose to place 503variables into (or I<share> variables with) the compartment's namespace 504and only that data will be visible to code evaluated in the 505compartment. 506 507By default, the only variables shared with compartments are the 508"underscore" variables $_ and @_ (and, technically, the less frequently 509used %_, the _ filehandle and so on). This is because otherwise perl 510operators which default to $_ will not work and neither will the 511assignment of arguments to @_ on subroutine entry. 512 513=item an operator mask 514 515Each compartment has an associated "operator mask". Recall that 516perl code is compiled into an internal format before execution. 517Evaluating perl code (e.g. via "eval" or "do 'file'") causes 518the code to be compiled into an internal format and then, 519provided there was no error in the compilation, executed. 520Code evaluated in a compartment compiles subject to the 521compartment's operator mask. Attempting to evaluate code in a 522compartment which contains a masked operator will cause the 523compilation to fail with an error. The code will not be executed. 524 525The default operator mask for a newly created compartment is 526the ':default' optag. 527 528It is important that you read the L<Opcode> module documentation 529for more information, especially for detailed definitions of opnames, 530optags and opsets. 531 532Since it is only at the compilation stage that the operator mask 533applies, controlled access to potentially unsafe operations can 534be achieved by having a handle to a wrapper subroutine (written 535outside the compartment) placed into the compartment. For example, 536 537 $cpt = new Safe; 538 sub wrapper { 539 # vet arguments and perform potentially unsafe operations 540 } 541 $cpt->share('&wrapper'); 542 543=back 544 545 546=head1 WARNING 547 548The Safe module does not implement an effective sandbox for 549evaluating untrusted code with the perl interpreter. 550 551Bugs in the perl interpreter that could be abused to bypass 552Safe restrictions are not treated as vulnerabilities. See 553L<perlsecpolicy> for additional information. 554 555The authors make B<no warranty>, implied or otherwise, about the 556suitability of this software for safety or security purposes. 557 558The authors shall not in any case be liable for special, incidental, 559consequential, indirect or other similar damages arising from the use 560of this software. 561 562Your mileage will vary. If in any doubt B<do not use it>. 563 564 565=head1 METHODS 566 567To create a new compartment, use 568 569 $cpt = new Safe; 570 571Optional argument is (NAMESPACE), where NAMESPACE is the root namespace 572to use for the compartment (defaults to "Safe::Root0", incremented for 573each new compartment). 574 575Note that version 1.00 of the Safe module supported a second optional 576parameter, MASK. That functionality has been withdrawn pending deeper 577consideration. Use the permit and deny methods described below. 578 579The following methods can then be used on the compartment 580object returned by the above constructor. The object argument 581is implicit in each case. 582 583 584=head2 permit (OP, ...) 585 586Permit the listed operators to be used when compiling code in the 587compartment (in I<addition> to any operators already permitted). 588 589You can list opcodes by names, or use a tag name; see 590L<Opcode/"Predefined Opcode Tags">. 591 592=head2 permit_only (OP, ...) 593 594Permit I<only> the listed operators to be used when compiling code in 595the compartment (I<no> other operators are permitted). 596 597=head2 deny (OP, ...) 598 599Deny the listed operators from being used when compiling code in the 600compartment (other operators may still be permitted). 601 602=head2 deny_only (OP, ...) 603 604Deny I<only> the listed operators from being used when compiling code 605in the compartment (I<all> other operators will be permitted, so you probably 606don't want to use this method). 607 608=head2 trap (OP, ...), untrap (OP, ...) 609 610The trap and untrap methods are synonyms for deny and permit 611respectfully. 612 613=head2 share (NAME, ...) 614 615This shares the variable(s) in the argument list with the compartment. 616This is almost identical to exporting variables using the L<Exporter> 617module. 618 619Each NAME must be the B<name> of a non-lexical variable, typically 620with the leading type identifier included. A bareword is treated as a 621function name. 622 623Examples of legal names are '$foo' for a scalar, '@foo' for an 624array, '%foo' for a hash, '&foo' or 'foo' for a subroutine and '*foo' 625for a glob (i.e. all symbol table entries associated with "foo", 626including scalar, array, hash, sub and filehandle). 627 628Each NAME is assumed to be in the calling package. See share_from 629for an alternative method (which C<share> uses). 630 631=head2 share_from (PACKAGE, ARRAYREF) 632 633This method is similar to share() but allows you to explicitly name the 634package that symbols should be shared from. The symbol names (including 635type characters) are supplied as an array reference. 636 637 $safe->share_from('main', [ '$foo', '%bar', 'func' ]); 638 639Names can include package names, which are relative to the specified PACKAGE. 640So these two calls have the same effect: 641 642 $safe->share_from('Scalar::Util', [ 'reftype' ]); 643 $safe->share_from('main', [ 'Scalar::Util::reftype' ]); 644 645=head2 varglob (VARNAME) 646 647This returns a glob reference for the symbol table entry of VARNAME in 648the package of the compartment. VARNAME must be the B<name> of a 649variable without any leading type marker. For example: 650 651 ${$cpt->varglob('foo')} = "Hello world"; 652 653has the same effect as: 654 655 $cpt = new Safe 'Root'; 656 $Root::foo = "Hello world"; 657 658but avoids the need to know $cpt's package name. 659 660 661=head2 reval (STRING, STRICT) 662 663This evaluates STRING as perl code inside the compartment. 664 665The code can only see the compartment's namespace (as returned by the 666B<root> method). The compartment's root package appears to be the 667C<main::> package to the code inside the compartment. 668 669Any attempt by the code in STRING to use an operator which is not permitted 670by the compartment will cause an error (at run-time of the main program 671but at compile-time for the code in STRING). The error is of the form 672"'%s' trapped by operation mask...". 673 674If an operation is trapped in this way, then the code in STRING will 675not be executed. If such a trapped operation occurs or any other 676compile-time or return error, then $@ is set to the error message, just 677as with an eval(). 678 679If there is no error, then the method returns the value of the last 680expression evaluated, or a return statement may be used, just as with 681subroutines and B<eval()>. The context (list or scalar) is determined 682by the caller as usual. 683 684If the return value of reval() is (or contains) any code reference, 685those code references are wrapped to be themselves executed always 686in the compartment. See L</wrap_code_refs_within>. 687 688The formerly undocumented STRICT argument sets strictness: if true 689'use strict;' is used, otherwise it uses 'no strict;'. B<Note>: if 690STRICT is omitted 'no strict;' is the default. 691 692Some points to note: 693 694If the entereval op is permitted then the code can use eval "..." to 695'hide' code which might use denied ops. This is not a major problem 696since when the code tries to execute the eval it will fail because the 697opmask is still in effect. However this technique would allow clever, 698and possibly harmful, code to 'probe' the boundaries of what is 699possible. 700 701Any string eval which is executed by code executing in a compartment, 702or by code called from code executing in a compartment, will be eval'd 703in the namespace of the compartment. This is potentially a serious 704problem. 705 706Consider a function foo() in package pkg compiled outside a compartment 707but shared with it. Assume the compartment has a root package called 708'Root'. If foo() contains an eval statement like eval '$foo = 1' then, 709normally, $pkg::foo will be set to 1. If foo() is called from the 710compartment (by whatever means) then instead of setting $pkg::foo, the 711eval will actually set $Root::pkg::foo. 712 713This can easily be demonstrated by using a module, such as the Socket 714module, which uses eval "..." as part of an AUTOLOAD function. You can 715'use' the module outside the compartment and share an (autoloaded) 716function with the compartment. If an autoload is triggered by code in 717the compartment, or by any code anywhere that is called by any means 718from the compartment, then the eval in the Socket module's AUTOLOAD 719function happens in the namespace of the compartment. Any variables 720created or used by the eval'd code are now under the control of 721the code in the compartment. 722 723A similar effect applies to I<all> runtime symbol lookups in code 724called from a compartment but not compiled within it. 725 726=head2 rdo (FILENAME) 727 728This evaluates the contents of file FILENAME inside the compartment. 729It uses the same rules as perl's built-in C<do> to locate the file, 730poossibly using C<@INC>. 731 732See above documentation on the B<reval> method for further details. 733 734=head2 root (NAMESPACE) 735 736This method returns the name of the package that is the root of the 737compartment's namespace. 738 739Note that this behaviour differs from version 1.00 of the Safe module 740where the root module could be used to change the namespace. That 741functionality has been withdrawn pending deeper consideration. 742 743=head2 mask (MASK) 744 745This is a get-or-set method for the compartment's operator mask. 746 747With no MASK argument present, it returns the current operator mask of 748the compartment. 749 750With the MASK argument present, it sets the operator mask for the 751compartment (equivalent to calling the deny_only method). 752 753=head2 wrap_code_ref (CODEREF) 754 755Returns a reference to an anonymous subroutine that, when executed, will call 756CODEREF with the Safe compartment 'in effect'. In other words, with the 757package namespace adjusted and the opmask enabled. 758 759Note that the opmask doesn't affect the already compiled code, it only affects 760any I<further> compilation that the already compiled code may try to perform. 761 762This is particularly useful when applied to code references returned from reval(). 763 764(It also provides a kind of workaround for RT#60374: "Safe.pm sort {} bug with 765-Dusethreads". See L<https://rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Display.html?id=60374> 766for I<much> more detail.) 767 768=head2 wrap_code_refs_within (...) 769 770Wraps any CODE references found within the arguments by replacing each with the 771result of calling L</wrap_code_ref> on the CODE reference. Any ARRAY or HASH 772references in the arguments are inspected recursively. 773 774Returns nothing. 775 776=head1 RISKS 777 778This section is just an outline of some of the things code in a compartment 779might do (intentionally or unintentionally) which can have an effect outside 780the compartment. 781 782=over 8 783 784=item Memory 785 786Consuming all (or nearly all) available memory. 787 788=item CPU 789 790Causing infinite loops etc. 791 792=item Snooping 793 794Copying private information out of your system. Even something as 795simple as your user name is of value to others. Much useful information 796could be gleaned from your environment variables for example. 797 798=item Signals 799 800Causing signals (especially SIGFPE and SIGALARM) to affect your process. 801 802Setting up a signal handler will need to be carefully considered 803and controlled. What mask is in effect when a signal handler 804gets called? If a user can get an imported function to get an 805exception and call the user's signal handler, does that user's 806restricted mask get re-instated before the handler is called? 807Does an imported handler get called with its original mask or 808the user's one? 809 810=item State Changes 811 812Ops such as chdir obviously effect the process as a whole and not just 813the code in the compartment. Ops such as rand and srand have a similar 814but more subtle effect. 815 816=back 817 818=head1 AUTHOR 819 820Originally designed and implemented by Malcolm Beattie. 821 822Reworked to use the Opcode module and other changes added by Tim Bunce. 823 824Currently maintained by the Perl 5 Porters, <perl5-porters@perl.org>. 825 826=cut 827