main(void)1 void main( void )
2 {
3 }
hit(void)5 void hit( void )
6 {
7  say("Let me show you MY version of politics, friend!", 1);
8 }
talk(void)10 void talk( void )
11 {
12  if (&mayor == 2)
13  {
14  freeze(1);
15  freeze(&current_sprite);
16  choice_start()
17  "Say hi"
18  "Tell him about the planned assault"
19  "Leave"
20  choice_end()
21   if (&result == 1)
22   {
23    wait(400);
24    say_stop("Hello Mayor, nice town you have here.", 1);
25    wait(250);
26    say_stop("`5Thank you fair citizen.", &current_sprite);
27    wait(250);
28    say_stop("Yeah, noted.", 1);
29   }
30   if (&result == 2)
31   {
32    //Playmidi("Urgent.mid");
33    wait(400);
34    say_stop("Mayor, I have urgent news, your town is going to be attacked!", 1);
35    wait(250);
36    say_stop("`5What?!?  That's preposterous, you've got to be joking!", &current_sprite);
37    wait(250);
38    say_stop("No, I'm dead serious!  It's the Cast Knights.", 1);
39    wait(250);
40    say_stop("They're planning to attack during the parade.", 1);
41    wait(250);
42    say_stop("`5That's crazy!!  ... so many people would be hurt.", &current_sprite);
43    wait(250);
44    say_stop("All the more reason for you to believe me.", 1);
45    wait(250);
46    say_stop("Now the girl by the fountain said you knew some Royal guards.", 1);
47    wait(250);
48    say_stop("`5You talked with my daughter?", &current_sprite);
49    wait(250);
50    say_stop("She's your daughter??  Is she single?",1);
51    wait(250);
52    say_stop("`5What?", &current_sprite);
53    wait(250);
54    say_stop("Never mind, so you have some connections right?", 1);
55    wait(250);
56    say_stop("`5Yes they could help.", &current_sprite);
57    wait(250);
58    say_stop("`5But I need proof before I can go calling them in.", &current_sprite);
59    wait(250);
60    say_stop("Ok, so if I get proof you'll help?", 1);
61    wait(250);
62    say_stop("`5Yes, without it my hands are tied.", &current_sprite);
63    wait(250);
64    &mayor = 3;
65    say_stop("Allright, then I'm off.", 1);
66   }
67  unfreeze(1);
68  unfreeze(&current_sprite);
69  return;
70  }
71  if (&mayor == 3)
72  {
73  freeze(1);
74  freeze(&current_sprite);
75  choice_start()
76  "Say hi"
77  "Show him the proof"
78  "Leave"
79  choice_end()
80   if (&result == 1)
81   {
82    wait(400);
83    say_stop("Hello Mayor, nice town you have here.", 1);
84    wait(250);
85    say_stop("`5Thank you fair citizen.", &current_sprite);
86    wait(250);
87    say_stop("Yeah, noted.", 1);
88   }
89   if (&result == 2)
90   {
91    wait(400);
92    say_stop("I finally got the proof we need.", 1);
93    wait(250);
94    //Check to see if he did
95    say_stop("`5No you didn't you liar!", &current_sprite);
96    wait(250);
97    say_stop("Oops, my bad.", 1);
98   }
99  unfreeze(1);
100  unfreeze(&current_sprite);
101  }
102  if (&mayor == 4)
103  {
104  freeze(1);
105  freeze(&current_sprite);
106  choice_start()
107  "Say hello"
108  "Show him the scroll with the plans"
109  "Leave"
110  choice_end()
111   if (&result == 1)
112   {
113    wait(400);
114    say_stop("Hello Mayor, how's it going?", 1);
115    wait(250);
116    say_stop("`5Pretty good fair citizen.", &current_sprite);
117    wait(250);
118    say_stop("Hey, that's just great.", 1);
119   }
120   if (&result == 2)
121   {
122    wait(400);
123    say_stop("I've got your proof mayor.", 1);
124    wait(250);
125    say_stop("They plan to slaughter the entire city.", 1);
126    wait(250);
127    say_stop("`5Oh my god, this attack would destroy our defenses!", &current_sprite);
128    wait(250);
129    say_stop("`5I can't believe they would attack us like this.", &current_sprite);
130    wait(250);
131    say_stop("Now will you call the Guard?", 1);
132    wait(250);
133    say_stop("`5Yes, I just hope they can get here in time...", &current_sprite);
134    &mayor = 5;
135    wait(500);
136    script_attach(1000);
137    //fadeout & cutscene?
138    fade_down();
139    //change maps and stuff ...
140    &player_map = 586;
141    sp_x(1, 266);
142    sp_y(1, 80);
143    load_screen();
144    draw_screen();
145    draw_status();
146    fade_up();
147    kill_this_task();
148    //Done
149   }
150  unfreeze(1);
151  unfreeze(&current_sprite);
152  }
153 }