main(void)1 void main( void )
2 {
3  preload_seq(514);
4  preload_seq(70);
5  int &talker;
6  int &junk;
7  &talker = 0;
8  move(1, 6, 157, 1);
9  freeze(&current_sprite);
10  freeze(1);
11  if (&story > 10)
12  {
13   unfreeze(&current_sprite);
14   unfreeze(1);
15   return;
16  }
17  say("`7AHHHHH!!!!!!", &current_sprite);
18  wait(250);
19  //Fire here
20  playsound(42,22050,0,0,0);
21  &junk = create_sprite(385, 151, 11, 506, 1);
22  sp_seq(&junk, 514);
23  sp_dir(&junk, 4);
24  sp_speed(&junk, 4);
25  sp_flying(&junk, 1);
26  say("AHHHHH!!!!!", 1);
27  wait(290);
28  move(1, 2, 240, 1);
29  wait(560);
30  sp_active(&junk, 0);
31  &junk = create_sprite(157, 131, 7, 168, 1);
32  sp_seq(&junk, 70);
33  playsound(37,22050,0,0,0);
34  wait(1200);
35  sp_dir(1, 6);
36  wait(500);
37  say_stop("What the hell?!?", 1);
38  wait(250);
39  say_stop("`7Sorry.", &current_sprite);
40  unfreeze(1);
41  unfreeze(&current_sprite);
42  //end
43 }
talk(void)45 void talk( void )
46 {
47  if (&story > 10)
48  {
49   freeze(&current_sprite);
50   freeze(1);
51   say_stop("`7Ah, Dink.  How are you my boy, how are you.", &current_sprite);
52   say_stop("`7Thank you so much for saving our town.", &current_sprite);
53   wait(250);
54   say_stop("Hey, no problem.", 1);
55   wait(250);
56   unfreeze(1);
57   unfreeze(&current_sprite);
58   return;
59  }
60  if (&talker == 2)
61  {
62   freeze(1);
63   say_stop("`7I'm done talking to you, I have more important things to worry about.", &current_sprite);
64   wait(250);
65   say_stop("Hmmm.", 1);
66   unfreeze(1);
67   return;
68  }
69  freeze(1);
70  freeze(&current_sprite);
71  choice_start()
72 "Ask what's up"
73 "Ask about the town"
74  "Leave"
75  choice_end()
76   if (&result == 1)
77   {
78    say_stop("Hey, uh thanks for that fireball!", 1);
79    say_stop("What the hell's wrong with you?", 1);
80    wait(250);
81    say_stop("`7I .. I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else.", &current_sprite);
82    wait(250);
83    say_stop("Like who?!?", 1);
84    wait(250);
85    say_stop("`7Like maybe another raider coming for my food.", &current_sprite);
86    say_stop("`7I have to defend myself.", &current_sprite);
87    wait(250);
88    say_stop("This town is messed up.", 1);
89    &talker = 1;
90   }
91   if (&result == 2)
92   {
93    &junk = sp_dir(1, -1);
94    say_stop("So, what's with the town here?", 1);
95    wait(250);
96    say_stop("`7We, we all worship the duck here.", &current_sprite);
97    sp_dir(1, 2);
98    wait(1000);
99    say_stop("Ok, I'm gonna turn back towards you ...", 1);
100    say_stop("and you're gonna give a normal answer this time.", 1);
101    wait(250);
102    say_stop("Ready ....", 1);
103    sp_dir(1, &junk);
104    wait(750);
105    say_stop("`7We all worship the duck here.", &current_sprite);
106    wait(1000);
107    say_stop("Yeah ...", 1);
108    say_stop("Is this some kind of religion?", 1);
109    wait(250);
110    say_stop("`7Yes, we give all and owe all to the duck.", &current_sprite);
111    wait(250);
112    say_stop("Well okay then, I'll ... I'll get back to you on that.", 1);
113    &talker = 2;
114   }
115  unfreeze(1);
116  unfreeze(&current_sprite);
117 }
hit(void)119 void hit( void )
120 {
121  if (&story > 10)
122  {
123   freeze(&current_sprite);
124   say_stop("`7Ah, some hero you are!", &current_sprite);
125   unfreeze(&current_sprite);
126   return;
127  }
128  freeze(&current_sprite);
129  say_stop("`7Ahhh, knock it off you!", &current_sprite);
130  unfreeze(&current_sprite);
131 }