1 /*!
2  * \file   mfront/src/StrainBasedPorosityNucleationModelBase.cxx
3  * \brief
4  * \author Thomas Helfer
5  * \date   05/04/2020
6  * \copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2018 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D. All rights
7  * reserved.
8  * This project is publicly released under either the GNU GPL Licence
9  * or the CECILL-A licence. A copy of thoses licences are delivered
10  * with the sources of TFEL. CEA or EDF may also distribute this
11  * project under specific licensing conditions.
12  */
14 #include "TFEL/Raise.hxx"
15 #include "TFEL/Glossary/Glossary.hxx"
16 #include "TFEL/Glossary/GlossaryEntry.hxx"
17 #include "MFront/ImplicitDSLBase.hxx"
18 #include "MFront/NonLinearSystemSolver.hxx"
19 #include "MFront/StandardElastoViscoPlasticityBrick.hxx"
20 #include "MFront/BehaviourBrick/BrickUtilities.hxx"
21 #include "MFront/BehaviourBrick/OptionDescription.hxx"
22 #include "MFront/BehaviourBrick/StrainBasedPorosityNucleationModelBase.hxx"
24 namespace mfront {
26   namespace bbrick {
28     bool StrainBasedPorosityNucleationModelBase::
requiresSavingNucleatedPorosity() const29         requiresSavingNucleatedPorosity() const {
30       return this->requiresLimitOnNucleationPorosity();
31     }  // end of
32        // StrainBasedPorosityNucleationModelBase::requiresSavingNucleatedPorosity()
34     std::vector<OptionDescription>
getOptions() const35     StrainBasedPorosityNucleationModelBase::getOptions() const {
36       auto opts = PorosityNucleationModelBase::getOptions();
37       if (this->requiresLimitOnNucleationPorosity()) {
38         opts.emplace_back("fmax", "maximum value of the nucleated porosity",
39                           OptionDescription::MATERIALPROPERTY);
40       }
41       return opts;
42     }  // end of StrainBasedPorosityNucleationModelBase::getOptions()
initialize(BehaviourDescription & bd,AbstractBehaviourDSL & dsl,const std::string & id,const DataMap & d)44     void StrainBasedPorosityNucleationModelBase::initialize(
45         BehaviourDescription& bd,
46         AbstractBehaviourDSL& dsl,
47         const std::string& id,
48         const DataMap& d) {
49       constexpr const auto uh = ModellingHypothesis::UNDEFINEDHYPOTHESIS;
50       const auto mn = this->getModelName();
51       PorosityNucleationModelBase::initialize(bd, dsl, id, d);
52       bd.appendToIncludes("#include \"TFEL/Material/" + mn + ".hxx\"");
53       const auto parameters =
54           PorosityNucleationModel::getVariableId("parameters", id);
55       addLocalVariable(bd, mn + "Parameters<real>", parameters);
56       if (this->requiresLimitOnNucleationPorosity()) {
57         const auto fmax_n = PorosityNucleationModel::getVariableId("fmax", id);
58         tfel::raise_if(
59             d.count("fmax") == 0,
60             "ChuNeedleman1980StressBasedPorosityNucleationModel::initialize: "
61             "material property 'fmax' is not defined");
62         this->fmax =
63             getBehaviourDescriptionMaterialProperty(dsl, "fmax", d.at("fmax"));
64         declareParameterOrLocalVariable(bd, this->fmax, "real", fmax_n);
65       }
66       // porosity factor
67       const auto fn_n = "fn" + id;
68       bd.reserveName(uh, "d" + fn_n + "_ddp");
69     }  // end of StrainBasedPorosityNucleationModelBase::initialize
endTreatment(BehaviourDescription & bd,const AbstractBehaviourDSL & dsl,const StressPotential & sp,const std::map<std::string,std::shared_ptr<bbrick::InelasticFlow>> & iflows,const std::string & id) const71     void StrainBasedPorosityNucleationModelBase::endTreatment(
72         BehaviourDescription& bd,
73         const AbstractBehaviourDSL& dsl,
74         const StressPotential& sp,
75         const std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<bbrick::InelasticFlow>>&
76             iflows,
77         const std::string& id) const {
78       PorosityNucleationModelBase::endTreatment(bd, dsl, sp, iflows, id);
79       //
80       constexpr const auto uh = ModellingHypothesis::UNDEFINEDHYPOTHESIS;
81       const auto mn = this->getModelName();
82       const auto& idsl = dynamic_cast<const ImplicitDSLBase&>(dsl);
83       const auto requiresAnalyticalJacobian =
84           ((idsl.getSolver().usesJacobian()) &&
85            (!idsl.getSolver().requiresNumericalJacobian()));
86       // material coefficients initialisation
87       const auto parameters =
88           PorosityNucleationModel::getVariableId("parameters", id);
89       CodeBlock init;
90       for (const auto& mc : this->getMaterialCoefficientDescriptions()) {
91         const auto mc_n = PorosityNucleationModel::getVariableId(mc.name, id);
92         init.code += "this->" + parameters + "." + mc.name + " = this->" + mc_n + ";\n";
93       }
94       if (this->requiresLimitOnNucleationPorosity()) {
95         const auto fmax_n = PorosityNucleationModel::getVariableId("fmax", id);
96         init.code += generateMaterialPropertyInitializationCode(dsl, bd, fmax_n,
97                                                                 this->fmax);
98       }
99       bd.setCode(uh, BehaviourData::BeforeInitializeLocalVariables, init,
100                  BehaviourData::CREATEORAPPEND, BehaviourData::AT_BEGINNING);
101       //
102       const auto dfn_n = PorosityNucleationModel::getVariableId("dfn", id);
103       const auto dfn_ddp =
104           PorosityNucleationModel::getVariableId("dfn_ddp", id);
105       // sum of the equivalent plastic strains
106       const auto p = [&iflows, &bd] {
107         auto first = true;
108         auto v = std::string{};
109         for (const auto& flow : iflows) {
110           if (!first) {
111             v += " + ";
112           }
113           v += "this->p" + flow.first;
114           first = false;
115         }
116         return v;
117       }();
118       // sum of the increments of the equivalent plastic strains
119       const auto dp = [&iflows, &bd] {
120         auto first = true;
121         auto v = std::string{};
122         for (const auto& flow : iflows) {
123           if (!first) {
124             v += " + ";
125           }
126           v += "std::max(this->dp" + flow.first + ", real(0))";
127           first = false;
128         }
129         return v;
130       }();
131       //
132       // porosity evolution
133       const auto& f =
134           bd.getBehaviourData(uh).getStateVariableDescriptionByExternalName(
135               tfel::glossary::Glossary::Porosity);
136       CodeBlock i;
137       if (this->porosity_evolution_algorithm ==
138           PorosityEvolutionAlgorithm::STAGGERED_SCHEME) {
139         i.code += "if(";
140         i.code += StandardElastoViscoPlasticityBrick::
141             computeStandardSystemOfImplicitEquations;
142         i.code += "){\n";
143         }
144         auto call = "compute" + mn + "PorosityIncrementAndDerivative" +  //
145                     "(this->" + parameters + "," + p + ", " + dp + ", " +
146                     bd.getClassName() + "::theta)";
147         i.code += "#if __cplusplus >= 201703L\n";
148         i.code += "const auto [" + dfn_n + ", " + dfn_ddp + "]  = ";
149         i.code += call + ";\n";
150         if (!requiresAnalyticalJacobian) {
151           i.code += "static_cast<void>(" + dfn_ddp + ");\n";
152         }
153         i.code += "#else  /* __cplusplus >= 201703L */\n";
154         i.code += "auto " + dfn_n + " = real{};\n";
155         if (requiresAnalyticalJacobian) {
156           i.code += "auto " + dfn_ddp + " = real{};\n";
157           i.code += "std::tie(" + dfn_n + ", " + dfn_ddp + ")  = ";
158         } else {
159           i.code += "std::tie(" + dfn_n + ", std::ignore)  = ";
160         }
161         i.code += call + ";\n";
162         i.code += "#endif /* __cplusplus >= 201703L */\n";
163         i.code += "this->dfn" + id + " = " + dfn_n + ";\n";
164         if (this->requiresLimitOnNucleationPorosity()) {
165           const auto fmax_n =
166               PorosityNucleationModel::getVariableId("fmax", id);
167           i.code += "if(this->fn" + id + " + this->dfn" + id + " >= this->" +
168                     fmax_n + "){\n";
169           i.code += "this->dfn" + id + " = this->" + fmax_n + " - this->fn;\n";
170           i.code += "f" + f.name + " -= this->dfn" + id + ";\n";
171           i.code += "} else {\n";
172         }
173         i.code += "f" + f.name + " -= this->dfn" + id + ";\n";
174         if (requiresAnalyticalJacobian) {
175           for (const auto& flow : iflows) {
176             i.code += "if(this->dp" + flow.first + " > real(0)){\n";
177             i.code += "df" + f.name + "_ddp" + flow.first +  //
178                       " -= " + dfn_ddp + ";\n";
179             i.code += "}\n";
180           }
181         }
182         if (this->requiresLimitOnNucleationPorosity()) {
183           i.code += "}\n";
184         }
185         if (this->porosity_evolution_algorithm ==
186             PorosityEvolutionAlgorithm::STAGGERED_SCHEME) {
187           i.code += "}\n";
188         }
189         bd.setCode(uh, BehaviourData::Integrator, i,
190                    BehaviourData::CREATEORAPPEND, BehaviourData::AT_BEGINNING);
191     }  // end of
192     // StrainBasedPorosityNucleationModelBase::endTreatment
194     std::string StrainBasedPorosityNucleationModelBase::
updateNextEstimateOfThePorosityIncrement(const BehaviourDescription & bd,const std::map<std::string,std::shared_ptr<bbrick::InelasticFlow>> & iflows,const std::string & id) const195         updateNextEstimateOfThePorosityIncrement(
196             const BehaviourDescription& bd,
197             const std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<bbrick::InelasticFlow>>&
198                 iflows,
199             const std::string& id) const {
200       const auto mn = this->getModelName();
201       const auto parameters =
202           PorosityNucleationModel::getVariableId("parameters", id);
203       // sum of the equivalent plastic strains
204       const auto p = [&iflows, &bd] {
205         auto first = true;
206         auto v = std::string{};
207         for (const auto& flow : iflows) {
208           if (!first) {
209             v += " + ";
210           }
211           v += "this->p" + flow.first;
212           first = false;
213         }
214         return v;
215       }();
216       // sum of the increments of the equivalent plastic strains
217       const auto dp = [&iflows, &bd] {
218         auto first = true;
219         auto v = std::string{};
220         for (const auto& flow : iflows) {
221           if (!first) {
222             v += " + ";
223           }
224           v += "std::max(this->dp" + flow.first + ", real(0))";
225           first = false;
226         }
227         return v;
228       }();
229       //
230       auto c = std::string{};
231       if (this->requiresLimitOnNucleationPorosity()) {
232         const auto dfn_n = PorosityNucleationModel::getVariableId("dfn", id);
233         const auto fmax_n = PorosityNucleationModel::getVariableId("fmax", id);
234         c += "const auto " + dfn_n + " = ";
235         c += "compute" + mn + "PorosityIncrement" +  //
236              "(this->" + parameters + "," + p + "," + dp + ", " +
237              bd.getClassName() + "::theta);\n";
238         c += "this->dfn" + id + " = ";
239         c += "std::min(" + dfn_n + ", this->" + fmax_n + " - this->fn);\n";
240       } else {
241         c += "this->dfn" + id + " = compute" + mn + "PorosityIncrement" +  //
242              "(this->" + parameters + "," + p + "," + dp + ", " +
243              bd.getClassName() + "::theta);\n";
244       }
245       c += mfront::StandardElastoViscoPlasticityBrick::
246           nextEstimateOfThePorosityIncrement;
247       c += " += this->dfn" + id + ";\n";
248       return c;
249     }  // end of
250        // StrainBasedPorosityNucleationModelBase::updateNextEstimateOfThePorosityIncrement
252     StrainBasedPorosityNucleationModelBase::
253         ~StrainBasedPorosityNucleationModelBase() = default;
255   }  // end of namespace bbrick
257 }  // end of namespace mfront