4/*The supplier transaction uses the SuppTrans class to hold the information about the invoice
5the SuppTrans class contains an array of GRNs objects - containing details of GRNs for invoicing
6Also an array of GLCodes objects - only used if the AP - GL link is effective
7Also an array of shipment charges for charges to shipments to be apportioned accross the cost of stock items */
10include('includes/DefinePOClass.php'); //needed for auto receiving code
12/* Session started in header.php for password checking and authorisation level check */
15$Title = _('Enter Supplier Invoice');
16/* webERP manual links before header.php */
17$ViewTopic= 'AccountsPayable';
18$BookMark = 'SupplierInvoice';
23if (empty($_GET['identifier'])) {
24	$identifier=date('U');
25} else {
26	$identifier=$_GET['identifier'];
29if (!isset($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierName)) {
30	$sql="SELECT suppname FROM suppliers WHERE supplierid='" . $_GET['SupplierID'] . "'";
31	$result = DB_query($sql);
32	$myrow = DB_fetch_row($result);
33	$SupplierName=$myrow[0];
34	if (!isset($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID)) {
35		$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID = $_GET['SupplierID'];
36	}
37} else {
38	$SupplierName=$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierName;
40echo '<p class="page_title_text"><img alt="" src="'.$RootPath . '/css/' . $Theme .
41	'/images/transactions.png" title="' . _('Supplier Invoice') . '" />' . ' ' .
42	_('Enter Supplier Invoice') . ': ' . $SupplierName . ' ' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . '</p>';
43if (isset($_GET['SupplierID']) AND $_GET['SupplierID']!=''){
45 /*It must be a new invoice entry - clear any existing invoice details from the SuppTrans object and initiate a newy*/
46	if (isset( $_SESSION['SuppTrans'])){
47		unset ( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GRNs);
48		unset ( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GLCodes);
49		unset($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Assets);
50		unset ( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']);
51	}
53	 if (isset( $_SESSION['SuppTransTmp'])){
54		unset ( $_SESSION['SuppTransTmp']->GRNs);
55		unset ( $_SESSION['SuppTransTmp']->GLCodes);
56		unset ( $_SESSION['SuppTransTmp']);
57	}
58	  $_SESSION['SuppTrans'] = new SuppTrans;
60/*Now retrieve supplier information - name, currency, default ex rate, terms, tax rate etc */
62	 $sql = "SELECT suppliers.suppname,
63					suppliers.supplierid,
64					paymentterms.terms,
65					paymentterms.daysbeforedue,
66					paymentterms.dayinfollowingmonth,
67					suppliers.currcode,
68					currencies.rate AS exrate,
69					currencies.decimalplaces,
70					suppliers.taxgroupid,
71					taxgroups.taxgroupdescription
72				FROM suppliers,
73					taxgroups,
74					currencies,
75					paymentterms,
76					taxauthorities
77				WHERE suppliers.taxgroupid=taxgroups.taxgroupid
78				AND suppliers.currcode=currencies.currabrev
79				AND suppliers.paymentterms=paymentterms.termsindicator
80				AND suppliers.supplierid = '" . $_GET['SupplierID'] . "'";
82	$ErrMsg = _('The supplier record selected') . ': ' . $_GET['SupplierID'] . ' ' ._('cannot be retrieved because');
83	$DbgMsg = _('The SQL used to retrieve the supplier details and failed was');
85	$result = DB_query($sql, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg);
87	$myrow = DB_fetch_array($result);
89	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierName = $myrow['suppname'];
90	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TermsDescription = $myrow['terms'];
91	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrCode = $myrow['currcode'];
92	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate = $myrow['exrate'];
93	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces = $myrow['decimalplaces'];
94	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TaxGroup = $myrow['taxgroupid'];
95	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TaxGroupDescription = $myrow['taxgroupdescription'];
96	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID = $myrow['supplierid'];
98	if ($myrow['daysbeforedue'] == 0){
99		 $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Terms = '1' . $myrow['dayinfollowingmonth'];
100	} else {
101		 $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Terms = '0' . $myrow['daysbeforedue'];
102	}
103	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID = $_GET['SupplierID'];
105	$LocalTaxProvinceResult = DB_query("SELECT taxprovinceid
106								FROM locations
107								WHERE loccode = '" . $_SESSION['UserStockLocation'] . "'");
109	if(DB_num_rows($LocalTaxProvinceResult)==0){
110		prnMsg(_('The tax province associated with your user account has not been set up in this database. Tax calculations are based on the tax group of the supplier and the tax province of the user entering the invoice. The system administrator should redefine your account with a valid default stocking location and this location should refer to a valid tax province'),'error');
111		include('includes/footer.php');
112		exit;
113	}
115	$LocalTaxProvinceRow = DB_fetch_row($LocalTaxProvinceResult);
116	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->LocalTaxProvince = $LocalTaxProvinceRow[0];
118	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GetTaxes();
121	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GLLink_Creditors = $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['gllink_creditors'];
122	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GRNAct = $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['grnact'];
123	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CreditorsAct = $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['creditorsact'];
125	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->InvoiceOrCredit = 'Invoice';
127} elseif (!isset( $_SESSION['SuppTrans'])){
129	prnMsg( _('To enter a supplier invoice the supplier must first be selected from the supplier selection screen'),'warn');
130	echo '<br /><a href="' . $RootPath . '/SelectSupplier.php">' . _('Select A Supplier to Enter an Invoice For') . '</a>';
131	include('includes/footer.php');
132	exit;
134	/*It all stops here if there ain't no supplier selected */
137/* The code below automatically receives the outstanding balances on the purchase order ReceivePO and adds all the GRNs from that purchase order onto the invoice
138 * This is geared towards smaller businesses that have purchase orders that are automatically approved by users, and they want to enter the invoice directly based
139 * on the details entered in the purchase order screen.
140 */
141if (isset($_GET['ReceivePO']) AND $_GET['ReceivePO']!=''){
143	/*Need to check that the user has permission to receive goods */
145	if (! in_array($_SESSION['PageSecurityArray']['GoodsReceived.php'], $_SESSION['AllowedPageSecurityTokens'])){
146		prnMsg(_('Your permissions do not allow receiving of goods. Automatic receiving of purchase orders is restricted to those only users who are authorised to receive goods/services'),'error');
147	} else {
148		/* The user has permission to receive goods then lets go */
150		$_GET['ModifyOrderNumber'] = intval($_GET['ReceivePO']);
151		include('includes/PO_ReadInOrder.inc');
153		if ($_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->Status == 'Authorised'){
154			$Result = DB_Txn_Begin();
155		/*Now Get the next GRN - function in SQL_CommonFunctions*/
156			$GRN = GetNextTransNo(25);
157			if (!isset($_GET['DeliveryDate'])){
158				$DeliveryDate = date($_SESSION['DefaultDateFormat']);
159			} else {
160				$DeliveryDate = $_GET['DeliveryDate'];
161			}
162			$_POST['ExRate'] = $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate;
163			$_POST['TranDate'] = $DeliveryDate;
165			$PeriodNo = GetPeriod($DeliveryDate);
167			$OrderHasControlledItems = false; //assume the best
168			foreach ($_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->LineItems as $OrderLine) {
169				//Set the quantity to receive with this auto delivery assuming all is well
170				$_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->LineItems[$OrderLine->LineNo]->ReceiveQty = $OrderLine->Quantity - $OrderLine->QtyReceived;
172				if ($OrderLine->Controlled ==1) { // it's a controlled item - we can't deal with auto receiving controlled items!!!
173					prnMsg(_('Auto receiving of controlled stock items that require serial number or batch number entry is not currently catered for. Only orders with normal non-serial numbered items can be received automatically'),'error');
174					$OrderHasControlledItems = true;
175				}
176			}
177			if ($OrderHasControlledItems == false){
178				foreach ($_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->LineItems as $OrderLine) {
179					$LocalCurrencyPrice = ($OrderLine->Price / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate);
181					if ($OrderLine->StockID!='') { //Its a stock item line
182						/*Need to get the current standard cost as it is now so we can process GL jorunals later*/
183						$SQL = "SELECT materialcost + labourcost + overheadcost as stdcost
184									FROM stockmaster
185									WHERE stockid='" . $OrderLine->StockID . "'";
186						$ErrMsg =  _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The standard cost of the item being received cannot be retrieved because');
187						$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to retrieve the standard cost was used');
188						$Result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,true);
190						$myrow = DB_fetch_row($Result);
191						$CurrentStandardCost = $myrow[0];
193						if ($OrderLine->QtyReceived==0){ //its the first receipt against this line
194							$_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->LineItems[$OrderLine->LineNo]->StandardCost = $CurrentStandardCost;
195						}
197						/*Set the purchase order line stdcostunit = weighted average / standard cost used for all receipts of this line
198						 This assures that the quantity received against the purchase order line multiplied by the weighted average of standard
199						 costs received = the total of standard cost posted to GRN suspense*/
200						$_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->LineItems[$OrderLine->LineNo]->StandardCost = (($CurrentStandardCost * $OrderLine->ReceiveQty) + ($_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->LineItems[$OrderLine->LineNo]->StandardCost *$OrderLine->QtyReceived)) / ($OrderLine->ReceiveQty + $OrderLine->QtyReceived);
202					} elseif ($OrderLine->QtyReceived==0 AND $OrderLine->StockID=='') {
203						/*Its a nominal item being received */
204						/*Need to record the value of the order per unit in the standard cost field to ensure GRN account entries clear */
205						$_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->LineItems[$OrderLine->LineNo]->StandardCost = $LocalCurrencyPrice;
206					}
208					if ($OrderLine->StockID=='') { /*Its a NOMINAL item line */
209						$CurrentStandardCost = $_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->LineItems[$OrderLine->LineNo]->StandardCost;
210					}
212		/*Now the SQL to do the update to the PurchOrderDetails */
214					$SQL = "UPDATE purchorderdetails SET quantityrecd = quantityrecd + '" . $OrderLine->ReceiveQty . "',
215														stdcostunit='" . $_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->LineItems[$OrderLine->LineNo]->StandardCost . "',
216														completed='1'
217												WHERE podetailitem = '" . $OrderLine->PODetailRec . "'";
219					$ErrMsg =  _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The purchase order detail record could not be updated with the quantity received because');
220					$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to update the purchase order detail record was used');
221					$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, true);
224					if ($OrderLine->StockID !=''){ /*Its a stock item so use the standard cost for the journals */
225						$UnitCost = $CurrentStandardCost;
226					} else {  /*otherwise its a nominal PO item so use the purchase cost converted to local currency */
227						$UnitCost = $OrderLine->Price / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate;
228					}
230					/*Need to insert a GRN item */
232					$SQL = "INSERT INTO grns (grnbatch,
233											podetailitem,
234											itemcode,
235											itemdescription,
236											deliverydate,
237											qtyrecd,
238											supplierid,
239											stdcostunit)
240									VALUES ('" . $GRN . "',
241										'" . $OrderLine->PODetailRec . "',
242										'" . $OrderLine->StockID . "',
243										'" . DB_escape_string($OrderLine->ItemDescription) . "',
244										'" . FormatDateForSQL($DeliveryDate) . "',
245										'" . $OrderLine->ReceiveQty . "',
246										'" . $_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->SupplierID . "',
247										'" . $CurrentStandardCost . "')";
249					$ErrMsg =  _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('A GRN record could not be inserted') . '. ' . _('This receipt of goods has not been processed because');
250					$DbgMsg =  _('The following SQL to insert the GRN record was used');
251					$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, true);
253					if ($OrderLine->StockID!=''){ /* if the order line is in fact a stock item */
255					/* Update location stock records - NB  a PO cannot be entered for a dummy/assembly/kit parts */
257					/* Need to get the current location quantity will need it later for the stock movement */
258						$SQL="SELECT locstock.quantity
259										FROM locstock
260										WHERE locstock.stockid='" . $OrderLine->StockID . "'
261										AND loccode= '" . $_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->Location . "'";
263						$Result = DB_query($SQL);
264						if (DB_num_rows($Result)==1){
265							$LocQtyRow = DB_fetch_row($Result);
266							$QtyOnHandPrior = $LocQtyRow[0];
267						} else {
268							/*There must actually be some error this should never happen */
269							$QtyOnHandPrior = 0;
270						}
272						$SQL = "UPDATE locstock
273									SET quantity = locstock.quantity + '" . $OrderLine->ReceiveQty . "'
274								WHERE locstock.stockid = '" . $OrderLine->StockID . "'
275								AND loccode = '" . $_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->Location . "'";
277						$ErrMsg =  _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The location stock record could not be updated because');
278						$DbgMsg =  _('The following SQL to update the location stock record was used');
279						$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, true);
281					/* Insert stock movements - with unit cost */
283						$SQL = "INSERT INTO stockmoves (stockid,
284														type,
285														transno,
286														loccode,
287														trandate,
288														userid,
289														price,
290														prd,
291														reference,
292														qty,
293														standardcost,
294														newqoh)
295											VALUES (
296												'" . $OrderLine->StockID . "',
297												25,
298												'" . $GRN . "',
299												'" . $_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->Location . "',
300												'" . FormatDateForSQL($DeliveryDate) . "',
301												'" . $_SESSION['UserID'] . "',
302												'" . $LocalCurrencyPrice . "',
303												'" . $PeriodNo . "',
304												'" . $_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->SupplierID . " (" . DB_escape_string($_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->SupplierName) . ") - " .$_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->OrderNo . "',
305												'" . $OrderLine->ReceiveQty . "',
306												'" . $_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->LineItems[$OrderLine->LineNo]->StandardCost . "',
307												'" . ($QtyOnHandPrior + $OrderLine->ReceiveQty) . "'
308												)";
310						$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('stock movement records could not be inserted because');
311						$DbgMsg =  _('The following SQL to insert the stock movement records was used');
312						$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, true);
314					} /*end of its a stock item - updates to locations and insert movements*/
316					/* Check to see if the line item was flagged as the purchase of an asset */
317					if ($OrderLine->AssetID !='' AND $OrderLine->AssetID !='0'){ //then it is an asset
319						/*first validate the AssetID and if it doesn't exist treat it like a normal nominal item  */
320						$CheckAssetExistsResult = DB_query("SELECT assetid,
321																	datepurchased,
322																	costact
323															FROM fixedassets
324															INNER JOIN fixedassetcategories
325															ON fixedassets.assetcategoryid=fixedassetcategories.categoryid
326															WHERE assetid='" . $OrderLine->AssetID . "'");
327						if (DB_num_rows($CheckAssetExistsResult)==1){ //then work with the assetid provided
329							/*Need to add a fixedassettrans for the cost of the asset being received */
330							$SQL = "INSERT INTO fixedassettrans (assetid,
331																transtype,
332																transno,
333																transdate,
334																periodno,
335																inputdate,
336																fixedassettranstype,
337																amount)
338											VALUES ('" . $OrderLine->AssetID . "',
339													25,
340													'" . $GRN . "',
341													'" . FormatDateForSQL($DeliveryDate) . "',
342													'" . $PeriodNo . "',
343													'" . Date('Y-m-d') . "',
344													'" . _('cost') . "',
345													'" . $CurrentStandardCost * $OrderLine->ReceiveQty . "')";
346							$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR! NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE The fixed asset transaction could not be inserted because');
347							$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the fixed asset transaction record was used');
348							$Result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, true);
350							/*Now get the correct cost GL account from the asset category */
351							$AssetRow = DB_fetch_array($CheckAssetExistsResult);
352							/*Over-ride any GL account specified in the order with the asset category cost account */
353							$_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->LineItems[$OrderLine->LineNo]->GLCode = $AssetRow['costact'];
354							/*Now if there are no previous additions to this asset update the date purchased */
355							if ($AssetRow['datepurchased']=='0000-00-00'){
356								/* it is a new addition as the date is set to 0000-00-00 when the asset record is created
357								 * before any cost is added to the asset
358								 */
359								$SQL = "UPDATE fixedassets
360											SET datepurchased='" . FormatDateForSQL($DeliveryDate) . "',
361												cost = cost + " . ($CurrentStandardCost * $OrderLine->ReceiveQty)  . "
362											WHERE assetid = '" . $OrderLine->AssetID . "'";
363							} else {
364									$SQL = "UPDATE fixedassets SET cost = cost + " . ($CurrentStandardCost * $OrderLine->ReceiveQty)  . "
365											WHERE assetid = '" . $OrderLine->AssetID . "'";
366							}
367							$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR! NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE. The fixed asset cost and date purchased was not able to be updated because:');
368							$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL was used to attempt the update of the cost and the date the asset was purchased');
369							$Result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, true);
371						} //assetid provided doesn't exist so ignore it and treat as a normal nominal item
372					} //assetid is set so the nominal item is an asset
374					/* If GLLink_Stock then insert GLTrans to debit the GL Code  and credit GRN Suspense account at standard cost*/
375					if ($_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->GLLink==1 AND $OrderLine->GLCode !=0){
376						/*GLCode is set to 0 when the GLLink is not activated this covers a situation where the GLLink is now active but it wasn't when this PO was entered */
378						/*first the debit using the GLCode in the PO detail record entry*/
379						$SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (type,
380													typeno,
381													trandate,
382													periodno,
383													account,
384													narrative,
385													amount)
386											VALUES (
387												25,
388												'" . $GRN . "',
389												'" . FormatDateForSQL($DeliveryDate) . "',
390												'" . $PeriodNo . "',
391												'" . $OrderLine->GLCode . "',
392												'PO: " . $_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->OrderNo . " " . $_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->SupplierID . " - " . $OrderLine->StockID
393														. " - " . DB_escape_string($OrderLine->ItemDescription) . " x " . $OrderLine->ReceiveQty . " @ " .
394															locale_number_format($CurrentStandardCost,$_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']) . "',
395												'" . $CurrentStandardCost * $OrderLine->ReceiveQty . "'
396												)";
398						$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The purchase GL posting could not be inserted because');
399						$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the purchase GLTrans record was used');
400						$Result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, true);
402						/* If the CurrentStandardCost != UnitCost (the standard at the time the first delivery was booked in,  and its a stock item, then the difference needs to be booked in against the purchase price variance account */
404						/*now the GRN suspense entry*/
405						$SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (type,
406													typeno,
407													trandate,
408													periodno,
409													account,
410													narrative,
411													amount)
412											VALUES (25,
413												'" . $GRN . "',
414												'" . FormatDateForSQL($DeliveryDate) . "',
415												'" . $PeriodNo . "',
416												'" . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['grnact'] . "',
417												'" . _('PO'.$identifier) . ': ' . $_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->OrderNo . ' ' . $_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->SupplierID . ' - ' . $OrderLine->StockID . ' - ' . DB_escape_string($OrderLine->ItemDescription) . ' x ' . $OrderLine->ReceiveQty . ' @ ' . locale_number_format($UnitCost,$_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']) . "',
418												'" . -$UnitCost * $OrderLine->ReceiveQty . "'
419												)";
421						$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The GRN suspense side of the GL posting could not be inserted because');
422						$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GRN Suspense GLTrans record was used');
423						$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg,true);
425					} /* end of if GL and stock integrated and standard cost !=0 */
426				} /*end of OrderLine loop */
428				$StatusComment=date($_SESSION['DefaultDateFormat']) .' - ' . _('Order Completed on entry of GRN')  . '<br />' . $_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->StatusComments;
429				$sql="UPDATE purchorders
430						SET status='Completed',
431						stat_comment='" . $StatusComment . "'
432						WHERE orderno='" . $_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->OrderNo . "'";
433				$result=DB_query($sql);
435				if ($_SESSION['PO'.$identifier]->GLLink==1) {
436					EnsureGLEntriesBalance(25, $GRN);
437				}
439				$Result = DB_Txn_Commit();
441				//Now add all these deliveries to this purchase invoice
444				$SQL = "SELECT grnbatch,
445								grnno,
446								purchorderdetails.orderno,
447								purchorderdetails.unitprice,
448								grns.itemcode,
449								grns.deliverydate,
450								grns.itemdescription,
451								grns.qtyrecd,
452								grns.quantityinv,
453								grns.stdcostunit,
454								grns.supplierref,
455								purchorderdetails.glcode,
456								purchorderdetails.shiptref,
457								purchorderdetails.jobref,
458								purchorderdetails.podetailitem,
459								purchorderdetails.assetid,
460								stockmaster.decimalplaces
461						FROM grns INNER JOIN purchorderdetails
462							ON  grns.podetailitem=purchorderdetails.podetailitem
463						LEFT JOIN stockmaster ON grns.itemcode=stockmaster.stockid
464						WHERE grns.supplierid ='" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . "'
465						AND purchorderdetails.orderno = '" . intval($_GET['ReceivePO']) . "'
466						AND grns.qtyrecd - grns.quantityinv > 0
467						ORDER BY grns.grnno";
468				$GRNResults = DB_query($SQL);
470				while ($myrow=DB_fetch_array($GRNResults)){
472					if ($myrow['decimalplaces']==''){
473						$myrow['decimalplaces']=2;
474					}
475					$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Add_GRN_To_Trans($myrow['grnno'],
476																$myrow['podetailitem'],
477																$myrow['itemcode'],
478																$myrow['itemdescription'],
479																$myrow['qtyrecd'],
480																$myrow['quantityinv'],
481																$myrow['qtyrecd'] - $myrow['quantityinv'],
482																$myrow['unitprice'],
483																$myrow['unitprice'],
484																true,
485																$myrow['stdcostunit'],
486																$myrow['shiptref'],
487																$myrow['jobref'],
488																$myrow['glcode'],
489																$myrow['orderno'],
490																$myrow['assetid'],
491																0,
492																$myrow['decimalplaces'],
493																$myrow['grnbatch'],
494																$myrow['supplierref']);
495				}
496			} //end if the order has no controlled items on it
497		} //only allow auto receiving of all lines if the PO is authorised
498	} //only allow auto receiving if the user has permission to receive goods
499} // Page called with link to receive all the items on a PO
502/* Set the session variables to the posted data from the form if the page has called itself */
503if (isset($_POST['ExRate'])){
504	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate = filter_number_format($_POST['ExRate']);
505	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Comments = $_POST['Comments'];
506	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TranDate = $_POST['TranDate'];
508	if (mb_substr( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Terms,0,1)=='1') { /*Its a day in the following month when due */
509		$DayInFollowingMonth = (int) mb_substr( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Terms,1);
510		$DaysBeforeDue = 0;
511	} else { /*Use the Days Before Due to add to the invoice date */
512		$DayInFollowingMonth = 0;
513		$DaysBeforeDue = (int) mb_substr( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Terms,1);
514	}
516	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->DueDate = CalcDueDate($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TranDate, $DayInFollowingMonth, $DaysBeforeDue);
518	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SuppReference = $_POST['SuppReference'];
520	if ( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GLLink_Creditors == 1){
522/*The link to GL from creditors is active so the total should be built up from GLPostings and GRN entries
523if the link is not active then OvAmount must be entered manually. */
525		$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount = 0; /* for starters */
526		if (count($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GRNs) > 0){
527			foreach ( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GRNs as $GRN){
528				$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount += ($GRN->This_QuantityInv * $GRN->ChgPrice);
529			}
530		}
531		if (count($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GLCodes) > 0){
532			foreach ( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GLCodes as $GLLine){
533				$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount += $GLLine->Amount;
534			}
535		}
536		if (count($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Shipts) > 0){
537			foreach ( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Shipts as $ShiptLine){
538				$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount +=  $ShiptLine->Amount;
539			}
540		}
541		if (count($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Contracts) > 0){
542			foreach ( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Contracts as $Contract){
543				$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount +=  $Contract->Amount;
544			}
545		}
546		if (count($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Assets) > 0){
547			foreach ( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Assets as $FixedAsset){
548				$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount +=  $FixedAsset->Amount;
549			}
550		}
551		$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount = round($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces);
552	}else {
553/*OvAmount must be entered manually */
554		 $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount = round(filter_number_format($_POST['OvAmount']),$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces);
555	}
559if (!isset($_POST['PostInvoice'])){
561	if (isset($_POST['GRNS'])
562		AND $_POST['GRNS'] == _('Purchase Orders')){
563		/*This ensures that any changes in the page are stored in the session before calling the grn page */
564		echo '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=' . $RootPath . '/SuppInvGRNs.php">';
565		echo '<div class="centre">' . _('You should automatically be forwarded to the entry of invoices against goods received page') .
566			'. ' . _('If this does not happen') .' (' . _('if the browser does not support META Refresh') . ') ' .
567			'<a href="' . $RootPath . '/SuppInvGRNs.php">' . _('click here') . '</a> ' . _('to continue') . '</div>
568			<br />';
569		exit;
570	}
571	if (isset($_POST['Shipts']) AND $_POST['Shipts'] == _('Shipments')){
572		/*This ensures that any changes in the page are stored in the session before calling the shipments page */
573		echo '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=' . $RootPath . '/SuppShiptChgs.php">';
574		echo '<div class="centre">' . _('You should automatically be forwarded to the entry of invoices against shipments page') .
575			'. ' . _('If this does not happen') . ' (' . _('if the browser does not support META Refresh'). ') ' .
576			'<a href="' . $RootPath . '/SuppShiptChgs.php">' . _('click here') . '</a> ' . _('to continue') . '.</div><br />';
577		exit;
578	}
579	if (isset($_POST['GL']) AND $_POST['GL'] == _('General Ledger')){
580		/*This ensures that any changes in the page are stored in the session before calling the shipments page */
581		echo '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=' . $RootPath . '/SuppTransGLAnalysis.php">';
582		echo '<div class="centre">' . _('You should automatically be forwarded to the entry of invoices against the general ledger page') .
583			'. ' . _('If this does not happen') . ' (' . _('if the browser does not support META Refresh'). ') ' .
584			'<a href="' . $RootPath . '/SuppTransGLAnalysis.php">' . _('click here') . '</a> ' . _('to continue') . '.</div><br />';
585		exit;
586	}
587	if (isset($_POST['Contracts']) AND $_POST['Contracts'] == _('Contracts')){
588		/*This ensures that any changes in the page are stored in the session before calling the shipments page */
589		echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=' . $RootPath . '/SuppContractChgs.php">';
590		echo '<div class="centre">' . _('You should automatically be forwarded to the entry of invoices against contracts page') .
591			'. ' . _('If this does not happen') . ' (' . _('if the browser does not support META Refresh'). ') ' .
592			'<a href="' . $RootPath . '/SuppContractChgs.php">' . _('click here') . '</a> ' . _('to continue') . '.</div>
593			<br />';
594		exit;
595	}
596	if (isset($_POST['FixedAssets'])
597		AND $_POST['FixedAssets'] == _('Fixed Assets')){
598		/*This ensures that any changes in the page are stored in the session before calling the shipments page */
599		echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=' . $RootPath . '/SuppFixedAssetChgs.php">';
600		echo '<div class="centre">' . _('You should automatically be forwarded to the entry of invoice amounts against fixed assets page') .
601			'. ' . _('If this does not happen') . ' (' . _('if the browser does not support META Refresh'). ') ' .
602			'<a href="' . $RootPath . '/SuppFixedAssetChgs.php">' . _('click here') . '</a> ' . _('to continue') . '.</DIV><br />';
603		exit;
604	}
605	/* everything below here only do if a Supplier is selected
606	fisrt add a header to show who we are making an invoice for */
608	echo '<br /><table class="selection">
609			<tr>
610				<th>' . _('Supplier') . '</th>
611				<th>' . _('Currency') .  '</th>
612				<th>' . _('Terms') .		'</th>
613				<th>' . _('Tax Authority') . '</th>
614			</tr>';
616	echo '<tr>
617			<td><b>' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . ' - ' .
618		$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierName . '</b></td>
619			<th><b>' .  $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrCode . '</b></th>
620			<td><b>' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TermsDescription . '</b></td>
621			<td><b>' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TaxGroupDescription . '</b></td>
622		</tr>
623		</table>';
625	echo '<br /><form action="' . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8') . '" method="post" id="form1">';
626    echo '<div>';
627	echo '<input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="' . $_SESSION['FormID'] . '" />';
629	echo '<br /><table class="selection">';
631	echo '<tr>
632			<td>' . _('Supplier Invoice Reference') . ':</td>
633			<td><input type="text" required="required" pattern=".{1,20}" title="'._('The input should not be blank and should be less than 20 characters').'" placeholder="'._('Within 20 characters needed').'" size="20" maxlength="20" name="SuppReference" value="' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SuppReference . '" /></td>';
635	if (!isset($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TranDate)){
636		$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TranDate= Date($_SESSION['DefaultDateFormat'], Mktime(0,0,0,Date('m'),Date('d')-1,Date('y')));
637	}
638	echo '<td>' . _('Invoice Date') . ' (' . _('in format') . ' ' . $_SESSION['DefaultDateFormat'] . ') :</td>
639		<td><input type="text" class="date" size="11" maxlength="10" name="TranDate" value="' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TranDate . '" /></td>
640		<td>' . _('Exchange Rate') . ':</td>
641		<td><input class="number" maxlength="12" name="ExRate" size="14" type="text" value="' . locale_number_format($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate,10) . '" /></td>
642	</tr>
643	</table>';
645	echo '<br />
646		<div class="centre">
647			<input type="submit" name="GRNS" value="' . _('Purchase Orders') . '" />
648			<input type="submit" name="Shipts" value="' . _('Shipments') . '" />
649			<input type="submit" name="Contracts" value="' . _('Contracts') . '" /> ';
651	if ( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GLLink_Creditors == 1){
652		echo '<input type="submit" name="GL" value="' . _('General Ledger') . '" /> ';
653	}
654	echo ' <input type="submit" name="FixedAssets" value="' . _('Fixed Assets') . '" />
655		</div>';
656	$CanSubmit = false;//To avoid a empty submit
658	$TotalGRNValue = 0;
660	if (count( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GRNs)>0){   /*if there are any GRNs selected for invoicing then */
661		/*Show all the selected GRNs so far from the SESSION['SuppInv']->GRNs array */
662		$CanSubmit = true;
664		echo '<br />
665				<table class="selection">
666			<tr>
667				<th colspan="6">' . _('Purchase Order Charges') . '</th>
668			</tr>';
669		$tableheader = '<tr style="tableheader">
670							<th>' . _('Seq') . ' #</th>
671							<th>' . _('GRN Batch') . '</th>
672							<th>' . _('Supplier Ref') . '</th>
673							<th>' . _('Item Code') . '</th>
674							<th>' . _('Description') . '</th>
675							<th>' . _('Quantity Charged') . '</th>
676							<th>' . _('Price in') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrCode . '</th>
677							<th>' . _('Line Total') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrCode . '</th>
678						</tr>';
679		echo $tableheader;
681		foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GRNs as $EnteredGRN){
683			echo '<tr>
684					<td>' . $EnteredGRN->GRNNo . '</td>
685					<td>' . $EnteredGRN->GRNBatchNo . '</td>
686					<td>' . $EnteredGRN->SupplierRef . '</td>
687					<td>' . $EnteredGRN->ItemCode .	'</td>
688					<td>' . $EnteredGRN->ItemDescription . '</td>
689					<td class="number">' . locale_number_format($EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv,$EnteredGRN->DecimalPlaces) . '</td>
690					<td class="number">' . locale_number_format($EnteredGRN->ChgPrice,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '</td>
691					<td class="number">' . locale_number_format($EnteredGRN->ChgPrice * $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '</td>
692				</tr>';
694			$TotalGRNValue += ($EnteredGRN->ChgPrice * $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv);
696		}
698		echo '<tr>
699				<td colspan="5" class="number" style="color:blue">' . _('Total Value of Goods Charged') . ':</td>
700				<td class="number" style="color:blue">' . locale_number_format($TotalGRNValue,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '</td>
701			</tr>
702			</table>';
703	}
705	$TotalShiptValue = 0;
707	if (count( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Shipts) > 0){   /*if there are any Shipment charges on the invoice*/
708		$CanSubmit = true;
710		echo '<br />
711				<table class="selection">
712				<tr>
713					<th colspan="2">' . _('Shipment Charges') . '</th>
714				</tr>';
715		$TableHeader = '<tr>
716							<th>' . _('Shipment') . '</th>
717							<th>' . _('Amount') . '</th>
718						</tr>';
719		echo $TableHeader;
721		$i=0; //row counter
723		foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Shipts as $EnteredShiptRef){
725			echo '<tr>
726					<td>' . $EnteredShiptRef->ShiptRef . '</td>
727					<td class="number">' . locale_number_format($EnteredShiptRef->Amount,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '</td>
728				</tr>';
730			$TotalShiptValue += $EnteredShiptRef->Amount;
732			$i++;
733			if ($i > 15){
734				$i = 0;
735				echo $TableHeader;
736			}
737		}
739		echo '<tr>
740				<td class="number" style="color:blue">' . _('Total shipment charges') . ':</td>
741				<td class="number" style="color:blue">' .  locale_number_format($TotalShiptValue,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '</td>
742			</tr>
743			</table>';
744	}
746	$TotalAssetValue = 0;
748	if (count( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Assets) > 0){   /*if there are any fixed assets on the invoice*/
749		$CanSubmit = true;
751		echo '<br />
752			<table class="selection">
753			<tr>
754				<th colspan="3">' . _('Fixed Asset Additions') . '</th>
755			</tr>';
756		$TableHeader = '<tr>
757							<th>' . _('Asset ID') . '</th>
758							<th>' . _('Description') . '</th>
759							<th>' . _('Amount') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrCode . '</th>
760						</tr>';
761		echo $TableHeader;
763		foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Assets as $EnteredAsset){
765			echo '<tr>
766					<td>' . $EnteredAsset->AssetID . '</td>
767					<td>' . $EnteredAsset->Description . '</td>
768					<td class="number">' .	locale_number_format($EnteredAsset->Amount,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '</td>
769				</tr>';
771			$TotalAssetValue += $EnteredAsset->Amount;
773			$i++;
774			if ($i > 15){
775				$i = 0;
776				echo $TableHeader;
777			}
778		}
780		echo '<tr>
781				<td colspan="2" class="number" style="color:blue">' . _('Total asset additions') . ':</td>
782				<td class="number" style="color:blue">' .  locale_number_format($TotalAssetValue,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '</td>
783			</tr>
784			</table>';
785	} //end loop around assets added to invocie
787	$TotalContractsValue = 0;
789	if (count( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Contracts) > 0){   /*if there are any contract charges on the invoice*/
790		$CanSubmit = true;
792		echo '<br />
793			<table class="selection">
794			<tr>
795				<th colspan="3">' . _('Contract Charges') . '</th>
796			</tr>';
797		$TableHeader = '<tr>
798							<th>' . _('Contract') . '</th>
799							<th>' . _('Narrative') . '</th>
800							<th>' . _('Amount') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrCode . '</th>
801						</tr>';
802		echo $TableHeader;
805		$i=0;
806		foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Contracts as $Contract){
808			echo '<tr>
809					<td>' . $Contract->ContractRef . '</td>
810					<td>' . $Contract->Narrative . '</td>
811					<td class="number">' .    locale_number_format($Contract->Amount,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '</td>
812				</tr>';
814			$TotalContractsValue += $Contract->Amount;
816			$i++;
817			if ($i == 15){
818				$i = 0;
819				echo $TableHeader;
820			}
821		}
823		echo '<tr>
824				<td colspan="2" class="number" style="color:blue">' . _('Total contract charges') . ':</td>
825				<td class="number" style="color:blue">' .  locale_number_format($TotalContractsValue,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '</td>
826			</tr>
827			</table>';
828	}
830	$TotalGLValue = 0;
832	if ( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GLLink_Creditors == 1){
834		if (count($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GLCodes) > 0){
835			$CanSubmit = true;
836			echo '<br />
837					<table class="selection">
838					<tr>
839						<th colspan="5">' . _('General Ledger Analysis') . '</th>
840					</tr>';
841			$TableHeader = '<tr>
842								<th>' . _('Account') . '</th>
843								<th>' . _('Account Name') .     '</th>
844								<th>' . _('Narrative') . '</th>
845								<th>' . _('Tag') . '</th>
846								<th>' . _('Amount') . '<br />' . _('in') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrCode . '</th>
847							</tr>';
848			echo $TableHeader;
850			foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GLCodes as $EnteredGLCode){
851				echo '<tr>
852						<td>' . $EnteredGLCode->GLCode . '</td>
853						<td>' . $EnteredGLCode->GLActName . '</td>
854						<td>' . $EnteredGLCode->Narrative . '</td>
855						<td>' . $EnteredGLCode->Tag  . ' - ' . $EnteredGLCode->TagName . '</td>
856						<td class="number">' . locale_number_format($EnteredGLCode->Amount,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) .  '</td>
857					</tr>';
859				$TotalGLValue += $EnteredGLCode->Amount;
861			}
863			echo '<tr>
864					<td colspan="4" class="number" style="color:blue">' . _('Total GL Analysis') .  ':</td>
865					<td class="number" style="color:blue">' .  locale_number_format($TotalGLValue,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '</td>
866				</tr>
867				</table>';
868		}
870		$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount = ($TotalGRNValue + $TotalGLValue + $TotalAssetValue + $TotalShiptValue + $TotalContractsValue);
872		echo '<br />
873				<table class="selection">
874				<tr>
875					<td>' . _('Amount in supplier currency') . ':</td>
876					<td colspan="2" class="number">' . locale_number_format( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '</td>
877				</tr>';
878	} else {
879		echo '<br />
880				<table class="selection">
881				<tr>
882					<td>' . _('Amount in supplier currency') . ':</td>
883					<td colspan="2" class="number"><input type="text" class="number" title="'._('The input must be numeric').'" size="12" maxlength="10" name="OvAmount" value="' . locale_number_format( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '" /></td>
884				</tr>';
885	}
887	echo '<tr>
888			<td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="ToggleTaxMethod" value="' . _('Update Tax Calculation') . '" /></td>
889			<td><select name="OverRideTax" onchange="ReloadForm(form1.ToggleTaxMethod)">';
891	if (isset($_POST['OverRideTax']) AND $_POST['OverRideTax']=='Man'){
892		echo '<option value="Auto">' . _('Automatic') . '</option>
893				<option selected="selected" value="Man">' . _('Manually') . '</option>';
894	} else {
895		echo '<option selected="selected" value="Auto">' . _('Automatic') . '</option>
896				<option  value="Man">' . _('Manually') . '</option>';
897	}
899	echo '</select></td>
900		</tr>';
901	$TaxTotal =0; //initialise tax total
903	foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes as $Tax) {
905		echo '<tr>
906				<td>'  . $Tax->TaxAuthDescription . '</td>
907				<td>';
909		/*Set the tax rate to what was entered */
910		if (isset($_POST['TaxRate'  . $Tax->TaxCalculationOrder])){
911			$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxRate = filter_number_format($_POST['TaxRate'  . $Tax->TaxCalculationOrder])/100;
912		}
914		/*If a tax rate is entered that is not the same as it was previously then recalculate automatically the tax amounts */
916		if (!isset($_POST['OverRideTax'])
917			OR $_POST['OverRideTax']=='Auto'){
919			echo  ' <input type="text" class="number" name="TaxRate' . $Tax->TaxCalculationOrder . '" maxlength="4" size="4" value="' . locale_number_format($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxRate * 100,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces)  . '" />%';
921			/*Now recaluclate the tax depending on the method */
922			if ($Tax->TaxOnTax ==1){
924				$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxOvAmount = $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxRate * ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount + $TaxTotal);
926			} else { /*Calculate tax without the tax on tax */
928				$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxOvAmount = $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxRate * $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount;
930			}
932			echo '<input type="hidden" name="TaxAmount'  . $Tax->TaxCalculationOrder . '"  value="' . locale_number_format(round($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxOvAmount,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces),$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '" />';
934			echo '</td><td class="number">' . locale_number_format($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxOvAmount,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces);
936		} else { /*Tax being entered manually accept the taxamount entered as is*/
937//			if (!isset($_POST['TaxAmount'  . $Tax->TaxCalculationOrder])) {
938//				$_POST['TaxAmount'  . $Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]=0;
939//		}
940			$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxOvAmount = filter_number_format($_POST['TaxAmount'  . $Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]);
942			echo  ' <input type="hidden" name="TaxRate' . $Tax->TaxCalculationOrder . '" value="' . locale_number_format($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxRate * 100,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '" />';
944			echo '</td>
945				<td><input type="text" class="number" size="12" maxlength="12" name="TaxAmount'  . $Tax->TaxCalculationOrder . '"  value="' . locale_number_format(round($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxOvAmount,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces),$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . '" />';
946		}
948		$TaxTotal += $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxOvAmount;
949		echo '</td>
950			</tr>';
951	}
953	$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount = round($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces);
955	$DisplayTotal = locale_number_format(( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount + $TaxTotal), $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces);
957	echo '<tr>
958			<td>' . _('Invoice Total') . ':</td>
959			<td colspan="2" class="number"><b>' . $DisplayTotal . '</b></td>
960		</tr>
961		</table>';
963	echo '<br />
964		<table class="selection">
965			<tr>
966				<td>' . _('Comments') . '</td>
967				<td><textarea name="Comments" cols="40" rows="2">' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Comments . '</textarea></td>
968			</tr>
969		</table>';
970	if ($CanSubmit) {
972	echo '<br />
973			<div class="centre">
974				<input type="submit" name="PostInvoice" value="' . _('Enter Invoice') . '" />
975			</div>';
976	}
978    echo '</div>
979          </form>';
980} else { // $_POST['PostInvoice'] is set so do the postings -and dont show the button to process
982/*First do input reasonableness checks
983then do the updates and inserts to process the invoice entered */
984	$TaxTotal =0;
985	foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes as $Tax) {
986		/*Set the tax rate to what was entered */
987		if (isset($_POST['TaxRate'  . $Tax->TaxCalculationOrder])){
988			$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxRate = filter_number_format($_POST['TaxRate'  . $Tax->TaxCalculationOrder])/100;
989		}
990		if ($_POST['OverRideTax']=='Auto' OR !isset($_POST['OverRideTax'])){
991			/*Now recaluclate the tax depending on the method */
992			/*Now recaluclate the tax depending on the method */
993			if ($Tax->TaxOnTax ==1){
995				$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxOvAmount = $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxRate * ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount + $TaxTotal);
997			} else { /*Calculate tax without the tax on tax */
999				$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxOvAmount = $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxRate * $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount;
1001			}
1002		} else { /*Tax being entered manually accept the taxamount entered as is*/
1003			$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxOvAmount = filter_number_format($_POST['TaxAmount'  . $Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]);
1004		}
1005		$TaxTotal += $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes[$Tax->TaxCalculationOrder]->TaxOvAmount;
1006	}
1009	$InputError = False;
1010	if ( $TaxTotal + $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount < 0){
1012		$InputError = True;
1013		prnMsg(_('The invoice as entered cannot be processed because the total amount of the invoice is less than  0') . '. ' . _('Invoices are expected to have a positive charge'),'error');
1014		echo '<p>' . _('The tax total is') . ' : ' . locale_number_format($TaxTotal,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces);
1015		echo '<p>' . _('The ovamount is') . ' : ' . locale_number_format($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces);
1017	} elseif ( $TaxTotal + $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount == 0){
1019		prnMsg(_('The invoice as entered will be processed but be warned the amount of the invoice is  zero!') . '. ' . _('Invoices are normally expected to have a positive charge'),'warn');
1021	} elseif (mb_strlen( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SuppReference)<1){
1023		$InputError = True;
1024		prnMsg(_('The invoice as entered cannot be processed because the there is no suppliers invoice number or reference entered') . '. ' . _('The supplier invoice number must be entered'),'error');
1026	} elseif (!Is_date( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TranDate)){
1028		$InputError = True;
1029		prnMsg( _('The invoice as entered cannot be processed because the invoice date entered is not in the format') . ' ' . $_SESSION['DefaultDateFormat'],'error');
1031	} elseif (DateDiff(Date($_SESSION['DefaultDateFormat']), $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TranDate, 'd') < 0){
1033		$InputError = True;
1034		prnMsg(_('The invoice as entered cannot be processed because the invoice date is after today') . '. ' . _('Purchase invoices are expected to have a date prior to or today'),'error');
1036	}elseif ( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate <= 0){
1038		$InputError = True;
1039		prnMsg( _('The invoice as entered cannot be processed because the exchange rate for the invoice has been entered as a negative or zero number') . '. ' . _('The exchange rate is expected to show how many of the suppliers currency there are in 1 of the local currency'),'error');
1041	} elseif ( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount < round($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Total_Shipts_Value() + $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Total_GL_Value() + $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Total_Contracts_Value()+ $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Total_Assets_Value()+$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Total_GRN_Value(),$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces)){
1043		prnMsg( _('The invoice total as entered is less than the sum of the shipment charges, the general ledger entries (if any), the charges for goods received, contract charges and fixed asset charges. There must be a mistake somewhere, the invoice as entered will not be processed'),'error');
1044		$InputError = True;
1046	} else {
1048		$sql = "SELECT count(*)
1049				FROM supptrans
1050				WHERE supplierno='" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . "'
1051				AND supptrans.suppreference='" . $_POST['SuppReference'] . "'";
1053		$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The sql to check for the previous entry of the same invoice failed');
1054		$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to test for a previous invoice with the same reference from the same supplier was used');
1055		$result=DB_query($sql, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1057		$myrow=DB_fetch_row($result);
1058		if ($myrow[0] == 1){ /*Transaction reference already entered */
1059			prnMsg( _('The invoice number') . ' : ' . $_POST['SuppReference'] . ' ' . _('has already been entered') . '. ' . _('It cannot be entered again'),'error');
1060			$InputError = True;
1061		}
1062	}
1064	if ($InputError == False){
1066	/* SQL to process the postings for purchase invoice */
1067	/*Start an SQL transaction */
1069		$Result = DB_Txn_Begin();
1071		/*Get the next transaction number for internal purposes and the period to post GL transactions in based on the invoice date*/
1072		$InvoiceNo = GetNextTransNo(20);
1073		$PeriodNo = GetPeriod( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TranDate);
1074		$SQLInvoiceDate = FormatDateForSQL( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TranDate);
1076		if ( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GLLink_Creditors == 1){
1077		/*Loop through the GL Entries and create a debit posting for each of the accounts entered */
1078			$LocalTotal = 0;
1080			/*the postings here are a little tricky, the logic goes like this:
1081			if its a shipment entry then the cost must go against the GRN suspense account defined in the company record
1083			if its a general ledger amount it goes straight to the account specified
1085			if its a GRN amount invoiced then there are two possibilities:
1087			1 The PO line is on a shipment.
1088			The whole charge goes to the GRN suspense account pending the closure of the
1089			shipment where the variance is calculated on the shipment as a whole and the clearing entry to the GRN suspense
1090			is created. Also, shipment records are created for the charges in local currency.
1092			2. The order line item is not on a shipment
1093			The cost as originally credited to GRN suspense on arrival of goods is debited to GRN suspense.
1094			Depending on the setting of WeightedAverageCosting:
1095			If the order line item is a stock item and WeightedAverageCosting set to OFF then use standard costing .....
1096				Any difference
1097				between the std cost and the currency cost charged as converted at the ex rate of of the invoice is written off
1098				to the purchase price variance account applicable to the stock item being invoiced.
1099			Otherwise
1100				Recalculate the new weighted average cost of the stock and update the cost - post the difference to the appropriate stock code
1102			Or if its not a stock item
1103			but a nominal item then the GL account in the orignal order is used for the price variance account.
1104			*/
1106			foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GLCodes as $EnteredGLCode){
1108			/*GL Items are straight forward - just do the debit postings to the GL accounts specified -
1109			the credit is to creditors control act  done later for the total invoice value + tax*/
1110				//skamnev added tag
1111				$SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (type,
1112											typeno,
1113											trandate,
1114											periodno,
1115											account,
1116											narrative,
1117											tag,
1118											amount)
1119									VALUES (20,
1120										'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1121										'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1122										'" . $PeriodNo . "',
1123										'" . $EnteredGLCode->GLCode . "',
1124										'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . ' - ' . $EnteredGLCode->Narrative . "',
1125										'" . $EnteredGLCode->Tag . "',
1126										'" . $EnteredGLCode->Amount/ $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate ."')";
1128				$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The general ledger transaction could not be added because');
1129				$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GL transaction was used');
1131				$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1133				$LocalTotal += $EnteredGLCode->Amount/ $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate;
1134			}
1136			foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Shipts as $ShiptChg){
1138			/*shipment postings are also straight forward - just do the debit postings to the GRN suspense account
1139			these entries are reversed from the GRN suspense when the shipment is closed*/
1141				$SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (type,
1142											typeno,
1143											trandate,
1144											periodno,
1145											account,
1146											narrative,
1147											amount)
1148							VALUES (20,
1149									'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1150									'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1151									'" . $PeriodNo . "',
1152									'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GRNAct . "',
1153									'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . ' - ' . _('Shipment charge against') . ' ' . $ShiptChg->ShiptRef . "',
1154									'" . $ShiptChg->Amount/ $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate . "')";
1156				$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The general ledger transaction for the shipment') .
1157							' ' . $ShiptChg->ShiptRef . ' ' . _('could not be added because');
1159				$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GL transaction was used');
1161				$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1163				$LocalTotal += $ShiptChg->Amount/ $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate;
1165			}
1167			foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Assets as $AssetAddition){
1168				/* only the GL entries if the creditors/GL integration is enabled */
1169				$SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (type,
1170											typeno,
1171											trandate,
1172											periodno,
1173											account,
1174											narrative,
1175											amount)
1176								VALUES ('20',
1177									'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1178									'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1179									'" . $PeriodNo . "',
1180									'". $AssetAddition->CostAct . "',
1181									'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . ' ' . _('Asset Addition') . ' ' . $AssetAddition->AssetID . ': '  . $AssetAddition->Description . "',
1182									'" . ($AssetAddition->Amount/ $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate) . "')";
1183				$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The general ledger transaction for the asset addition could not be added because');
1184 				$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GL transaction was used');
1185 				$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1187 				$LocalTotal += ($AssetAddition->Amount/ $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate);
1188			}
1190			foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Contracts as $Contract){
1192			/*contract postings need to get the WIP from the contract items stock category record
1193			*  debit postings to this WIP account
1194			* the WIP account is tidied up when the contract is closed*/
1195				$result = DB_query("SELECT wipact FROM stockcategory
1196									INNER JOIN stockmaster ON
1197									stockcategory.categoryid=stockmaster.categoryid
1198									WHERE stockmaster.stockid='" . $Contract->ContractRef . "'");
1199				$WIPRow = DB_fetch_row($result);
1200				$WIPAccount = $WIPRow[0];
1201				$SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (type,
1202											typeno,
1203											trandate,
1204											periodno,
1205											account,
1206											narrative,
1207											amount)
1208									VALUES ('20',
1209											'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1210											'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1211											'" . $PeriodNo . "',
1212											'". $WIPAccount . "',
1213											'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . ' ' . _('Contract charge against') . ' ' . $Contract->ContractRef . "',
1214											'" . ($Contract->Amount/ $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate) . "')";
1215				$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The general ledger transaction for the contract') . ' ' . $Contract->ContractRef . ' ' . _('could not be added because');
1216				$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GL transaction was used');
1217				$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1218				$LocalTotal += ($Contract->Amount/ $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate);
1219			}
1221			foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GRNs as $EnteredGRN){
1223				if (mb_strlen($EnteredGRN->ShiptRef) == 0
1224					OR $EnteredGRN->ShiptRef == 0){
1225				/*so its not a GRN shipment item
1226				  enter the GL entry to reverse the GRN suspense entry created on delivery
1227				  * at standard cost/or weighted average cost used on delivery */
1229				 /*Always do this - for weighted average costing and also for standard costing */
1231					if ($EnteredGRN->StdCostUnit * ($EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv ) != 0) {
1232						$SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (type,
1233													typeno,
1234													trandate,
1235													periodno,
1236													account,
1237													narrative,
1238													amount)
1239								VALUES ('20',
1240									'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1241									'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1242									'" . $PeriodNo . "',
1243									'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GRNAct . "',
1244									'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . ' - ' . _('GRN') . ' ' . $EnteredGRN->GRNNo . ' - ' . $EnteredGRN->ItemCode . ' x ' . $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv . ' @  ' .
1245								 _('std cost of') . ' ' . $EnteredGRN->StdCostUnit  . "',
1246								 	'" . ($EnteredGRN->StdCostUnit * $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv) . "')";
1248						$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The general ledger transaction could not be added because');
1249						$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GL transaction was used');
1250						$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1251					}
1253					$PurchPriceVar = $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv * (($EnteredGRN->ChgPrice  / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate) - $EnteredGRN->StdCostUnit);
1255					/*Yes.... but where to post this difference to - if its a stock item the variance account must be retrieved from the stock category record
1256					if its a nominal purchase order item with no stock item then there will be no standard cost and it will all be variance so post it to the
1257					account specified in the purchase order detail record */
1259					if ($PurchPriceVar !=0){ /* don't bother with this lot if there is no difference ! */
1260						if (mb_strlen($EnteredGRN->ItemCode)>0 OR $EnteredGRN->ItemCode != ''){ /*so it is a stock item */
1262							/*need to get the stock category record for this stock item - this is function in SQL_CommonFunctions.inc */
1263							$StockGLCode = GetStockGLCode($EnteredGRN->ItemCode);
1265							/*We have stock item and a purchase price variance need to see whether we are using Standard or WeightedAverageCosting */
1267							if ($_SESSION['WeightedAverageCosting']==1){ /*Weighted Average costing */
1269								/*
1270								First off figure out the new weighted average cost Need the following data:
1272								How many in stock now
1273								The quantity being invoiced here - $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv
1274								The cost of these items - $EnteredGRN->ChgPrice  / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate
1275								*/
1277								$sql ="SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM locstock WHERE stockid='" . $EnteredGRN->ItemCode . "'";
1278								$ErrMsg =  _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The quantity on hand could not be retrieved from the database');
1279								$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to retrieve the total stock quantity was used');
1280								$Result = DB_query($sql, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1281								$QtyRow = DB_fetch_row($Result);
1282								$TotalQuantityOnHand = $QtyRow[0];
1284								/*The cost adjustment is the price variance / the total quantity in stock
1285								But that is only provided that the total quantity in stock is greater than the quantity charged on this invoice
1287								If the quantity on hand is less the amount charged on this invoice then some must have been sold and the price variance on these must be written off to price variances*/
1289								$WriteOffToVariances =0;
1291								if ($EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv > $TotalQuantityOnHand){
1293									/*So we need to write off some of the variance to variances and only the balance of the quantity in stock to go to stock value */
1295									/*if the TotalQuantityOnHand is negative then this variance to write off is inflated by the negative quantity - which makes sense */
1297									$WriteOffToVariances =  ($EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv - $TotalQuantityOnHand) * (($EnteredGRN->ChgPrice /  $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate) - $EnteredGRN->StdCostUnit);
1299									$SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (type,
1300																typeno,
1301																trandate,
1302																periodno,
1303																account,
1304																narrative,
1305																amount)
1306														VALUES (20,
1307															'" .  $InvoiceNo . "',
1308															'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1309															'" . $PeriodNo . "',
1310															'" . $StockGLCode['purchpricevaract'] . "',
1311															'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . ' - ' . _('GRN') . ' ' . $EnteredGRN->GRNNo .  ' - ' . $EnteredGRN->ItemCode . ' x ' . ($EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv -$TotalQuantityOnHand) . ' x  ' . _('price var of') . ' ' . round(($EnteredGRN->ChgPrice / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate) - $EnteredGRN->StdCostUnit,2)  . "',
1312															'" . $WriteOffToVariances . "')";
1314									$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The general ledger transaction could not be added for the price variance of the stock item because');
1315									$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GL transaction was used');
1318									$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1319								} // end if the quantity being invoiced here is greater than the current stock on hand
1321								/*Now post any remaining price variance to stock rather than price variances */
1323								$SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (type,
1324															typeno,
1325															trandate,
1326															periodno,
1327															account,
1328															narrative,
1329															amount)
1330													VALUES (20,
1331													'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1332													'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1333													'" . $PeriodNo . "',
1334													'" . $StockGLCode['stockact'] . "',
1335													'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . ' - ' . _('Average Cost Adj') .
1336													 ' - ' . $EnteredGRN->ItemCode . ' x ' . $TotalQuantityOnHand  . ' x ' .
1337													 round(($EnteredGRN->ChgPrice  / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate) - $EnteredGRN->StdCostUnit,$_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces'])  . "',
1338													'" . ($PurchPriceVar - $WriteOffToVariances) . "')";
1340								$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The general ledger transaction could not be added for the price variance of the stock item because');
1341								$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GL transaction was used');
1343								$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1345							} else { //It must be Standard Costing
1347								$SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (type,
1348															typeno,
1349															trandate,
1350															periodno,
1351															account,
1352															narrative,
1353															amount)
1354													VALUES (20,
1355														'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1356														'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1357														'" . $PeriodNo . "',
1358														'" . $StockGLCode['purchpricevaract'] . "',
1359														'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . ' - ' . _('GRN') . ' ' . $EnteredGRN->GRNNo . ' - ' . $EnteredGRN->ItemCode . ' x ' . $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv . ' x  ' . _('price var of') . ' ' . round(($EnteredGRN->ChgPrice  / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate) - $EnteredGRN->StdCostUnit,2)  .  "',
1360														'" . $PurchPriceVar . "')";
1362								$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The general ledger transaction could not be added for the price variance of the stock item because');
1363								$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GL transaction was used');
1364								$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1365							}
1366						} else {
1367							/* its a nominal purchase order item that is not on a shipment so post the whole lot to the GLCode specified in the order, the purchase price var is actually the diff between the
1368							order price and the actual invoice price since the std cost was made equal to the order price in local currency at the time
1369							the goods were received */
1370							$GLCode = $EnteredGRN->GLCode; //by default
1371							if ($EnteredGRN->AssetID!=0) { //then it is an asset
1373								/*Need to get the asset details  for posting */
1374								$result = DB_query("SELECT costact
1375													FROM fixedassets INNER JOIN fixedassetcategories
1376													ON fixedassets.assetcategoryid= fixedassetcategories.categoryid
1377													WHERE assetid='" . $EnteredGRN->AssetID . "'");
1378								if (DB_num_rows($result)!=0){ // the asset exists
1379									$AssetRow = DB_fetch_array($result);
1380									$GLCode = $AssetRow['costact'];
1381								}
1382							} //the item was an asset received on a purchase order
1384							$SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (type,
1385														typeno,
1386														trandate,
1387														periodno,
1388														account,
1389														narrative,
1390														amount)
1391									VALUES (20,
1392											'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1393											'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1394											'" . $PeriodNo . "',
1395											'" . $GLCode . "',
1396											'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . ' - ' . _('GRN') . ' ' . $EnteredGRN->GRNNo . ' - ' .  $EnteredGRN->ItemDescription . ' x ' . $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv . ' x  ' . _('price var') . ' ' . locale_number_format(($EnteredGRN->ChgPrice  / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate) - $EnteredGRN->StdCostUnit,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces) . "',
1397											'" . $PurchPriceVar . "')";
1399							$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The general ledger transaction could not be added for the price variance of the stock item because');
1401							$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GL transaction was used');
1402							$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1403						}
1404					}
1406				} else {
1407					/*then its a purchase order item on a shipment - whole charge amount to GRN suspense pending closure of the shipment when the variance is calculated and the GRN act cleared up for the shipment */
1409					$SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (type,
1410												typeno,
1411												trandate,
1412												periodno,
1413												account,
1414												narrative,
1415												amount)
1416										VALUES (20,
1417											'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1418											'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1419											'" . $PeriodNo . "',
1420											'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GRNAct . "',
1421											'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . ' - ' . _('GRN') . ' ' . $EnteredGRN->GRNNo . ' - ' . $EnteredGRN->ItemCode . ' x ' . $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv . ' @ ' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrCode . ' ' . $EnteredGRN->ChgPrice . ' @ ' . _('a rate of') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate . "',
1422											'" . (($EnteredGRN->ChgPrice * $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv) / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate) . "')";
1424					$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The general ledger transaction could not be added because');
1425					$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GL transaction was used');
1426					$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1427				}
1428				$LocalTotal += ($EnteredGRN->ChgPrice * $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv) / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate;
1429			} /* end of GRN postings */
1431			if ($debug == 1 AND ( abs($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount/ $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate) - $LocalTotal) >0.009999){
1433				echo '<p>' . _('The total posted to the debit accounts is') . ' ' .
1434						$LocalTotal . ' ' . _('but the sum of OvAmount converted at ExRate') . ' = ' .
1435						( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate);
1436			}
1438			foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes as $Tax){
1439				/* Now the TAX account */
1440                                if ($Tax->TaxOvAmount <>0){
1441                                	$SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (type,
1442												typeno,
1443												trandate,
1444												periodno,
1445												account,
1446												narrative,
1447												amount)
1448										VALUES (20,
1449												'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1450												'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1451												'" . $PeriodNo . "',
1452												'" . $Tax->TaxGLCode . "',
1453												'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . ' - ' . _('Inv') . ' ' .
1454										 $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SuppReference . ' ' . $Tax->TaxAuthDescription . ' ' . locale_number_format($Tax->TaxRate*100,2) . '% ' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrCode .
1455										 $Tax->TaxOvAmount  . ' @ ' . _('exch rate') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate . "',
1456												'" . ($Tax->TaxOvAmount/ $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate) . "')";
1458				        $ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The general ledger transaction for the tax could not be added because');
1459				        $DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GL transaction was used');
1460				        $Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1461                                }
1463			} /*end of loop to post the tax */
1464			/* Now the control account */
1466			$SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (type,
1467										typeno,
1468										trandate,
1469										periodno,
1470										account,
1471										narrative,
1472										amount)
1473								VALUES (20,
1474									'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1475									'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1476									'" . $PeriodNo . "',
1477									'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CreditorsAct .  "',
1478									'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . ' - ' . _('Inv') . ' ' .
1479								 $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SuppReference . ' ' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrCode .
1480								 locale_number_format( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount + $TaxTotal,$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->CurrDecimalPlaces)  .
1481								 ' @ ' . _('a rate of') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate . "',
1482									'" .  -($LocalTotal + ( $TaxTotal / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate)) . "')";
1484			$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The general ledger transaction for the control total could not be added because');
1485			$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GL transaction was used');
1486			$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1488			EnsureGLEntriesBalance(20, $InvoiceNo);
1489		} /*Thats the end of the GL postings */
1491	/*Now insert the invoice into the SuppTrans table*/
1493		$SQL = "INSERT INTO supptrans (transno,
1494										type,
1495										supplierno,
1496										suppreference,
1497										trandate,
1498										duedate,
1499										ovamount,
1500										ovgst,
1501										rate,
1502										transtext,
1503										inputdate)
1504							VALUES (
1505								'". $InvoiceNo . "',
1506								20 ,
1507								'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . "',
1508								'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SuppReference . "',
1509								'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1510								'" . FormatDateForSQL($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->DueDate) . "',
1511								'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount . "',
1512								'" . $TaxTotal . "',
1513								'" .  $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate . "',
1514								'" . $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Comments . "',
1515								'" . Date('Y-m-d') ."')";
1517		$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The supplier invoice transaction could not be added to the database because');
1518		$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the supplier invoice was used');
1519		$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1520		$SuppTransID = DB_Last_Insert_ID('supptrans','id');
1522		/* Insert the tax totals for each tax authority where tax was charged on the invoice */
1523		foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Taxes AS $TaxTotals) {
1525			$SQL = "INSERT INTO supptranstaxes (supptransid,
1526												taxauthid,
1527												taxamount)
1528									VALUES (
1529										'" . $SuppTransID . "',
1530										'" . $TaxTotals->TaxAuthID . "',
1531										'" . $TaxTotals->TaxOvAmount . "')";
1533			$ErrMsg =_('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The supplier transaction taxes records could not be inserted because');
1534			$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the supplier transaction taxes record was used:');
1535 			$Result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,true);
1536		}
1538		/* Now update the GRN and PurchOrderDetails records for amounts invoiced  - can't use the other loop through the GRNs as this was only where the GL link to credtors is active */
1540		foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GRNs as $EnteredGRN){
1542			//in local currency
1543			$ActualCost = $EnteredGRN->ChgPrice  / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate;
1544			$PurchPriceVar = $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv * ($ActualCost - $EnteredGRN->StdCostUnit);
1546			$SQL = "UPDATE purchorderdetails
1547					SET qtyinvoiced = qtyinvoiced + " . $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv .",
1548						actprice = '" . $EnteredGRN->ChgPrice . "'
1549					WHERE podetailitem = '" . $EnteredGRN->PODetailItem . "'";
1551			$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The quantity invoiced of the purchase order line could not be updated because');
1553			$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to update the purchase order details was used');
1555			$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1557			$SQL = "UPDATE grns
1558					SET quantityinv = quantityinv + " . $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv . "
1559					WHERE grnno = '" . $EnteredGRN->GRNNo . "'";
1561			$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The quantity invoiced off the goods received record could not be updated because');
1562			$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to update the GRN quantity invoiced was used');
1563			$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1565			$SQL = "INSERT INTO suppinvstogrn VALUES ('" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1566									'" . $EnteredGRN->GRNNo . "')";
1567			$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The invoice could not be mapped to the
1568					goods received record because');
1569			$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to map the invoice to the GRN was used');
1570			$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1572			if (mb_strlen($EnteredGRN->ShiptRef)>0 AND $EnteredGRN->ShiptRef != '0'){
1573				/* insert the shipment charge records */
1574				$SQL = "INSERT INTO shipmentcharges (shiptref,
1575													transtype,
1576													transno,
1577													stockid,
1578													value)
1579										VALUES (
1580											'" . $EnteredGRN->ShiptRef . "',
1581											20,
1582											'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1583											'" . $EnteredGRN->ItemCode . "',
1584											'" . ($EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv * $EnteredGRN->ChgPrice) / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate . "')";
1586				$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The shipment charge record for the shipment') .
1587							 ' ' . $EnteredGRN->ShiptRef . ' ' . _('could not be added because');
1588				$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the Shipment charge record was used');
1589				$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1591			} //end of adding GRN shipment charges
1592				else {
1593			/*so its not a GRN shipment item its a plain old stock item */
1595				if ($PurchPriceVar !=0){ /* don't bother with any of this lot if there is no difference ! */
1597					if (mb_strlen($EnteredGRN->ItemCode)>0 OR $EnteredGRN->ItemCode != ''){ /*so it is a stock item */
1599						/*We need to:
1600						 *
1601						 * a) update the stockmove for the delivery to reflect the actual cost of the delivery
1602						 *
1603						 * b) If a WeightedAverageCosting system and the stock quantity on hand now is negative then the cost that has gone to sales analysis and the cost of sales stock movement records will have been incorrect ... attempt to fix it retrospectively
1604						 */
1605						/*Get the location that the stock was booked into */
1606						$result = DB_query("SELECT intostocklocation
1607											FROM purchorders
1608											WHERE orderno='" . $EnteredGRN->PONo . "'");
1609						$LocRow = DB_fetch_array($result);
1610						$LocCode = $LocRow['intostocklocation'];
1612						/* First update the stockmoves delivery cost */
1613						$ErrMsg =  _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The stock movement record for the delivery could not have the cost updated to the actual cost');
1614						$SQL = "UPDATE stockmoves SET price = '" . $ActualCost . "'
1615											WHERE stockid='" .$EnteredGRN->ItemCode . "'
1616											AND type=25
1617											AND loccode='" . $LocCode . "'
1618											AND transno='" . $EnteredGRN->GRNBatchNo . "'";
1620						$result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,True);
1622						if ($_SESSION['WeightedAverageCosting']==1){
1623							/*
1624							 * 	How many in stock now?
1625							 *  The quantity being invoiced here - $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv
1626							 *  If the quantity in stock now is less than the quantity being invoiced
1627							 *  here then some items sold will not have had this cost factored in
1628							 * The cost of these items = $ActualCost
1629							*/
1631							$sql ="SELECT sum(quantity)
1632									FROM locstock
1633									WHERE stockid='" . $EnteredGRN->ItemCode . "'";
1634							$ErrMsg =  _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The quantity on hand could not be retrieved from the database');
1635							$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to retrieve the total stock quantity was used');
1636							$Result = DB_query($sql, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg);
1637							$QtyRow = DB_fetch_row($Result);
1638							$TotalQuantityOnHand = $QtyRow[0];
1640							/* If the quantity on hand is less the quantity charged on this invoice then some must have been sold and the price variance should be reflected in the cost of sales*/
1642							if ($EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv > $TotalQuantityOnHand){
1644								/* The variance to the extent of the quantity invoiced should also be written off against the sales analysis cost - as sales analysis would have been created using the cost at the time the sale was made... this was incorrect as hind-sight has shown here. However, how to determine when these were last sold? To update the sales analysis cost. Work through the last 6 months sales analysis from the latest period in which this invoice is being posted and prior.
1646								The assumption here is that the goods have been sold prior to the purchase invoice  being entered so it is necessary to back track on the sales analysis cost.
1647								* Note that this will mean that posting to GL COGS will not agree to the cost of sales from the sales analysis
1648								* Of course the price variances will need to be included in COGS as well
1649								* */
1651								$QuantityVarianceAllocated = $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv;
1652								$CostVarPerUnit = $ActualCost - $EnteredGRN->StdCostUnit;
1653								$PeriodAllocated = $PeriodNo;
1654								$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The sales analysis records could not be updated for the cost variances on this purchase invoice');
1656								while ($QuantityVarianceAllocated >0) {
1657									$SalesAnalResult=DB_query("SELECT cust,
1658																	custbranch,
1659																	typeabbrev,
1660																	periodno,
1661																	stkcategory,
1662																	area,
1663																	salesperson,
1664																	cost,
1665																	qty
1666																FROM salesanalysis
1667																WHERE salesanalysis.stockid = '" . $EnteredGRN->ItemCode . "'
1668																AND salesanalysis.budgetoractual=1
1669																AND periodno='" . $PeriodAllocated . "'");
1670									if (DB_num_rows($SalesAnalResult)>0){
1671										while ($SalesAnalRow = DB_fetch_array($SalesAnalResult) AND $QuantityVarianceAllocated >0){
1672											if ($SalesAnalRow['qty']<=$QuantityVarianceAllocated){
1673												$QuantityVarianceAllocated -= $SalesAnalRow['qty'];
1674												$QuantityAllocated = $SalesAnalRow['qty'];
1675											} else {
1676												$QuantityAllocated = $QuantityVarianceAllocated;
1677												$QuantityVarianceAllocated=0;
1678											}
1679											$UpdSalAnalResult = DB_query("UPDATE salesanalysis
1680																			SET cost = cost + " . ($CostVarPerUnit * $QuantityAllocated) . "
1681																			WHERE cust ='" . $SalesAnalRow['cust'] . "'
1682																			AND stockid='" . $EnteredGRN->ItemCode . "'
1683																			AND custbranch='" . $SalesAnalRow['custbranch'] . "'
1684																			AND typeabbrev='" . $SalesAnalRow['typeabbrev'] . "'
1685																			AND periodno='" . $PeriodAllocated . "'
1686																			AND area='" . $SalesAnalRow['area'] . "'
1687																			AND salesperson='" . $SalesAnalRow['salesperson'] . "'
1688																			AND stkcategory='" . $SalesAnalRow['stkcategory'] . "'
1689																			AND budgetoractual=1",
1690																			$ErrMsg,
1691																			$DbgMsg,
1692																			True);
1693										}
1694									} //end if there were sales in that period
1695									$PeriodAllocated--; //decrement the period
1696									if ($PeriodNo - $PeriodAllocated >6) {
1697										/*if more than 6 months ago when sales were made then forget it */
1698										break;
1699									}
1700								} /*end loop around different periods to see which sales analysis records to update */
1702								/*now we need to work back through the sales stockmoves up to the quantity on this purchase invoice to update costs
1703								 * Only go back up to 6 months looking for stockmoves and
1704								 * Only in the stock location where the purchase order was received
1705								 * into - if the stock was transferred to another location then
1706								 * we cannot adjust for this */
1707								$result = DB_query("SELECT stkmoveno,
1708															type,
1709															qty,
1710															standardcost
1711													FROM stockmoves
1712													WHERE loccode='" . $LocCode . "'
1713													AND qty < 0
1714													AND stockid='" . $EnteredGRN->ItemCode . "'
1715													AND trandate>='" . FormatDateForSQL(DateAdd($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->TranDate,'m',-6)) . "'
1716													ORDER BY stkmoveno DESC");
1717								$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The stock movements for invoices cannot be updated for the cost variances on this purchase invoice');
1718								$QuantityVarianceAllocated = $EnteredGRN->This_QuantityInv;
1719								while ($StkMoveRow = DB_fetch_array($result) AND $QuantityVarianceAllocated >0){
1720									if ($StkMoveRow['qty']+$QuantityVarianceAllocated>0){
1721										if ($StkMoveRow['type']==10) { //its a sales invoice
1722											$result = DB_query("UPDATE stockmoves
1723																SET standardcost = '" . $ActualCost . "'
1724																WHERE stkmoveno = '" . $StkMoveRow['stkmoveno'] . "'",
1725																$ErrMsg,
1726																$DbgMsg,
1727																True);
1728										}
1729									} else { //Only $QuantityVarianceAllocated left to allocate so need need to apportion cost using weighted average
1730										if ($StkMoveRow['type']==10) { //its a sales invoice
1732											$WACost = (((-$StkMoveRow['qty']- $QuantityVarianceAllocated)*$StkMoveRow['standardcost'])+($QuantityVarianceAllocated*$ActualCost))/-$StkMoveRow['qty'];
1734											$UpdStkMovesResult = DB_query("UPDATE stockmoves
1735																SET standardcost = '" . $WACost . "'
1736																WHERE stkmoveno = '" . $StkMoveRow['stkmoveno'] . "'",
1737																$ErrMsg,
1738																$DbgMsg,
1739																True);
1740										}
1741									}
1742									$QuantityVarianceAllocated+=$StkMoveRow['qty'];
1743								}
1744							} // end if the quantity being invoiced here is greater than the current stock on hand
1746							/*Now to update the stock cost with the new weighted average */
1748							/*Need to consider what to do if the cost has been changed manually between receiving the stock and entering the invoice - this code assumes there has been no cost updates made manually and all the price variance is posted to stock.
1750							A nicety or important?? */
1753							$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The cost could not be updated because');
1754							$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to update the cost was used');
1756							if ($TotalQuantityOnHand>0) {
1758								$CostIncrement = ($PurchPriceVar - $WriteOffToVariances) / $TotalQuantityOnHand;
1760								$sql = "UPDATE stockmaster
1761										SET lastcost=materialcost+overheadcost+labourcost,
1762										materialcost=materialcost+" . $CostIncrement . "
1763										WHERE stockid='" . $EnteredGRN->ItemCode . "'";
1764								$Result = DB_query($sql, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1765							} else {
1766								/* if stock is negative then update the cost to this cost */
1767								$sql = "UPDATE stockmaster
1768										SET lastcost=materialcost+overheadcost+labourcost,
1769											materialcost='" . $ActualCost . "'
1770										WHERE stockid='" . $EnteredGRN->ItemCode . "'";
1771								$Result = DB_query($sql, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1772							}
1773						} /* End if it is weighted average costing we are working with */
1774					} /*Its a stock item */
1775				} /* There was a price variance */
1776			}
1777			if ($EnteredGRN->AssetID!=0) { //then it is an asset
1779				if ($PurchPriceVar !=0) {
1780					/*Add the fixed asset trans for the difference in the cost */
1781					$SQL = "INSERT INTO fixedassettrans (assetid,
1782														transtype,
1783														transno,
1784														transdate,
1785														periodno,
1786														inputdate,
1787														fixedassettranstype,
1788														amount)
1789											VALUES ('" . $EnteredGRN->AssetID . "',
1790													20,
1791													'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1792													'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1793													'" . $PeriodNo . "',
1794													'" . Date('Y-m-d') . "',
1795													'cost',
1796													'" . ($PurchPriceVar) . "')";
1797					$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR! NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE The fixed asset transaction could not be inserted because');
1798					$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the fixed asset transaction record was used');
1799					$Result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, true);
1801					/*Now update the asset cost in fixedassets table */
1802					$SQL = "UPDATE fixedassets SET cost = cost + " . ($PurchPriceVar)  . "
1803							WHERE assetid = '" . $EnteredGRN->AssetID . "'";
1805					$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR! NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE. The fixed asset cost could not be updated because:');
1806					$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL was used to attempt the update of the asset cost:');
1807					$Result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, true);
1808				} //end if there was a difference in the cost
1809			} //the item was an asset received on a purchase order
1810		} /* end of the GRN loop to do the updates for the quantity of order items the supplier has invoiced */
1812		/*Add shipment charges records as necessary */
1813 		foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Shipts as $ShiptChg){
1815			$SQL = "INSERT INTO shipmentcharges (shiptref,
1816												transtype,
1817												transno,
1818												value)
1819									VALUES ('" . $ShiptChg->ShiptRef . "',
1820												'20',
1821											'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1822											'" . $ShiptChg->Amount/ $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate . "')";
1824			$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The shipment charge record for the shipment') .
1825			' ' . $ShiptChg->ShiptRef . ' ' . _('could not be added because');
1827			$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the Shipment charge record was used');
1829			$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1831		}
1832	/*Add contract charges records as necessary */
1834		foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Contracts as $Contract){
1836			if($Contract->AnticipatedCost ==true){
1837				$Anticipated =1;
1838			} else {
1839				$Anticipated =0;
1840			}
1841			$SQL = "INSERT INTO contractcharges (contractref,
1842												transtype,
1843												transno,
1844												amount,
1845												narrative,
1846												anticipated)
1847									VALUES ('" . $Contract->ContractRef . "',
1848										'20',
1849										'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1850										'" . $Contract->Amount/ $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate . "',
1851										'" . $Contract->Narrative . "',
1852										'" . $Anticipated . "')";
1854			$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The contract charge record for contract') . ' ' . $Contract->ContractRef . ' ' . _('could not be added because');
1855			$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the contract charge record was used');
1856			$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, True);
1857		}
1859		foreach ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Assets as $AssetAddition){
1861			/*Asset additions need to have
1862			 * 	1. A fixed asset transaction inserted for the cost
1863			 * 	2. A general ledger transaction to fixed asset cost account if creditors linked
1864			 * 	3. The fixedasset table cost updated by the addition
1865			 */
1867			/* First the fixed asset transaction */
1868			$SQL = "INSERT INTO fixedassettrans (assetid,
1869												transtype,
1870												transno,
1871												transdate,
1872												periodno,
1873												inputdate,
1874												fixedassettranstype,
1875												amount)
1876									VALUES ('" . $AssetAddition->AssetID . "',
1877											20,
1878											'" . $InvoiceNo . "',
1879											'" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "',
1880											'" . $PeriodNo . "',
1881											'" . Date('Y-m-d') . "',
1882											'" . _('cost') . "',
1883											'" . ($AssetAddition->Amount / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate)  . "')";
1884			$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR! NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE The fixed asset transaction could not be inserted because');
1885			$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the fixed asset transaction record was used');
1886			$Result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, true);
1888			/*Now update the asset cost in fixedassets table */
1889			$result = DB_query("SELECT datepurchased
1890								FROM fixedassets
1891								WHERE assetid='" . $AssetAddition->AssetID . "'");
1892			$AssetRow = DB_fetch_array($result);
1894			$SQL = "UPDATE fixedassets SET cost = cost + " . ($AssetAddition->Amount  / $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->ExRate) ;
1895			if ($AssetRow['datepurchased']=='0000-00-00'){
1896				$SQL .= ", datepurchased='" . $SQLInvoiceDate . "'";
1897			}
1898			$SQL .= " WHERE assetid = '" . $AssetAddition->AssetID . "'";
1899			$ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR! NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE. The fixed asset cost and date purchased was not able to be updated because:');
1900			$DbgMsg = _('The following SQL was used to attempt the update of the cost and the date the asset was purchased');
1901			$Result = DB_query($SQL,$ErrMsg, $DbgMsg, true);
1902		} //end of non-gl fixed asset stuff
1904		$Result = DB_Txn_Commit();
1906		prnMsg(_('Supplier invoice number') . ' ' . $InvoiceNo . ' ' . _('has been processed'),'success');
1907		echo '<br />
1908				<div class="centre">
1909					<a href="' . $RootPath . '/SupplierInvoice.php?&SupplierID=' .$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . '">' . _('Enter another Invoice for this Supplier') . '</a>
1910					<br />
1911					<a href="' . $RootPath . '/Payments.php?&SupplierID=' .$_SESSION['SuppTrans']->SupplierID . '&amp;Amount=' . ($_SESSION['SuppTrans']->OvAmount+$TaxTotal) . '">' . _('Enter payment') . '</a>
1912				</div>';
1913		unset( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GRNs);
1914		unset( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Shipts);
1915		unset( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->GLCodes);
1916		unset( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']->Contracts);
1917		unset( $_SESSION['SuppTrans']);
1918	}
1920} /*end of process invoice */
1922if(isset($InputError) AND $InputError==true){ //add a link to return if users make input errors.
1923	echo '<div class="centre"><a href="'.$RootPath.'/SupplierInvoice.php" >' . _('Back to Invoice Entry') . '</a></div>';
1924} //end of return link for input errors