1 // UInt32Test.cs - NUnit Test Cases for the System.UInt32 struct
2 //
3 // Mario Martinez (mariom925@home.om)
4 //
5 // (C) Ximian, Inc.  http://www.ximian.com
6 //
8 using NUnit.Framework;
9 using System;
10 using System.Globalization;
11 using System.Threading;
13 namespace MonoTests.System
14 {
16 [TestFixture]
17 public class UInt32Test
18 {
19 	private const UInt32 MyUInt32_1 = 42;
20 	private const UInt32 MyUInt32_2 = 0;
21 	private const UInt32 MyUInt32_3 = 4294967295;
22 	private const string MyString1 = "42";
23 	private const string MyString2 = "0";
24 	private const string MyString3 = "4294967295";
25 	private string[] Formats1 = {"c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "n", "p", "x" };
26 	private string[] Formats2 = {"c5", "d5", "e5", "f5", "g5", "n5", "p5", "x5" };
27 	private string[] Results1 = {"",
28 					"0", "0.000000e+000", "0.00",
29 					"0", "0.00", "0.00 %", "0"};
30 	private string[] ResultsNfi1 = {NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo.CurrencySymbol+"0.00",
31 					"0", "0.000000e+000", "0.00",
32 					"0", "0.00", "0.00 %", "0"};
33 	private string[] Results2 = {"",
34 					"4294967295", "4.29497e+009", "4294967295.00000",
35 					"4.295e+09", "4,294,967,295.00000", "429,496,729,500.00000 %", "ffffffff"};
36 	private string[] ResultsNfi2 = {NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo.CurrencySymbol+"4,294,967,295.00000",
37 					"4294967295", "4.29497e+009", "4294967295.00000",
38 					"4.295e+09", "4,294,967,295.00000", "429,496,729,500.00000 %", "ffffffff"};
39 	private NumberFormatInfo Nfi = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
41 	private CultureInfo old_culture;
43 	[SetUp]
SetUp()44 	public void SetUp ()
45 	{
46 		old_culture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
48 		// Set culture to en-US and don't let the user override.
49 		Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo ("en-US", false);
51 		// We can't initialize this until we set the culture.
53 		string decimals = new String ('0', NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.NumberDecimalDigits);
54 		string perPattern = new string[] {"n %","n%","%n"} [NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.PercentPositivePattern];
56 		Results1 [0] = NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.CurrencySymbol + "0.00";
57 		Results1 [3] = "0." + decimals;
58 		Results1 [5] = "0." + decimals;
59 		Results1 [6] = perPattern.Replace ("n","0.00");
61 		Results2 [0] = NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.CurrencySymbol + "4,294,967,295.00000";
62 		Results2 [6] = perPattern.Replace ("n","429,496,729,500.00000");
63 	}
65 	[TearDown]
TearDown()66 	public void TearDown ()
67 	{
68 		Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = old_culture;
69 	}
71 	[Test]
TestMinMax()72 	public void TestMinMax()
73 	{
75 		Assert.AreEqual(UInt32.MinValue, MyUInt32_2);
76 		Assert.AreEqual(UInt32.MaxValue, MyUInt32_3);
77 	}
79 	[Test]
TestCompareTo()80 	public void TestCompareTo()
81 	{
82 		Assert.IsTrue(MyUInt32_3.CompareTo(MyUInt32_2) > 0);
83 		Assert.IsTrue(MyUInt32_2.CompareTo(MyUInt32_2) == 0);
84 		Assert.IsTrue(MyUInt32_1.CompareTo((UInt32)(42)) == 0);
85 		Assert.IsTrue(MyUInt32_2.CompareTo(MyUInt32_3) < 0);
86 		Assert.IsTrue (1 == UInt32.Parse ("1"));
87 		Assert.IsTrue (1 == UInt32.Parse (" 1"));
88 		Assert.IsTrue (1 == UInt32.Parse ("     1"));
89 		Assert.IsTrue (1 == UInt32.Parse ("1    "));
90 		Assert.IsTrue (1 == UInt32.Parse ("+1"));
92 		try {
93 			UInt32.Parse (" + 1 ");
94 			Assert.Fail ("Should raise FormatException1");
95 		} catch (Exception e){
96 			Assert.IsTrue (typeof (FormatException) == e.GetType ());
97 		}
99 		try {
100 			UInt32.Parse (" + ");
101 			Assert.Fail ("Should raise FormatException");
102 		} catch (Exception e){
103 			Assert.IsTrue (typeof (FormatException) == e.GetType ());
104 		}
105 		try {
106 			MyUInt32_2.CompareTo((object)(Int16)100);
107 			Assert.Fail("Should raise a System.ArgumentException");
108 		}
109 		catch (Exception e) {
110 			Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ArgumentException) == e.GetType());
111 		}
112 	}
114 	[Test]
TestEquals()115 	public void TestEquals()
116 	{
117 		Assert.IsTrue(MyUInt32_1.Equals(MyUInt32_1));
118 		Assert.IsTrue(MyUInt32_1.Equals((object)(UInt32)(42)));
119 		Assert.IsTrue(MyUInt32_1.Equals((object)(SByte)(42)) == false);
120 		Assert.IsTrue(MyUInt32_1.Equals(MyUInt32_2) == false);
121 	}
123 	[Test]
TestGetHashCode()124 	public void TestGetHashCode()
125 	{
126 		try {
127 			MyUInt32_1.GetHashCode();
128 			MyUInt32_2.GetHashCode();
129 			MyUInt32_3.GetHashCode();
130 		}
131 		catch {
132 			Assert.Fail("GetHashCode should not raise an exception here");
133 		}
134 	}
136 	[Test]
TestParse()137 	public void TestParse()
138 	{
139 		//test Parse(string s)
140 		Assert.IsTrue(MyUInt32_1 == UInt32.Parse(MyString1), "Parse problem on \""+MyString1+"\"");
141 		Assert.IsTrue(MyUInt32_2 == UInt32.Parse(MyString2), "Parse problem on \""+MyString2+"\"");
142 		Assert.IsTrue(MyUInt32_3 == UInt32.Parse(MyString3), "Parse problem on \""+MyString3+"\"");
143 		try {
144 			UInt32.Parse(null);
145 			Assert.Fail("Should raise a System.ArgumentNullException");
146 		}
147 		catch (Exception e) {
148 			Assert.IsTrue(typeof(ArgumentNullException) == e.GetType(), "Did not get ArgumentNullException type");
149 		}
150 		try {
151 			UInt32.Parse("not-a-number");
152 			Assert.Fail("Should raise a System.FormatException");
153 		}
154 		catch (Exception e) {
155 			Assert.IsTrue(typeof(FormatException) == e.GetType(), "Did not get FormatException type");
156 		}
157 		try {
158 			// TODO: Use this after ToString() is completed. For now, hard code string that generates
159 			// exception.
160 			//double OverInt = (double)UInt32.MaxValue + 1;
161 			//UInt32.Parse(OverInt.ToString());
162 			UInt32.Parse("4294967296");
163 			Assert.Fail("Should raise a System.OverflowException");
164 		}
165 		catch (Exception e) {
166 			Assert.IsTrue(typeof(OverflowException) == e.GetType(), "Did not get OverflowException type on '"+"4294967296"+"'. Instead, got: '"+e.GetType()+"'");
167 		}
168 		//test Parse(string s, NumberStyles style)
169 		Assert.IsTrue(42 == UInt32.Parse(" "+NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.CurrencySymbol+"42 ", NumberStyles.Currency));
170 		try {
171 			UInt32.Parse("$42", NumberStyles.Integer);
172 			Assert.Fail("Should raise a System.FormatException");
173 		}
174 		catch (Exception e) {
175 			Assert.IsTrue(typeof(FormatException) == e.GetType());
176 		}
177 		//test Parse(string s, IFormatProvider provider)
178 		Assert.IsTrue(42 == UInt32.Parse(" 42 ", Nfi));
179 		try {
180 			UInt32.Parse("%42", Nfi);
181 			Assert.Fail("Should raise a System.FormatException");
182 		}
183 		catch (Exception e) {
184 			Assert.IsTrue(typeof(FormatException) == e.GetType());
185 		}
186 		//test Parse(string s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider)
187 		Assert.IsTrue(16 == UInt32.Parse(" 10 ", NumberStyles.HexNumber, Nfi));
188 		try {
189 			UInt32.Parse("$42", NumberStyles.Integer, Nfi);
190 			Assert.Fail("Should raise a System.FormatException");
191 		} catch (FormatException e) {
192 		}
194 		try {
195 			UInt32.Parse ("5", NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
196 			Assert.Fail ("C#42");
197 		} catch (FormatException) {
198 		}
200 		// Pass a DateTimeFormatInfo, it is unable to format
201 		// numbers, but we should not crash
202 		UInt32.Parse ("123", new DateTimeFormatInfo ());
204 		Assert.AreEqual (734561, UInt32.Parse ("734561\0"), "C#43");
205 		try {
206 			UInt32.Parse ("734561\0\0\0    \0");
207 			Assert.Fail ("C#44");
208 		} catch (FormatException) {}
210 		try {
211 			UInt32.Parse ("734561\0\0\0    ");
212 			Assert.Fail ("C#45");
213 		} catch (FormatException) {}
215 		Assert.AreEqual (734561, UInt32.Parse ("734561\0\0\0"), "C#46");
217 		Assert.AreEqual (0, UInt32.Parse ("0+", NumberStyles.Any), "#50");
218 	}
220 	[Test]
TestParseExponent()221 	public void TestParseExponent ()
222 	{
223 		Assert.AreEqual (2, uint.Parse ("2E0", NumberStyles.AllowExponent), "A#1");
224 		Assert.AreEqual (20, uint.Parse ("2E1", NumberStyles.AllowExponent), "A#2");
225 		Assert.AreEqual (200, uint.Parse ("2E2", NumberStyles.AllowExponent), "A#3");
226 		Assert.AreEqual (2000000, uint.Parse ("2E6", NumberStyles.AllowExponent), "A#4");
227 		Assert.AreEqual (200, uint.Parse ("2E+2", NumberStyles.AllowExponent), "A#5");
228 		Assert.AreEqual (2, uint.Parse ("2", NumberStyles.AllowExponent), "A#6");
229 		Assert.AreEqual (21, uint.Parse ("2.1E1", NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowExponent), "A#7");
230 		Assert.AreEqual (520, uint.Parse (".52E3", NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowExponent), "A#8");
231 		Assert.AreEqual (32500000, uint.Parse ("32.5E6", NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowExponent), "A#9");
232 		Assert.AreEqual (890, uint.Parse ("8.9000E2", NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowExponent), "A#10");
234 		try {
235 			uint.Parse ("2E");
236 			Assert.Fail ("B#1");
237 		} catch (FormatException) {
238 		}
240 		try {
241 			uint.Parse ("2E3.0", NumberStyles.AllowExponent); // decimal notation for the exponent
242 			Assert.Fail ("B#2");
243 		} catch (FormatException) {
244 		}
246 		try {
247 			uint.Parse ("2E 2", NumberStyles.AllowExponent);
248 			Assert.Fail ("B#3");
249 		} catch (FormatException) {
250 		}
252 		try {
253 			uint.Parse ("2E2 ", NumberStyles.AllowExponent);
254 			Assert.Fail ("B#4");
255 		} catch (FormatException) {
256 		}
258 		try {
259 			uint.Parse ("2E66", NumberStyles.AllowExponent); // final result overflow
260 			Assert.Fail ("B#5");
261 		} catch (OverflowException) {
262 		}
264 		try {
265 			long exponent = (long) Int32.MaxValue + 10;
266 			uint.Parse ("2E" + exponent.ToString (), NumberStyles.AllowExponent);
267 			Assert.Fail ("B#6");
268 		} catch (OverflowException) {
269 		}
271 		try {
272 			uint.Parse ("2E-1", NumberStyles.AllowExponent); // negative exponent
273 			Assert.Fail ("B#7");
274 		} catch (OverflowException) {
275 		}
277 		try {
278 			uint.Parse ("2 math e1", NumberStyles.AllowExponent);
279 			Assert.Fail ("B#8");
280 		} catch (FormatException) {
281 		}
283 		try {
284 			uint.Parse ("2.09E1",  NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowExponent);
285 			Assert.Fail ("B#9");
286 		} catch (OverflowException) {
287 		}
288 	}
290 	[Test]
TestTryParse()291 	public void TestTryParse()
292 	{
293 		uint result;
295 		Assert.AreEqual (true, UInt32.TryParse (MyString1, out result));
296 		Assert.AreEqual (MyUInt32_1, result);
297 		Assert.AreEqual (true, UInt32.TryParse (MyString2, out result));
298 		Assert.AreEqual (MyUInt32_2, result);
299 		Assert.AreEqual (true, UInt32.TryParse (MyString3, out result));
300 		Assert.AreEqual (MyUInt32_3, result);
302 		Assert.AreEqual (true, UInt32.TryParse ("1", out result));
303 		Assert.AreEqual (1, result);
304 		Assert.AreEqual (true, UInt32.TryParse (" 1", out result));
305 		Assert.AreEqual (1, result);
306 		Assert.AreEqual (true, UInt32.TryParse ("     1", out result));
307 		Assert.AreEqual (1, result);
308 		Assert.AreEqual (true, UInt32.TryParse ("1    ", out result));
309 		Assert.AreEqual (1, result);
310 		Assert.AreEqual (true, UInt32.TryParse ("+1", out result));
311 		Assert.AreEqual (1, result);
312 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse ("-1", out result));
313 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse ("  -1", out result));
314 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse ("  -1  ", out result));
315 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse ("  -1  ", out result));
317 		result = 1;
318 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse (null, out result));
319 		Assert.AreEqual (0, result);
321 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse ("not-a-number", out result));
323 		double OverInt = (double)UInt32.MaxValue + 1;
324 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse (OverInt.ToString (), out result));
325 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse (OverInt.ToString (), NumberStyles.None, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result));
327 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse ("$42", NumberStyles.Integer, null, out result));
328 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse ("%42", NumberStyles.Integer, Nfi, out result));
329 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse ("$42", NumberStyles.Integer, Nfi, out result));
330 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse (" - 1 ", out result));
331 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse (" - ", out result));
332 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse ("100000000", NumberStyles.HexNumber, Nfi, out result));
333 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse ("10000000000", out result));
334 		Assert.AreEqual (false, UInt32.TryParse ("-10000000000", out result));
335 		Assert.AreEqual (true, UInt32.TryParse ("7fffffff", NumberStyles.HexNumber, Nfi, out result));
336 		Assert.AreEqual (Int32.MaxValue, result);
337 		Assert.AreEqual (true, UInt32.TryParse ("80000000", NumberStyles.HexNumber, Nfi, out result));
338 		Assert.AreEqual (Int32.MaxValue + (uint)1, result);
339 		Assert.AreEqual (true, UInt32.TryParse ("ffffffff", NumberStyles.HexNumber, Nfi, out result));
340 		Assert.AreEqual (uint.MaxValue, result);
341 		Assert.IsFalse (uint.TryParse ("-", NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign, Nfi, out result));
342 		Assert.IsFalse (uint.TryParse (Nfi.CurrencySymbol + "-", NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowCurrencySymbol, Nfi, out result));
343 	}
345 	[Test]
TestToString()346 	public void TestToString()
347 	{
348 		int TestNumber = 1;
349 		try {
350 			//test ToString()
351 			Assert.AreEqual(MyString1, MyUInt32_1.ToString());
352 			TestNumber++;
353 			Assert.AreEqual(MyString2, MyUInt32_2.ToString());
354 			TestNumber++;
355 			Assert.AreEqual(MyString3, MyUInt32_3.ToString());
356 		} catch (Exception e) {
357 			Assert.Fail("TestToString: Assert.Failed on TestNumber=" + TestNumber
358 				+ " with exception: " + e.ToString());
359 		}
361 		//test ToString(string format)
362 		for (int i=0; i < Formats1.Length; i++) {
363 			try {
364 				Assert.AreEqual(Results1[i], MyUInt32_2.ToString(Formats1[i]));
365 			} catch (Exception e) {
366 				Assert.Fail("TestToString: MyUInt32_2.ToString(Formats1[i]) i=" + i
367 					+ ". e = " + e.ToString());
368 			}
370 			try {
371 				Assert.AreEqual(Results2[i], MyUInt32_3.ToString(Formats2[i]));
372 			} catch (Exception e) {
373 				Assert.Fail("TestToString: MyUInt32_3.ToString(Formats2[i]) i=" + i
374 					+ ". e = " + e.ToString());
375 			}
376 		}
377 		//test ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider);
378 		for (int i=0; i < Formats1.Length; i++) {
379 			Assert.AreEqual(ResultsNfi1[i], MyUInt32_2.ToString(Formats1[i], Nfi));
380 			Assert.AreEqual(ResultsNfi2[i], MyUInt32_3.ToString(Formats2[i], Nfi));
381 		}
382 		try {
383 			MyUInt32_1.ToString("z");
384 			Assert.Fail("Should raise a System.FormatException");
385 		}
386 		catch (Exception e) {
387 			Assert.IsTrue(typeof(FormatException) == e.GetType());
388 		}
389 	}
391 	[Test]
ToString_Defaults()392 	public void ToString_Defaults ()
393 	{
394 		UInt32 i = 254;
395 		// everything defaults to "G"
396 		string def = i.ToString ("G");
397 		Assert.AreEqual (def, i.ToString (), "ToString()");
398 		Assert.AreEqual (def, i.ToString ((IFormatProvider)null), "ToString((IFormatProvider)null)");
399 		Assert.AreEqual (def, i.ToString ((string)null), "ToString((string)null)");
400 		Assert.AreEqual (def, i.ToString (String.Empty), "ToString(empty)");
401 		Assert.AreEqual (def, i.ToString (null, null), "ToString(null,null)");
402 		Assert.AreEqual (def, i.ToString (String.Empty, null), "ToString(empty,null)");
404 		Assert.AreEqual ("254", def, "ToString(G)");
405 	}
406 }
409 }