1 // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
2 // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
3 // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
5 using System.Collections.Generic;
6 using System.Diagnostics;
7 using System.Globalization;
8 using System.Linq;
9 using Xunit;
11 namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions.Tests
12 {
13     public class RegexMatchTests : RemoteExecutorTestBase
14     {
Match_Basic_TestData()15         public static IEnumerable<object[]> Match_Basic_TestData()
16         {
17             // Testing octal sequence matches: "\\060(\\061)?\\061"
18             // Octal \061 is ASCII 49 ('1')
19             yield return new object[] { @"\060(\061)?\061", "011", RegexOptions.None, 0, 3, true, "011" };
21             // Testing hexadecimal sequence matches: "(\\x30\\x31\\x32)"
22             // Hex \x31 is ASCII 49 ('1')
23             yield return new object[] { @"(\x30\x31\x32)", "012", RegexOptions.None, 0, 3, true, "012" };
25             // Testing control character escapes???: "2", "(\u0032)"
26             yield return new object[] { "(\u0034)", "4", RegexOptions.None, 0, 1, true, "4", };
28             // Using *, +, ?, {}: Actual - "a+\\.?b*\\.?c{2}"
29             yield return new object[] { @"a+\.?b*\.+c{2}", "ab.cc", RegexOptions.None, 0, 5, true, "ab.cc" };
31             // Using [a-z], \s, \w: Actual - "([a-zA-Z]+)\\s(\\w+)"
32             yield return new object[] { @"([a-zA-Z]+)\s(\w+)", "David Bau", RegexOptions.None, 0, 9, true, "David Bau" };
34             // \\S, \\d, \\D, \\W: Actual - "(\\S+):\\W(\\d+)\\s(\\D+)"
35             yield return new object[] { @"(\S+):\W(\d+)\s(\D+)", "Price: 5 dollars", RegexOptions.None, 0, 16, true, "Price: 5 dollars" };
37             // \\S, \\d, \\D, \\W: Actual - "[^0-9]+(\\d+)"
38             yield return new object[] { @"[^0-9]+(\d+)", "Price: 30 dollars", RegexOptions.None, 0, 17, true, "Price: 30" };
40             // Zero-width negative lookahead assertion: Actual - "abc(?!XXX)\\w+"
41             yield return new object[] { @"abc(?!XXX)\w+", "abcXXXdef", RegexOptions.None, 0, 9, false, string.Empty };
43             // Zero-width positive lookbehind assertion: Actual - "(\\w){6}(?<=XXX)def"
44             yield return new object[] { @"(\w){6}(?<=XXX)def", "abcXXXdef", RegexOptions.None, 0, 9, true, "abcXXXdef" };
46             // Zero-width negative lookbehind assertion: Actual - "(\\w){6}(?<!XXX)def"
47             yield return new object[] { @"(\w){6}(?<!XXX)def", "XXXabcdef", RegexOptions.None, 0, 9, true, "XXXabcdef" };
49             // Nonbacktracking subexpression: Actual - "[^0-9]+(?>[0-9]+)3"
50             // The last 3 causes the match to fail, since the non backtracking subexpression does not give up the last digit it matched
51             // for it to be a success. For a correct match, remove the last character, '3' from the pattern
52             yield return new object[] { "[^0-9]+(?>[0-9]+)3", "abc123", RegexOptions.None, 0, 6, false, string.Empty };
54             // Using beginning/end of string chars \A, \Z: Actual - "\\Aaaa\\w+zzz\\Z"
55             yield return new object[] { @"\Aaaa\w+zzz\Z", "aaaasdfajsdlfjzzz", RegexOptions.None, 0, 17, true, "aaaasdfajsdlfjzzz" };
57             // Using beginning/end of string chars \A, \Z: Actual - "\\Aaaa\\w+zzz\\Z"
58             yield return new object[] { @"\Aaaa\w+zzz\Z", "aaaasdfajsdlfjzzza", RegexOptions.None, 0, 18, false, string.Empty };
60             // Using beginning/end of string chars \A, \Z: Actual - "\\Aaaa\\w+zzz\\Z"
61             yield return new object[] { @"\A(line2\n)line3\Z", "line2\nline3\n", RegexOptions.Multiline, 0, 12, true, "line2\nline3" };
63             // Using beginning/end of string chars ^: Actual - "^b"
64             yield return new object[] { "^b", "ab", RegexOptions.None, 0, 2, false, string.Empty };
66             // Actual - "(?<char>\\w)\\<char>"
67             yield return new object[] { @"(?<char>\w)\<char>", "aa", RegexOptions.None, 0, 2, true, "aa" };
69             // Actual - "(?<43>\\w)\\43"
70             yield return new object[] { @"(?<43>\w)\43", "aa", RegexOptions.None, 0, 2, true, "aa" };
72             // Actual - "abc(?(1)111|222)"
73             yield return new object[] { "(abbc)(?(1)111|222)", "abbc222", RegexOptions.None, 0, 7, false, string.Empty };
75             // "x" option. Removes unescaped whitespace from the pattern: Actual - " ([^/]+) ","x"
76             yield return new object[] { "            ((.)+)      ", "abc", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace, 0, 3, true, "abc" };
78             // "x" option. Removes unescaped whitespace from the pattern. : Actual - "\x20([^/]+)\x20","x"
79             yield return new object[] { "\x20([^/]+)\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20", " abc       ", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace, 0, 10, true, " abc      " };
81             // Turning on case insensitive option in mid-pattern : Actual - "aaa(?i:match this)bbb"
82             if ("i".ToUpper() == "I")
83             {
84                 yield return new object[] { "aaa(?i:match this)bbb", "aaaMaTcH ThIsbbb", RegexOptions.None, 0, 16, true, "aaaMaTcH ThIsbbb" };
85             }
87             // Turning off case insensitive option in mid-pattern : Actual - "aaa(?-i:match this)bbb", "i"
88             yield return new object[] { "aaa(?-i:match this)bbb", "AaAmatch thisBBb", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 16, true, "AaAmatch thisBBb" };
90             // Turning on/off all the options at once : Actual - "aaa(?imnsx-imnsx:match this)bbb", "i"
91             yield return new object[] { "aaa(?-i:match this)bbb", "AaAmatcH thisBBb", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 16, false, string.Empty };
93             // Actual - "aaa(?#ignore this completely)bbb"
94             yield return new object[] { "aaa(?#ignore this completely)bbb", "aaabbb", RegexOptions.None, 0, 6, true, "aaabbb" };
96             // Trying empty string: Actual "[a-z0-9]+", ""
97             yield return new object[] { "[a-z0-9]+", "", RegexOptions.None, 0, 0, false, string.Empty };
99             // Numbering pattern slots: "(?<1>\\d{3})(?<2>\\d{3})(?<3>\\d{4})"
100             yield return new object[] { @"(?<1>\d{3})(?<2>\d{3})(?<3>\d{4})", "8885551111", RegexOptions.None, 0, 10, true, "8885551111" };
101             yield return new object[] { @"(?<1>\d{3})(?<2>\d{3})(?<3>\d{4})", "Invalid string", RegexOptions.None, 0, 14, false, string.Empty };
103             // Not naming pattern slots at all: "^(cat|chat)"
104             yield return new object[] { "^(cat|chat)", "cats are bad", RegexOptions.None, 0, 12, true, "cat" };
106             yield return new object[] { "abc", "abc", RegexOptions.None, 0, 3, true, "abc" };
107             yield return new object[] { "abc", "aBc", RegexOptions.None, 0, 3, false, string.Empty };
108             yield return new object[] { "abc", "aBc", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 3, true, "aBc" };
110             // Using *, +, ?, {}: Actual - "a+\\.?b*\\.?c{2}"
111             yield return new object[] { @"a+\.?b*\.+c{2}", "ab.cc", RegexOptions.None, 0, 5, true, "ab.cc" };
113             // RightToLeft
114             yield return new object[] { @"\s+\d+", "sdf 12sad", RegexOptions.RightToLeft, 0, 9, true, " 12" };
115             yield return new object[] { @"\s+\d+", " asdf12 ", RegexOptions.RightToLeft, 0, 6, false, string.Empty };
116             yield return new object[] { "aaa", "aaabbb", RegexOptions.None, 3, 3, false, string.Empty };
118             yield return new object[] { @"foo\d+", "0123456789foo4567890foo         ", RegexOptions.RightToLeft, 10, 3, false, string.Empty };
119             yield return new object[] { @"foo\d+", "0123456789foo4567890foo         ", RegexOptions.RightToLeft, 11, 21, false, string.Empty };
121             // IgnoreCase
122             yield return new object[] { "AAA", "aaabbb", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 6, true, "aaa" };
123             yield return new object[] { @"\p{Lu}", "1bc", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 3, true, "b" };
124             yield return new object[] { @"\p{Ll}", "1bc", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 3, true, "b" };
125             yield return new object[] { @"\p{Lt}", "1bc", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 3, true, "b" };
126             yield return new object[] { @"\p{Lo}", "1bc", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 3, false, string.Empty };
128             // "\D+"
129             yield return new object[] { @"\D+", "12321", RegexOptions.None, 0, 5, false, string.Empty };
131             // Groups
132             yield return new object[] { "(?<first_name>\\S+)\\s(?<last_name>\\S+)", "David Bau", RegexOptions.None, 0, 9, true, "David Bau" };
134             // "^b"
135             yield return new object[] { "^b", "abc", RegexOptions.None, 0, 3, false, string.Empty };
137             // RightToLeft
138             yield return new object[] { @"foo\d+", "0123456789foo4567890foo         ", RegexOptions.RightToLeft, 0, 32, true, "foo4567890" };
139             yield return new object[] { @"foo\d+", "0123456789foo4567890foo         ", RegexOptions.RightToLeft, 10, 22, true, "foo4567890" };
140             yield return new object[] { @"foo\d+", "0123456789foo4567890foo         ", RegexOptions.RightToLeft, 10, 4, true, "foo4" };
142             // Trim leading and trailing whitespace
143             yield return new object[] { @"\s*(.*?)\s*$", " Hello World ", RegexOptions.None, 0, 13, true, " Hello World " };
145             // < in group
146             yield return new object[] { @"(?<cat>cat)\w+(?<dog-0>dog)", "cat_Hello_World_dog", RegexOptions.None, 0, 19, false, string.Empty };
148             // Atomic Zero-Width Assertions \A \Z \z \G \b \B
149             yield return new object[] { @"\A(cat)\s+(dog)", "cat   \n\n\ncat     dog", RegexOptions.None, 0, 20, false, string.Empty };
150             yield return new object[] { @"\A(cat)\s+(dog)", "cat   \n\n\ncat     dog", RegexOptions.Multiline, 0, 20, false, string.Empty };
151             yield return new object[] { @"\A(cat)\s+(dog)", "cat   \n\n\ncat     dog", RegexOptions.ECMAScript, 0, 20, false, string.Empty };
153             yield return new object[] { @"(cat)\s+(dog)\Z", "cat   dog\n\n\ncat", RegexOptions.None, 0, 15, false, string.Empty };
154             yield return new object[] { @"(cat)\s+(dog)\Z", "cat   dog\n\n\ncat     ", RegexOptions.Multiline, 0, 20, false, string.Empty };
155             yield return new object[] { @"(cat)\s+(dog)\Z", "cat   dog\n\n\ncat     ", RegexOptions.ECMAScript, 0, 20, false, string.Empty };
157             yield return new object[] { @"(cat)\s+(dog)\z", "cat   dog\n\n\ncat", RegexOptions.None, 0, 15, false, string.Empty };
158             yield return new object[] { @"(cat)\s+(dog)\z", "cat   dog\n\n\ncat     ", RegexOptions.Multiline, 0, 20, false, string.Empty };
159             yield return new object[] { @"(cat)\s+(dog)\z", "cat   dog\n\n\ncat     ", RegexOptions.ECMAScript, 0, 20, false, string.Empty };
160             yield return new object[] { @"(cat)\s+(dog)\z", "cat   \n\n\n   dog\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 16, false, string.Empty };
161             yield return new object[] { @"(cat)\s+(dog)\z", "cat   \n\n\n   dog\n", RegexOptions.Multiline, 0, 16, false, string.Empty };
162             yield return new object[] { @"(cat)\s+(dog)\z", "cat   \n\n\n   dog\n", RegexOptions.ECMAScript, 0, 16, false, string.Empty };
164             yield return new object[] { @"\b@cat", "123START123;@catEND", RegexOptions.None, 0, 19, false, string.Empty };
165             yield return new object[] { @"\b<cat", "123START123'<catEND", RegexOptions.None, 0, 19, false, string.Empty };
166             yield return new object[] { @"\b,cat", "satwe,,,START',catEND", RegexOptions.None, 0, 21, false, string.Empty };
167             yield return new object[] { @"\b\[cat", "`12START123'[catEND", RegexOptions.None, 0, 19, false, string.Empty };
169             yield return new object[] { @"\B@cat", "123START123@catEND", RegexOptions.None, 0, 18, false, string.Empty };
170             yield return new object[] { @"\B<cat", "123START123<catEND", RegexOptions.None, 0, 18, false, string.Empty };
171             yield return new object[] { @"\B,cat", "satwe,,,START,catEND", RegexOptions.None, 0, 20, false, string.Empty };
172             yield return new object[] { @"\B\[cat", "`12START123[catEND", RegexOptions.None, 0, 18, false, string.Empty };
174             // Lazy operator Backtracking
175             yield return new object[] { @"http://([a-zA-z0-9\-]*\.?)*?(:[0-9]*)??/", "http://www.msn.com", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 18, false, string.Empty };
177             // Grouping Constructs Invalid Regular Expressions
178             yield return new object[] { "(?!)", "(?!)cat", RegexOptions.None, 0, 7, false, string.Empty };
179             yield return new object[] { "(?<!)", "(?<!)cat", RegexOptions.None, 0, 8, false, string.Empty };
181             // Alternation construct
182             yield return new object[] { "(?(cat)|dog)", "cat", RegexOptions.None, 0, 3, true, string.Empty };
183             yield return new object[] { "(?(cat)|dog)", "catdog", RegexOptions.None, 0, 6, true, string.Empty };
184             yield return new object[] { "(?(cat)dog1|dog2)", "catdog1", RegexOptions.None, 0, 7, false, string.Empty };
185             yield return new object[] { "(?(cat)dog1|dog2)", "catdog2", RegexOptions.None, 0, 7, true, "dog2" };
186             yield return new object[] { "(?(cat)dog1|dog2)", "catdog1dog2", RegexOptions.None, 0, 11, true, "dog2" };
187             yield return new object[] { "(?(dog2))", "dog2", RegexOptions.None, 0, 4, true, string.Empty };
188             yield return new object[] { "(?(cat)|dog)", "oof", RegexOptions.None, 0, 3, false, string.Empty };
189             yield return new object[] { "(?(a:b))", "a", RegexOptions.None, 0, 1, true, string.Empty };
190             yield return new object[] { "(?(a:))", "a", RegexOptions.None, 0, 1, true, string.Empty };
192             // No Negation
193             yield return new object[] { "[abcd-[abcd]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
194             yield return new object[] { "[1234-[1234]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
196             // All Negation
197             yield return new object[] { "[^abcd-[^abcd]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
198             yield return new object[] { "[^1234-[^1234]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
200             // No Negation
201             yield return new object[] { "[a-z-[a-z]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
202             yield return new object[] { "[0-9-[0-9]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
204             // All Negation
205             yield return new object[] { "[^a-z-[^a-z]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
206             yield return new object[] { "[^0-9-[^0-9]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
208             // No Negation
209             yield return new object[] { @"[\w-[\w]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
210             yield return new object[] { @"[\W-[\W]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
211             yield return new object[] { @"[\s-[\s]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
212             yield return new object[] { @"[\S-[\S]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
213             yield return new object[] { @"[\d-[\d]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
214             yield return new object[] { @"[\D-[\D]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
216             // All Negation
217             yield return new object[] { @"[^\w-[^\w]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
218             yield return new object[] { @"[^\W-[^\W]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
219             yield return new object[] { @"[^\s-[^\s]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
220             yield return new object[] { @"[^\S-[^\S]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
221             yield return new object[] { @"[^\d-[^\d]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
222             yield return new object[] { @"[^\D-[^\D]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
224             // MixedNegation
225             yield return new object[] { @"[^\w-[\W]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
226             yield return new object[] { @"[\w-[^\W]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
227             yield return new object[] { @"[^\s-[\S]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
228             yield return new object[] { @"[\s-[^\S]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
229             yield return new object[] { @"[^\d-[\D]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
230             yield return new object[] { @"[\d-[^\D]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
232             // No Negation
233             yield return new object[] { @"[\p{Ll}-[\p{Ll}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
234             yield return new object[] { @"[\P{Ll}-[\P{Ll}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
235             yield return new object[] { @"[\p{Lu}-[\p{Lu}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
236             yield return new object[] { @"[\P{Lu}-[\P{Lu}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
237             yield return new object[] { @"[\p{Nd}-[\p{Nd}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
238             yield return new object[] { @"[\P{Nd}-[\P{Nd}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
240             // All Negation
241             yield return new object[] { @"[^\p{Ll}-[^\p{Ll}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
242             yield return new object[] { @"[^\P{Ll}-[^\P{Ll}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
243             yield return new object[] { @"[^\p{Lu}-[^\p{Lu}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
244             yield return new object[] { @"[^\P{Lu}-[^\P{Lu}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
245             yield return new object[] { @"[^\p{Nd}-[^\p{Nd}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
246             yield return new object[] { @"[^\P{Nd}-[^\P{Nd}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
248             // MixedNegation
249             yield return new object[] { @"[^\p{Ll}-[\P{Ll}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
250             yield return new object[] { @"[\p{Ll}-[^\P{Ll}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
251             yield return new object[] { @"[^\p{Lu}-[\P{Lu}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
252             yield return new object[] { @"[\p{Lu}-[^\P{Lu}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
253             yield return new object[] { @"[^\p{Nd}-[\P{Nd}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
254             yield return new object[] { @"[\p{Nd}-[^\P{Nd}]]+", "abcxyzABCXYZ`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \t\n", RegexOptions.None, 0, 30, false, string.Empty };
256             // Character Class Substraction
257             yield return new object[] { @"[ab\-\[cd-[-[]]]]", "[]]", RegexOptions.None, 0, 3, false, string.Empty };
258             yield return new object[] { @"[ab\-\[cd-[-[]]]]", "-]]", RegexOptions.None, 0, 3, false, string.Empty };
259             yield return new object[] { @"[ab\-\[cd-[-[]]]]", "`]]", RegexOptions.None, 0, 3, false, string.Empty };
260             yield return new object[] { @"[ab\-\[cd-[-[]]]]", "e]]", RegexOptions.None, 0, 3, false, string.Empty };
262             yield return new object[] { @"[ab\-\[cd-[[]]]]", "']]", RegexOptions.None, 0, 3, false, string.Empty };
263             yield return new object[] { @"[ab\-\[cd-[[]]]]", "e]]", RegexOptions.None, 0, 3, false, string.Empty };
265             yield return new object[] { @"[a-[a-f]]", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", RegexOptions.None, 0, 26, false, string.Empty };
266         }
268         [Theory]
269         [MemberData(nameof(Match_Basic_TestData))]
270         [MemberData(nameof(RegexCompilationHelper.TransformRegexOptions), nameof(Match_Basic_TestData), 2, MemberType = typeof(RegexCompilationHelper))]
Match(string pattern, string input, RegexOptions options, int beginning, int length, bool expectedSuccess, string expectedValue)271         public void Match(string pattern, string input, RegexOptions options, int beginning, int length, bool expectedSuccess, string expectedValue)
272         {
273             bool isDefaultStart = RegexHelpers.IsDefaultStart(input, options, beginning);
274             bool isDefaultCount = RegexHelpers.IsDefaultCount(input, options, length);
275             if (options == RegexOptions.None)
276             {
277                 if (isDefaultStart && isDefaultCount)
278                 {
279                     // Use Match(string) or Match(string, string)
280                     VerifyMatch(new Regex(pattern).Match(input), expectedSuccess, expectedValue);
281                     VerifyMatch(Regex.Match(input, pattern), expectedSuccess, expectedValue);
283                     Assert.Equal(expectedSuccess, new Regex(pattern).IsMatch(input));
284                     Assert.Equal(expectedSuccess, Regex.IsMatch(input, pattern));
285                 }
286                 if (beginning + length == input.Length)
287                 {
288                     // Use Match(string, int)
289                     VerifyMatch(new Regex(pattern).Match(input, beginning), expectedSuccess, expectedValue);
291                     Assert.Equal(expectedSuccess, new Regex(pattern).IsMatch(input, beginning));
292                 }
293                 // Use Match(string, int, int)
294                 VerifyMatch(new Regex(pattern).Match(input, beginning, length), expectedSuccess, expectedValue);
295             }
296             if (isDefaultStart && isDefaultCount)
297             {
298                 // Use Match(string) or Match(string, string, RegexOptions)
299                 VerifyMatch(new Regex(pattern, options).Match(input), expectedSuccess, expectedValue);
300                 VerifyMatch(Regex.Match(input, pattern, options), expectedSuccess, expectedValue);
302                 Assert.Equal(expectedSuccess, Regex.IsMatch(input, pattern, options));
303             }
304             if (beginning + length == input.Length && (options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) == 0)
305             {
306                 // Use Match(string, int)
307                 VerifyMatch(new Regex(pattern, options).Match(input, beginning), expectedSuccess, expectedValue);
308             }
309             // Use Match(string, int, int)
310             VerifyMatch(new Regex(pattern, options).Match(input, beginning, length), expectedSuccess, expectedValue);
311         }
VerifyMatch(Match match, bool expectedSuccess, string expectedValue)313         public static void VerifyMatch(Match match, bool expectedSuccess, string expectedValue)
314         {
315             Assert.Equal(expectedSuccess, match.Success);
316             Assert.Equal(expectedValue, match.Value);
318             // Groups can never be empty
319             Assert.True(match.Groups.Count >= 1);
320             Assert.Equal(expectedSuccess, match.Groups[0].Success);
321             Assert.Equal(expectedValue, match.Groups[0].Value);
322         }
324         [Fact]
Match_Timeout()325         public void Match_Timeout()
326         {
327             Regex regex = new Regex(@"\p{Lu}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, TimeSpan.FromHours(1));
328             Match match = regex.Match("abc");
329             Assert.True(match.Success);
330             Assert.Equal("a", match.Value);
331         }
333         [Fact]
Match_Timeout_Throws()334         public void Match_Timeout_Throws()
335         {
336             RemoteInvoke(() =>
337             {
338                 const string Pattern = @"^([0-9a-zA-Z]([-.\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*@(([0-9a-zA-Z])+([-\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,9})$";
339                 string input = new string('a', 50) + "@a.a";
341                 AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData(RegexHelpers.DefaultMatchTimeout_ConfigKeyName, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));
342                 Assert.Throws<RegexMatchTimeoutException>(() => new Regex(Pattern).Match(input));
344                 return SuccessExitCode;
345             });
346         }
Match_Advanced_TestData()348         public static IEnumerable<object[]> Match_Advanced_TestData()
349         {
350             // \B special character escape: ".*\\B(SUCCESS)\\B.*"
351             yield return new object[]
352             {
353                 @".*\B(SUCCESS)\B.*", "adfadsfSUCCESSadsfadsf", RegexOptions.None, 0, 22,
354                 new CaptureData[]
355                 {
356                     new CaptureData("adfadsfSUCCESSadsfadsf", 0, 22),
357                     new CaptureData("SUCCESS", 7, 7)
358                 }
359             };
361             // Using |, (), ^, $, .: Actual - "^aaa(bb.+)(d|c)$"
362             yield return new object[]
363             {
364                 "^aaa(bb.+)(d|c)$", "aaabb.cc", RegexOptions.None, 0, 8,
365                 new CaptureData[]
366                 {
367                     new CaptureData("aaabb.cc", 0, 8),
368                     new CaptureData("bb.c", 3, 4),
369                     new CaptureData("c", 7, 1)
370                 }
371             };
373             // Using greedy quantifiers: Actual - "(a+)(b*)(c?)"
374             yield return new object[]
375             {
376                 "(a+)(b*)(c?)", "aaabbbccc", RegexOptions.None, 0, 9,
377                 new CaptureData[]
378                 {
379                     new CaptureData("aaabbbc", 0, 7),
380                     new CaptureData("aaa", 0, 3),
381                     new CaptureData("bbb", 3, 3),
382                     new CaptureData("c", 6, 1)
383                 }
384             };
386             // Using lazy quantifiers: Actual - "(d+?)(e*?)(f??)"
387             // Interesting match from this pattern and input. If needed to go to the end of the string change the ? to + in the last lazy quantifier
388             yield return new object[]
389             {
390                 "(d+?)(e*?)(f??)", "dddeeefff", RegexOptions.None, 0, 9,
391                 new CaptureData[]
392                 {
393                     new CaptureData("d", 0, 1),
394                     new CaptureData("d", 0, 1),
395                     new CaptureData(string.Empty, 1, 0),
396                     new CaptureData(string.Empty, 1, 0)
397                 }
398             };
400             // Noncapturing group : Actual - "(a+)(?:b*)(ccc)"
401             yield return new object[]
402             {
403                 "(a+)(?:b*)(ccc)", "aaabbbccc", RegexOptions.None, 0, 9,
404                 new CaptureData[]
405                 {
406                     new CaptureData("aaabbbccc", 0, 9),
407                     new CaptureData("aaa", 0, 3),
408                     new CaptureData("ccc", 6, 3),
409                 }
410             };
412             // Zero-width positive lookahead assertion: Actual - "abc(?=XXX)\\w+"
413             yield return new object[]
414             {
415                 @"abc(?=XXX)\w+", "abcXXXdef", RegexOptions.None, 0, 9,
416                 new CaptureData[]
417                 {
418                     new CaptureData("abcXXXdef", 0, 9)
419                 }
420             };
422             // Backreferences : Actual - "(\\w)\\1"
423             yield return new object[]
424             {
425                 @"(\w)\1", "aa", RegexOptions.None, 0, 2,
426                 new CaptureData[]
427                 {
428                     new CaptureData("aa", 0, 2),
429                     new CaptureData("a", 0, 1),
430                 }
431             };
433             // Alternation constructs: Actual - "(111|aaa)"
434             yield return new object[]
435             {
436                 "(111|aaa)", "aaa", RegexOptions.None, 0, 3,
437                 new CaptureData[]
438                 {
439                     new CaptureData("aaa", 0, 3),
440                     new CaptureData("aaa", 0, 3)
441                 }
442             };
444             // Actual - "(?<1>\\d+)abc(?(1)222|111)"
445             yield return new object[]
446             {
447                 @"(?<MyDigits>\d+)abc(?(MyDigits)222|111)", "111abc222", RegexOptions.None, 0, 9,
448                 new CaptureData[]
449                 {
450                     new CaptureData("111abc222", 0, 9),
451                     new CaptureData("111", 0, 3)
452                 }
453             };
455             // Using "n" Regex option. Only explicitly named groups should be captured: Actual - "([0-9]*)\\s(?<s>[a-z_A-Z]+)", "n"
456             yield return new object[]
457             {
458                 @"([0-9]*)\s(?<s>[a-z_A-Z]+)", "200 dollars", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture, 0, 11,
459                 new CaptureData[]
460                 {
461                     new CaptureData("200 dollars", 0, 11),
462                     new CaptureData("dollars", 4, 7)
463                 }
464             };
466             // Single line mode "s". Includes new line character: Actual - "([^/]+)","s"
467             yield return new object[]
468             {
469                 "(.*)", "abc\nsfc", RegexOptions.Singleline, 0, 7,
470                 new CaptureData[]
471                 {
472                     new CaptureData("abc\nsfc", 0, 7),
473                     new CaptureData("abc\nsfc", 0, 7),
474                 }
475             };
477             // "([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+){3})"
478             yield return new object[]
479             {
480                 @"([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){3})", "", RegexOptions.None, 0, 12,
481                 new CaptureData[]
482                 {
483                     new CaptureData("", 0, 12),
484                     new CaptureData("", 0, 12),
485                     new CaptureData(".111", 8, 4, new CaptureData[]
486                     {
487                         new CaptureData(".25", 3, 3),
488                         new CaptureData(".0", 6, 2),
489                         new CaptureData(".111", 8, 4),
490                     }),
491                 }
492             };
494             // Groups and captures
495             yield return new object[]
496             {
497                 @"(?<A1>a*)(?<A2>b*)(?<A3>c*)", "aaabbccccccccccaaaabc", RegexOptions.None, 0, 21,
498                 new CaptureData[]
499                 {
500                     new CaptureData("aaabbcccccccccc", 0, 15),
501                     new CaptureData("aaa", 0, 3),
502                     new CaptureData("bb", 3, 2),
503                     new CaptureData("cccccccccc", 5, 10)
504                 }
505             };
507             yield return new object[]
508             {
509                 @"(?<A1>A*)(?<A2>B*)(?<A3>C*)", "aaabbccccccccccaaaabc", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 21,
510                 new CaptureData[]
511                 {
512                     new CaptureData("aaabbcccccccccc", 0, 15),
513                     new CaptureData("aaa", 0, 3),
514                     new CaptureData("bb", 3, 2),
515                     new CaptureData("cccccccccc", 5, 10)
516                 }
517             };
519             // Using |, (), ^, $, .: Actual - "^aaa(bb.+)(d|c)$"
520             yield return new object[]
521             {
522                 "^aaa(bb.+)(d|c)$", "aaabb.cc", RegexOptions.None, 0, 8,
523                 new CaptureData[]
524                 {
525                     new CaptureData("aaabb.cc", 0, 8),
526                     new CaptureData("bb.c", 3, 4),
527                     new CaptureData("c", 7, 1)
528                 }
529             };
531             // Actual - ".*\\b(\\w+)\\b"
532             yield return new object[]
533             {
534                 @".*\b(\w+)\b", "XSP_TEST_FAILURE SUCCESS", RegexOptions.None, 0, 24,
535                 new CaptureData[]
536                 {
537                     new CaptureData("XSP_TEST_FAILURE SUCCESS", 0, 24),
538                     new CaptureData("SUCCESS", 17, 7)
539                 }
540             };
542             // Mutliline
543             yield return new object[]
544             {
545                 "(line2$\n)line3", "line1\nline2\nline3\n\nline4", RegexOptions.Multiline, 0, 24,
546                 new CaptureData[]
547                 {
548                     new CaptureData("line2\nline3", 6, 11),
549                     new CaptureData("line2\n", 6, 6)
550                 }
551             };
553             // Mutliline
554             yield return new object[]
555             {
556                 "(line2\n^)line3", "line1\nline2\nline3\n\nline4", RegexOptions.Multiline, 0, 24,
557                 new CaptureData[]
558                 {
559                     new CaptureData("line2\nline3", 6, 11),
560                     new CaptureData("line2\n", 6, 6)
561                 }
562             };
564             // Mutliline
565             yield return new object[]
566             {
567                 "(line3\n$\n)line4", "line1\nline2\nline3\n\nline4", RegexOptions.Multiline, 0, 24,
568                 new CaptureData[]
569                 {
570                     new CaptureData("line3\n\nline4", 12, 12),
571                     new CaptureData("line3\n\n", 12, 7)
572                 }
573             };
575             // Mutliline
576             yield return new object[]
577             {
578                 "(line3\n^\n)line4", "line1\nline2\nline3\n\nline4", RegexOptions.Multiline, 0, 24,
579                 new CaptureData[]
580                 {
581                     new CaptureData("line3\n\nline4", 12, 12),
582                     new CaptureData("line3\n\n", 12, 7)
583                 }
584             };
586             // Mutliline
587             yield return new object[]
588             {
589                 "(line2$\n^)line3", "line1\nline2\nline3\n\nline4", RegexOptions.Multiline, 0, 24,
590                 new CaptureData[]
591                 {
592                     new CaptureData("line2\nline3", 6, 11),
593                     new CaptureData("line2\n", 6, 6)
594                 }
595             };
597             // RightToLeft
598             yield return new object[]
599             {
600                 "aaa", "aaabbb", RegexOptions.RightToLeft, 3, 3,
601                 new CaptureData[]
602                 {
603                     new CaptureData("aaa", 0, 3)
604                 }
605             };
606         }
608         [Theory]
609         [MemberData(nameof(Match_Advanced_TestData))]
Match(string pattern, string input, RegexOptions options, int beginning, int length, CaptureData[] expected)610         public void Match(string pattern, string input, RegexOptions options, int beginning, int length, CaptureData[] expected)
611         {
612             bool isDefaultStart = RegexHelpers.IsDefaultStart(input, options, beginning);
613             bool isDefaultCount = RegexHelpers.IsDefaultStart(input, options, length);
614             if (options == RegexOptions.None)
615             {
616                 if (isDefaultStart && isDefaultCount)
617                 {
618                     // Use Match(string) or Match(string, string)
619                     VerifyMatch(new Regex(pattern).Match(input), true, expected);
620                     VerifyMatch(Regex.Match(input, pattern), true, expected);
622                     Assert.True(new Regex(pattern).IsMatch(input));
623                     Assert.True(Regex.IsMatch(input, pattern));
624                 }
625                 if (beginning + length == input.Length)
626                 {
627                     // Use Match(string, int)
628                     VerifyMatch(new Regex(pattern).Match(input, beginning), true, expected);
630                     Assert.True(new Regex(pattern).IsMatch(input, beginning));
631                 }
632                 else
633                 {
634                     // Use Match(string, int, int)
635                     VerifyMatch(new Regex(pattern).Match(input, beginning, length), true, expected);
636                 }
637             }
638             if (isDefaultStart && isDefaultCount)
639             {
640                 // Use Match(string) or Match(string, string, RegexOptions)
641                 VerifyMatch(new Regex(pattern, options).Match(input), true, expected);
642                 VerifyMatch(Regex.Match(input, pattern, options), true, expected);
644                 Assert.True(Regex.IsMatch(input, pattern, options));
645             }
646             if (beginning + length == input.Length)
647             {
648                 // Use Match(string, int)
649                 VerifyMatch(new Regex(pattern, options).Match(input, beginning), true, expected);
650             }
651             if ((options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) == 0)
652             {
653                 // Use Match(string, int, int)
654                 VerifyMatch(new Regex(pattern, options).Match(input, beginning, length), true, expected);
655             }
656         }
VerifyMatch(Match match, bool expectedSuccess, CaptureData[] expected)658         public static void VerifyMatch(Match match, bool expectedSuccess, CaptureData[] expected)
659         {
660             Assert.Equal(expectedSuccess, match.Success);
662             Assert.Equal(expected[0].Value, match.Value);
663             Assert.Equal(expected[0].Index, match.Index);
664             Assert.Equal(expected[0].Length, match.Length);
666             Assert.Equal(1, match.Captures.Count);
667             Assert.Equal(expected[0].Value, match.Captures[0].Value);
668             Assert.Equal(expected[0].Index, match.Captures[0].Index);
669             Assert.Equal(expected[0].Length, match.Captures[0].Length);
671             Assert.Equal(expected.Length, match.Groups.Count);
672             for (int i = 0; i < match.Groups.Count; i++)
673             {
674                 Assert.Equal(expectedSuccess, match.Groups[i].Success);
676                 Assert.Equal(expected[i].Value, match.Groups[i].Value);
677                 Assert.Equal(expected[i].Index, match.Groups[i].Index);
678                 Assert.Equal(expected[i].Length, match.Groups[i].Length);
680                 Assert.Equal(expected[i].Captures.Length, match.Groups[i].Captures.Count);
681                 for (int j = 0; j < match.Groups[i].Captures.Count; j++)
682                 {
683                     Assert.Equal(expected[i].Captures[j].Value, match.Groups[i].Captures[j].Value);
684                     Assert.Equal(expected[i].Captures[j].Index, match.Groups[i].Captures[j].Index);
685                     Assert.Equal(expected[i].Captures[j].Length, match.Groups[i].Captures[j].Length);
686                 }
687             }
688         }
690         [Theory]
691         [InlineData(@"(?<1>\d{1,2})/(?<2>\d{1,2})/(?<3>\d{2,4})\s(?<time>\S+)", "08/10/99 16:00", "${time}", "16:00")]
692         [InlineData(@"(?<1>\d{1,2})/(?<2>\d{1,2})/(?<3>\d{2,4})\s(?<time>\S+)", "08/10/99 16:00", "${1}", "08")]
693         [InlineData(@"(?<1>\d{1,2})/(?<2>\d{1,2})/(?<3>\d{2,4})\s(?<time>\S+)", "08/10/99 16:00", "${2}", "10")]
694         [InlineData(@"(?<1>\d{1,2})/(?<2>\d{1,2})/(?<3>\d{2,4})\s(?<time>\S+)", "08/10/99 16:00", "${3}", "99")]
695         [InlineData("abc", "abc", "abc", "abc")]
Result(string pattern, string input, string replacement, string expected)696         public void Result(string pattern, string input, string replacement, string expected)
697         {
698             Assert.Equal(expected, new Regex(pattern).Match(input).Result(replacement));
699         }
701         [Fact]
Result_Invalid()702         public void Result_Invalid()
703         {
704             Match match = Regex.Match("foo", "foo");
705             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("replacement", () => match.Result(null));
707             Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException>(() => RegularExpressions.Match.Empty.Result("any"));
708         }
710         [Fact]
Match_SpecialUnicodeCharacters_enUS()711         public void Match_SpecialUnicodeCharacters_enUS()
712         {
713             RemoteInvoke(() =>
714             {
715                 CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
716                 Match("\u0131", "\u0049", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 1, false, string.Empty);
717                 Match("\u0131", "\u0069", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 1, false, string.Empty);
719                 return SuccessExitCode;
720             }).Dispose();
721         }
723         [Fact]
Match_SpecialUnicodeCharacters_Invariant()724         public void Match_SpecialUnicodeCharacters_Invariant()
725         {
726             RemoteInvoke(() =>
727             {
728                 CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
729                 Match("\u0131", "\u0049", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 1, false, string.Empty);
730                 Match("\u0131", "\u0069", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 1, false, string.Empty);
731                 Match("\u0130", "\u0049", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 1, false, string.Empty);
732                 Match("\u0130", "\u0069", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, 0, 1, false, string.Empty);
734                 return SuccessExitCode;
735             }).Dispose();
736         }
738         [Fact]
Match_Invalid()739         public void Match_Invalid()
740         {
741             // Input is null
742             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("input", () => Regex.Match(null, "pattern"));
743             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("input", () => Regex.Match(null, "pattern", RegexOptions.None));
744             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("input", () => Regex.Match(null, "pattern", RegexOptions.None, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)));
746             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("input", () => new Regex("pattern").Match(null));
747             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("input", () => new Regex("pattern").Match(null, 0));
748             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("input", () => new Regex("pattern").Match(null, 0, 0));
750             // Pattern is null
751             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("pattern", () => Regex.Match("input", null));
752             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("pattern", () => Regex.Match("input", null, RegexOptions.None));
753             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("pattern", () => Regex.Match("input", null, RegexOptions.None, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)));
755             // Start is invalid
756             Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new Regex("pattern").Match("input", -1));
757             Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new Regex("pattern").Match("input", -1, 0));
758             Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new Regex("pattern").Match("input", 6));
759             Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new Regex("pattern").Match("input", 6, 0));
761             // Length is invalid
762             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>("length", () => new Regex("pattern").Match("input", 0, -1));
763             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>("length", () => new Regex("pattern").Match("input", 0, 6));
764         }
766         [Theory]
767         [InlineData(")")]
768         [InlineData("())")]
769         [InlineData("[a-z-[aeiuo]")]
770         [InlineData("[a-z-[aeiuo")]
771         [InlineData("[a-z-[b]")]
772         [InlineData("[a-z-[b")]
773         [InlineData("[b-a]")]
774         [InlineData(@"[a-c]{2,1}")]
775         [InlineData(@"\d{2147483648}")]
776         [InlineData("[a-z-[b][")]
777         [InlineData(@"\")]
778         [InlineData("(?()|||||)")]
Match_InvalidPattern(string pattern)779         public void Match_InvalidPattern(string pattern)
780         {
781             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentException>(null, () => Regex.Match("input", pattern));
782         }
784         [Fact]
IsMatch_Invalid()785         public void IsMatch_Invalid()
786         {
787             // Input is null
788             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("input", () => Regex.IsMatch(null, "pattern"));
789             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("input", () => Regex.IsMatch(null, "pattern", RegexOptions.None));
790             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("input", () => Regex.IsMatch(null, "pattern", RegexOptions.None, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)));
792             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("input", () => new Regex("pattern").IsMatch(null));
793             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("input", () => new Regex("pattern").IsMatch(null, 0));
795             // Pattern is null
796             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("pattern", () => Regex.IsMatch("input", null));
797             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("pattern", () => Regex.IsMatch("input", null, RegexOptions.None));
798             AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("pattern", () => Regex.IsMatch("input", null, RegexOptions.None, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)));
800             // Start is invalid
801             Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new Regex("pattern").IsMatch("input", -1));
802             Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new Regex("pattern").IsMatch("input", 6));
803         }
804     }
805 }