1 // +------------------------------------------------------------------+
2 // |             ____ _               _        __  __ _  __           |
3 // |            / ___| |__   ___  ___| | __   |  \/  | |/ /           |
4 // |           | |   | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ /   | |\/| | ' /            |
5 // |           | |___| | | |  __/ (__|   <    | |  | | . \            |
6 // |            \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_|  |_|_|\_\           |
7 // |                                                                  |
8 // | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2014             mk@mathias-kettner.de |
9 // +------------------------------------------------------------------+
10 //
11 // This file is part of Check_MK.
12 // The official homepage is at http://mathias-kettner.de/check_mk.
13 //
14 // check_mk is free software;  you can redistribute it and/or modify it
15 // under the  terms of the  GNU General Public License  as published by
16 // the Free Software Foundation in version 2.  check_mk is  distributed
17 // in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  with-
18 // out even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY  or  FITNESS FOR A
19 // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the  GNU General Public License for more de-
20 // ails.  You should have  received  a copy of the  GNU  General Public
21 // License along with GNU Make; see the file  COPYING.  If  not,  write
22 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St,  Fifth Floor,
23 // Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
25 #include "TableStatus.h"
26 #include <time.h>
27 #include "GlobalCountersColumn.h"
28 #include "IntPointerColumn.h"
29 #include "Query.h"
30 #include "StatusSpecialIntColumn.h"
31 #include "StringPointerColumn.h"
32 #include "TimePointerColumn.h"
33 #include "global_counters.h"
34 #include "nagios.h"
36 // Nagios status values
38 extern time_t program_start;
39 extern int nagios_pid;
40 #ifndef NAGIOS4
41 extern time_t last_command_check;
42 #endif
43 extern time_t last_log_rotation;
44 extern int enable_notifications;
45 extern int execute_service_checks;
46 extern int accept_passive_service_checks;
47 extern int execute_host_checks;
48 extern int accept_passive_host_checks;
49 extern int enable_event_handlers;
50 extern int obsess_over_services;
51 extern int obsess_over_hosts;
52 extern int check_service_freshness;
53 extern int check_host_freshness;
54 extern int enable_flap_detection;
55 extern int process_performance_data;
56 extern int check_external_commands;
57 extern int num_cached_log_messages;
58 extern int interval_length;
59 extern int g_num_hosts;
60 extern int g_num_services;
61 extern int g_num_clientthreads;
62 extern int g_num_queued_connections;
63 extern int g_num_active_connections;
65 // Livecheck has been removed, but we still need to provide the
66 // columns - for compatibility
67 int livechecks_performed = 0;
68 int livecheck_overflows = 0;
70 #ifndef NAGIOS4
71 extern circular_buffer external_command_buffer;
72 extern int external_command_buffer_slots;
73 #else
74 // TODO: check if this data is available in nagios_squeue
75 #endif  // NAGIOS4
TableStatus()77 TableStatus::TableStatus() {
78     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
79         "neb_callbacks", "The number of NEB call backs since program start",
80         COUNTER_NEB_CALLBACKS, false));
81     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
82         "neb_callbacks_rate",
83         "The averaged number of NEB call backs per second",
84         COUNTER_NEB_CALLBACKS, true));
86     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
87         "requests", "The number of requests to Livestatus since program start",
88         COUNTER_REQUESTS, false));
89     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
90         "requests_rate",
91         "The averaged number of request to Livestatus per second",
92         COUNTER_REQUESTS, true));
94     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
95         "connections",
96         "The number of client connections to Livestatus since program start",
97         COUNTER_CONNECTIONS, false));
98     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn("connections_rate",
99                                        "The averaged number of new client "
100                                        "connections to Livestatus per second",
101                                        COUNTER_CONNECTIONS, true));
103     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
104         "service_checks",
105         "The number of completed service checks since program start",
106         COUNTER_SERVICE_CHECKS, false));
107     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
108         "service_checks_rate",
109         "The averaged number of service checks per second",
110         COUNTER_SERVICE_CHECKS, true));
112     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
113         "host_checks", "The number of host checks since program start",
114         COUNTER_HOST_CHECKS, false));
115     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
116         "host_checks_rate", "the averaged number of host checks per second",
117         COUNTER_HOST_CHECKS, true));
119     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
120         "forks", "The number of process creations since program start",
121         COUNTER_FORKS, false));
122     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
123         "forks_rate", "the averaged number of forks checks per second",
124         COUNTER_FORKS, true));
126     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
127         "log_messages", "The number of new log messages since program start",
128         COUNTER_LOG_MESSAGES, false));
129     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
130         "log_messages_rate",
131         "the averaged number of new log messages per second",
132         COUNTER_LOG_MESSAGES, true));
134     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
135         "external_commands",
136         "The number of external commands since program start", COUNTER_COMMANDS,
137         false));
138     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
139         "external_commands_rate",
140         "the averaged number of external commands per second", COUNTER_COMMANDS,
141         true));
143     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
144         "livechecks", "The number of checks executed via livecheck",
145         COUNTER_LIVECHECKS, false));
146     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
147         "livechecks_rate",
148         "The averaged number of livechecks executes per second",
149         COUNTER_LIVECHECKS, true));
151     addColumn(new GlobalCountersColumn(
152         "livecheck_overflows",
153         "The number of times a check could not be executed "
154         "because now livecheck helper was free",
156     addColumn(
157         new GlobalCountersColumn("livecheck_overflows_rate",
158                                  "The number of livecheck overflows per second",
159                                  COUNTER_LIVECHECK_OVERFLOWS, true));
161     // Nagios program status data
162     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn("nagios_pid",
163                                    "The process ID of the Nagios main process",
164                                    &nagios_pid));
165     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
166         "enable_notifications",
167         "Whether notifications are enabled in general (0/1)",
168         &enable_notifications));
169     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
170         "execute_service_checks",
171         "Whether active service checks are activated in general (0/1)",
172         &execute_service_checks));
173     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
174         "accept_passive_service_checks",
175         "Whether passive service checks are activated in general (0/1)",
176         &accept_passive_service_checks));
177     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
178         "execute_host_checks",
179         "Whether host checks are executed in general (0/1)",
180         &execute_host_checks));
181     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
182         "accept_passive_host_checks",
183         "Whether passive host checks are accepted in general (0/1)",
184         &accept_passive_host_checks));
185     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
186         "enable_event_handlers",
187         "Whether event handlers are activated in general (0/1)",
188         &enable_event_handlers));
189     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn("obsess_over_services",
190                                    "Whether Nagios will obsess over service "
191                                    "checks and run the ocsp_command (0/1)",
192                                    &obsess_over_services));
193     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
194         "obsess_over_hosts",
195         "Whether Nagios will obsess over host checks (0/1)",
196         &obsess_over_hosts));
197     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
198         "check_service_freshness",
199         "Whether service freshness checking is activated in general (0/1)",
200         &check_service_freshness));
201     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
202         "check_host_freshness",
203         "Whether host freshness checking is activated in general (0/1)",
204         &check_host_freshness));
205     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
206         "enable_flap_detection",
207         "Whether flap detection is activated in general (0/1)",
208         &enable_flap_detection));
209     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
210         "process_performance_data",
211         "Whether processing of performance data is activated in general (0/1)",
212         &process_performance_data));
213     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
214         "check_external_commands",
215         "Whether Nagios checks for external commands at its command pipe (0/1)",
216         &check_external_commands));
217     addColumn(new TimePointerColumn(
218         "program_start", "The time of the last program start as UNIX timestamp",
219         reinterpret_cast<int *>(&program_start)));
220 #ifndef NAGIOS4
221     addColumn(new TimePointerColumn(
222         "last_command_check",
223         "The time of the last check for a command as UNIX timestamp",
224         reinterpret_cast<int *>(&last_command_check)));
225 #else
226     int dummy = 0;
227     addColumn(new TimePointerColumn("last_command_check",
228                                     "The time of the last check for a command "
229                                     "as UNIX timestamp (placeholder)",
230                                     &dummy));
231 #endif  // NAGIOS4
232     addColumn(new TimePointerColumn(
233         "last_log_rotation", "Time time of the last log file rotation",
234         reinterpret_cast<int *>(&last_log_rotation)));
235     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
236         "interval_length", "The default interval length from nagios.cfg",
237         &interval_length));
239     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn("num_hosts", "The total number of hosts",
240                                    &g_num_hosts));
241     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
242         "num_services", "The total number of services", &g_num_services));
244     addColumn(new StringPointerColumn("program_version",
245                                       "The version of the monitoring daemon",
246                                       get_program_version()));
248 // External command buffer
249 #ifndef NAGIOS4
250     addColumn(
251         new IntPointerColumn("external_command_buffer_slots",
252                              "The size of the buffer for the external commands",
253                              &external_command_buffer_slots));
254     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
255         "external_command_buffer_usage",
256         "The number of slots in use of the external command buffer",
257         &(external_command_buffer.items)));
258     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
259         "external_command_buffer_max",
260         "The maximum number of slots used in the external command buffer",
261         &(external_command_buffer.high)));
262 #else
263     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
264         "external_command_buffer_slots",
265         "The size of the buffer for the external commands (placeholder)",
266         &dummy));
267     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn("external_command_buffer_usage",
268                                    "The number of slots in use of the external "
269                                    "command buffer (placeholder)",
270                                    &dummy));
271     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn("external_command_buffer_max",
272                                    "The maximum number of slots used in the "
273                                    "external command buffer (placeholder)",
274                                    &dummy));
275 #endif  // NAGIOS4
277     // Livestatus' own status
278     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
279         "cached_log_messages",
280         "The current number of log messages MK Livestatus keeps in memory",
281         &num_cached_log_messages));
282     addColumn(new StringPointerColumn("livestatus_version",
283                                       "The version of the MK Livestatus module",
284                                       VERSION));
285     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn(
286         "livestatus_active_connections",
287         "The current number of active connections to MK Livestatus",
288         &g_num_active_connections));
289     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn("livestatus_queued_connections",
290                                    "The current number of queued connections "
291                                    "to MK Livestatus (that wait for a free "
292                                    "thread)",
293                                    &g_num_queued_connections));
294     addColumn(new IntPointerColumn("livestatus_threads",
295                                    "The maximum number of connections to MK "
296                                    "Livestatus that can be handled in parallel",
297                                    &g_num_clientthreads));
299     // Special stuff for Check_MK
300     addColumn(new StatusSpecialIntColumn("mk_inventory_last",
301                                          "The timestamp of the last time a "
302                                          "host has been inventorized by "
303                                          "Check_MK HW/SW-Inventory",
304                                          SPIC_MK_INVENTORY_LAST));
305 }
answerQuery(Query * query)307 void TableStatus::answerQuery(Query *query) { query->processDataset(this); }