1/* GCompris - ActivityInfo.qml
2 *
3 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Bharath M S <brat.197@gmail.com>
4 *
5 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
6 */
7import GCompris 1.0
9ActivityInfo {
10  name: "algorithm/Algorithm.qml"
11  difficulty: 2
12  icon: "algorithm/algorithm.svg"
13  author: "Bharath M S &lt;brat.197@gmail.com&gt;"
14  //: Activity title
15  title: qsTr("Logical associations")
16  //: Help title
17  description: qsTr("Complete the arrangement of fruit.")
18//  intro: "Click on the missing items on the table and follow the logical sequence displayed above it."
19  //: Help goal
20  goal: qsTr("Logic training activity.")
21  //: Help manual
22  manual: qsTr("Look at the two sequences. Each fruit in the first sequence has been replaced by another fruit in the second sequence. Complete the second sequence by using the correct fruit, after studying this pattern.") + ("<br><br>") +
23          qsTr("<b>Keyboard controls:</b>") + ("<ul><li>") +
24          qsTr("Arrows: navigate") + ("</li><li>") +
25          qsTr("Space or Enter: select an item") + ("</li></ul>")
26  credit: ""
27  section: "discovery logic"
28  createdInVersion: 0