1/* GCompris - ActivityInfo.qml
2 *
3 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin@gcompris.net>
4 *
5 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
6 */
7import GCompris 1.0
9ActivityInfo {
10  name: "baby_wordprocessor/BabyWordprocessor.qml"
11  difficulty: 1
12  icon: "baby_wordprocessor/baby_wordprocessor.svg"
13  author: "Bruno Coudoin &lt;bruno.coudoin@gcompris.net&gt;"
14  //: Activity title
15  title: qsTr("A baby word processor")
16  //: Help title
17  description: qsTr("A simplistic word processor to let the children play around with a keyboard and see letters.")
18  //intro: "A simplistic word processor to play around with the keyboard"
19  //: Help goal
20  goal: qsTr("Discover the keyboard and the letters.")
21  //: Help prerequisite
22  prerequisite: ""
23  //: Help manual
24  manual: qsTr("Just type on the real or virtual keyboard like in a word processor.
25    Clicking on the 'Title' button will make the text bigger. Similarly, the 'subtitle' button will make the text slightly less bigger. Clicking on 'paragraph' will remove the formatting.")+ ("<br><br>") +
26          qsTr("<b>Keyboard controls:</b>") + ("<ul><li>") +
27          qsTr("Arrows: navigate inside the text") + ("</li><li>") +
28          qsTr("Shift + Arrows: select a part of the text") + ("</li><li>") +
29          qsTr("Ctrl + A: select all the text") + ("</li><li>") +
30          qsTr("Ctrl + C: copy selected text") + ("</li><li>") +
31          qsTr("Ctrl + X: cut selected text") + ("</li><li>") +
32          qsTr("Ctrl + V: paste copied or cut text") + ("</li><li>") +
33          qsTr("Ctrl + D: delete selected text") + ("</li><li>") +
34          qsTr("Ctrl + Z: undo") + ("</li><li>") +
35          qsTr("Ctrl + Shift + Z: redo") + ("</li></ul>")
36  credit: ""
37  section: "computer keyboard reading letters"
38  createdInVersion: 6000