1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
4import functools
5import itertools
7import psycopg2
8import pytz
10from odoo import api, fields, models, _
11from odoo.tools import ustr
13REFERENCING_FIELDS = {None, 'id', '.id'}
14def only_ref_fields(record):
15    return {k: v for k, v in record.items() if k in REFERENCING_FIELDS}
16def exclude_ref_fields(record):
17    return {k: v for k, v in record.items() if k not in REFERENCING_FIELDS}
19CREATE = lambda values: (0, False, values)
20UPDATE = lambda id, values: (1, id, values)
21DELETE = lambda id: (2, id, False)
22FORGET = lambda id: (3, id, False)
23LINK_TO = lambda id: (4, id, False)
24DELETE_ALL = lambda: (5, False, False)
25REPLACE_WITH = lambda ids: (6, False, ids)
27class ImportWarning(Warning):
28    """ Used to send warnings upwards the stack during the import process """
29    pass
31class ConversionNotFound(ValueError):
32    pass
34class IrFieldsConverter(models.AbstractModel):
35    _name = 'ir.fields.converter'
36    _description = 'Fields Converter'
38    @api.model
39    def _format_import_error(self, error_type, error_msg, error_params=(), error_args=None):
40        # sanitize error params for later formatting by the import system
41        sanitize = lambda p: p.replace('%', '%%') if isinstance(p, str) else p
42        if error_params:
43            if isinstance(error_params, str):
44                error_params = sanitize(error_params)
45            elif isinstance(error_params, dict):
46                error_params = {k: sanitize(v) for k, v in error_params.items()}
47            elif isinstance(error_params, tuple):
48                error_params = tuple(sanitize(v) for v in error_params)
49        return error_type(error_msg % error_params, error_args)
51    @api.model
52    def for_model(self, model, fromtype=str):
53        """ Returns a converter object for the model. A converter is a
54        callable taking a record-ish (a dictionary representing an odoo
55        record with values of typetag ``fromtype``) and returning a converted
56        records matching what :meth:`odoo.osv.orm.Model.write` expects.
58        :param model: :class:`odoo.osv.orm.Model` for the conversion base
59        :returns: a converter callable
60        :rtype: (record: dict, logger: (field, error) -> None) -> dict
61        """
62        # make sure model is new api
63        model = self.env[model._name]
65        converters = {
66            name: self.to_field(model, field, fromtype)
67            for name, field in model._fields.items()
68        }
70        def fn(record, log):
71            converted = {}
72            for field, value in record.items():
73                if field in REFERENCING_FIELDS:
74                    continue
75                if not value:
76                    converted[field] = False
77                    continue
78                try:
79                    converted[field], ws = converters[field](value)
80                    for w in ws:
81                        if isinstance(w, str):
82                            # wrap warning string in an ImportWarning for
83                            # uniform handling
84                            w = ImportWarning(w)
85                        log(field, w)
86                except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e:
87                    log(field, ValueError(str(e)))
88                except ValueError as e:
89                    log(field, e)
90            return converted
92        return fn
94    @api.model
95    def to_field(self, model, field, fromtype=str):
96        """ Fetches a converter for the provided field object, from the
97        specified type.
99        A converter is simply a callable taking a value of type ``fromtype``
100        (or a composite of ``fromtype``, e.g. list or dict) and returning a
101        value acceptable for a write() on the field ``field``.
103        By default, tries to get a method on itself with a name matching the
104        pattern ``_$fromtype_to_$field.type`` and returns it.
106        Converter callables can either return a value and a list of warnings
107        to their caller or raise ``ValueError``, which will be interpreted as a
108        validation & conversion failure.
110        ValueError can have either one or two parameters. The first parameter
111        is mandatory, **must** be a unicode string and will be used as the
112        user-visible message for the error (it should be translatable and
113        translated). It can contain a ``field`` named format placeholder so the
114        caller can inject the field's translated, user-facing name (@string).
116        The second parameter is optional and, if provided, must be a mapping.
117        This mapping will be merged into the error dictionary returned to the
118        client.
120        If a converter can perform its function but has to make assumptions
121        about the data, it can send a warning to the user through adding an
122        instance of :class:`~.ImportWarning` to the second value
123        it returns. The handling of a warning at the upper levels is the same
124        as ``ValueError`` above.
126        :param field: field object to generate a value for
127        :type field: :class:`odoo.fields.Field`
128        :param fromtype: type to convert to something fitting for ``field``
129        :type fromtype: type | str
130        :param context: odoo request context
131        :return: a function (fromtype -> field.write_type), if a converter is found
132        :rtype: Callable | None
133        """
134        assert isinstance(fromtype, (type, str))
135        # FIXME: return None
136        typename = fromtype.__name__ if isinstance(fromtype, type) else fromtype
137        converter = getattr(self, '_%s_to_%s' % (typename, field.type), None)
138        if not converter:
139            return None
140        return functools.partial(converter, model, field)
142    @api.model
143    def _str_to_boolean(self, model, field, value):
144        # all translatables used for booleans
145        true, yes, false, no = _(u"true"), _(u"yes"), _(u"false"), _(u"no")
146        # potentially broken casefolding? What about locales?
147        trues = set(word.lower() for word in itertools.chain(
148            [u'1', u"true", u"yes"], # don't use potentially translated values
149            self._get_translations(['code'], u"true"),
150            self._get_translations(['code'], u"yes"),
151        ))
152        if value.lower() in trues:
153            return True, []
155        # potentially broken casefolding? What about locales?
156        falses = set(word.lower() for word in itertools.chain(
157            [u'', u"0", u"false", u"no"],
158            self._get_translations(['code'], u"false"),
159            self._get_translations(['code'], u"no"),
160        ))
161        if value.lower() in falses:
162            return False, []
164        return True, [self._format_import_error(
165            ImportWarning,
166            _(u"Unknown value '%s' for boolean field '%%(field)s', assuming '%s'"),
167            (value, yes),
168            {'moreinfo': _(u"Use '1' for yes and '0' for no")}
169        )]
171    @api.model
172    def _str_to_integer(self, model, field, value):
173        try:
174            return int(value), []
175        except ValueError:
176            raise self._format_import_error(
177                ValueError,
178                _(u"'%s' does not seem to be an integer for field '%%(field)s'"),
179                value
180            )
182    @api.model
183    def _str_to_float(self, model, field, value):
184        try:
185            return float(value), []
186        except ValueError:
187            raise self._format_import_error(
188                ValueError,
189                _(u"'%s' does not seem to be a number for field '%%(field)s'"),
190                value
191            )
193    _str_to_monetary = _str_to_float
195    @api.model
196    def _str_id(self, model, field, value):
197        return value, []
199    _str_to_reference = _str_to_char = _str_to_text = _str_to_binary = _str_to_html = _str_id
201    @api.model
202    def _str_to_date(self, model, field, value):
203        try:
204            parsed_value = fields.Date.from_string(value)
205            return fields.Date.to_string(parsed_value), []
206        except ValueError:
207            raise self._format_import_error(
208                ValueError,
209                _(u"'%s' does not seem to be a valid date for field '%%(field)s'"),
210                value,
211                {'moreinfo': _(u"Use the format '%s'", u"2012-12-31")}
212            )
214    @api.model
215    def _input_tz(self):
216        # if there's a tz in context, try to use that
217        if self._context.get('tz'):
218            try:
219                return pytz.timezone(self._context['tz'])
220            except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
221                pass
223        # if the current user has a tz set, try to use that
224        user = self.env.user
225        if user.tz:
226            try:
227                return pytz.timezone(user.tz)
228            except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
229                pass
231        # fallback if no tz in context or on user: UTC
232        return pytz.UTC
234    @api.model
235    def _str_to_datetime(self, model, field, value):
236        try:
237            parsed_value = fields.Datetime.from_string(value)
238        except ValueError:
239            raise self._format_import_error(
240                ValueError,
241                _(u"'%s' does not seem to be a valid datetime for field '%%(field)s'"),
242                value,
243                {'moreinfo': _(u"Use the format '%s'", u"2012-12-31 23:59:59")}
244            )
246        input_tz = self._input_tz()# Apply input tz to the parsed naive datetime
247        dt = input_tz.localize(parsed_value, is_dst=False)
248        # And convert to UTC before reformatting for writing
249        return fields.Datetime.to_string(dt.astimezone(pytz.UTC)), []
251    @api.model
252    def _get_translations(self, types, src):
253        types = tuple(types)
254        # Cache translations so they don't have to be reloaded from scratch on
255        # every row of the file
256        tnx_cache = self._cr.cache.setdefault(self._name, {})
257        if tnx_cache.setdefault(types, {}) and src in tnx_cache[types]:
258            return tnx_cache[types][src]
260        Translations = self.env['ir.translation']
261        tnx = Translations.search([('type', 'in', types), ('src', '=', src)])
262        result = tnx_cache[types][src] = [t.value for t in tnx if t.value is not False]
263        return result
265    @api.model
266    def _str_to_selection(self, model, field, value):
267        # get untranslated values
268        env = self.with_context(lang=None).env
269        selection = field.get_description(env)['selection']
271        for item, label in selection:
272            label = ustr(label)
273            labels = [label] + self._get_translations(('selection', 'model', 'code'), label)
274            if value == str(item) or value in labels:
275                return item, []
277        raise self._format_import_error(
278            ValueError,
279            _(u"Value '%s' not found in selection field '%%(field)s'"),
280            value,
281            {'moreinfo': [_label or str(item) for item, _label in selection if _label or item]}
282        )
284    @api.model
285    def db_id_for(self, model, field, subfield, value):
286        """ Finds a database id for the reference ``value`` in the referencing
287        subfield ``subfield`` of the provided field of the provided model.
289        :param model: model to which the field belongs
290        :param field: relational field for which references are provided
291        :param subfield: a relational subfield allowing building of refs to
292                         existing records: ``None`` for a name_get/name_search,
293                         ``id`` for an external id and ``.id`` for a database
294                         id
295        :param value: value of the reference to match to an actual record
296        :param context: OpenERP request context
297        :return: a pair of the matched database identifier (if any), the
298                 translated user-readable name for the field and the list of
299                 warnings
300        :rtype: (ID|None, unicode, list)
301        """
302        # the function 'flush' comes from BaseModel.load(), and forces the
303        # creation/update of former records (batch creation)
304        flush = self._context.get('import_flush', lambda **kw: None)
306        id = None
307        warnings = []
308        error_msg = ''
309        action = {
310            'name': 'Possible Values',
311            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'target': 'new',
312            'view_mode': 'tree,form',
313            'views': [(False, 'list'), (False, 'form')],
314            'context': {'create': False},
315            'help': _(u"See all possible values")}
316        if subfield is None:
317            action['res_model'] = field.comodel_name
318        elif subfield in ('id', '.id'):
319            action['res_model'] = 'ir.model.data'
320            action['domain'] = [('model', '=', field.comodel_name)]
322        RelatedModel = self.env[field.comodel_name]
323        if subfield == '.id':
324            field_type = _(u"database id")
325            if isinstance(value, str) and not self._str_to_boolean(model, field, value)[0]:
326                return False, field_type, warnings
327            try: tentative_id = int(value)
328            except ValueError: tentative_id = value
329            try:
330                if RelatedModel.search([('id', '=', tentative_id)]):
331                    id = tentative_id
332            except psycopg2.DataError:
333                # type error
334                raise self._format_import_error(
335                    ValueError,
336                    _(u"Invalid database id '%s' for the field '%%(field)s'"),
337                    value,
338                    {'moreinfo': action})
339        elif subfield == 'id':
340            field_type = _(u"external id")
341            if not self._str_to_boolean(model, field, value)[0]:
342                return False, field_type, warnings
343            if '.' in value:
344                xmlid = value
345            else:
346                xmlid = "%s.%s" % (self._context.get('_import_current_module', ''), value)
347            flush(xml_id=xmlid)
348            id = self._xmlid_to_record_id(xmlid, RelatedModel)
349        elif subfield is None:
350            field_type = _(u"name")
351            if value == '':
352                return False, field_type, warnings
353            flush(model=field.comodel_name)
354            ids = RelatedModel.name_search(name=value, operator='=')
355            if ids:
356                if len(ids) > 1:
357                    warnings.append(ImportWarning(
358                        _(u"Found multiple matches for field '%%(field)s' (%d matches)")
359                        % (len(ids))))
360                id, _name = ids[0]
361            else:
362                name_create_enabled_fields = self.env.context.get('name_create_enabled_fields') or {}
363                if name_create_enabled_fields.get(field.name):
364                    try:
365                        id, _name = RelatedModel.name_create(name=value)
366                    except (Exception, psycopg2.IntegrityError):
367                        error_msg = _(u"Cannot create new '%s' records from their name alone. Please create those records manually and try importing again.", RelatedModel._description)
368        else:
369            raise self._format_import_error(
370                Exception,
371                _(u"Unknown sub-field '%s'"),
372                subfield
373            )
375        if id is None:
376            if error_msg:
377                message = _("No matching record found for %(field_type)s '%(value)s' in field '%%(field)s' and the following error was encountered when we attempted to create one: %(error_message)s")
378            else:
379                message = _("No matching record found for %(field_type)s '%(value)s' in field '%%(field)s'")
380            raise self._format_import_error(
381                ValueError,
382                message,
383                {'field_type': field_type, 'value': value, 'error_message': error_msg},
384                {'moreinfo': action})
385        return id, field_type, warnings
387    def _xmlid_to_record_id(self, xmlid, model):
388        """ Return the record id corresponding to the given external id,
389        provided that the record actually exists; otherwise return ``None``.
390        """
391        import_cache = self.env.context.get('import_cache', {})
392        result = import_cache.get(xmlid)
394        if not result:
395            module, name = xmlid.split('.', 1)
396            query = """
397                SELECT d.model, d.res_id
398                FROM ir_model_data d
399                JOIN "{}" r ON d.res_id = r.id
400                WHERE d.module = %s AND d.name = %s
401            """.format(model._table)
402            self.env.cr.execute(query, [module, name])
403            result = self.env.cr.fetchone()
405        if result:
406            res_model, res_id = import_cache[xmlid] = result
407            if res_model != model._name:
408                MSG = "Invalid external ID %s: expected model %r, found %r"
409                raise ValueError(MSG % (xmlid, model._name, res_model))
410            return res_id
412    def _referencing_subfield(self, record):
413        """ Checks the record for the subfields allowing referencing (an
414        existing record in an other table), errors out if it finds potential
415        conflicts (multiple referencing subfields) or non-referencing subfields
416        returns the name of the correct subfield.
418        :param record:
419        :return: the record subfield to use for referencing and a list of warnings
420        :rtype: str, list
421        """
422        # Can import by name_get, external id or database id
423        fieldset = set(record)
424        if fieldset - REFERENCING_FIELDS:
425            raise ValueError(
426                _(u"Can not create Many-To-One records indirectly, import the field separately"))
427        if len(fieldset) > 1:
428            raise ValueError(
429                _(u"Ambiguous specification for field '%(field)s', only provide one of name, external id or database id"))
431        # only one field left possible, unpack
432        [subfield] = fieldset
433        return subfield, []
435    @api.model
436    def _str_to_many2one(self, model, field, values):
437        # Should only be one record, unpack
438        [record] = values
440        subfield, w1 = self._referencing_subfield(record)
442        id, _, w2 = self.db_id_for(model, field, subfield, record[subfield])
443        return id, w1 + w2
445    @api.model
446    def _str_to_many2one_reference(self, model, field, value):
447        return self._str_to_integer(model, field, value)
449    @api.model
450    def _str_to_many2many(self, model, field, value):
451        [record] = value
453        subfield, warnings = self._referencing_subfield(record)
455        ids = []
456        for reference in record[subfield].split(','):
457            id, _, ws = self.db_id_for(model, field, subfield, reference)
458            ids.append(id)
459            warnings.extend(ws)
461        if self._context.get('update_many2many'):
462            return [LINK_TO(id) for id in ids], warnings
463        else:
464            return [REPLACE_WITH(ids)], warnings
466    @api.model
467    def _str_to_one2many(self, model, field, records):
468        name_create_enabled_fields = self._context.get('name_create_enabled_fields') or {}
469        prefix = field.name + '/'
470        relative_name_create_enabled_fields = {
471            k[len(prefix):]: v
472            for k, v in name_create_enabled_fields.items()
473            if k.startswith(prefix)
474        }
475        commands = []
476        warnings = []
478        if len(records) == 1 and exclude_ref_fields(records[0]) == {}:
479            # only one row with only ref field, field=ref1,ref2,ref3 as in
480            # m2o/m2m
481            record = records[0]
482            subfield, ws = self._referencing_subfield(record)
483            warnings.extend(ws)
484            # transform [{subfield:ref1,ref2,ref3}] into
485            # [{subfield:ref1},{subfield:ref2},{subfield:ref3}]
486            records = ({subfield:item} for item in record[subfield].split(','))
488        def log(f, exception):
489            if not isinstance(exception, Warning):
490                current_field_name = self.env[field.comodel_name]._fields[f].string
491                arg0 = exception.args[0] % {'field': '%(field)s/' + current_field_name}
492                exception.args = (arg0, *exception.args[1:])
493                raise exception
494            warnings.append(exception)
496        convert = self.with_context(name_create_enabled_fields=relative_name_create_enabled_fields).for_model(self.env[field.comodel_name])
498        for record in records:
499            id = None
500            refs = only_ref_fields(record)
501            writable = convert(exclude_ref_fields(record), log)
502            if refs:
503                subfield, w1 = self._referencing_subfield(refs)
504                warnings.extend(w1)
505                try:
506                    id, _, w2 = self.db_id_for(model, field, subfield, record[subfield])
507                    warnings.extend(w2)
508                except ValueError:
509                    if subfield != 'id':
510                        raise
511                    writable['id'] = record['id']
513            if id:
514                commands.append(LINK_TO(id))
515                commands.append(UPDATE(id, writable))
516            else:
517                commands.append(CREATE(writable))
519        return commands, warnings
521class O2MIdMapper(models.AbstractModel):
522    """
523    Updates the base class to support setting xids directly in create by
524    providing an "id" key (otherwise stripped by create) during an import
525    (which should strip 'id' from the input data anyway)
526    """
527    _inherit = 'base'
529    # sadly _load_records_create is only called for the toplevel record so we
530    # can't hook into that
531    @api.model_create_multi
532    @api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id)
533    def create(self, vals_list):
534        recs = super().create(vals_list)
536        import_module = self.env.context.get('_import_current_module')
537        if not import_module: # not an import -> bail
538            return recs
539        noupdate = self.env.context.get('noupdate', False)
541        xids = (v.get('id') for v in vals_list)
542        self.env['ir.model.data']._update_xmlids([
543            {
544                'xml_id': xid if '.' in xid else ('%s.%s' % (import_module, xid)),
545                'record': rec,
546                # note: this is not used when updating o2ms above...
547                'noupdate': noupdate,
548            }
549            for rec, xid in zip(recs, xids)
550            if xid and isinstance(xid, str)
551        ])
553        return recs