1 /*
2  *  Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi
3  *  This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv
4  *
5  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
6  *  See LICENSES/README.md for more information.
7  */
9 #pragma once
11 #include "addons/kodi-dev-kit/include/kodi/Filesystem.h"
13 extern "C"
14 {
16 struct VFSDirEntry;
17 struct AddonGlobalInterface;
19 namespace ADDON
20 {
22 struct Interface_Filesystem
23 {
24   static void Init(AddonGlobalInterface* addonInterface);
25   static void DeInit(AddonGlobalInterface* addonInterface);
27   static unsigned int TranslateFileReadBitsToKodi(unsigned int addonFlags);
29   /*!
30    * @brief callback functions from add-on to kodi
31    *
32    * @note For add of new functions use the "_" style to identify direct a
33    * add-on callback function. Everything with CamelCase is only for the
34    * usage in Kodi only.
35    *
36    * The parameter `kodiBase` is used to become the pointer for a `CAddonDll`
37    * class.
38    */
39   ///@{
40   static bool can_open_directory(void* kodiBase, const char* url);
41   static bool create_directory(void* kodiBase, const char* path);
42   static bool directory_exists(void* kodiBase, const char* path);
43   static bool remove_directory(void* kodiBase, const char* path);
44   static bool remove_directory_recursive(void* kodiBase, const char* path);
45   static bool get_directory(void* kodiBase,
46                             const char* path,
47                             const char* mask,
48                             struct VFSDirEntry** items,
49                             unsigned int* num_items);
50   static void free_directory(void* kodiBase, struct VFSDirEntry* items, unsigned int num_items);
52   static bool file_exists(void* kodiBase, const char* filename, bool useCache);
53   static bool stat_file(void* kodiBase, const char* filename, struct STAT_STRUCTURE* buffer);
54   static bool delete_file(void* kodiBase, const char* filename);
55   static bool rename_file(void* kodiBase, const char* filename, const char* newFileName);
56   static bool copy_file(void* kodiBase, const char* filename, const char* dest);
57   static char* get_file_md5(void* kodiBase, const char* filename);
58   static char* get_cache_thumb_name(void* kodiBase, const char* filename);
59   static char* make_legal_filename(void* kodiBase, const char* filename);
60   static char* make_legal_path(void* kodiBase, const char* path);
61   static char* translate_special_protocol(void* kodiBase, const char* strSource);
62   static bool get_disk_space(
63       void* kodiBase, const char* path, uint64_t* capacity, uint64_t* free, uint64_t* available);
64   static bool is_internet_stream(void* kodiBase, const char* path, bool strictCheck);
65   static bool is_on_lan(void* kodiBase, const char* path);
66   static bool is_remote(void* kodiBase, const char* path);
67   static bool is_local(void* kodiBase, const char* path);
68   static bool is_url(void* kodiBase, const char* path);
70   static bool get_http_header(void* kodiBase, const char* url, struct KODI_HTTP_HEADER* headers);
71   static bool get_mime_type(void* kodiBase, const char* url, char** content, const char* useragent);
72   static bool get_content_type(void* kodiBase,
73                                const char* url,
74                                char** content,
75                                const char* useragent);
76   static bool get_cookies(void* kodiBase, const char* url, char** cookies);
78   /*!
79    * @brief Callback functions addon class kodi::vfs::CFile
80    */
81   ///@{
82   static bool http_header_create(void* kodiBase, struct KODI_HTTP_HEADER* headers);
83   static void http_header_free(void* kodiBase, struct KODI_HTTP_HEADER* headers);
85   static char* http_header_get_value(void* kodiBase, void* handle, const char* param);
86   static char** http_header_get_values(void* kodiBase,
87                                        void* handle,
88                                        const char* param,
89                                        int* length);
90   static char* http_header_get_header(void* kodiBase, void* handle);
91   static char* http_header_get_mime_type(void* kodiBase, void* handle);
92   static char* http_header_get_charset(void* kodiBase, void* handle);
93   static char* http_header_get_proto_line(void* kodiBase, void* handle);
94   ///@}
96   /*!
97    * @brief Callback functions addon class kodi::vfs::CFile
98    */
99   ///@{
100   static void* open_file(void* kodiBase, const char* filename, unsigned int flags);
101   static void* open_file_for_write(void* kodiBase, const char* filename, bool overwrite);
102   static ssize_t read_file(void* kodiBase, void* file, void* ptr, size_t size);
103   static bool read_file_string(void* kodiBase, void* file, char* szLine, int lineLength);
104   static ssize_t write_file(void* kodiBase, void* file, const void* ptr, size_t size);
105   static void flush_file(void* kodiBase, void* file);
106   static int64_t seek_file(void* kodiBase, void* file, int64_t position, int whence);
107   static int truncate_file(void* kodiBase, void* file, int64_t size);
108   static int64_t get_file_position(void* kodiBase, void* file);
109   static int64_t get_file_length(void* kodiBase, void* file);
110   static double get_file_download_speed(void* kodiBase, void* file);
111   static void close_file(void* kodiBase, void* file);
112   static int get_file_chunk_size(void* kodiBase, void* file);
113   static bool io_control_get_seek_possible(void* kodiBase, void* file);
114   static bool io_control_get_cache_status(void* kodiBase,
115                                           void* file,
116                                           struct VFS_CACHE_STATUS_DATA* status);
117   static bool io_control_set_cache_rate(void* kodiBase, void* file, unsigned int rate);
118   static bool io_control_set_retry(void* kodiBase, void* file, bool retry);
119   static char** get_property_values(
120       void* kodiBase, void* file, int type, const char* name, int* numValues);
122   static void* curl_create(void* kodiBase, const char* url);
123   static bool curl_add_option(
124       void* kodiBase, void* file, int type, const char* name, const char* value);
125   static bool curl_open(void* kodiBase, void* file, unsigned int flags);
126   ///@}
127   ///@}
128 };
130 } /* namespace ADDON */
131 } /* extern "C" */