1 /* $Id: blast_options_api.h,v 1.14 2007/03/08 14:57:31 kans Exp $
2 ***************************************************************************
3 *                                                                         *
4 *                             COPYRIGHT NOTICE                            *
5 *                                                                         *
6 * This software/database is categorized as "United States Government      *
7 * Work" under the terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was       *
8 * produced as part of the author's official duties as a Government        *
9 * employee and thus can not be copyrighted.  This software/database is    *
10 * freely available to the public for use without a copyright notice.      *
11 * Restrictions can not be placed on its present or future use.            *
12 *                                                                         *
13 * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy  *
14 * and reliability of the software and data, the National Library of       *
15 * Medicine (NLM) and the U.S. Government do not and can not warrant the   *
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17 * data, or derivative works thereof.  The NLM and the U.S. Government     *
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21 *                                                                         *
22 * In any work or product derived from this material, proper attribution   *
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25 ***************************************************************************
26 * Author: Ilya Dondoshansky
27 *
28 */
30 /** @file blast_options_api.h
31  * Wrapper API around the core options structures used in BLAST.
32  */
34 #ifndef _BLAST_OPTIONS_API_H_
35 #define _BLAST_OPTIONS_API_H_
37 #ifdef __cplusplus
38 extern "C" {
39 #endif
41 #ifndef NCBI_C_TOOLKIT
42 #define NCBI_C_TOOLKIT
43 #endif
45 #include <algo/blast/core/blast_options.h>
46 #include <algo/blast/api/blast_returns.h>
48 /** @addtogroup CToolkitAlgoBlast
49  *
50  * @{
51  */
53 /** Wrapper structure, containing all BLAST options. */
54 typedef struct SBlastOptions {
55     EBlastProgramType program; /**< Type of BLAST program */
56     QuerySetUpOptions* query_options; /**< Options for query sequence set up. */
57     LookupTableOptions* lookup_options; /**< Lookup table options. */
58     BlastInitialWordOptions* word_options; /**< Options for choosing and
59                                               extending initial seeds (words) */
60     BlastScoringOptions* score_options; /**< Scoring options */
61     BlastExtensionOptions* ext_options; /**< Gapped extension options */
62     BlastHitSavingOptions* hit_options; /**< Hit saving options */
63     BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions* eff_len_options; /**< Effective lengths
64                                                       options */
65     PSIBlastOptions* psi_options; /**< Options specific to PSI BLAST */
66     BlastDatabaseOptions* db_options; /**< Structure containing database genetic
67                                          code */
68     int num_cpus; /**< Number of CPUs to use for preliminary stage of the
69                      search. */
70     Boolean believe_query; /**< if TRUE then we are using user Query ID. */
71 } SBlastOptions;
73 /** Allocates all core options structures and initializes them with default
74  * values.
75  * @param program BLAST program name. [in]
76  * @param options Resulting structure [out]
77  * @param extra_returns Extra returns structure, to put error message in [out]
78  */
79 Int2 SBlastOptionsNew(const char* program, SBlastOptions** options,
80                       Blast_SummaryReturn* extra_returns);
82 /** Frees the SBlastOptions structure and all core options.
83  * @param options Structure to free.
84  */
85 SBlastOptions* SBlastOptionsFree(SBlastOptions* options);
87 /** Sets the expect value threshold option.
88  * @param options Options wrapper structure. [in] [out]
89  * @param evalue Value to set. [in]
90  */
91 Int2 SBlastOptionsSetEvalue(SBlastOptions* options, double evalue);
93 /** Sets the word size option.
94  * @param options Options wrapper structure. [in] [out]
95  * @param word_size Value to set. [in]
96  */
97 Int2 SBlastOptionsSetWordSize(SBlastOptions* options, Int4 word_size);
99 /** Sets parameters for discontiguous Mega BLAST.
100  * @param options Options wrapper structure. [in] [out]
101  * @param template_length Discontiguous word template length value to set. [in]
102  * @param template_type Discontiguous word template type value to set.
103  *                      (0 or 1) [in]
104  */
105 Int2 SBlastOptionsSetDiscMbParams(SBlastOptions* options, Int4 template_length,
106                                  Int4 template_type);
108 /** Reset matrix name and gap costs to new values.
109  *
110  * @param options Options structure to update. [in] [out]
111  * @param matrix_name New matrix name [in]
112  * @param gap_open New gap existence cost.  If zero default for matrix is used. [in]
113  * @param gap_extend New gap extension cost.  If zero default for matrix is used. [in]
114  */
115 Int2 SBlastOptionsSetMatrixAndGapCosts(SBlastOptions* options,
116                                        const char* matrix_name,
117                                        Int4 gap_open,
118                                        Int4 gap_extend);
121 /** Reset rewared, penalty and gap costs to new values.
122  *
123  * @param options Options structure to update. [in] [out]
124  * @param reward match score [in]
125  * @param penalty mismatch score [in]
126  * @param gap_open New gap existence cost. If -1, default for reward/penalty is used. [in]
127  * @param gap_extend New gap extension cost. If -1, default for reward/penalty is used. [in]
128  * @param greedy TRUE specifies that greedy algorithms will be used. [in]
129  */
130 Int2 SBlastOptionsSetRewardPenaltyAndGapCosts(SBlastOptions* options,
131                                        Int4 reward, Int4 penalty,
132                                        Int4 gap_open, Int4 gap_extend,
133                                        Boolean greedy);
135 /** Set threshold value.
136  * @param options options Options structure to update. [in] [out]
137  * @param threshold New value to set, if zero default value for matrix
138  *    will be used. [in]
139  * @return zero unless error (e.g., threshold is < zero)
140  */
141 Int2 SBlastOptionsSetThreshold(SBlastOptions* options,
142                                double threshold);
144 /** Set window size for two hit extension.
145  * @param options options Options structure to update. [in] [out]
146  * @param window_size New value to set, if zero default value for matrix
147  *    will be used. [in]
148  * @return zero unless error (e.g., window_size is < zero)
149  */
150 Int2 SBlastOptionsSetWindowSize(SBlastOptions* options,
151                                Int4 window_size);
153 /** Reset database (subject) genetic code option to a new value.
154  * @param options Options structure to update. [in] [out]
155  * @param gc New genetic code value. [in]
156  * @return Status: non-zero if genetic code string cannotbe found for gc.
157  */
158 Int2 SBlastOptionsSetDbGeneticCode(SBlastOptions* options, Int4 gc);
160 /** Reset the filter string option.
161  * @param options Options structure to update [in] [out]
162  * @param str New filter string. [in]
163  * @return Status.
164  */
165 Int2 SBlastOptionsSetFilterString(SBlastOptions* options, const char* str);
167 /** Returns the mask-at-hash option value.
168  * @param options The options structure [in]
169  * @return Boolean value of the masking at hash option.
170  */
171 Boolean SBlastOptionsGetMaskAtHash(const SBlastOptions* options);
174 /** sets believe_query flag on SBlastOptions.
175  * @param options Object to be modified [in]
176  * @param believe_query specifies that query ID was parsed [in]
177  * @return zero on success.
178  */
179 Int2 SBlastOptionsSetBelieveQuery(SBlastOptions* options, Boolean believe_query);
181 /** Gets believe_query field of SBlastOptions.
182  * @param options Object to be queried for information [in]
183  * @return TRUE if query ID was parsed, otherwise FALSE.
184  */
185 Boolean SBlastOptionsGetBelieveQuery(const SBlastOptions* options);
187 /* @} */
189 #ifdef __cplusplus
190 }
191 #endif
193 #endif  /* !_BLAST_OPTIONS_API_H_ */