1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1996-2021 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
3  *
4  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
5  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
6  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
7  */
9 #ifndef SQUID_LRUMAP_H
10 #define SQUID_LRUMAP_H
12 #include "SquidTime.h"
14 #include <list>
15 #include <map>
17 template <class Key, class EntryValue, size_t EntryCost = sizeof(EntryValue)> class LruMap
18 {
19 public:
20     class Entry
21     {
22     public:
Entry(const Key & aKey,EntryValue * t)23         Entry(const Key &aKey, EntryValue *t): key(aKey), value(t), date(squid_curtime) {}
~Entry()24         ~Entry() {delete value;}
25     private:
26         Entry(Entry &);
27         Entry & operator = (Entry &);
28     public:
29         Key key; ///< the key of entry
30         EntryValue *value; ///< A pointer to the stored value
31         time_t date; ///< The date the entry created
32     };
33     typedef std::list<Entry *> Queue;
34     typedef typename std::list<Entry *>::iterator QueueIterator;
36     /// key:queue_item mapping for fast lookups by key
37     typedef std::map<Key, QueueIterator> Map;
38     typedef typename Map::iterator MapIterator;
39     typedef std::pair<Key, QueueIterator> MapPair;
41     LruMap(int ttl, size_t size);
42     ~LruMap();
43     /// Search for an entry, and return a pointer
44     EntryValue *get(const Key &key);
45     /// Add an entry to the map
46     bool add(const Key &key, EntryValue *t);
47     /// Delete an entry from the map
48     bool del(const Key &key);
49     /// (Re-)set the maximum size for this map
50     void setMemLimit(size_t aSize);
51     /// The available size for the map
memLimit()52     size_t memLimit() const {return memLimit_;}
53     /// The free space of the map
freeMem()54     size_t freeMem() const { return (memLimit() > size() ? memLimit() - size() : 0);}
55     /// The current size of the map
size()56     size_t size() const {return (entries_ * EntryCost);}
57     /// The number of stored entries
entries()58     int entries() const {return entries_;}
59 private:
60     LruMap(LruMap const &);
61     LruMap & operator = (LruMap const &);
63     bool expired(const Entry &e) const;
64     void trim();
65     void touch(const MapIterator &i);
66     bool del(const MapIterator &i);
67     void findEntry(const Key &key, LruMap::MapIterator &i);
69     Map storage; ///< The Key/value * pairs
70     Queue index; ///< LRU cache index
71     int ttl;///< >0 ttl for caching, == 0 cache is disabled, < 0 store for ever
72     size_t memLimit_; ///< The maximum memory to use
73     int entries_; ///< The stored entries
74 };
76 template <class Key, class EntryValue, size_t EntryCost>
LruMap(int aTtl,size_t aSize)77 LruMap<Key, EntryValue, EntryCost>::LruMap(int aTtl, size_t aSize): entries_(0)
78 {
79     ttl = aTtl;
81     setMemLimit(aSize);
82 }
84 template <class Key, class EntryValue, size_t EntryCost>
~LruMap()85 LruMap<Key, EntryValue, EntryCost>::~LruMap()
86 {
87     for (QueueIterator i = index.begin(); i != index.end(); ++i) {
88         delete *i;
89     }
90 }
92 template <class Key, class EntryValue, size_t EntryCost>
93 void
setMemLimit(size_t aSize)94 LruMap<Key, EntryValue, EntryCost>::setMemLimit(size_t aSize)
95 {
96     if (aSize > 0)
97         memLimit_ = aSize;
98     else
99         memLimit_ = 0;
100 }
102 template <class Key, class EntryValue, size_t EntryCost>
103 void
findEntry(const Key & key,LruMap::MapIterator & i)104 LruMap<Key, EntryValue, EntryCost>::findEntry(const Key &key, LruMap::MapIterator &i)
105 {
106     i = storage.find(key);
107     if (i == storage.end()) {
108         return;
109     }
110     index.push_front(*(i->second));
111     index.erase(i->second);
112     i->second = index.begin();
114     if (const Entry *e = *i->second) {
115         if (!expired(*e))
116             return;
117         // else fall through to cleanup
118     }
120     del(i);
121     i = storage.end();
122 }
124 template <class Key, class EntryValue, size_t EntryCost>
125 EntryValue *
get(const Key & key)126 LruMap<Key, EntryValue, EntryCost>::get(const Key &key)
127 {
128     MapIterator i;
129     findEntry(key, i);
130     if (i != storage.end()) {
131         touch(i);
132         Entry *e = *i->second;
133         return e->value;
134     }
135     return NULL;
136 }
138 template <class Key, class EntryValue, size_t EntryCost>
139 bool
add(const Key & key,EntryValue * t)140 LruMap<Key, EntryValue, EntryCost>::add(const Key &key, EntryValue *t)
141 {
142     if (ttl == 0)
143         return false;
145     del(key);
146     trim();
148     if (memLimit() == 0)
149         return false;
151     index.push_front(new Entry(key, t));
152     storage.insert(MapPair(key, index.begin()));
154     ++entries_;
155     return true;
156 }
158 template <class Key, class EntryValue, size_t EntryCost>
159 bool
expired(const LruMap::Entry & entry)160 LruMap<Key, EntryValue, EntryCost>::expired(const LruMap::Entry &entry) const
161 {
162     if (ttl < 0)
163         return false;
165     return (entry.date + ttl < squid_curtime);
166 }
168 template <class Key, class EntryValue, size_t EntryCost>
169 bool
del(LruMap::MapIterator const & i)170 LruMap<Key, EntryValue, EntryCost>::del(LruMap::MapIterator const &i)
171 {
172     if (i != storage.end()) {
173         Entry *e = *i->second;
174         index.erase(i->second);
175         storage.erase(i);
176         delete e;
177         --entries_;
178         return true;
179     }
180     return false;
181 }
183 template <class Key, class EntryValue, size_t EntryCost>
184 bool
del(const Key & key)185 LruMap<Key, EntryValue, EntryCost>::del(const Key &key)
186 {
187     MapIterator i;
188     findEntry(key, i);
189     return del(i);
190 }
192 template <class Key, class EntryValue, size_t EntryCost>
193 void
trim()194 LruMap<Key, EntryValue, EntryCost>::trim()
195 {
196     while (size() >= memLimit()) {
197         QueueIterator i = index.end();
198         --i;
199         if (i != index.end()) {
200             del((*i)->key);
201         }
202     }
203 }
205 template <class Key, class EntryValue, size_t EntryCost>
206 void
touch(LruMap::MapIterator const & i)207 LruMap<Key, EntryValue, EntryCost>::touch(LruMap::MapIterator const &i)
208 {
209     // this must not be done when nothing is being cached.
210     if (ttl == 0)
211         return;
213     index.push_front(*(i->second));
214     index.erase(i->second);
215     i->second = index.begin();
216 }
218 #endif