1 // This is contrib/brl/bbas/bkml/bkml_write.h
2 #ifndef bkml_write_h
3 #define bkml_write_h
5 //:
6 // \file
7 // \brief A class with kml utilities
8 // \author Ozge C. Ozcanli ozge@visionsystemsinc.com
9 // \date  July 28, 2012
10 //
11 // \verbatim
12 //  Modifications
13 //   Yi Dong --- Feb, 2013  added method to write Photo overlay
14 //   Yi Dong --- Oct, 2014  added method to write Polygon with inner boundary
15 //   Yi Dong --- Oct, 2014  added method to write a point as a 2-d box
16 //   Yi Dong --- Dec, 2015  update box write method to have 'fill' option
17 // \endverbatim
19 #include <iostream>
20 #include <fstream>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <iomanip>
23 #include <functional>
24 #ifdef _MSC_VER
25 #  include <vcl_msvc_warnings.h>
26 #endif
27 #include <vnl/vnl_double_2.h>
28 #include <vgl/vgl_box_2d.h>
29 #include <vgl/vgl_polygon.h>
31 class bkml_write
32 {
33  public:
35   //: Write KML header and open document tag
36   static void open_document(std::ofstream& str);
38   //: end document tag
39   static void close_document(std::ofstream& str);
41   //: Write a box
42   static void write_box(std::ofstream &ofs, const std::string& name, const std::string& description, vnl_double_2 ul, vnl_double_2 ur, vnl_double_2 ll, vnl_double_2 lr);
43   static void write_box(std::ofstream &ofs, std::string name, std::string description, vgl_box_2d<double> bbox);
45   //: Write a box with color, color is in hexadecimale format: 0 - 255 --> 00 to ff, aabbggrr --> alpha alpha, blue blue, gree green , red red.. alpha is the opacity, ffffffff is white fully opaque
46   static void write_box(std::ofstream &ofs, const std::string& name, const std::string& description, vnl_double_2 ul, vnl_double_2 ur, vnl_double_2 ll, vnl_double_2 lr, const std::string& hex_color,
47                         unsigned const& fill = 0);
48   static void write_box(std::ofstream &ofs, std::string name, std::string description, vnl_double_2 ul, vnl_double_2 ur, vnl_double_2 ll, vnl_double_2 lr,
49                         unsigned char const& r, unsigned char const& g, unsigned char const& b, unsigned char const&a = 85,
50                         unsigned const& fill = 0);
52   //: put a pin at the given location
53   static void write_location(std::ofstream& ofs, const std::string& name, const std::string& description, double lat, double lon, double elev);
54   static void write_location(std::ofstream& ofs, double lat, double lon, double elev,
55                              std::string const& name = "location",
56                              std::string const& description = "",
57                              double const& scale = 1.0,
58                              unsigned char const& r = 255,
59                              unsigned char const& g = 131,
60                              unsigned char const& b = 250);
61   // write location as a small box
62   static void write_location_as_box(std::ofstream& ofs, double lat, double lon, double elev,
63                                     std::string const& name = "location",
64                                     std::string const& description = "",
65                                     double const& size = 1E-5,
66                                     unsigned char const& r = 255,
67                                     unsigned char const& g = 131,
68                                     unsigned char const& b = 250);
70   //: put a pin at the given location (x = lon and y = lat)
71   static void write_location(std::ofstream& ofs, vgl_point_2d<double> const& loc,
72                              std::string const& name = "location",
73                              std::string const& description = "",
74                              double const& scale = 1.0,
75                              unsigned char const& r = 255,
76                              unsigned char const& g = 131,
77                              unsigned char const& b = 250);
80   //: Write a photooverlay without img and correct near parameter though)
81   static void write_photo_overlay(std::ofstream& ofs, const std::string& name,
82                                   double lon, double lat, double alt,
83                                   double head, double tilt, double roll,
84                                   double t_fov, double r_fov,
85                                   double value = 0.0);
87   //: Write a polygon with color, line style
88   static void write_polygon(std::ofstream& ofs, vgl_polygon<double> const& poly,
89                             std::string const& name = "polygon",
90                             std::string const& description = "",
91                             double const& scale = 1.0,
92                             double const& line_width = 3.0,
93                             double const& alpha = 0.45,
94                             unsigned char const& r = 0,
95                             unsigned char const& g = 255,
96                             unsigned char const& b = 0);
98   //: Write a polygon with inner boundary
99   // (first element in pair is the outer boundary (single sheet), second element in pair is the inner boundary)
100   static void write_polygon(std::ofstream& ofs,
101                             std::vector<std::pair<vgl_polygon<double>, vgl_polygon<double> > > const& polygon,
102                             std::string const& name = "polygon",
103                             std::string const& description = "",
104                             double const& scale = 1.0,
105                             double const& line_width = 3.0,
106                             double const& alpha = 0.45,
107                             unsigned char const& r = 0,
108                             unsigned char const& g = 255,
109                             unsigned char const& b = 0);
111   //: Write a (path) with color and line style
112   static void write_path(std::ofstream& ofs, std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > path,
113                          std::string const& name = "paths",
114                          std::string const& description = "",
115                          double const& scale = 1.0,
116                          double const& line_width = 3.0,
117                          double const& alpha = 0.35,
118                          unsigned char const& r = 255,
119                          unsigned char const& g = 0,
120                          unsigned char const& b = 0);
123   //: Write a style include LineStyle and PolyStyle
124   static void write_kml_style(std::ofstream& ofs,
125                               const std::string& style_name = "kml_style",
126                               double const& scale = 1.0,
127                               double const& line_width = 3.0,
128                               double const& alpha = 0.45,
129                               unsigned char const& r = 0,
130                               unsigned char const& g = 255,
131                               unsigned char const& b = 0);
133 };
135 #endif