1 /*
2  * bltList.h --
3  *
4  * Copyright 1993-1998 Lucent Technologies, Inc.
5  *
6  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
7  * its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
8  * granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
9  * copies and that both that the copyright notice and warranty
10  * disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names
11  * of Lucent Technologies any of their entities not be used in
12  * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
13  * without specific, written prior permission.
14  *
15  * Lucent Technologies disclaims all warranties with regard to this
16  * software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and
17  * fitness.  In no event shall Lucent Technologies be liable for any
18  * special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages
19  * whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in
20  * an action of contract, negligence or other tortuous action, arising
21  * out of or in connection with the use or performance of this
22  * software.
23  */
24 #ifndef _BLT_LIST_H
25 #define _BLT_LIST_H
27 typedef struct Blt_ListStruct *Blt_List;
28 typedef struct Blt_ListNodeStruct *Blt_ListNode;
30 /*
31  * A Blt_ListNode is the container structure for the Blt_List.
32  */
33 struct Blt_ListNodeStruct {
34     struct Blt_ListNodeStruct *prevPtr; /* Link to the previous node */
35     struct Blt_ListNodeStruct *nextPtr; /* Link to the next node */
36     ClientData clientData;	/* Pointer to the data object */
37     struct Blt_ListStruct *listPtr; /* List to eventually insert node */
38     union {			/* Key has one of these forms: */
39 	CONST char *oneWordValue; /* One-word value for key. */
40 	int *words[1];		/* Multiple integer words for key.
41 				 * The actual size will be as large
42 				 * as necessary for this table's
43 				 * keys. */
44 	char string[4];		/* String for key.  The actual size
45 				 * will be as large as needed to hold
46 				 * the key. */
47     } key;			/* MUST BE LAST FIELD IN RECORD!! */
48 };
50 typedef int (Blt_ListCompareProc) _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_ListNode *node1Ptr,
51 	Blt_ListNode *node2Ptr));
53 /*
54  * A Blt_List is a doubly chained list structure.
55  */
56 struct Blt_ListStruct {
57     struct Blt_ListNodeStruct *headPtr;	/* Pointer to first element in list */
58     struct Blt_ListNodeStruct *tailPtr;	/* Pointer to last element in list */
59     int nNodes;			/* Number of node currently in the list. */
60     int type;			/* Type of keys in list. */
61 };
63 EXTERN void Blt_ListInit _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_List list, int type));
64 EXTERN void Blt_ListReset _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_List list));
65 EXTERN Blt_List Blt_ListCreate _ANSI_ARGS_((int type));
66 EXTERN void Blt_ListDestroy _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_List list));
67 EXTERN Blt_ListNode Blt_ListCreateNode _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_List list,
68 	CONST char *key));
69 EXTERN void Blt_ListDeleteNode _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_ListNode node));
71 EXTERN Blt_ListNode Blt_ListAppend _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_List list, CONST char *key,
72 	ClientData clientData));
73 EXTERN Blt_ListNode Blt_ListPrepend _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_List list, CONST char *key,
74 	ClientData clientData));
75 EXTERN void Blt_ListLinkAfter _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_List list, Blt_ListNode node,
76 	Blt_ListNode afterNode));
77 EXTERN void Blt_ListLinkBefore _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_List list, Blt_ListNode node,
78 	Blt_ListNode beforeNode));
79 EXTERN void Blt_ListUnlinkNode _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_ListNode node));
80 EXTERN Blt_ListNode Blt_ListGetNode _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_List list,
81 	CONST char *key));
82 EXTERN void Blt_ListDeleteNodeByKey _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_List list,
83 	CONST char *key));
84 EXTERN Blt_ListNode Blt_ListGetNthNode _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_List list,
85 	int position, int direction));
86 EXTERN void Blt_ListSort _ANSI_ARGS_((Blt_List list,
87 	Blt_ListCompareProc * proc));
89 #define Blt_ListGetLength(list) \
90 	(((list) == NULL) ? 0 : ((struct Blt_ListStruct *)list)->nNodes)
91 #define Blt_ListFirstNode(list) \
92 	(((list) == NULL) ? NULL : ((struct Blt_ListStruct *)list)->headPtr)
93 #define Blt_ListLastNode(list)	\
94 	(((list) == NULL) ? NULL : ((struct Blt_ListStruct *)list)->tailPtr)
95 #define Blt_ListPrevNode(node)	((node)->prevPtr)
96 #define Blt_ListNextNode(node) 	((node)->nextPtr)
97 #define Blt_ListGetKey(node)	\
98 	(((node)->listPtr->type == BLT_STRING_KEYS) \
99 		 ? (node)->key.string : (node)->key.oneWordValue)
100 #define Blt_ListGetValue(node)  	((node)->clientData)
101 #define Blt_ListSetValue(node, value) \
102 	((node)->clientData = (ClientData)(value))
103 #define Blt_ListAppendNode(list, node) \
104 	(Blt_ListLinkBefore((list), (node), (Blt_ListNode)NULL))
105 #define Blt_ListPrependNode(list, node) \
106 	(Blt_ListLinkAfter((list), (node), (Blt_ListNode)NULL))
108 #endif /* _BLT_LIST_H */