1classdef myclass2 < handle
2  properties
3    data_
4  end
6  methods
7    function obj = myclass2 ()
8      obj.data_ = 1001:1005;
9    end
11    function r = subsref (obj, S)
12      switch (S(1).type)
13      case '.'
14        switch (S(1).subs)
15        case 'data'
16          % Transform: obj.data --> obj.data_
17          r = obj.data_;
18          if (length (S) > 1)
19            r = subsref (r, S(2:end));
20          end
21        case 'alldata'
22          % Transform: obj.data --> obj.data_(1:end)
23          % This statement should trigger *builtin* subsref *twice* (one
24          % for the evaluation of 'end', and the other for the whole rvalue).
25          % 'end' here is also builtin 'end'
26          r = obj.data_(1:end);
28          if (length (S) > 1)
29            r = subsref (r, S(2:end));
30          end
31        otherwise
32          error ('Incorrect usage');
33        end
34      case '()'
35        % Transform: obj(index) --> obj.data_(index)
36        r = subsref (obj.data_, S);
37      otherwise
38        error ('Incorrect usage');
39      end
40    end
42    function obj = subsasgn (obj, S, B)
43      switch (S(1).type)
44      case '.'
45        switch (S(1).subs)
46        case 'data'
47          % Transform: obj.data --> obj.data_
48          if length(S)>1
49            B = subsasgn (obj.data_, S(2:end), B);
50          end
51          obj.data_ = B;
52        case 'alldata'
53          % Transform: obj.data --> obj.data_(1:end)
54          if length(S)>1
55            B = subsasgn (obj.data_(1:end), S(2:end), B);
56          end
57          % This statement should trigger *builtin* subsref to evaluate 'end',
58          % then *builtin* subsasgn for the whole assignment expression
59          % 'end' here is also builtin 'end'
60          obj.data_(1:end) = B;
61        otherwise
62          error('Incorrect usage');
63        end
64      case '()'
65        % Transform: obj(index) --> obj.data_(index)
66        obj.data_ = subsasgn (obj.data_, S, B);
67      otherwise
68        error ('Incorrect usage');
69      end
70    end
72    function r = end (obj, k, n)
73      % We subtract 1 from the "real" end of obj.data_
74      r = builtin ('end', obj.data_, k, n) - 1;
75    end
76  end