1 /*
2     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Valentin Boettcher <hiro at protagon.space; @hiro98:tchncs.de>
4     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
5 */
7 #pragma once
9 #include <QSqlDatabase>
10 #include <QSqlError>
11 #include <exception>
12 #include <list>
13 #include <QString>
14 #include <QList>
15 #include <catalogsdb_debug.h>
16 #include <QSqlQuery>
17 #include <QMutex>
19 #include "polyfills/qstring_hash.h"
20 #include <unordered_map>
22 #include <unordered_set>
23 #include <utility>
24 #include "catalogobject.h"
25 #include "nan.h"
26 #include "typedef.h"
28 namespace CatalogsDB
29 {
30 /**
31  * A simple struct to hold information about catalogs.
32  */
33 struct Catalog
34 {
35     /**
36      * The catalog id.
37      */
38     int id = -1;
40     /**
41      * The catalog mame.
42      */
43     QString name = "Unknown";
45     /**
46      * The precedence level of a catalog.
47      *
48      * If doublicate objects exist in the database, the one from the
49      * catalog with the highest precedence winns.
50      */
51     double precedence = 0;
53     /**
54      * The author of the catalog.
55      */
56     QString author = "";
58     /**
59      * The catalog source.
60      */
61     QString source = "";
63     /**
64      * A (short) description for the catalog.
65      * QT html is allowed.
66      */
67     QString description = "";
69     /**
70      * Wether the catalog is mutable.
71      */
72     bool mut = false;
74     /**
75      * Wether the catalog is enabled.
76      */
77     bool enabled = false;
79     /**
80      * The catalog version.
81      */
82     int version = -1;
84     /**
85      * The catalog color in the form `[default color];[scheme file
86      * name];[color]...`.
87      */
88     QString color = "";
90     /**
91      * The catalog license.
92      */
93     QString license = "";
95     /**
96      * The catalog maintainer.
97      */
98     QString maintainer = "";
100     /**
101      * Build time of the catalog. Usually only catalogs with the same
102      * timestamp can be considered dedublicated.
103      *
104      * A `null` timestamp indicates that the catalog has not been
105      * built by the catalog repository.
106      */
107     QDateTime timestamp{};
108 };
110 const Catalog cat_defaults{};
112 /**
113  * Holds statistical information about the objects in a catalog.
114  */
115 struct CatalogStatistics
116 {
117     std::map<SkyObject::TYPE, int> object_counts;
118     int total_count = 0;
119 };
121 const QString db_file_extension = "kscat";
122 constexpr int application_id    = 0x4d515158;
123 constexpr int custom_cat_min_id = 1000;
124 constexpr int user_catalog_id   = 0;
125 constexpr float default_maglim  = 99;
126 const QString flux_unit         = "mag";
127 const QString flux_frequency    = "400 nm";
128 using CatalogColorMap           = std::map<QString, QColor>;
129 using ColorMap                  = std::map<int, CatalogColorMap>;
130 using CatalogObjectList         = std::list<CatalogObject>;
131 using CatalogObjectVector       = std::vector<CatalogObject>;
133 /**
134  * \returns A hash table of the form `color scheme: color` by
135  * parsing a string of the form `[default color];[scheme file
136  * name];[color]...`.
137  */
138 CatalogColorMap parse_color_string(const QString &str);
140 /**
141  * \returns A color string of the form`[default color];[scheme file
142  * name];[color]...`.
143  *
144  * The inverse of `CatalogsDB::parse_color_string`.
145  */
146 QString to_color_string(CatalogColorMap colors);
148 /**
149  * Manages the catalog database and provides an interface to provide an
150  * interface to query and modify the database. For more information on
151  * how the catalog database system works see the KStars Handbook.
152  *
153  * The class manages a database connection which is assumed to be
154  * working (invariant). If the database can't be accessed a
155  * DatabaseError is thrown upon construction. The manager is designed
156  * to hold as little state as possible because the database should be
157  * the single source of truth. Prepared statements are made class
158  * members, only if they are performance critical.
159  *
160  * Most methods in this class are thread safe.
161  *
162  * The intention is that you access a/the catalogs database directly
163  * locally in the code where objects from the database are required and
164  * not through layers of references and pointers.
165  *
166  * The main DSO database can be accessed as follows:
167  * ```cpp
168  * CatalogsDB::DBManager manager{ CatalogsDB::dso_db_path() };
169  * for(auto& o : manager.get_objects(10)) {
170  *     // do something
171  * }
172  * ```
173  *
174  * To query the database, first check if the required query is already
175  * hardcoded into the `DBManager`. If this is not the case you can either
176  * add it (if it is performance critical and executed frequently) or use
177  * `DBManager::general_master_query` to construct a custom `SQL` query.
178  */
179 class DBManager
180 {
181   public:
182     /**
183      * Constructs a database manager from the \p filename which is
184      * resolved to a path in the kstars data directory.
185      *
186      * The constructor resolves the path to the database, opens it
187      * (throws if that does not work), checks the database version
188      * (throws if that does not match), initializes the database,
189      * registers the user catalog and updates the all_catalog_view.
190      */
191     DBManager(const QString &filename);
192     DBManager(const DBManager &other);
194     DBManager &operator=(DBManager other)
195     {
196         using std::swap;
197         DBManager tmp{ other };
199         m_db_file = other.m_db_file;
200         swap(m_db, other.m_db);
201         swap(m_q_cat_by_id, other.m_q_cat_by_id);
202         swap(m_q_obj_by_trixel, other.m_q_obj_by_trixel);
203         swap(m_q_obj_by_name, other.m_q_obj_by_name);
204         swap(m_q_obj_by_name_exact, other.m_q_obj_by_name_exact);
205         swap(m_q_obj_by_maglim, other.m_q_obj_by_maglim);
206         swap(m_q_obj_by_maglim_and_type, other.m_q_obj_by_maglim_and_type);
207         swap(m_q_obj_by_oid, other.m_q_obj_by_oid);
209         return *this;
210     };
~DBManager()212     ~DBManager()
213     {
214         m_db.commit();
215         m_db.close();
216     }
218     /**
219      * @return the filename of the database
220      */
db_file_name()221     const QString &db_file_name() const { return m_db_file; };
223     /**
224      * @return wether the catalog with the \p id has been found and
225      * the catalog.
226      *
227      * @todo use std::optional when transitioning to c++17
228      */
229     const std::pair<bool, Catalog> get_catalog(const int id);
231     /**
232      * \return a vector with all catalogs from the database. If \p
233      * include_disabled is `true`, disabled catalogs will be included.
234      */
235     const std::vector<Catalog> get_catalogs(bool include_disabled = false);
237     /**
238      * @return true if the catalog with \p id exists
239      *
240      * @todo use std::optional when transitioning to c++17
241      */
242     bool catalog_exists(const int id);
244     /**
245      * @return return a vector of objects in the trixel with \p id.
246      */
247     CatalogObjectVector get_objects_in_trixel(const int trixel);
249     /**
250      * \brief Find an objects by name.
251      *
252      * This will search the `name`, `long_name` and `catalog_identifier`
253      * fields in all enabled catalogs for \p `name` and then return a new
254      * instance of `CatalogObject` sourced from the master catalog.
255      *
256      * \param limit Upper limit to the quanitity of results. `-1` means "no
257      * limit"
258      * \param exactMatchOnly If true, the supplied name must match exactly
259      *
260      * \return a list of matching objects
261      */
262     CatalogObjectList find_objects_by_name(const QString &name, const int limit = -1,
263                                            const bool exactMatchOnly = false);
265     /**
266      * \brief Find an objects by name in the catalog with \p `catalog_id`.
267      *
268      * \return a list of matching objects
269      */
270     CatalogObjectList find_objects_by_name(const int catalog_id, const QString &name,
271                                            const int limit = -1);
273     /**
274      * \brief Find an objects by searching the name four wildcard. See
275      * the LIKE sqlite statement.
276      *
277      * \return a list of matching objects
278      */
279     CatalogObjectList find_objects_by_wildcard(const QString &wildcard,
280                                                const int limit = -1);
281     /**
282      * \brief Find an objects by searching the master catlog with a
283      * query like `SELECT ... FROM master WHERE \p where ORDER BY \p
284      * order_by ...`.
285      *
286      * To be used if performance does not matter (much).
287      * \p order_by can be ommitted.
288      *
289      * \return wether the query was successful, an error message if
290      * any and a list of matching objects
291      */
292     std::tuple<bool, const QString, CatalogObjectList>
293     general_master_query(const QString &where, const QString &order_by = "",
294                          const int limit = -1);
296     /**
297      * \brief Get an object by \p `oid`. Optinally a \p `catalog_id` can be speicfied.
298      *
299      * \returns if the object was found and the object itself
300      */
301     std::pair<bool, CatalogObject> get_object(const CatalogObject::oid &oid);
302     std::pair<bool, CatalogObject> get_object(const CatalogObject::oid &oid,
303                                               const int catalog_id);
305     /**
306      * Get \p limit objects with magnitude smaller than \p maglim (smaller =
307      * brighter) from the database.
308      */
309     CatalogObjectList get_objects(float maglim = default_maglim, int limit = -1);
311     /**
312      * Get \p limit objects of \p type with magnitude smaller than \p
313      * maglim (smaller = brighter) from the database. Optionally one
314      * can filter by \p `catalog_id`.
315      */
316     CatalogObjectList get_objects(SkyObject::TYPE type, float maglim = default_maglim,
317                                   int limit = -1);
318     /**
319      * Get \p limit objects from the catalog with \p `catalog_id` of
320      * \p type with magnitude smaller than \p maglim (smaller =
321      * brighter) from the database. Optionally one can filter by \p
322      * `catalog_id`.
323      */
324     CatalogObjectList get_objects_in_catalog(SkyObject::TYPE type, const int catalog_id,
325                                              float maglim = default_maglim,
326                                              int limit    = -1);
328     /**
329      * @return return the htmesh level used by the catalog db
330      */
htmesh_level()331     int htmesh_level() const { return m_htmesh_level; };
333     /**
334      * \brief Enable or disable a catalog.
335      * \return `true` in case of succes, `false` and an error message in case
336      * of an error
337      *
338      * This will recreate the master table.
339      */
340     std::pair<bool, QString> set_catalog_enabled(const int id, const bool enabled);
342     /**
343      * \brief remove a catalog
344      * \return `true` in case of succes, `false` and an error message
345      * in case of an error
346      *
347      * This will recreate the master table.
348      */
349     std::pair<bool, QString> remove_catalog(const int id);
351     /**
352      * Add a `CatalogObject` to a table with \p `catalog_id`. For the rest of
353      * the arguments see `CatalogObject::CatalogObject`.
354      *
355      * \returns wether the operation was successful and if not, an error
356      * message
357      */
358     std::pair<bool, QString> add_object(const int catalog_id, const SkyObject::TYPE t,
359                                         const CachingDms &r, const CachingDms &d,
360                                         const QString &n, const float m = NaN::f,
361                                         const QString &lname              = QString(),
362                                         const QString &catalog_identifier = QString(),
363                                         const float a = 0.0, const float b = 0.0,
364                                         const double pa = 0.0, const float flux = 0);
366     /**
367      * Add the \p `object` to a table with \p `catalog_id`. For the
368      * rest of the arguments see `CatalogObject::CatalogObject`.
369      *
370      * \returns wether the operation was successful and if not, an
371      * error message
372      */
373     std::pair<bool, QString> add_object(const int catalog_id, const CatalogObject &obj);
375     /**
376      * Add the \p `objects` to a table with \p `catalog_id`. For the
377      * rest of the arguments see `CatalogObject::CatalogObject`.
378      *
379      * \returns wether the operation was successful and if not, an
380      * error message
381      */
382     std::pair<bool, QString> add_objects(const int catalog_id,
383                                          const CatalogObjectVector &objects);
385     /**
386      * Remove the catalog object with the \p `oid` from the catalog with the
387      * \p `catalog_id`.
388      *
389      * Refreshes the master catalog.
390      *
391      * \returns wether the operation was successful and if not, an
392      * error message
393      */
394     std::pair<bool, QString> remove_object(const int catalog_id,
395                                            const CatalogObject::oid &id);
397     /**
398      * Dumps the catalog with \p `id` into the file under the path \p
399      * `file_path`.  This file can then be imported with
400      * `import_catalog`.  If the file already exists, it will be
401      * overwritten.
402      *
403      * The `user_version` and `application_id` pragmas are set to special
404      * values, but otherwise the dump format is equal to the internal
405      * database format.
406      *
407      * \returns wether the operation was successful and if not, an error
408      * message
409      */
410     std::pair<bool, QString> dump_catalog(int catalog_id, QString file_path);
412     /**
413      * Loads a dumped catalog from path \p `file_path`. Will overwrite
414      * an existing catalog if \p `overwrite` is set to true. Immutable
415      * catalogs are overwritten by default.
416      *
417      * Checks if the pragma `application_id` matches
418      * `CatalogsDB::application_id` and the pragma `user_version` to match
419      * the database format version.
420      *
421      * \returns wether the operation was successful and if not, an error
422      * message
423      */
424     std::pair<bool, QString> import_catalog(const QString &file_path,
425                                             const bool overwrite = false);
426     /**
427      * Registers a new catalog in the database.
428      *
429      * For the parameters \sa Catalog. The catalog gets inserted into
430      * `m_catalogs`. The `all_catalog_view` is updated.
431      *
432      * \return true in case of success, false in case of an error
433      * (along with the error)
434      */
435     std::pair<bool, QString>
436     register_catalog(const int id, const QString &name, const bool mut,
437                      const bool enabled, const double precedence,
438                      const QString &author      = cat_defaults.author,
439                      const QString &source      = cat_defaults.source,
440                      const QString &description = cat_defaults.description,
441                      const int version          = cat_defaults.version,
442                      const QString &color       = cat_defaults.color,
443                      const QString &license     = cat_defaults.license,
444                      const QString &maintainer  = cat_defaults.maintainer,
445                      const QDateTime &timestamp = cat_defaults.timestamp);
447     std::pair<bool, QString> register_catalog(const Catalog &cat);
449     /**
450      * Update the metatadata \p `catalog`.
451      *
452      * The updated fields are: title, author, source, description.
453      *
454      * \return true in case of success, false in case of an error
455      * (along with the error).
456      */
457     std::pair<bool, QString> update_catalog_meta(const Catalog &cat);
459     /**
460      * Clone objects from the catalog with \p `id_1` to another with `id_2`. Useful to create a
461      * custom catalog from an immutable one.
462      */
463     std::pair<bool, QString> copy_objects(const int id_1, const int id_2);
465     /**
466      * Finds the smallest free id for a catalog.
467      */
468     int find_suitable_catalog_id();
470     /**
471      * \returns statistics about the master catalog.
472      */
473     const std::pair<bool, CatalogStatistics> get_master_statistics();
475     /**
476      * \returns statistics about the catalog with \p `catalog_id`.
477      */
478     const std::pair<bool, CatalogStatistics> get_catalog_statistics(const int catalog_id);
480     /**
481      * Compiles the master catalog by merging the individual catalogs based
482      * on `oid` and precedence and creates an index by (trixel, magnitude) on
483      * the master table. **Caution** you may want to call
484      * `update_catalog_views` beforhand.
485      *
486      * @return true in case of success, false in case of an error
487      */
488     bool compile_master_catalog();
490     /**
491      * Updates the all_catalog_view so that it includes all known
492      * catalogs.
493      *
494      * @return true in case of success, false in case of an error
495      */
496     bool update_catalog_views();
498     /** \returns the catalog colors as a hash table of the form `catalog id:
499      *  scheme: color`.
500      *
501      *  The colors are loaded from the `Catalog::color` field and the
502      *  `SqlStatements::color_table` in that order.
503      */
504     ColorMap get_catalog_colors();
506     /** \returns the catalog colors as a hash table of for the catalog
507      * with \p id in the form `scheme: color`.
508      *
509      *  The colors are loaded from the `Catalog::color` field and the
510      *  `SqlStatements::color_table` in that order.
511      */
512     CatalogColorMap get_catalog_colors(const int id);
514     /** Saves the configures colors of the catalog with id \p id in \p
515      * colors into the database.  \returns wether the insertion was
516      * possible and an error message if not.
517      */
518     std::pair<bool, QString> insert_catalog_colors(const int id,
519                                                    const CatalogColorMap &colors);
521   private:
522     /**
523      * The backing catalog database.
524      */
525     QSqlDatabase m_db;
527     /**
528      * The filename of the database.
529      *
530      * Will be a reference to a member of `m_db_paths`.
531      */
532     std::reference_wrapper<const QString> m_db_file;
534     //@{
535     /**
536      * Some performance criticall sql queries are prepared stored as memebers.
537      * When using those queries `m_mutex` should be locked!
538      *
539      * \sa prepare_queries
540      */
542     QSqlQuery m_q_cat_by_id;
543     QSqlQuery m_q_obj_by_trixel;
544     QSqlQuery m_q_obj_by_name;
545     QSqlQuery m_q_obj_by_name_exact;
546     QSqlQuery m_q_obj_by_maglim;
547     QSqlQuery m_q_obj_by_maglim_and_type;
548     QSqlQuery m_q_obj_by_oid;
549     //@}
551     /**
552      * The level of the htmesh used to index the catalog entries.
553      *
554      * If the htmesh level of a catalog is different, the catalog will
555      * be reindexed upon importing it.
556      *
557      * A value of -1 means that the htmesh-level has not been
558      * deterined yet.
559      */
560     int m_htmesh_level = -1;
562     /**
563      * The version of the database.
564      *
565      * A value of -1 means that the htmesh-level has not been
566      * deterined yet.
567      */
568     int m_db_version = -1;
570     /**
571      * A simple mutex to be locked when using prepared statements,
572      * that are stored in the class.
573      */
574     QMutex m_mutex;
576     //@{
577     /**
578      * Helpers
579      */
581     /**
582      * Initializes the database with the minimum viable tables.
583      *
584      * The catalog registry is created and the database version is set
585      * to SqlStatements::current_db_version and the htmesh-level is
586      * set to SqlStatements::default_htmesh_level if they don't exist.
587      *
588      * @return true in case of success, false in case of an error
589      */
590     bool initialize_db();
592     /**
593      * Reads the database version and the htmesh level from the
594      * database. If the meta table does not exist, the default vaulues
595      * SqlStatements::current_db_version and
596      * SqlStatements::default_htmesh_level.
597      *
598      * @return [version, htmesh-level, is-init?]
599      */
600     std::tuple<int, int, bool> get_db_meta();
602     /**
603      * Gets a vector of catalog ids of catalogs. If \p include_disabled is
604      * `true`, disabled catalogs will be included.
605      */
606     std::vector<int> get_catalog_ids(bool include_enabled = false);
608     /**
609      * Prepares performance critical sql queries.
610      *
611      * @return [success, error]
612      */
613     std::pair<bool, QSqlError> prepare_queries();
615     /**
616      * Read a `CatalogObject` from the tip of the \p query.
617      */
618     CatalogObject read_catalogobject(const QSqlQuery &query) const;
620     /**
621      * Read the first `CatalogObject` from the tip of the \p `query`
622      * that hasn't been exec'd yet.
623      */
624     std::pair<bool, CatalogObject> read_first_object(QSqlQuery &query) const;
626     /**
627      * Read all `CatalogObject`s from the \p query.
628      */
629     CatalogObjectList fetch_objects(QSqlQuery &query) const;
631     /**
632      * Internal implementation to forcably remove a catalog (even the
633      * user catalog, use with caution!)
634      */
635     std::pair<bool, QString> remove_catalog_force(const int id);
637     /**
638      * A list of database paths. The index gets stored in the
639      * `CatalogObject` and can be used to retrieve the path to the
640      * database.
641      */
642     static QSet<QString> m_db_paths;
643     //@}
644 };
646 /**
647  * Database related error, thrown when database access fails or an
648  * action does not succeed.
649  *
650  * QSqlError is not used here to encapsulate the database further.
651  */
652 class DatabaseError : std::exception
653 {
654   public:
655     enum class ErrorType
656     {
657         OPEN,
658         VERSION,
659         INIT,
660         CREATE_CATALOG,
661         CREATE_MASTER,
662         NOT_FOUND,
663         PREPARE,
664         UNKNOWN
665     };
667     DatabaseError(QString message, ErrorType type = ErrorType::UNKNOWN,
668                   const QSqlError &error = QSqlError())
669         : m_message{ std::move(message) }, m_type{ type }, m_error{ error }, m_report{
670               m_message.toStdString() +
671               (error.text().length() > 0 ? "\nSQL ERROR: " + error.text().toStdString() :
672                                            std::string(""))
673           } {};
what()675     const char *what() const noexcept override { return m_report.c_str(); }
message()676     const QString &message() const noexcept { return m_message; }
type()677     ErrorType type() const noexcept { return m_type; }
679   private:
680     const QString m_message;
681     const ErrorType m_type;
682     const QSqlError m_error;
683     const std::string m_report;
684 };
686 /** \returns the path to the dso database */
687 QString dso_db_path();
689 /** \returns true and a catalog if the catalog metadata (name, author,
690     ...) can be read */
691 std::pair<bool, Catalog> read_catalog_meta_from_file(const QString &path);
692 } // namespace CatalogsDB