1 #ifndef MODULOP_H
2 #define MODULOP_H
3 /****************************************
4 *  Computer Algebra System SINGULAR     *
5 ****************************************/
6 /*
7 * ABSTRACT: numbers modulo p (<=32749)
8 */
9 #include "misc/auxiliary.h"
12 // define if a*b is with mod instead of tables
13 //#define HAVE_GENERIC_MULT
14 // define if 1/b is from  tables
15 //#define HAVE_INVTABLE
16 // define if an if should be used
17 //#define HAVE_GENERIC_ADD
19 //#undef HAVE_GENERIC_ADD
21 //#undef HAVE_INVTABLE
23 //#define HAVE_GENERIC_ADD 1
24 //#define HAVE_GENERIC_MULT 1
25 //#define HAVE_INVTABLE 1
27 // enable large primes (32749 < p < 2^31-)
28 #define NV_OPS
29 #define NV_MAX_PRIME 32749
30 #define FACTORY_MAX_PRIME 536870909
32 struct n_Procs_s; typedef struct  n_Procs_s  *coeffs;
33 struct snumber; typedef struct snumber *   number;
35 BOOLEAN npInitChar(coeffs r, void* p);
37 // inline number npMultM(number a, number b, int npPrimeM)
38 // // return (a*b)%n
39 // {
40 //    double ab;
41 //    long q, res;
42 //
43 //    ab = ((double) ((int)a)) * ((double) ((int)b));
44 //    q  = (long) (ab/((double) npPrimeM));  // q could be off by (+/-) 1
45 //    res = (long) (ab - ((double) q)*((double) npPrimeM));
46 //    res += (res >> 31) & npPrimeM;
47 //    res -= npPrimeM;
48 //    res += (res >> 31) & npPrimeM;
49 //    return (number)res;
50 // }
npMultM(number a,number b,const coeffs r)52 static inline number npMultM(number a, number b, const coeffs r)
53 {
54   return (number)
55     ((((unsigned long) a)*((unsigned long) b)) % ((unsigned long) r->ch));
56 }
npInpMultM(number & a,number b,const coeffs r)57 static inline void npInpMultM(number &a, number b, const coeffs r)
58 {
59   a=(number)
60     ((((unsigned long) a)*((unsigned long) b)) % ((unsigned long) r->ch));
61 }
62 #else
npMultM(number a,number b,const coeffs r)63 static inline number npMultM(number a, number b, const coeffs r)
64 {
65   long x = (long)r->npLogTable[(long)a]+ r->npLogTable[(long)b];
66   #ifdef HAVE_GENERIC_ADD
67     if (x>=r->npPminus1M) x-=r->npPminus1M;
68   #else
69     x-=r->npPminus1M;
70     #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
71       x += (x >> 63) & r->npPminus1M;
72     #else
73       x += (x >> 31) & r->npPminus1M;
74     #endif
75   #endif
76   return (number)(long)r->npExpTable[x];
77 }
npInpMultM(number & a,number b,const coeffs r)78 static inline void npInpMultM(number &a, number b, const coeffs r)
79 {
80   long x = (long)r->npLogTable[(long)a]+ r->npLogTable[(long)b];
81   #ifdef HAVE_GENERIC_ADD
82     if (x>=r->npPminus1M) x-=r->npPminus1M;
83   #else
84     x-=r->npPminus1M;
85     #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
86       x += (x >> 63) & r->npPminus1M;
87     #else
88       x += (x >> 31) & r->npPminus1M;
89     #endif
90   #endif
91   a=(number)(long)r->npExpTable[x];
92 }
93 #endif
95 #if 0
96 inline number npAddAsm(number a, number b, int m)
97 {
98   number r;
99     asm ("addl %2, %1; cmpl %3, %1; jb 0f; subl %3, %1; 0:"
100          : "=&r" (r)
101          : "%0" (a), "g" (b), "g" (m)
102          : "cc");
103   return r;
104 }
105 inline number npSubAsm(number a, number b, int m)
106 {
107   number r;
108   asm ("subl %2, %1; jnc 0f; addl %3, %1; 0:"
109         : "=&r" (r)
110         : "%0" (a), "g" (b), "g" (m)
111         : "cc");
112   return r;
113 }
114 #endif
npAddM(number a,number b,const coeffs r)116 static inline number npAddM(number a, number b, const coeffs r)
117 {
118   unsigned long R = (unsigned long)a + (unsigned long)b;
119   return (number)(R >= (unsigned long)r->ch ? R - (unsigned long)r->ch : R);
120 }
npInpAddM(number & a,number b,const coeffs r)121 static inline void npInpAddM(number &a, number b, const coeffs r)
122 {
123   unsigned long R = (unsigned long)a + (unsigned long)b;
124   a=(number)(R >= (unsigned long)r->ch ? R - (unsigned long)r->ch : R);
125 }
npSubM(number a,number b,const coeffs r)126 static inline number npSubM(number a, number b, const coeffs r)
127 {
128   return (number)((long)a<(long)b ?
129                        r->ch-(long)b+(long)a : (long)a-(long)b);
130 }
131 #else
npAddM(number a,number b,const coeffs r)132 static inline number npAddM(number a, number b, const coeffs r)
133 {
134    unsigned long res = ((unsigned long)a + (unsigned long)b);
135    res -= r->ch;
136 #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
137    res += ((long)res >> 63) & r->ch;
138 #else
139    res += ((long)res >> 31) & r->ch;
140 #endif
141    return (number)res;
142 }
npInpAddM(number & a,number b,const coeffs r)143 static inline void npInpAddM(number &a, number b, const coeffs r)
144 {
145    unsigned long res = ((unsigned long)a + (unsigned long)b);
146    res -= r->ch;
147 #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
148    res += ((long)res >> 63) & r->ch;
149 #else
150    res += ((long)res >> 31) & r->ch;
151 #endif
152    a=(number)res;
153 }
npSubM(number a,number b,const coeffs r)154 static inline number npSubM(number a, number b, const coeffs r)
155 {
156    long res = ((long)a - (long)b);
157 #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
158    res += (res >> 63) & r->ch;
159 #else
160    res += (res >> 31) & r->ch;
161 #endif
162    return (number)res;
163 }
164 #endif
npNegM(number a,const coeffs r)166 static inline number npNegM(number a, const coeffs r)
167 {
168   return (number)((long)(r->ch)-(long)(a));
169 }
npIsOne(number a,const coeffs)171 static inline BOOLEAN npIsOne (number a, const coeffs)
172 {
173   return 1 == (long)a;
174 }
npInvMod(long a,const coeffs R)176 static inline long npInvMod(long a, const coeffs R)
177 {
178    long s;
180    long  u, v, u0, u1, u2, q, r;
182    assume(a>0);
183    u1=1; u2=0;
184    u = a; v = R->ch;
186    do
187    {
188       q = u / v;
189       //r = u % v;
190       r = u - q*v;
191       u = v;
192       v = r;
193       u0 = u2;
194       u2 = u1 - q*u2;
195       u1 = u0;
196    } while (v != 0);
198    assume(u==1);
199    s = u1;
201    if (s < 0)
202       return s + R->ch;
203    else
204       return s;
205 #else
206   #if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
207   s += (s >> 63) & R->ch;
208   #else
209   s += (s >> 31) & R->ch;
210   #endif
211   return s;
212 #endif
213 }
npInversM(number c,const coeffs r)215 static inline number npInversM (number c, const coeffs r)
216 {
217   n_Test(c, r);
219   #ifndef HAVE_INVTABLE
220   number d = (number)(long)r->npExpTable[r->npPminus1M - r->npLogTable[(long)c]];
221   #else
222   long inv=(long)r->npInvTable[(long)c];
223   if (inv==0)
224   {
225     inv = (long)r->npExpTable[r->npPminus1M - r->npLogTable[(long)c]];
226     r->npInvTable[(long)c]=inv;
227   }
228   number d = (number)inv;
229   #endif
230 #else
231   #ifdef HAVE_INVTABLE
232   long inv=(long)r->npInvTable[(long)c];
233   if (inv==0)
234   {
235     inv=npInvMod((long)c,r);
236     r->npInvTable[(long)c]=inv;
237   }
238   #else
239   long  inv=npInvMod((long)c,r);
240   #endif
241   number d = (number)inv;
242 #endif
243   n_Test(d, r);
244   return d;
245 }
248 // The folloing is reused inside gnumpc.cc, gnumpfl.cc and longrat.cc
249 long    npInt         (number &n, const coeffs r);
251 #define npEqualM(A,B,r)  ((A)==(B))
253 #endif