4box(Str) ->
5    {'div',[{class,"box"}],
6     {pre,[], yaws_api:htmlize(Str)}}.
9out(A) ->
10    [{ssi, "TAB.inc", "%%",[{"configuration", "choosen"}]}].
15<div id="entry">
16  <h1>Build and install Yaws</h1>
17  <p>
18    Yaws is hosted at <a
19    href="http://github.com/klacke/yaws">http://github.com/klacke/yaws</a>. (Prior
20    to release 1.81 Yaws was hosted at Sourceforge.)
21  </p>
22  <p>
23    Tested releases are downloadable from the Yaws download directory
24    at <a href="http://yaws.hyber.org/download" >http://yaws.hyber.org/download
25  </a>
26  </p>
28  <p>
29    To check out the latest release and build a number of prerequisites
30    are required. (All code example below on Ubuntu)
31  </p>
32  <p>
33  <strong>NOTE: Erlang/OTP R16B01 or higher is required.</strong>
34  </p>
35  <ul>
36    <li>
37      <p>
38        Installed erlang + development
39      </p>
40      <div class="box">
41        <pre>
42# sudo apt-get build-dep erlang yaws
43# sudo apt-get install erlang-nox erlang-src erlang-manpages erlang-mode erlang-dev libtool
44        </pre>
45      </div>
46    </li>
47    <li>
48      <p>
49        Installed git
50      </p>
51      <div class="box">
52        <pre>
53# sudo apt-get install git-core
54        </pre>
55      </div>
56    </li>
58    <li>
59      <p>
60        To build the docs, all kinds of verious tools are required.
61        latex, man2pdf ... etc.
63      </p>
64    </li>
66    <li>
67      <p>
68        To build win32 releases - the following is required.
69      </p>
70      <ul>
71        <li>
72          <p>
73            Mingw.
74            <div class="box">
75              <pre>
76# apt-get install mingw32 mingw32-binutils
77              </pre>
78            </div>
79          </p>
80        </li>
81        <li>
82          Installbuilder. To build win32 installers we're using
83          an install builder that is free to use free of charge
84          for opensource projects.
85          Get the linux installer at
86          <a href="http://www.bitrock.com/download_installbuilder_download.html">
87            bitrock
88          </a>
89        </li>
90        <p>
91          Further instructions are found in the win32 directory
92          in the source tree.
93        </p>
94      </ul>
95    </li>
96  </ul>
98  <p>
99    To check out the sources do
100  </p>
101  <div class="box">
102    <pre>
103# git clone git://github.com/klacke/yaws.git
104    </pre>
105  </div>
106  <p>To build and to what is knows as a <em>local</em> install, e.g.
107  a developer install do:
108  </p>
109  <div class="box">
110    <pre>
111# cd yaws
112# autoreconf -fi
113# ./configure --prefix=/path/to/yaws
114# make install
115    </pre>
116  </div>
117  <p>
118    Alternatively, to make a <em>standard</em> install
119  </p>
120  <div class="box">
121    <pre>
122# cd yaws
123# autoreconf -fi
124# ./configure --help
125# ./configure --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc
126# make
127# sudo make install
128    </pre>
129  </div>
131  <p>
132    The above commands will checkout the HEAD source,
133    build it and install it at
134 with the docroot set to the local documentation.
135  </p>
136  <p>
137    A <em>local</em> install does install yaws at
138  </p>
139  <p>
140    This is the typical mode of operation while either just trying out yaws, or
141    hacking yaws. This will install a template configuration file
142    <em>yaws.conf</em> in <em>${prefix}/etc/yaws</em> (<em>${prefix}</em> is the
143    value of the <em>--prefix</em> option passed during the execution of the
144    configure script).  If this file exists, the old file will not be
145    overwritten.
146  </p>
147  <p>
148    To run a locally installed system, we run the installed yaws script
149    <em>${prefix}/bin/yaws</em>.
150  </p>
152  <p>
153    A <em>standard</em> install will install yaws in <em>/usr/local</em>. A
154    configuration file <em>/etc/yaws/yaws.conf</em> will also be installed
155    unless the file already exists. The default config file will set up the
156    system to listen on
157  </p>
159  <h2>Building with Rebar</h2>
160  <p>
161    Yaws can alternatively be built using <a
162    href="https://github.com/rebar/rebar">rebar</a>. Assuming you already
163    have <code>rebar</code> installed, simply type
164  </p>
165  <div class="box">
166    <pre>
167$ rebar get-deps compile
168    </pre>
169  </div>
170  <p>
171    This fetches all dependencies and builds Yaws.
172  </p>
173  <p>
174    The <a href="rebar_release.yaws">rebar_release page</a> explains how to
175    use <code>rebar</code> to create an Erlang release for an application
176    that depends on Yaws.
177  </p>
179  <h2>Running yaws</h2>
180  <p>
181    The yaws executable is a shell script which invokes the
182    erlang system and instructs it to start yaws.
183    The command line flags for yaws are documented in
184    <a href="yman.yaws?page=yaws">
185       man page for yaws(1)
186    </a>
188    <p>
189      When developing yaws code, the interactive mode is ideal. Typically, yaws
190      is then started as:
191    </p>
192     <div class="box">
193       <pre>
194# yaws -i
195       </pre>
196     </div>
197     <p>
198       Run yaws as a daemon as
199     </p>
200     <div class="box">
201       <pre>
202# yaws --daemon
203       </pre>
204     </div>
205     <p>
206       All command line flags to yaws are described in the
207       man page for yaws.
208     </p>
210     <h2>Configuring Yaws</h2>
211     <p>
212       Web server configuration can be supplied to yaws in either of two ways
213       depending on whether we run yaws as a standalone daemon or if we run yaws
214       as an embedded application inside another Erlang program.
215     </p>
216     <p>
217       The yaws configuration is described in
218       <a href="yman.yaws?page=yaws.conf">
219         man page for yaws.conf (5)
220       </a>
221     </p>
223     <h3>Embedded mode</h3>
224     <p>
225       It is possible to run yaws in embedded mode where yaws is part of a
226       larger application. When running yaws in embedded mode, it is often not
227       possible to let yaws read its configuration data from
228       <em>/etc/yaws/yaws.conf</em>.
229     </p>
231     <p>
232       The function
233       <tt>yaws_api:setconf(Gconf, Groups)</tt>
234       can be used by an other erlang process to explicitly set a yaws
235       configuration at runtime.
236       To execute Yaws in embedded mode, it must be started with
237       the environment
238       <tt>{embedded, true}</tt>
239     </p>
240     <p>
241       The embedded mode is fully described at
242       <a href="embed.yaws">embed.yaws</a>
243     </p>
244  </p>
250out(_) ->
251    {ssi, "END2",[],[]}.