1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file cdhashmap.h
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Morgan Deters, Tim King, Dejan Jovanovic
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief Context-dependent map class.
13  **
14  ** Context-dependent map class.  Generic templated class for a map
15  ** which must be saved and restored as contexts are pushed and
16  ** popped.  Requires that operator= be defined for the data class,
17  ** and operator== for the key class.  For key types that don't have a
18  ** std::hash<>, you should provide an explicit HashFcn.
19  **
20  ** See also:
21  **  CDInsertHashMap : An "insert-once" CD hash map.
22  **  CDTrailHashMap : A lightweight CD hash map with poor iteration
23  **    characteristics and some quirks in usage.
24  **
25  ** Internal documentation:
26  **
27  ** CDHashMap<> is something of a work in progress at present (26 May
28  ** 2010), due to some recent discoveries of problems with its
29  ** internal state.  Here are some notes on the internal use of
30  ** CDOhash_maps that may be useful in figuring out this mess:
31  **
32  **     So you have a CDHashMap<>.
33  **
34  **     You insert some (key,value) pairs.  Each allocates a CDOhash_map<>
35  **     and goes on a doubly-linked list headed by map.d_first and
36  **     threaded via CDOhash_map.{d_prev,d_next}.  CDOhash_maps are constructed
37  **     with a NULL d_map pointer, but then immediately call
38  **     makeCurrent() and set the d_map pointer back to the map.  At
39  **     context level 0, this doesn't lead to anything special.  In
40  **     higher context levels, this stores away a CDOhash_map with a NULL
41  **     map pointer at level 0, and a non-NULL map pointer in the
42  **     current context level.  (Remember that for later.)
43  **
44  **     When a key is associated to a new value in a CDHashMap, its
45  **     associated CDOhash_map calls makeCurrent(), then sets the new
46  **     value.  The save object is also a CDOhash_map (allocated in context
47  **     memory).
48  **
49  **     Now, CDOhash_maps disappear in a variety of ways.
50  **
51  **     First, you might pop beyond a "modification of the value"
52  **     scope level, requiring a re-association of the key to an old
53  **     value.  This is easy.  CDOhash_map::restore() does the work, and
54  **     the context memory of the save object is reclaimed as usual.
55  **
56  **     Second, you might pop beyond a "insert the key" scope level,
57  **     requiring that the key be completely removed from the map and
58  **     its CDOhash_map object memory freed.  Here, the CDOhash_map is restored
59  **     to a "NULL-map" state (see above), signaling it to remove
60  **     itself from the map completely and put itself on a "trash
61  **     list" for its scope.
62  **
63  **     Third, you might delete the cdhashmap(calling CDHashMap::~CDHashMap()).
64  **     This first calls destroy(), as per ContextObj contract, but
65  **     cdhashmapdoesn't save/restore itself, so that does nothing at the
66  **     CDHashMap-level. Then, for each element in the map, it marks it as being
67  **     "part of a complete map destruction", which essentially short-circuits
68  **     CDOhash_map::restore() (see CDOhash_map::restore()), then deallocates
69  **     it.
70  **
71  **     Fourth, you might clear() the CDHashMap.  This does exactly the
72  **     same as CDHashMap::~CDHashMap(), except that it doesn't call destroy()
73  **     on itself.
74  **
75  **     ContextObj::deleteSelf() calls the CDOhash_map destructor, then
76  **     frees the memory associated to the CDOhash_map.  CDOhash_map::~CDOhash_map()
77  **     calls destroy(), which restores as much as possible.
78  **/
80 #include "cvc4_private.h"
85 #include <functional>
86 #include <iterator>
87 #include <unordered_map>
88 #include <vector>
90 #include "base/cvc4_assert.h"
91 #include "context/context.h"
92 #include "context/cdhashmap_forward.h"
94 namespace CVC4 {
95 namespace context {
97 // Auxiliary class: almost the same as CDO (see cdo.h)
99 template <class Key, class Data, class HashFcn = std::hash<Key> >
100 class CDOhash_map : public ContextObj {
101   friend class CDHashMap<Key, Data, HashFcn>;
103  public:
104   // The type of the <Key, Data> pair mapped by this class.
105   //
106   // Implementation:
107   // The data and key visible to users of CDHashMap are only visible through
108   // const references. Thus the type of dereferencing a
109   // CDHashMap<Key, Data>::iterator.second is intended to always be a
110   // `const Data&`. (Otherwise, to get a Data& safely, access operations
111   // would need to makeCurrent() to get the Data&, which is an unacceptable
112   // performance hit.) To allow for the desired updating in other scenarios, we
113   // store a std::pair<const Key, const Data> and break the const encapsulation
114   // when necessary.
115   using value_type = std::pair<const Key, const Data>;
117  private:
118   value_type d_value;
120   // See documentation of value_type for why this is needed.
mutable_key()121   Key& mutable_key() { return const_cast<Key&>(d_value.first); }
122   // See documentation of value_type for why this is needed.
mutable_data()123   Data& mutable_data() { return const_cast<Data&>(d_value.second); }
125   CDHashMap<Key, Data, HashFcn>* d_map;
127   // Doubly-linked list for keeping track of elements in order of insertion
128   CDOhash_map* d_prev;
129   CDOhash_map* d_next;
save(ContextMemoryManager * pCMM)131   ContextObj* save(ContextMemoryManager* pCMM) override
132   {
133     return new(pCMM) CDOhash_map(*this);
134   }
restore(ContextObj * data)136   void restore(ContextObj* data) override
137   {
138     CDOhash_map* p = static_cast<CDOhash_map*>(data);
139     if(d_map != NULL) {
140       if(p->d_map == NULL) {
141         Assert(d_map->d_map.find(getKey()) != d_map->d_map.end()
142                && (*d_map->d_map.find(getKey())).second == this);
143         // no longer in map (popped beyond first level in which it was)
144         d_map->d_map.erase(getKey());
145         // If we call deleteSelf() here, it re-enters restore().  So,
146         // put it on a "trash heap" instead, for later deletion.
147         //
148         // FIXME multithreading
149         if(d_map->d_first == this) {
150           Debug("gc") << "remove first-elem " << this << " from map " << d_map << " with next-elem " << d_next << std::endl;
151           if(d_next == this) {
152             Assert(d_prev == this);
153             d_map->d_first = NULL;
154           } else {
155             d_map->d_first = d_next;
156           }
157         } else {
158           Debug("gc") << "remove nonfirst-elem " << this << " from map " << d_map << std::endl;
159         }
160         d_next->d_prev = d_prev;
161         d_prev->d_next = d_next;
163         Debug("gc") << "CDHashMap<> trash push_back " << this << std::endl;
164         // this->deleteSelf();
165         enqueueToGarbageCollect();
166       } else {
167         mutable_data() = p->get();
168       }
169     }
170     // Explicitly call destructors for the key and the data as they will not
171     // otherwise get called.
172     p->mutable_key().~Key();
173     p->mutable_data().~Data();
174   }
176   /** ensure copy ctor is only called by us */
CDOhash_map(const CDOhash_map & other)177   CDOhash_map(const CDOhash_map& other)
178       : ContextObj(other),
179         // don't need to save the key---and if we do we can get
180         // refcounts for Node keys messed up and leak memory
181         d_value(Key(), other.d_value.second),
182         d_map(other.d_map),
183         d_prev(NULL),
184         d_next(NULL)
185   {
186   }
187   CDOhash_map& operator=(const CDOhash_map&) = delete;
189  public:
190   CDOhash_map(Context* context,
191               CDHashMap<Key, Data, HashFcn>* map,
192               const Key& key,
193               const Data& data,
194               bool atLevelZero = false)
ContextObj(false,context)195       : ContextObj(false, context), d_value(key, data), d_map(NULL)
196   {
197     if(atLevelZero) {
198       // "Initializing" map insertion: this entry will never be
199       // removed from the map, it's inserted at level 0 as an
200       // "initializing" element.  See
201       // CDHashMap<>::insertAtContextLevelZero().
202       mutable_data() = data;
203     } else {
204       // Normal map insertion: first makeCurrent(), then set the data
205       // and then, later, the map.  Order is important; we can't
206       // initialize d_map in the constructor init list above, because
207       // we want the restore of d_map to NULL to signal us to remove
208       // the element from the map.
210       set(data);
211     }
212     d_map = map;
214     CDOhash_map*& first = d_map->d_first;
215     if(first == NULL) {
216       first = d_next = d_prev = this;
217       Debug("gc") << "add first-elem " << this << " to map " << d_map << std::endl;
218     } else {
219       Debug("gc") << "add nonfirst-elem " << this << " to map " << d_map << " with first-elem " << first << "[" << first->d_prev << " " << first->d_next << std::endl;
220       d_prev = first->d_prev;
221       d_next = first;
222       d_prev->d_next = this;
223       first->d_prev = this;
224     }
225   }
~CDOhash_map()227   ~CDOhash_map() {
228     destroy();
229   }
set(const Data & data)231   void set(const Data& data) {
232     makeCurrent();
233     mutable_data() = data;
234   }
getKey()236   const Key& getKey() const { return d_value.first; }
get()238   const Data& get() const { return d_value.second; }
getValue()240   const value_type& getValue() const { return d_value; }
Data()242   operator Data() {
243     return get();
244   }
246   const Data& operator=(const Data& data) {
247     set(data);
248     return data;
249   }
next()251   CDOhash_map* next() const {
252     if(d_next == d_map->d_first) {
253       return NULL;
254     } else {
255       return d_next;
256     }
257   }
258 };/* class CDOhash_map<> */
261 /**
262  * Generic templated class for a map which must be saved and restored
263  * as contexts are pushed and popped.  Requires that operator= be
264  * defined for the data class, and operator== for the key class.
265  */
266 template <class Key, class Data, class HashFcn>
267 class CDHashMap : public ContextObj {
269   typedef CDOhash_map<Key, Data, HashFcn> Element;
270   typedef std::unordered_map<Key, Element*, HashFcn> table_type;
272   friend class CDOhash_map<Key, Data, HashFcn>;
274   table_type d_map;
276   Element* d_first;
277   Context* d_context;
279   // Nothing to save; the elements take care of themselves
save(ContextMemoryManager * pCMM)280   ContextObj* save(ContextMemoryManager* pCMM) override { Unreachable(); }
282   // Similarly, nothing to restore
restore(ContextObj * data)283   void restore(ContextObj* data) override { Unreachable(); }
285   // no copy or assignment
286   CDHashMap(const CDHashMap&) = delete;
287   CDHashMap& operator=(const CDHashMap&) = delete;
289 public:
CDHashMap(Context * context)290   CDHashMap(Context* context)
291     : ContextObj(context), d_map(), d_first(NULL), d_context(context) {}
~CDHashMap()293   ~CDHashMap() {
294     Debug("gc") << "cdhashmap" << this << " disappearing, destroying..."
295                 << std::endl;
296     destroy();
297     Debug("gc") << "cdhashmap" << this << " disappearing, done destroying"
298                 << std::endl;
299     clear();
300   }
clear()302   void clear() {
303     Debug("gc") << "clearing cdhashmap" << this << ", emptying trash"
304                 << std::endl;
305     Debug("gc") << "done emptying trash for " << this << std::endl;
307     for (auto& key_element_pair : d_map) {
308       // mark it as being a destruction (short-circuit restore())
309       Element* element = key_element_pair.second;
310       element->d_map = nullptr;
311       element->deleteSelf();
312     }
313     d_map.clear();
314     d_first = nullptr;
315   }
317   // The usual operators of map
size()319   size_t size() const {
320     return d_map.size();
321   }
empty()323   bool empty() const {
324     return d_map.empty();
325   }
count(const Key & k)327   size_t count(const Key& k) const {
328     return d_map.count(k);
329   }
331   // If a key is not present, a new object is created and inserted
332   Element& operator[](const Key& k) {
333     typename table_type::iterator i = d_map.find(k);
335     Element* obj;
336     if(i == d_map.end()) {// create new object
337       obj = new(true) Element(d_context, this, k, Data());
338       d_map.insert(std::make_pair(k, obj));
339     } else {
340       obj = (*i).second;
341     }
342     return *obj;
343   }
insert(const Key & k,const Data & d)345   bool insert(const Key& k, const Data& d) {
346     typename table_type::iterator i = d_map.find(k);
348     if(i == d_map.end()) {// create new object
349       Element* obj = new(true) Element(d_context, this, k, d);
350       d_map.insert(std::make_pair(k, obj));
351       return true;
352     } else {
353       (*i).second->set(d);
354       return false;
355     }
356   }
358   /**
359    * Version of insert() for CDHashMap<> that inserts data value d at
360    * context level zero.  This is a special escape hatch for inserting
361    * "initializing" data into the map.  Imagine something happens at a
362    * deep context level L that causes insertion into a map, such that
363    * the object should have an "initializing" value v1 below context
364    * level L, and a "current" value v2 at context level L.  Then you
365    * can (assuming key k):
366    *
367    *   map.insertAtContextLevelZero(k, v1);
368    *   map.insert(k, v2);
369    *
370    * The justification for this "escape hatch" has to do with
371    * variables and assignments in theories (e.g., in arithmetic).
372    * Let's say you introduce a new variable x at some deep decision
373    * level (thanks to lazy registration, or a splitting lemma, or
374    * whatever).  x might be mapped to something, but for theory
375    * implementation simplicity shouldn't disappear from the map on
376    * backjump; rather, it can take another (legal) value, or a special
377    * value to indicate it needs to be recomputed.
378    *
379    * It is an error (checked via AlwaysAssert()) to
380    * insertAtContextLevelZero() a key that already is in the map.
381    */
insertAtContextLevelZero(const Key & k,const Data & d)382   void insertAtContextLevelZero(const Key& k, const Data& d) {
383     AlwaysAssert(d_map.find(k) == d_map.end());
385     Element* obj = new(true) Element(d_context, this, k, d,
386                                      true /* atLevelZero */);
387     d_map.insert(std::make_pair(k, obj));
388   }
390   // FIXME: no erase(), too much hassle to implement efficiently...
392   using value_type = typename CDOhash_map<Key, Data, HashFcn>::value_type;
394   class iterator {
395     const Element* d_it;
397   public:
iterator(const Element * p)399     iterator(const Element* p) : d_it(p) {}
iterator(const iterator & i)400     iterator(const iterator& i) : d_it(i.d_it) {}
402     // Default constructor
iterator()403     iterator() : d_it(nullptr) {}
405     // (Dis)equality
406     bool operator==(const iterator& i) const {
407       return d_it == i.d_it;
408     }
409     bool operator!=(const iterator& i) const {
410       return d_it != i.d_it;
411     }
413     // Dereference operators.
414     const value_type& operator*() const { return d_it->getValue(); }
416     // Prefix increment
417     iterator& operator++() {
418       d_it = d_it->next();
419       return *this;
420     }
422     // Postfix increment is not yet supported.
423   };/* class CDHashMap<>::iterator */
425   typedef iterator const_iterator;
begin()427   iterator begin() const {
428     return iterator(d_first);
429   }
end()431   iterator end() const {
432     return iterator(NULL);
433   }
find(const Key & k)435   iterator find(const Key& k) const {
436     typename table_type::const_iterator i = d_map.find(k);
438     if(i == d_map.end()) {
439       return end();
440     } else {
441       return iterator((*i).second);
442     }
443   }
446 };/* class CDHashMap<> */
448 }/* CVC4::context namespace */
449 }/* CVC4 namespace */
451 #endif /* __CVC4__CONTEXT__CDHASHMAP_H */