1What follows are some tips for setting up and troubleshooting
2standard HTTP authentication in an Apache web server.  More
3detailed discussion and/or questions belong in an Apache-specific
6  * In an Apache environemnt, you need to first set up a password
7    file.  Try typing "man htpasswd" in a terminal window in
8    *nix-based machines, or search the web for "htpasswd".  That
9    command helps you set up usernames and passwords.  Remember
10    that the usernames you use must match your IMAP usernames
11    EXACTLY!  That means that if your IMAP logins are in the form
12    of full email addresses, you have to use those here too.
13    You can also use something like mod_auth_mysql in Apache to
14    enforce HTTP authentication against a database - perhaps the
15    same one your IMAP server uses (see: http://modauthmysql.sourceforge.net/ ).
17  * You also need to tell your web server to protect your
18    SquirrelMail directory with a .htaccess file therein or in
19    a <Directory> directive (both assuming an Apache environemnt).
20    Here is a sample of the latter (for use in .htaccess files,
21    just remove the <Directory> lines):
23       <Directory "/var/www/html/squirrelmail/">
24         AuthType Basic
25         AuthName "SquirrelMail"
26         AuthUserFile /var/lib/squirrelmail/htaccess_passwords
27         require user mary pablo jona
28       </Directory>
30  * Note that when PHP is in safe mode ("safe_mode = On" in php.ini),
31    the password and/or username from the HTTP authentication won't
32    be available and this plugin won't have any effect (will appear
33    to be disabled).  Always check your PHP safe_mode setting before
34    asking for support.