2module shortening$
4%  Routines for algebraically combining de's to reduce their length
5%  Author: Thomas Wolf
6%  Jan 1998
9% BSDlicense: *****************************************************************
10%                                                                             *
11% Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without          *
12% modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: *
13%                                                                             *
14%    * Redistributions of source code must retain the relevant copyright      *
15%      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.          *
16%    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright      *
17%      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the    *
18%      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.   *
19%                                                                             *
30% POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.                                                 *
33symbolic procedure alg_length_reduction(arglist)$
34% Do one length-reducing combination of two equations
35% If cadddr arglist(=:p) is =pdes or =nil then shorten anyone with anyone
36% else shorten only elements (i.e. equations) of cadddr arglist
38begin scalar pdes,l,l1,p,cpu,gc$
39 cpu:=time()$ gc:=gctime()$
40 pdes:=car arglist$
42 if expert_mode then <<l:=selectpdes(pdes,2); p:=nil>>
43                else <<
44  l:=pdes; p:=cadddr arglist;  % which may be nil
45  if l eq p then p:=nil;       % then no selective reduction of only one PDE
46                               % i.e. shorten any one with any one
47 >>;
48 !*rational_bak  := cons(!*rational,!*rational_bak)$
49 if !*rational then algebraic(off rational)$
50 if struc_eqn then <<
51  while l do <<
52   if is_algebraic(car l) then l1:=cons(car l,l1);
53   l:=cdr l
54  >>$
55  l:=reverse l1
56 >>$
57 if l and cdr l and (l1:=err_catch_short(pdes,l,p)) then
58      <<for each a in cdr l1 do pdes:=drop_pde(a,pdes,nil)$
59        for each a in car l1 do
60        if a then pdes:=eqinsert(a,pdes)$
61        % checking whether a new equation contains a function which occurs
62	% only there, then not decoupling this equation anymore:
63        for each a in car l1 do
64        if a then dec_fct_check(a,pdes)$
65        l:=nil;
66        for each a in car l1 do if a then l:=cons(a,l);
67        l:=list(pdes,cadr arglist,l)>>
68 else l:=nil$
70 if print_ and !*time then <<
71  write " time : ", time() - cpu,
72        " ms    GC time : ", gctime() - gc," ms.      "
73 >>$
75 if !*rational neq car !*rational_bak then
76 if !*rational then algebraic(off rational) else algebraic(on rational)$
77 !*rational_bak:= cdr !*rational_bak$
79 return l$
84symbolic procedure err_catch_short(allpdes,pdes,p2)$
85% allpdes is the complete list of pdes as needed in mkeqSQ
86% pdes are the ones to be used for shortening
87% if p2 neq nil then only p2 shall be reduced else any one in pdes
88begin scalar g,h,bak,kernlist!*bak,kord!*bak,mi,newp,p1,bakup_bak,s;
90 if t then << % wrap up in an errorset shell
91  bak:=max_gc_counter$ max_gc_counter:=my_gc_counter+max_gc_short;
92  bakup_bak:=backup_; backup_:='max_gc_short$
93  kernlist!*bak:=kernlist!*$
94  kord!*bak:=kord!*$
95  h:=errorset({'shorten_pdes,mkquote pdes,mkquote p2},nil,nil)
96     where !*protfg=t;
97  kord!*:=kord!*bak;
98  kernlist!*:=kernlist!*bak$
99  erfg!*:=nil;
100  backup_:=bakup_bak;
101  max_gc_counter:=bak;
102  if (errorp h) or (car h=nil) then return nil;
103  h:=car h
104 >>   else <<
105  h:=shorten_pdes(pdes,p2)$
106  if null h then return nil
107 >>;
109 mi:=car h;   % mi  ={list of 2 used eqns}
110 newp:=cdr h; % newp=({list of new values} . {list of eqns to be dropped})
111 p1:=0;
112 for each pc in cdr newp do p1:=p1+get(pc,'terms);
113 h:=for each pc in car newp collect
114    if sqzerop pc then <<nequ_:=add1 nequ_;nil>>
115                  else mkeqSQ(pc,nil,nil,fctsort union(get(car  mi,'fcts),
116                                                       get(cadr mi,'fcts)),
117                              union(get(car  mi,'vars),
118                                    get(cadr mi,'vars)),allflags_,t,list(0),nil,allpdes);
119 for each pc in h do if pc then p1:=p1-get(pc,'terms);
120 s:=(h . cdr newp);  % = ({list of new eqn names} . {list of eqns to be dropped})
122if nil then
123 if print_ then <<
124  if tr_short then <<
125   for each g in cdr newp do <<write g,": "$typeeq g>>$
126   for each g in h do if null g then
127   <<write "This gives identity 0=0."$terpri()>>
128                                     else
129   <<write g,": "$typeeq g>>$
130  >>$
131  if p1>=0 then write "shortening by ",p1," term" else
132  if p1< 0 then write "increasing by ",-p1," term"$
133  if (p1 neq 1) and (p1 neq -1) then write"s"$
135  % h is the list of new equations: if there is exactly one eqn then
136  if h and car h and null cdr h then <<
137   write" to now ",g:=get(car h,'terms)," term"$
138   if g neq 1 then write"s"$
139   write"."$ terpri()$
140  >>                            else
141  if null h then <<
142   write" to 0=0 ."$ terpri()
143  >>
145 >>;
147 if p1>0 then for each pc in cdr newp do drop_pde(pc,nil,nil)
148         else for each pc in h do if pc then <<
149  % so that no cycle happens and the equation is
150  % back length reduced with the same equations
151  add_rl_with(car  mi,pc);
152  add_rl_with(cadr mi,pc)
153 >>$
155 return s
160symbolic procedure alg_length_reduce_1(arglist)$
161% Do one length-reducing combination of a single equation wrt all others
162begin scalar p,q,h,p_to_eval,hcp$ %,cpu,gc$ %,toevalcp
163%  cpu:=time()$ gc:=gctime()$
164 if !*batch_mode then return nil;
165 if print_ or null old_history then <<
166  terpri()$
167  change_prompt_to ""$
168  write"All equations:"$terpri()$
169  listprint(car arglist)$terpri()$terpri()$
170  write"Which equation should be length reduced: "$
171 >>$
172 p:=termread()$
174% if print_ or null old_history then <<
175%  write"Specify a list of equations to be used to reduce ",p$terpri()$
176%  write"Input `;' to select all equations apart from ",p,": "$
177% >>$
178% l:=termlistread()$
179% if l=nil then l:=car arglist;
180% l:=delete(p,l);
181% toevalcp:=for each h in l collect (h . flagp(h,'to_eval))$
182% for each h in l do remflag1(h,'to_eval)$
183 p_to_eval:=flagp(p,'to_eval)$
184 flag1(p,'to_eval)$
186 % the complete list of pdes is needed in
187 % alg_length_reduction() because mkeqSQ() needs it
190 repeat <<
191  h:=alg_length_reduction({car arglist,cadr arglist,caddr arglist,p})$
193  if h then <<
194   q:=setdiff(car h,cons(p,car arglist));
195   if q then <<arglist:=h; p:=car q>>;
196   hcp:=h;
197  >>
198 >> until null h or freeof(car h,p);
199% for each q in toevalcp do if cdr q then flag1(car q,'to_eval)$
200 if not p_to_eval and h and not freeof(car h,p) then remflag1(p,'to_eval)$
201 restore_interactive_prompt()$
202 return hcp
207symbolic procedure is_algebraic(p)$
208if get(p,'no_derivs) then t else nil$
212symbolic procedure shorten_pdes(des,p2)$
213% uses global variable largest_fully_shortened which is the name of the
214% equation furthest in pdes (largest number of terms) that is fully
215% simplified wrt. all earlier equations
216% returns (mi . output_of_shorten)
217if not pairp des or not pairp cdr des then (nil . nil) else
218begin scalar p2rl,p,pc,pcc,newp,ineq_pre$ %,p2_to_eval$
219 for each p1 in ineq_ do
220 if one_termpSF(numr p1) then ineq_pre:=cons(prepsq p1,ineq_pre)$
221 if alg_poly then ineq_pre:=sort_according_to(ineq_pre,ftem_)$
223 % find the pair of pdes not yet reduced with each other
224 % with the lowest product of their number of terms % printlength's
225 % mi is a list of 2 integers, composing a rational number which is
226 % supposed to be minimal for the 2 equations to be shortened.
228 if p2 then <<
229  if print_ and tr_short then <<
230   write"Trying to shorten the following equation: "$%terpri()
231  >>$
232  % try only to shorten p2 wrt. to equations with at most twice as many terms.
233  p2rl:=2*get(p2,'terms)$
234  for each p in des do
235  if (p neq p2) and get(p,'terms)<=p2rl then newp:=cons(p,newp);
236  if null newp then return nil;
237  des:=reversip newp$
238  pcc:={p2}$
239  des:=nconc(des,pcc);
240  pcc:=cons(1,pcc);
241  newp:=nil;
242  p2rl:=nil;
243 >>    else <<
244  if print_ and tr_short then <<
245   write"Trying to shorten the following equations: "$%terpri()
246  >>$
247  pcc:=des;
248  if largest_fully_shortened then <<
249   while pcc and largest_fully_shortened neq car pcc do pcc:=cdr pcc;
250   if null pcc or null cdr pcc then return nil
251  >>
252 >>$
253 if null cdr pcc then return nil;
255 repeat <<
256  pcc:=cdr pcc$
257  p2:=car pcc$
258  if print_ and tr_short then write p2,"(",get(p2,'terms),") "$
259%  p2_to_eval:=flagp(p2,'to_eval)$
260  p2rl:=get(p2,'rl_with)$
262  pc:=des;
263  while null newp and not(pc eq pcc) do <<
264   if (not member(car pc, p2rl))           % and
265      % We do not test (not member(p2,get(car pc,'rl_with))) because both
266      % ways of reduction are tested and in add_rl_with() are stored.
267   then <<if (backup_='max_gc_short) and (my_gc_counter > max_gc_counter) then
268          rederr "Stop in shorten_pdes()."$
269          newp:=shorten(car pc,p2,ineq_pre);
270          if null newp then <<add_rl_with(car pc,p2);pc:=cdr pc>>
271        >>
272   else pc:=cdr pc
273  >>;
274  if null newp then largest_fully_shortened:=car pcc
275 >> until newp or null cdr pcc$
277 return if newp then ({car pc,p2} . newp)
278                else nil
283symbolic procedure partition_3(de,AnB,A)$
284% l is an equation in SQ-form,
285% returning {(#_of_terms_in_1         . (  1    . inhomog  )),
286%            (#_of_terms_in_SFcoeff_1 . (flin_1 . SFcoeff_1)),...}
287% where flin_1,.. are in AnB (in A and in B, i.e. intersection of A and B)
288% and the leading term of inhomog must not be in A.
289% It is assumed that l in linear on all variables of A.
291begin scalar l,l1,mv;
292 l:=reorder numr get(de,'sqval);
293 while l and not domainp l and member(mv:=mvar l,AnB) do <<
294  l1:=cons(cons(no_of_tm_sf lc l,cons(mv,lc l)), l1)$
295  l:=red l
296 >>;
297 while l and not domainp l and member(mvar l,A) do l:=red l;
298 return if l then cons(cons(no_of_tm_sf l,cons(1,l)), l1) % inhom case
299             else l1                                      % homog case
304symbolic procedure setdiff_according_to(a,b,ft)$
305% Computes a\b where a and b are subsets of ft and are
306% sorted according to ft.
307% exception: partial differential equations, when elements of a,b
308% include derivatives, then ft is not used and execution is slower
309% which does not matter for fewer functions
310begin scalar amb,noft,bcp$
311 while a and b do
312 if car a eq car b then <<a:=cdr a;b:=cdr b;ft:=cdr ft>> else <<
314  if null noft and (pairp car a or pairp car b) then noft:=t;
315  if noft then <<
316   bcp:=b$
317   while bcp and (car a neq car bcp) do bcp:=cdr bcp;
318   if null bcp then amb:=cons(car a,amb);
319   a:=cdr a
320  >>      else <<
321   while car ft neq car a and
322         car ft neq car b do ft:=cdr ft;
324   if car ft eq car a then <<
325    amb:=cons(car a,amb);
326    a:=cdr a
327   >>                 else b:=cdr b;
328   ft:=cdr ft
329  >>
330 >>$
331 return
332 if a then nconc(reversip amb,a)
333      else reversip amb
338symbolic procedure add_fct_kern(de,ineq_pre)$
339if alg_poly then
340 if lin_problem then (get(de,'fcts) . nil) % algebraic linear
341                else
342 if flin_ then begin scalar l,n;           % algebraic partially linear
343  l:=get(de,'fct_kern_lin)$
344  n:=get(de,'fct_kern_nli)$
345  if null l and null n then <<
346   n:=setdiff_according_to(l:=get(de,'fcts),flin_,ftem_);
347   l:=setdiff_according_to(l,n,ftem_);
348   n:=setdiff_according_to(n,ineq_pre,ftem_);
349   put(de,'fct_kern_lin,l);
350   put(de,'fct_kern_nli,n)
351  >>;
352  return (l . n)
353 end      else begin scalar n;             % algebraic fully non-linear
354  n:=get(de,'fct_kern_nli)$
355  if null n then <<
356   n:=setdiff_according_to(get(de,'fcts),ineq_pre,ftem_);
357   put(de,'fct_kern_nli,n);
358  >>;
359  return (nil . n)
360 end
361else % not alg_poly
362 if lin_problem then begin scalar l,r,s;   % differential linear
363  l:=get(de,'fct_kern_lin);
364  if null l then <<
365   r:=get(de,'fcts);
366   for each s in get(de,'kern) do
367   if not freeoflist(s,r) then l:=cons(s,l);
368   put(de,'fct_kern_lin,l);
369  >>;
370  return (l . nil)
371 end            else
372 if flin_ then begin scalar l,n,r,s;       % differential partially linear
373  l:=get(de,'fct_kern_lin)$
374  n:=get(de,'fct_kern_nli)$
375  if null l and  null n then <<
376   r:=get(de,'fcts);
377   for each s in get(de,'kern) do
378   if not freeoflist(s,r) then
379   if not freeoflist(s,flin_) then l:=cons(s,l)
380                              else if not member(s,ineq_pre) then n:=cons(s,n);
381   put(de,'fct_kern_lin,l);
382   put(de,'fct_kern_nli,n)
383  >>;
384  return (l . n)
385 end      else begin scalar n,r,s;         % differential fully non-linear
386  n:=get(de,'fct_kern_nli)$
387  if null n then <<
388   r:=get(de,'fcts);
389   for each s in get(de,'kern) do
390   if not freeoflist(s,r) and not member(s,ineq_pre) then n:=cons(s,n);
391   put(de,'fct_kern_nli,n)
392  >>;
393  return (nil . n)
394 end$
398symbolic procedure shorten(de1,de2,ineq_pre)$
399% shorten the two pdes with each other
400% returns a dotted pair, where car is a list of the values of new pdes
401% (currently only one) and cdr is a list of names of pdes to be dropped
402% (currently also only one)
403begin scalar a,b,r,l1,l2,nl1,nl2,l1ul2,l1ml2,l2ml1,l1il2,oldorder,
404      de1p,de2p,termsof1,termsof2,flip,m1,m2,n1,n2,ql,ql1,ql2,maxcancel,
405      take_first,tr_short_local,no_factors_x_1,no_factors_x_2,homo,
406      changed_korder,DoNotReplace1,DoNotReplace2,tryboth,replace1,bestq;
407      % ,max_success;
409 % take_first:=t;
410 % =t is not so radical, --> resulting eqn.s may be longer in total
411 % so the complete crack computation tends to be slower.
413 %tr_short_local:=t;
414 if tr_short_local then deprint list({'!*sq,get(de1,'sqval),t},
415                                     {'!*sq,get(de2,'sqval),t} )$
417 % 15.12.07: The homogeneity test is replaced by the more general concept of
418 % strictly linearly occuring functions flin_, so the following is commented out
420 if fhom_ and (1=car get(de1,'hom_deg)      )
421          and (1=car get(de2,'hom_deg)      )
422 %        and ((cadr get(de1,'hom_deg)) neq
423 %             (cadr get(de2,'hom_deg))     ) % changed when it didn't work
424 % for two factorizable equations with same flin_ factor and same degree
425 %non-flin_factors
426 then homo:=t;
428 % Which equation can be replaced?
430 termsof1:=get(de1,'terms)$
431 termsof2:=get(de2,'terms)$
433 if null flagp(de1,'to_eval) or
434    (homo and (cadr get(de1,'hom_deg)<cadr get(de2,'hom_deg))) or
435    (2*termsof1<termsof2) then DoNotReplace1:=t;
437 if null flagp(de2,'to_eval) or
438    (homo and (cadr get(de2,'hom_deg)<cadr get(de1,'hom_deg))) or
439    (2*termsof2<termsof1) then DoNotReplace2:=t;
441 if DoNotReplace1 and DoNotReplace2 then return nil$
443 %---- determination of l1,l2 nl1,nl2
444 % In the following l1 and l2 are all functions and their derivatives in
445 % de1, resp. de2 which definitely turn up linearly in both equations
446 % (maybe there are even more) and which can not be multipliers such that it
447 % is possible to partition both equations. This is the case if the problem
448 % is linear or in the case of non null flin_ which shall stay linear.
449 % nl1, nl2 are the kernels in d1,d2 which do involve ftem_ but not flin_
450 % and not ineq_ kernels.
452 nl1:=add_fct_kern(de1,ineq_pre)$
453 nl2:=add_fct_kern(de2,ineq_pre)$
454 l1:=sort_according_to(car nl1,ftem_)$   nl1:=cdr nl1$
455 l2:=sort_according_to(car nl2,ftem_)$   nl2:=cdr nl2$
456 % NOTE: nl1,nl2 are currently NOT sorted as they are currently not used below.
458 if l1 and l2 then << % fully linear or at least partially linear with flin_
460  %---- partitioning both equations into subexpressions
461  %     which have a chance to cancel each other
462  l1ml2:=setdiff_according_to(l1,l2,ftem_);    % l1 - l2
463  l1il2:=setdiff_according_to(l1,l1ml2,ftem_); % intersection
464  if null l1il2 then return nil$
465  l2ml1:=setdiff_according_to(l2,l1,ftem_);    % l2 - l1
466  l1ul2:=union(l1,l2);      % union
468  %---- writing both equations as polynomials in elements of l1ul2
469  oldorder:=setkorder append(l1il2,append(l1ml2,l2ml1)); changed_korder:=t$
470  de1p:=partition_3(de1,l1il2,l1ml2)$
471  de2p:=partition_3(de2,l1il2,l2ml1)$
472  setkorder oldorder;
474  if (null de1p) or (null de2p) then return nil;
475  %---- drop inhomogeneity part if only one equation is inhomogeneous
476  %---- there is an inhom. part if cadar de?p = 1
477  if (cadar de1p = 1) and (cadar de2p neq 1) then de1p:=cdr de1p;
478  if (cadar de2p = 1) and (cadar de1p neq 1) then de2p:=cdr de2p;
480  % Now comes a stronger restriction: The maximum that can be canceled
481  % is sum of the minima of terms of each pair of the de1p,de2p sublists
482  % corresponding to the coefficients of different ftem functions/deriv.
484  a:=de1p; b:=de2p; n2:=nil;
485  while a and b do
486  if (cadar a) neq (cadar b) then <<
487   % This case should not happen but it can happen if flin_ is not nil
488   % but at least one equation is non-linear and then a function can appear
489   % in an equation but will only turn up as a coefficient of another function
490   % and not as cadar a or cadar b and then one must step forward in one of
491   % the two lists a,b to get (cadar a) = (cadar b)
492   r:=b; while r and ((cadar r) neq (cadar a)) do r:=cdr r;
493   if r then b:=r
494        else <<
495    r:=a; while r and ((cadar r) neq (cadar b)) do r:=cdr r;
496    a:=r
497   >>
498  >>                         else <<
499   n1:=if (caar a)<(caar b) then caar a else caar b;
500   % n1 is min of terms of the coefficients of the same ftem function/der.
501   n2:=cons(2*n1,n2);
502   a:=cdr a; b:=cdr b;
503  >>$
505  % maxcancel is the maximal number of cancellations in all the remaining
506  % runs of short() (which of course decreases from run to run).
508  maxcancel:=list(0);
509  n1:=0;
510  while n2 do <<
511   n1:=n1+car n2;
512   n2:=cdr n2;
513   maxcancel:=cons(n1,maxcancel);
514  >>;
516  if tr_short_local then <<
517   write"-----"$terpri()$
518   write"flin_=",flin_$terpri()$
519   write"flin_\ftem_=",setdiff_according_to(flin_,ftem_,ftem_)$
520   write"ftem_\flin_=",setdiff_according_to(ftem_,flin_,ftem_)$
521   write"get(de1,'fcts)=",get(de1,'fcts)$terpri()$
522   write"get(de2,'fcts)=",get(de2,'fcts)$terpri()$
523   write"l1=",l1$terpri()$
524   write"nl1=",nl1$terpri()$
525   write"l2=",l2$terpri()$
526   write"nl2=",nl2$terpri()$
527   write"l1ml2=",l1ml2$terpri()$
528   write"l2ml1=",l2ml1$terpri()$
529   write"l1il2=",l1il2$terpri()$
530   write"length de1p=",length de1p$terpri()$
531   write"length de2p=",length de2p$terpri()$
532   write"de1p=",de1p$terpri()$
533   write"de2p=",de2p$terpri()$
534   write"---------"$terpri()$
535   write"de1:",de1," with ",termsof1," terms"$terpri()$
536   a:=de1p;
537   while a do <<
538    write "caar  a=", caar a;terpri()$
539    write "cadar a=",cadar a;terpri()$
540    write "cddar a=",cddar a;terpri()$
541    write "cddar a="$algebraic write lisp {'!*sq,(cddar a . 1),t};
542    a:=cdr a;
543   >>;terpri()$
544   write"de2:",de2," with ",termsof2," terms"$terpri()$
545   a:=de2p;
546   while a do <<
547    write "caar  a=", caar a;terpri()$
548    write "cadar a=",cadar a;terpri()$
549    write "cddar a=",cddar a;terpri()$
550    write "cddar a="$algebraic write lisp {'!*sq,(cddar a . 1),t};
551    a:=cdr a;
552   >>;terpri()$
553  >>
554 >>          else << % fully non-linear, i.e. at least one equation has no flin_
555  de1p:=list cons(termsof1,cons(1,numr get(de1,'sqval)))$
556  de2p:=list cons(termsof2,cons(1,numr get(de2,'sqval)))$
557  maxcancel:=if termsof1<termsof2 then {2*termsof1,0}
558                                  else {2*termsof2,0}
559 >>$
561 if ((car maxcancel)<termsof1) then if DoNotReplace1 then return nil
562                                                     else DoNotReplace2:=t$
563 if ((car maxcancel)<termsof2) then if DoNotReplace2 then return nil
564                                                     else DoNotReplace1:=t$
566 % flip is determined, so that after a flip (if necessary) de2 is replaced,
567 % i.e. if n1 is the number of terms of de1 then at least n1 terms must be
568 % canceled so that the sum a*de1+b*de2 has not more terms than de2.
569 % This would be achieved if at least n1/2 pair-cancellations would occur.
571 % Although nl1,2 are not used further below, the use of nconc instead of
572 % append let once to a wrong 'fcts and 'fct_kern_nli property of an equation
573 if DoNotReplace2 or (termsof2<termsof1) then <<
574  flip:=t;
575  a:=de1p; de1p:=de2p; de2p:=a;
576  no_factors_x_2:=if l1 or null l2 then nl2
577                  else append(nl2,setdiff_according_to(l2,ineq_pre,ftem_));
578  no_factors_x_1:=if l2 or null l1 then nl1
579                  else append(nl1,setdiff_according_to(l1,ineq_pre,ftem_));
580  n1:=termsof2;
581  n2:=termsof1
582 >>      else <<
583  no_factors_x_1:=if l1 or null l2 then nl2
584                  else append(nl2,setdiff_according_to(l2,ineq_pre,ftem_));
585  no_factors_x_2:=if l2 or null l1 then nl1
586                  else append(nl1,setdiff_according_to(l1,ineq_pre,ftem_));
587  n1:=termsof1;
588  n2:=termsof2
589 >>;
591 if null DoNotReplace1 and null DoNotReplace2 then tryboth:=t;
592% max_success:=if tryboth then if termsof1<termsof2 then 2*termsof1
593%                                                   else 2*termsof2
594%                         else 2*termsof1$
596 % To allow the generation of new *length increased* equations
597 % which have to be *added* and which should not be shortened again
598 % (not to get into a cycle) , i.e. 'to_eval=nil, one has to lower
599 % n1 here. n1 is the length of the equation to be kept.
600 % n1:=n1-4$
602 if length_inc_alg neq 1.0 then <<
603  m1:=reval algebraic(ceiling lisp {'quotient,n1,length_inc_alg});
604  m2:=reval algebraic(ceiling lisp {'quotient,n2,length_inc_alg})
605 >>                                    else <<
606  m1:=n1;
607  m2:=n2
608 >>;
610 repeat << % one shortening
611  b:=short(ql1,ql2,cddar de1p,cddar de2p,m1,m2,2*(caar de1p),
612           car maxcancel-cadr maxcancel,cadr maxcancel,%max_success,
613           take_first,no_factors_x_1,no_factors_x_2,tryboth)$
614  % take_first:=car b; b:=cdr b; % to activate see end of short()
615  if b then <<
616   ql1:=car b;
617   ql2:=cadr b;
618   a:=cddr b;
619   if a and take_first then <<     % the result
620     de1p:=car a;                  % numerator   of a successful quotient
621     de2p:=cdr a;                  % denominator of a successful quotient
622   >>   else <<                    % the next pairing
623     de1p:=cdr de1p;
624     de2p:=cdr de2p;
625   >>;
626   maxcancel:=cdr maxcancel;
627  >>   else a:=nil;
628 >> until (null b)           or % failure
629          (a and take_first) or % early success
630          null de1p$            % end of all possible run --> needs check
632 if b and (null take_first) then <<
633  % search of the best shortening
634  % car find..: highest number of saved terms in the quotient list
635  % de1p: numerator   of the best quotient so far
636  % de2p: denominator of the best quotient so far
638  if null ql2 and (null tryboth or null ql1) then <<
639   write"##### SOMETHING IS WRONG ###"$terpri()$
640   write" short() should have recognized that there is no successful quotient."$
641   terpri()
642  >>$
644%write"ql2="$prettyprint ql2$
645%write"ql1="$prettyprint ql1$
647  ql2:=find_best_quotient(ql2)$   % works also if ql2=nil
648  ql1:=find_best_quotient(ql1)$
649  % ql1 and ql2 are now of different structure, see find_best_quotient()
654%write"de1=",de1," de2=",de2$terpri()$
655%write"car ql1=",car ql1$terpri()$
656%write"car ql2=",car ql2$terpri()$
657%write"replace1-1 = ",replace1$terpri()$
659  if (caar ql1 - n2) >        % at least n2 terms would have to be dropped
660     (caar ql2 - n1) then <<  % at least n1 terms would have to be dropped
661   replace1:=t$
662   ql:=ql1
663  >>                else ql:=ql2;
664  bestq:=car ql;
665  r:=n1+n2-car bestq;         % the new number of terms
666  de1p:=cadr bestq;
667  de2p:=cddr bestq;
668  ql:=cdr ql             % remaining multipliers
670 >>;
671%write"replace1-2 = ",replace1$terpri()$
673 return
674 if null b or
675    (take_first and null a) then nil else % num and denom are de1p, de2p
676% if t then
678  %--- computing the shorter new equation
679  %    (local variables l1,l2,nl1,nl2,m1,m2 are re-used)
680  % nl2 shall be the name and l2 the value of the equation to be replaced
681  % nl1 shall be the name and l1 the value of the other equation
682  % m1 shal be the sum of rational multipliers to l1
683  nl2:=if replace1 then if flip then de2 else de1
684                   else if flip then de1 else de2;
686  nl1:=if nl2=de2 then de1 else de2;
687  l1:=get(nl1,'sqval);  l2:=get(nl2,'sqval);
689  m1:=if nl2=de2 then if flip then (de1p . de2p) else (de2p . de1p)  % m1 is the multiplier to equation nl1
690                 else if flip then (de2p . de1p) else (de1p . de2p);
691  l2:=subtrsq(l2,multsq(m1,l1));
693%%%% TEST:
694%if nil then
695if null take_first and (r neq (m2:=no_of_tm_sf numr l2)) then <<
696 write"##############################################################################"$
697 write"Wrong expected length value:"$terpri()$
698 write"expected value: r=",r$terpri()$
699 write"real no of terms: ",m2$terpri()$
701 algebraic<<
702  off nat$
703  write"de1:=",lisp {'!*sq,get(de1,'sqval),t}$
704  write"de2:=",lisp {'!*sq,get(de2,'sqval),t}$
705  write"m1 =",lisp {'!*sq,m1,t}$
706  on nat
707 >>;
708 write"ql="$terpri()$
709 prettyprint ql
712  if take_first then r:=no_of_tm_sf numr l2
713                else
714  while ql do << % r is the current length and ql is a list of further multipliers
715   if bestq neq car ql then <<
716    m2:=if nl2=de2 then if flip then ((cadar ql) . (cddar ql)) else ((cddar ql) . (cadar ql))
717                   else if flip then ((cddar ql) . (cadar ql)) else ((cadar ql) . (cddar ql));
718    a:=subtrsq(l2,multsq(m2,l1));
719    b:=no_of_tm_sf numr a;
720    if b<r then <<l2:=a; r:=b; m1:=addsq(m1,m2)>>
721   >>;
722   ql:=cdr ql;
723  >>$
724  if in_cycle({11,stepcounter_,
725               get(l1,'printlength),length get(l1,'fcts),numr m1,
726               get(l2,'printlength),length get(l2,'fcts),denr m1 }) then <<
727   if print_ and tr_short then <<
728    write"To avoid a loop, a possible shortening was not performed."$
729    terpri()
730   >>;
731   nil
732  >>                                                                else <<
733   if print_ then <<
734    a:=get(nl2,'terms); b:=a-r;
735    if null tr_short then write"Shortening by ",b,if b=1 then " term" else " terms",
736                               " to now ",r,if r=1 then " term." else " terms."
737                     else <<
738     terpri()$
739     if r=0 then <<
740      write"Equation ",nl2,"(",a,") is deleted as it is a consequence of ",nl1,"(",
741            get(nl1,'terms),") :"$
742      algebraic(write " 0 = ",lisp {'!*sq,(numr subtrsq(mksq(nl2,1),multsq(m1,mksq(nl1,1))) . 1),t})
744     >>     else <<
745      if null car recycle_eqns then m2:=mkid(eqname_,nequ_)
746			       else m2:=caar recycle_eqns$
747      % m2 is the name of the new equation. The same name will be generated
748      % in err_catch_short() which calls mkeqSQ() which calls new_pde().
749      write"Equation ",nl2,"(",a,") is shortened by ",b,if b=1 then " term" else " terms",
750	   " using ",nl1,"(",get(nl1,'terms),") ","and ","is ","replaced by:"$
751      algebraic(write lisp m2,"(",r,") = ",
752                      lisp {'!*sq,(numr subtrsq(mksq(nl2,1),multsq(m1,mksq(nl1,1))) . 1),t})
753     >>
754    >>
755   >>;
756   ({l2} . {nl2})
757  >>
758 >>
759%  else <<
760%  if flip then <<a:=get(de2,'sqval);  b:=get(de1,'sqval)>>
761%          else <<a:=get(de1,'sqval);  b:=get(de2,'sqval)>>$
762%  if print_ and tr_short then <<
763%   if null car recycle_eqns then n1:=mkid(eqname_,nequ_)
764%                            else n1:=caar recycle_eqns$
765%   algebraic write "The new equation ",n1," = ",
766%   lisp {'difference,{'times,!*f2a de2p,if flip then de2 else de1},
767%                     {'times,!*f2a de1p,if flip then de1 else de2} },
768%   "  replaces  "
769%  >>$
770%  a:=subtrsq(if de2p=1 then a
771%                       else multsq((de2p . 1),a),
772%             if de1p=1 then b
773%                       else multsq((de1p . 1),b) )$
775%  if in_cycle(cons(11,cons(stepcounter_,if flip then {
776%     get(de2,'printlength),length get(de2,'fcts),de2p,
777%     get(de1,'printlength),length get(de1,'fcts),de1p }
778%                                                else {
779%     get(de1,'printlength),length get(de1,'fcts),de1p,
780%     get(de2,'printlength),length get(de2,'fcts),de2p })))
781%  then nil
782%  else (list a . list(if replace1 then if flip then de2 else de1
783%                                  else if flip then de1 else de2))
784% >>
785end$  % of shorten
789symbolic procedure clean_num(qc,j)$
791 scalar qc1,nall$
792 return
793 if 2*(cdaar qc)<=j then t else <<
794  qc1:=car qc;  % the representative and list to proportional factors
795  nall:=cdar qc1;
796  while cdr qc1 do
797  if (cdadr qc1)+nall<=j then rplacd(qc1,cddr qc1)
798                         else qc1:=cdr qc1;
799  if qc1=car qc then t else nil  % whether empty or not after cleaning
800 >>
805symbolic procedure clean_den(qc,j)$
807 scalar qcc$
808 qcc:=qc$
809 while cdr qc do
810 if clean_num(cdr qc,j) then rplacd(qc,cddr qc)
811                        else qc:=cdr qc$
812 return null cdr qcc % Are there any numerators left?
817symbolic procedure find_best_quotient(ql)$
818% - ql is a list of denominator classes: (dcl1 dcl2 dcl3 ...)
819%   - each denominator class dcli is a dotted pair (di . nclist) where
820%     - di is the denominator and
821%     - nclist is a list of numerator classes.
822%       Each numerator class is a list with
823%       - first element: (ncl . n) where ncl is the numerator
824%         up to a rational numerical factor and n is the number of
825%         occurences of ncl (up to a rational numerical factor)
826%       - further elements: (nfi . ni) where nfi is the numerical
827%         proportionality factor and ni the number of occurences
828%         of this factor
829begin scalar %r,
830             s,cp,n,m,qlist,bestnu,bestq;
831% r:=0;
832 bestq:=(0 . (nil . nil));
833 while ql do <<
834%write"denumerator=",caar ql$terpri()$
835  s:=cdar ql;              % the numerator list of the first denominator class
836  while s do <<            % for each numerator class
837   cp:=car s;   s:=cdr s;  % cp is the first numerator class
838   n:=cdar cp;             % n is the sum of occurences of all numerators in this class
839%write"numerator=",caar cp$terpri()$
840%write"numerator frequency=",n$terpri()$
841%for each m in cdr cp do write"num fac=",car m," frequency=",cdr m$terpri()$
843   % finding the best numerical factor bestnu in the numerator class
844   bestnu:=cdr cp;
846   while cdr bestnu do
847   if cdar bestnu <= cdadr bestnu then bestnu:=cdr bestnu
848                                  else rplacd(bestnu,cddr bestnu);
850   % multiplying
851   % the  numerator of the numerical factor to the  numerator of the quotient and
852   % the denomiator of the numerical factor to the denomiator of the quotient
854   m:=n + cdar bestnu;
856%   qlist:=cons((m .                                                   % saving
857%                ((if caaar bestnu=1 then       caar cp
858%                                    else multf(caar cp,caaadr cp)) .    % numerator
859%                 (if cdaar bestnu=1 then       caar ql
860%                                    else multf(caar ql,cdaadr cp))  )), % denominator
861%               qlist);
863   qlist:=cons((m .                                                   % saving
864                ((if caaar bestnu=1 then       caar cp
865                                    else multf(caar cp,caaar bestnu)) .    % numerator
866                 (if cdaar bestnu=1 then       caar ql
867                                    else multf(caar ql,cdaar bestnu))  )), % denominator
868               qlist);
870%   if m>r then <<r:=m;bestq:=cdar qlist>>
873   if m>car bestq then bestq:=car qlist
875  >>;
876  ql:=cdr ql
877 >>;
878%write"r=",r,"  bestq=",bestq$terpri()$
879 return (bestq . qlist)
884symbolic procedure short(ql1,ql2,d1,d2,n1,n2,n1_now,max_save_now,max_save_later,
885                         %max_success,
886                         take_first,no_factors_x_1,no_factors_x_2,tryboth)$
887 % - ql1,ql2 are lists of quotients so far determined where de1 will be
888 %   multiplied with the denominator of `the' quotient and de2 is multiplied
889 %   with the numerator of that quotient. if tryboth=nil then ql1=nil.
890 %   Numerators of ql2 do not depend on no_factors_x_2 so that these quotients
891 %   are used to replace de2 and denominators of ql1 do not depend on
892 %   no_factors_x_1 so that these quotients are used to replace de1.
893 % - d1,d2 are two subexpressions of de1, de2.
894 % - The full equations de1,de2 have n1,n2 terms. n1 many must be saved in total
895 %   if de2 is to be replaced and n2 many must be saved if de1 is to be replaced.
896 % - n1_now is 2 times the number of terms of the input expression d1.
897 % - max_save_now is the maximum number of cancellations in this
898 %   run of short() based on 2*min(terms of d1, terms of d2)
899 % - max_save_later is the maximal number of terms that could be saved in all
900 %   the remaining short() runs under this shorten() call.
901 % - if no_factors_x_i <> nil if non-linear equations --> must check that di
902 %                        is not multiplied with a factor from no_factors_x_i
903 % - if tryboth=t then try to shorten any one of both equations, else try only
904 %                to shorten de2, i.e. the mother of d2.
906 scalar LastQSuccess,d2cop,j1,j2,e1,e2,q,dcl,nu,ldcl,lnu,h,repl1,repl2,allowedq
907        ,max_coeff_len_reached
911 % tr_short_local:=t;
912 % - n1_now is the maximum number of terms cancelling each other
913 %   in this run of short, based on 2*(number of remaining terms of d1
914 %   still to check). Initially n1_now=max_save_now or n1_now>max_save_now
915 %   but as the computation goes on, n1_now decreases, so eventually it will
916 %   be less than max_save_now.
918%n1:=reval n1;
919%n2:=reval n2;
920 j1:=max_save_later + max_save_now$
921 j2:=n1-j1$
922 j1:=n2-j1$
923 % - The following j2-value is the minimal number of cancellations that
924 %   should already have been found to have a chance to replace de2.
925 % - The following j1-value is the minimal number of cancellations that
926 %   should already have been found to have a chance to replace de1.
927 % - LastQSuccess = t iff the last quotient gives a length reduction.
928 %   This is the case if >n1 terms are killed for a deletion of de2 or >n2
929 %   terms are killed for a deletion of de1.
930%bynow1:=0; bynow2:=0; qcount:=0;
931 repeat <<  % for each term e1 of d1
932  n1_now:=n1_now-2;
933  e1:=first_term_SF d1; d1:=subtrf(d1,e1);
934  %---- divide each term e1 of d1 through all terms e2 of d2
935  d2cop:=d2;
936  %---- continue as long as possible and un-successful
937  while d2cop and not(take_first and LastQSuccess) do << % correct version, 3% slower than:
938% while d2cop and null LastQSuccess do << % The first quotient which proves to be
939                                          % beneficial is nearly always the best
940   e2:=first_term_SF d2cop; d2cop:=subtrf(d2cop,e2);
941   q:=cancel(e1 ./ e2);         % otherwise already successful
943%qcount:=add1 qcount$
944%if q neq resimp q then <<
945%write"###### q <> q !!!. "$terpri()$
947%write"qnew=",resimp quotsq((e1 . 1),(e2 . 1))$terpri()$
948%write"qnew=",simp reval {'!*sq,quotsq((e1 . 1),(e2 . 1)),nil}$terpri()$
949%write"re1=",reval {'!*sq,q,nil}$terpri()$
950%write"re2=",reval {'!*sq,(e1 . 1),(e2 . 1),nil}$terpri()$
953%if (denr q = 1) and (domainp numr q) then <<
954% qisnumber:=t;
955% bynow1:=add1 bynow1;
956% if 5184 = car q then bynow2:=add1 bynow2;
957%>>           else qisnumber:=nil;
958%%if qisnumber then write"t " else write "n "$
960   %---- Determination of
961   %     ldcl: the numerical factor of the denominator
962   %      dcl: the rest of the denominator
963   dcl:=cdr q;        % dcl is the denominator of the current quotient
964   repl1:=tryboth;
965%   if numberp dcl or (pairp dcl and car dcl= '!:GI!:) then <<ldcl:=dcl;dcl:=1>>
966   if domainp dcl then <<ldcl:=dcl;dcl:=1>>
967                  else <<
968    if repl1 and no_factors_x_1 and not freeoflist(dcl,no_factors_x_1) then repl1:=nil;
969    h:=dcl;
970%    while <<ldcl:=lc h; not(numberp ldcl or car ldcl = '!:GI!:)>> do h:=ldcl;
971    while not domainp(ldcl:=lc h) do h:=ldcl;
972    rplacd(car h,1)$ % This seems to work reliably, i.e. we do not need here:
973    % if ldcl neq 1 then dcl:=numr cancel(dcl ./ ldcl)
974   >>;
976   %---- Determination of
977   %     lnu: the numerical factor of the numerator
978   %      nu: the rest of the numerator
979   nu:=car q;         % nu is the numerator of the current quotient
980%   if numberp nu or (pairp nu and car nu= '!:GI!:) then <<lnu:=nu;nu:=1;repl2:=t;allowedq:=t>>
981   if domainp nu then <<lnu:=nu;nu:=1;repl2:=t;allowedq:=t>>
982                 else <<
983    if no_factors_x_2 and not freeoflist(nu,no_factors_x_2) then <<
984     allowedq:=repl1;
985     repl2:=nil
986    >>                                                      else <<repl2:=t;allowedq:=t>>$
987    if allowedq then <<
988     h:=nu;
989%     while <<lnu:=lc h; not(numberp lnu or car lnu = '!:GI!:)>> do h:=lnu;
990     while not domainp(lnu:=lc h) do h:=lnu;
991     % rplacd(car h,1)$ % is not possible as it might change e1 (as it has occured)
992     if lnu neq 1 then nu:=numr cancel(nu ./ lnu)
993    >>
994   >>;
996   %---- Do numerical coefficients get too long?
997   if allowedq and
998      ((numberp  lnu  and (( lnu>max_coeff_len) or ( lnu<-max_coeff_len))) or
999       (pairp  lnu and (car  lnu='!:gi!:) and
1000	((cadr  lnu>max_coeff_len) or (cadr  lnu<-max_coeff_len) or
1001	 (cddr  lnu>max_coeff_len) or (cddr  lnu<-max_coeff_len)    )    ) or
1002       (numberp ldcl  and ((ldcl>max_coeff_len) or (ldcl<-max_coeff_len))) or
1003       (pairp ldcl and (car ldcl='!:gi!:) and
1004	((cadr ldcl>max_coeff_len) or (cadr ldcl<-max_coeff_len) or
1005	 (cddr ldcl>max_coeff_len) or (cddr ldcl<-max_coeff_len)    )    )    ) then <<
1006    if tr_short and null max_coeff_len_reached then <<
1007     write"### Num. factors grew too large in shortening."$
1008     terpri()$
1009%     write"N"
1010    >>;
1011    max_coeff_len_reached:=t
1012   >>                                                                           else
1014   %---- Record the quotient, check whether it is successful
1015   if null allowedq then LastQSuccess:=nil
1016                    else
1017   if repl1 and (null repl2 or (n1>n2)) then <<  % to replace de1
1018%if qisnumber then write"###### wrongly adding to ql1!"$
1019    h:=add_quotient(ql1,nu,lnu,dcl,ldcl,j1)$
1020    if car h > n2 then LastQSuccess:=t
1021                  else LastQSuccess:=nil$
1022    ql1:=cdr h
1023   >>                                   else <<  % to replace de1
1024    h:=add_quotient(ql2,nu,lnu,dcl,ldcl,j2)$
1025    if car h > n1 then LastQSuccess:=t
1026                  else LastQSuccess:=nil$
1027    ql2:=cdr h
1028   >>
1030  >>$   % all terms of d2
1032  % Computing updated values of j1,j2 as n1_now has
1033  % been lowered and may now be < max_save_now
1034  if n1_now<max_save_now then <<
1035   j1:=max_save_later + n1_now;
1036   j2:=n1-j1$
1037   j1:=n2-j1$
1039   % Deleting quotients that have no chance.
1040   if j1>0 then ql1:=clean_ql(ql1,j1)$
1041   if j2>0 then ql2:=clean_ql(ql2,j2)$
1042  >>$
1044 >>    % all terms of d1
1045 until (null d1                             ) or % everything divided
1046       (take_first and LastQSuccess         ) or % successful: saving > cost
1047       (((null tryboth           ) or
1048         ((j1 > 0) and (null ql1))    ) and
1049        (  j2 > 0) and (null ql2)           )$   % all quotients are too rare
1051% write"bynow1=",bynow1,"  bynow2=",bynow2,"  qcount=",qcount$terpri()$
1053 return
1054 if ((null tryboth           ) or
1055     ((j1 > 0) and (null ql1))    ) and
1056    (  j2 > 0) and (null ql2      )     then nil                 else
1057 if null d1                             then (ql1 . (ql2 . nil)) else
1058                                             (ql1 . (ql2 .  q ));
1059                                                 % take_first and LastQSuccess
1061end$ % of short
1065symbolic procedure clean_ql(ql,j)$
1066begin scalar qc;
1067 while ql and clean_den(car ql,j) do ql:=cdr ql;
1068 if ql then <<
1069  qc:=ql;
1070  while cdr qc do
1071  if clean_den(cadr qc,j) then rplacd(qc,cddr qc)
1072                          else qc:=cdr qc
1073 >>;
1074 return ql
1079symbolic procedure add_quotient(ql,nu,lnu,dcl,ldcl,j)$
1080% - ql is a list of denominator classes: (dcl1 dcl2 dcl3 ...)
1081%   - each denominator class dcli is a dotted pair (di . nclist) where
1082%     - di is the denominator and
1083%     - nclist is a list of numerator classes.
1084%       Each numerator class is a list with
1085%       - first element: (ncl . n) where ncl is the numerator
1086%         up to a rational numerical factor and n is the number of
1087%         occurences of ncl (up to a rational numerical factor)
1088%       - further elements: (nfi . ni) where nfi is the numerical
1089%         proportionality factor and ni the number of occurences
1090%         of this factor
1091% - lnu is the numerical factor of the numerator and
1092%    nu is the rest of the numerator
1093% - ldcl is the numerical factor of the denominator
1094%    dcl is the rest of the denominator
1095% - The j-value is the minimal number of cancellations that should
1096%   already have been found (including cancellations from this quotient)
1097%   to have a chance for shortening.
1099% It returns (number_of_saved_terms_by_this_quotient_as_known_so_far .
1100%             quotient_list)
1102begin scalar nall,m,qc,qq,preqc$
1104 if null !*complex then <<  % This case handles rational although
1105                            % they are not supposed to come up
1106  if pairp ldcl then <<
1107   write"####### ldcl=",ldcl," is not an integer!"$ terpri()
1108  >>$
1109  if pairp lnu and car lnu neq '!:rn!: then <<
1110   write"####### lnu=",lnu," is not rational!"$ terpri()
1111  >>$
1112  if fixp lnu then qq:=(lnu . ldcl) else
1113  % all following under the assumption:  car lnu=!:RN!:
1114  if ldcl=1 then qq:=cdr lnu
1115            else <<m:=cancel (cadr lnu ./ ldcl);
1116                   qq:=(car m . (cddr lnu * cdr m))>>
1117 >>                else % ON COMPLEX, lnu and ldcl could both be Gaussian
1118                        % integers but without real common integer factor
1119                        % --> no need to do cancel( ./ )
1120 if fixp ldcl then qq:=(lnu . ldcl)
1121              else qq:=quotsq((lnu . 1),(ldcl . 1));
1123%if domainp ldcl and (ldcl neq 1) then <<
1124%write"***** ldcl=",ldcl," lnu=",lnu$
1125%algebraic(on rational);
1126%m:=quotsq((lnu . 1),(ldcl . 1));
1127%lnu:=numr m;
1128%ldcl:=denr m; m:=nil;
1129%write" | ldcl=",ldcl," lnu=",lnu$terpri()$
1132 %---- search for the denominator class
1133 qc:=ql;
1134 while qc and (dcl neq caar qc) do qc:=cdr qc;
1137 if null qc then    % denominator class not found
1138 if j <= 0 then <<  % add denominator class
1139  nall:=2;          % to give a sum of 2
1140  ql:=cons((dcl . list(list((nu . 1),(qq . 1)))), ql)
1141 >>        else nall:=0 % too late to add this denominator
1142            else << % denominator class has been found
1144  %---- now search of the numerator class
1145  qc:=cdar qc;      % qc is the list of numerator classes nclist
1146  while qc and (nu neq caaar qc) do <<preqc:=qc; qc:=cdr qc>>;
1148  if null qc then   % numerator class not found
1149  if j <= 0   then << % add numerator class                             %@@@@
1150   nall:=2;
1151   rplacd(preqc,list(list((nu . 1),(qq . 1))) )
1152  >>          else nall:=0 % too late to add this numerator
1153             else <<% numerator class found
1154   nall:=add1 cdaar qc;   % increasing the total number of occur.
1155   rplacd(caar qc,nall);
1157   %---- now search for the numerical factor
1158   qc:=cdar qc;
1159   while qc and (qq neq caar qc) do <<preqc:=qc;qc:=cdr qc>>;
1160   if null qc then << % numerical factor not found
1161    rplacd(preqc,list((qq . 1)));
1162%;if (nu=1) and (dcl=1) then
1163%if nall neq bynow1 or ((lnu=5184) and (bynow2 neq 1)) then <<
1164%write"&&&&&& bynow1=",bynow1," nall=",nall," bynow2=",bynow2," m=",1," q=",q$terpri()
1166    nall:=add1 nall
1167   >>         else <<
1168    m:=add1 cdar qc$
1169    rplacd(car qc,m);
1170%;if (nu=1) and (dcl=1) then
1171%if nall neq bynow1 or ((lnu=5184) and (bynow2 neq m)) then <<
1172%write"&&&&&& bynow1=",bynow1," nall=",nall," bynow2=",bynow2," m=",m," q=",q$terpri()
1174    nall:=nall+m
1175   >>
1176  >> % numerator class found
1177 >>$ % denominator class found
1178 return (nall . ql)
1179end$  % of add_quotient
1183symbolic procedure drop_lin_dep(arglist)$
1184% drops linear dependent equations
1185begin scalar pdes,tr_drop,p,cp,incre,newpdes,m,h,s,r,a,v,
1186             vli,indp,indli,conli,mli,success$
1187 % the pdes are assumed to be sorted by the number of terms,
1188 % shortest come first
1189 % vli is the list of all `independent variables' v in this lin. algebra
1190 %     computation, i.e. a list of all different products of powers of
1191 %     derivatives of ftem functions and constants
1192 %     format: ((product1, v1, sum1),(product2, v2, sum2),...)
1193 %     where sumi is the sum of all terms of all equations multiplied
1194 %     with the multiplier of that equation
1195 % indli is a list marking whether equations are necessarily lin
1196 %     indep. because they involve a `variable' v not encountered yet
1197 % mli is the list of multipliers of the equations
1198 pdes:=car arglist$
1199 % tr_drop:=t$
1200 if pdes and cdr pdes then <<
1201  while pdes do <<
1202   p:=car pdes; pdes:=cdr pdes; newpdes:=cons(p,newpdes);
1203   m:=gensym()$
1204   a:=sort_partition(p,nil,get(p,'fcts),nil);
1205   if tr_drop then <<write "new eqn:"$prettyprint a;
1206    write"multiplier for this equation: m=",m$terpri()
1207   >>$
1208   indp:=nil;
1209   for each h in a do <<
1210    s:=car h;
1211    % Does s occur in vli?
1212    % Adding the terms multiplied with the multiplier to the corresp. sum
1213    cp:=vli;
1214    while cp and (s neq caar cp) do cp:=cdr cp;
1215    if tr_drop then <<
1216     write"searched for: s=",s$terpri();
1217     if cp then write"found: car cp=",car cp$terpri()$
1218    >>$
1219    if cp then <<r:=cadar cp;
1220                 incre:=reval {'quotient,
1221                               {'times,m,r,
1222                                if cadr h>1 then cons('plus,caddr h)
1223                                            else caaddr h},
1224                               s};
1225                 rplaca(cddar cp,cons(incre,caddar cp))
1226               >>
1227          else <<r:=if (pairp s) or (numberp s) then gensym() else s;
1228                 indp:=s;
1229                 incre:=reval {'quotient,
1230                               {'times,m,r,
1231                                if cadr h>1 then cons('plus,caddr h)
1232                                            else caaddr h},
1233                               s};
1234                 vli:=cons({s,r,{incre}},vli)
1235               >>;
1236    if tr_drop then <<
1237     write"corresponding symbol: r=",r$terpri()$
1239     write"upd: incre=",incre$terpri()$
1240     write"vli="$prettyprint vli
1241    >>$
1242   >>;
1243   mli:=cons(m,mli);
1244   indli:=cons(indp,indli)
1245  >>$
1247  % Formulating a list of conditions
1248  while vli do <<
1249   v:=caddar vli; vli:=cdr vli;
1250   conli:=cons(if cdr v then cons('plus,v)
1251                        else car v,
1252               conli)
1253  >>;
1255  % Now the investigation of linear independence
1256  pdes:=nil;  % the new list of lin. indep. PDEs
1257  while cdr newpdes do <<
1258   if tr_drop then <<
1259    terpri()$
1260    if car indli then write"lin. indep. without search of ",car newpdes,
1261                           " due to the occurence of ",car indli
1262                 else write"lin. indep. investigation for ",car newpdes$
1263   >>;
1264   if car indli then pdes:=cons(car newpdes,pdes)
1265                else <<
1266    s:=cdr solveeval {cons('list,subst(1,car mli,conli)),cons('list,cdr mli)};
1267    if s then <<drop_pde(car newpdes,nil,nil)$  % lin. dep.
1268                success:=t$
1269                if print_ then <<
1270                 terpri()$
1271                 write"Eqn. ",car newpdes,
1272                      " has been dropped due to linear dependence."$
1273                >>
1274              >>
1275         else <<pdes:=cons(car newpdes,pdes);   % lin. indep.
1276                if tr_drop then <<
1277                 terpri()$
1278                 write"Eqn. ",car newpdes," is lin. indep."$
1279                >>
1280              >>;
1281   >>;
1282   newpdes:=cdr newpdes;
1283   indli:=cdr indli;
1284   conli:=subst(0,car mli,conli);
1285   mli:=cdr mli
1286  >>;
1287  pdes:=cons(car newpdes,pdes)
1288 >>;
1289 return if success then list(pdes,cadr arglist)
1290                   else nil
1295symbolic procedure find_1_term_eqn(arglist)$
1296% checks whether a linear combination of the equations can produce
1297% an equation with only one term
1298if not lin_problem then nil else
1299begin scalar pdes,tr_drop,p,cp,incre,m,h,s,r,a,v,
1300             vli,indp,indli,conli,mli,mpli,success,
1301             sli,slilen,maxlen,newconli,newpdes,newp,fl,vl$
1303 if tr_drop then terpri()$
1304 pdes:=car arglist$
1305 newpdes:=pdes$
1307% if struc_eqn then <<
1308%  cp:=pdes;
1309%  while cp do <<
1310%   if is_algebraic(car cp) then r:=cons(car cp,r)
1311%                           else s:=cons(car cp,s);
1312%   cp:=cdr cp
1313%  >>;
1314%  r:=nil;
1315%  s:=nil;
1316% >>$
1317% Drop all PDEs which have at least two derivs which no other have
1319 if pdes and cdr pdes then <<
1320  while pdes do <<
1321   p:=car pdes; pdes:=cdr pdes;
1322   m:=gensym()$
1323   if tr_drop then <<terpri()$write"multiplier m=",m$terpri()>>$
1324   a:=sort_partition(p,nil,get(p,'fcts),nil);
1325   for each h in a do <<
1326    s:=car h;
1327    % Does s occur in vli?
1328    % Adding the terms multiplied with the multiplier to the corresp. sum
1329    cp:=vli;
1330    while cp and (s neq caar cp) do cp:=cdr cp;
1331    if tr_drop then <<
1332     write"searched for: s=",s$terpri();
1333     if cp then <<write"found: car cp=",car cp$terpri()$>>
1334    >>$
1335    if cp then <<r:=cadar cp;
1336                 incre:=reval {'quotient,
1337                               {'times,m,%r,
1338                                if cadr h>1 then cons('plus,caddr h)
1339                                            else caaddr h},
1340                               s};
1341                 rplaca(cddar cp,cons(incre,caddar cp))
1342               >>
1343          else <<r:=if (pairp s) or (numberp s) then gensym() else s;
1344                 indp:=s;
1345                 incre:=reval {'quotient,
1346                               {'times,m,%r,
1347                                if cadr h>1 then cons('plus,caddr h)
1348                                            else caaddr h},
1349                               s};
1350                 vli:=cons({s,r,{incre}},vli)
1351               >>;
1352    if tr_drop then <<
1353     write"corresponding symbol: r=",r$terpri()$
1355     write"upd: incre=",incre$terpri()$
1356     write"vli="$prettyprint vli
1357    >>$
1358   >>;
1359   mli:=cons(m,mli);
1360   mpli:=cons((m . p),mpli);
1361   indli:=cons(indp,indli)
1362  >>$
1364  % Formulating a list of conditions
1365  while vli do <<
1366   sli:=cons(caar vli,sli);
1367   v:=caddar vli; vli:=cdr vli;
1368   conli:=cons(if cdr v then cons('plus,v)
1369                        else car v,
1370               conli)
1371  >>;
1373  % Now the investigation of the existence of equations with only one
1374  % term
1375  slilen:=length sli;
1376  mli  :=cons('list,  mli);
1377  conli:=cons('list,conli);
1378  if tr_drop then <<
1379   write"sli=",sli$terpri()$
1380   algebraic(write"mli=",mli)$
1381   algebraic(write"conli=",conli)$
1382   write"mpli=",mpli$terpri()$
1383  >>;
1384  for h:=1:slilen do <<             % for each possible single term
1385   newp:=car sli;sli:=cdr sli;
1386   pdes:=newpdes;
1387   while pdes and
1388         ((get(car pdes,'terms)>1) or
1389          (not zerop reval {'difference,get(car pdes,'val),newp})) do
1390   pdes:=cdr pdes;
1391   if null pdes then <<
1392    cp:=conli;
1393    for s:=1:h do cp:=cdr cp;
1394    rplaca(cp,reval {'plus,1,car cp});
1395    if tr_drop then <<
1396     write"h=",h$terpri()$
1397     algebraic(write"new conli=",conli)$
1398    >>;
1400    s:=cdr solveeval {conli,mli};
1401    if (null s) and tr_drop then <<write"no success"$terpri()>>$
1402    if s then <<                     % found 1-term equation
1403     if null success then
1404     for each p in newpdes do <<
1405      fl:=union(get(p,'fcts),fl);
1406      vl:=union(get(p,'vars),vl)
1407     >>$
1408     success:=t$
1409     maxlen:=0$
1410     s:=cdar s; % first solution (lin. system), dropping 'list
1412     % now find the equation to be replaced by the 1-term-equation
1413     % find the non-vanishing m in s, such that the corresponding p in
1414     % mpli has a maximum number of terms
1415     while s do <<
1416      if caddar s neq 0 then <<
1417       r:=cadar s;
1418       cp:=mpli;
1419       while caar cp neq r do cp:=cdr cp;
1420       if get(cdar cp,'terms)>maxlen then <<
1421	p:=cdar cp;              % p will be the equation to be replaced
1422	m:=r;
1423	maxlen:=get(p,'terms);
1424       >>
1425      >>$
1426      s:=cdr s
1427     >>$
1429     % Now replacing the old equation p by the new 1-term equation in conli:
1430     r:=0;
1431     newconli:=nil$
1432     while conli do <<
1433      v:=subst(0,m,car conli)$
1434      conli:=cdr conli$
1435      if r=h then <<
1436       v:=reval {'plus,{'times,m,newp},v}$
1437      >>$
1438      newconli:=cons(v,newconli);
1439      r:=add1(r)
1440     >>$
1441     conli:=reverse newconli$
1443     % the new equation:
1444     newp:=mkeqSQ(nil,nil,newp,fl,vl,allflags_,t,list(0),nil,newpdes);
1445     % last argument is nil as no new inequalities can result
1446     % if new equation has only one term
1447     % --> has been changed as this may change, e.g. ineq_or
1448     newpdes:=cons(newp,newpdes);
1449     if print_ then <<
1450      terpri()$
1451      write"The new equation ",newp$ typeeq newp$
1452      write" replaces ",p$           typeeq p$
1453     >>;
1454     drop_pde(p,nil,nil)$
1455     newpdes:=delete(p,newpdes);
1457     % update of mpli:
1458     mpli:=subst(newp,p,mpli)$
1460     if tr_drop then <<
1461      write"mpli=",mpli$terpri()$
1462     >>;
1464    >>;                        % end of successful find
1465    cp:=conli;
1466    for s:=1:h do cp:=cdr cp;
1467    rplaca(cp,reval {'plus,-1,car cp});
1468   >>                          % if the 1-term PDE is not already known
1469  >>$                          % for each possible single term
1471 >>;
1472 return if success then list(newpdes,cadr arglist)
1473                   else nil
1481Possible Improvements:
1483 - auch subtrahieren, wenn 0 Gewinn (Zyklus!)
1484 - kann Zyklus mit decoupling geben
1485 - Erweiterung auf mehrere Gleichungen
1486 - counter example:
1487   0 = +a+b+c
1488   0 =   -b  +d+e
1489   0 =     -c-d  +f
1490   0 = -a      -e-f
1491   combining any 2 gives a longer one, summing 3 an equally long one and
1492   the sum of all 4 is even zero.
1493 - In order not to run into a cycle with decouple one could use
1494   dec_hist_list but that costs memory.
1495 ---------
1497    DONE
1498    - when a ftem_ function becomes non-zero then drop all equations from the rl_with lists
1499      which involve this function
1501    DONE:
1502    - Another problem with allowing some non-zero multipliers and others not:
1503      0 =   a +   b +   c +   d + g
1504      0 = e*a + e*b + e*c + f*d
1505      Here the SHORTER one could and should be replaced by 0 = f*d - e*d - e*g using
1506      the longer first one.
1508 - Parallelize the shortening
1509 - It could be beneficial to produce and ADD new equations if they are short, eg
1510   0 = a*g + a*h + b*c \____  b**2*c - a**2*c = c*(a-b)*(a+b) = 0
1511   0 = b*g + b*h + a*c /
1512   Disadvantage: Checking ALL quotients takes much longer.
1513 - If a new equation is slightly longer than the one to be replaced (de2) then one
1514   could ADD this new equation and mark it as redundant (and check whether it has
1515   any useful properties, e.g. factorizability, involving only few ftem_, or being
1516   an ODE when de1,de2 were PDEs.
1517 - perhaps return in shorten() and shorten_pdes() only a single new and to delete PDE,
1518   not lists with each only one element
1519 - One probably could speed up the shortening of homogeneous polynomials
1520   if the degree of both polynomials are equal.
1521   This would need a modification of partition_3 and inputting all 'fcts as
1522   2nd parameter.
1523 - test adding some extra length allowance to the new generated equation
1524 - try take_first=t
1525 - stop when take_first=nil and max_reduction = 2*min(n1,n2) is achieved
1527    DONE:
1528    - When one equation has no flin_ and the other has then treat both as having
1529      no flin_.
1531 - How can the knowledge of factors be used for shortening, especially if they
1532   have more than one term?
1533   E.g. if both equations have common factors, or one is factorizable and the other
1534   not, or both are factorizable.
1535 - Write procedures that plot the size of equations that were shortened over the step number,
1536   and `number of terms in all equations' over 'length interval of equations'
1537 - produce plots for different degrees of overdetermination.
1539 - About rounding:
1540   "also im lisp mode macht quotient einfach division ohne rest
1541   und Ruecksicht auf Umstehende.Da ist ceiling auch simpel
1542   gestrickt.Das macht das LISP system.
1544   Im Algebraic mode ist das anders. Da machen quotient
1545   und ceiling schon mehr.
1547   Die Wandlung machst Du am einfachsten mit
1549   simpquot '(quotient 4 5);
1551   bzw round!* falls Du die nackte float haben willst.
1553   round!*  '(!:rd!: . 0.8);
1554   "
1555 - The memory to store which equation has already been length reduced wrt to which
1556   equation grows quadratically with the number of equations and becomes the more
1557   serious the more equations one has. Perhaps one could delete all rl_with entries
1558   of all equations coming in the list of equations before largest_fully_shortened.
1559   This has the consequence that one has to look up the rl_with information at the
1560   larger of both equations. But then, why not just storing this information only
1561   for the larger of both equations?
1563    DONE:
1564    - When shortening a single equation wrt all others, then consider also longer equations
1565      which are less than 2 times as long as the equation to be shortened.
1567 - Because the order of pairing equations for shortening does depend on the number of terms
1568   and the place of the equation in the list pdes of equations, it should be fixed some
1569   time that when multi-term factors are dropped and the number of terms of the equation
1570   is dropped than they should get a new place in pdes, moving more to the start.
1572 - load trysub22
1573then do
1575 s 20 l 11 10 30 30 30 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 l 11 10 td 30)
1577and get:
1579next: tr_decouple is now on.
1580next: 30
1582Step 41352:
1583*** Garbage collection starting
1584*** GC 679: 13-Jan-2008 02:09:54 (~ 11358250 ms cpu time, gc : 3 %)
1585*** time 1340 ms, 56164584 occupied, 318491626 recovered, 318491666 free
1587  first pde e_1659:  6 terms, 28 factors, with derivatives
1588 of functions of all variables:
1590    3   2       2   7
1591 (p9 ,p9 ,p9,p24 ,p3 ,p3)
1593is not differentiated,  second pde e_837:  9 terms, 44 factors, with derivatives
1594 of functions of all variables:
1596    3   2       2   8   5   2
1597 (p9 ,p9 ,p9,p24 ,p3 ,p3 ,p3 )
1599is not differentiated, to eliminate
1603e_1659 (resp its derivative) is multiplied with
1604***** Non-numeric argument in arithmetic
1606 - A serious problem is that numerical factors may grow too large.
1607   Maybe this is unavoidable. One should have a constant for the
1608   largest numerical factor so that one can change this easily.
1610 - Is there a bug when equations are shortened by 0 terms?
1611   Shall one ignore it, or use it for replacing the previous equation or add it?
1613 - Is it useful to add many short equations in order to reduce larger ones better?
1615 - maybe one should inspect new equations and stop shortening them it they have
1616   too long numerical coefficients? That would be better than trying to shorten
1617   this equation when there is not a chance anyway?
1619 - Or should one have a counter of how often a quotient is disregarded because of too
1620   large numerical coefficients and when this counter gets too large, then stop
1621   shortening this equation?
1623 - Larger equations are reduced for a while but then not anymore because their
1624   Num factors grow too large. But then they do not shrink and can not become
1625   very short to shorten other and/or to provide a breakthrough with very short
1626   equations.
1628 - When shortening a single equation, ak how often maximally.
1631alg_length_reduction    % interface to crack
1632  err_catch_short       % wrap up
1633    mkeqSQ
1634    shorten_pdes        % find a pair of equations
1635      shorten           % shorten two pdes given by names with each other
1636			% returns a dotted pair, where car is a list of the values
1637                        % of new pdes (only one) and cdr is a list of names of pdes
1638                        % to be dropped (also only one)
1639        sort_partition  % in crint.red
1640        partition_1
1641        partition_2
1642        short
1643          clean_den(qc,j)$
1644            clean_num(qc,j)$
1648alg_length_reduce_1  % Do one length-reducing combination of a single equation wrt all others
1650  alg_length_reduction
1652is_algebraic % very short test
1655drop_lin_dep(arglist)$       % module 12
1656% drops linear dependent equations
1657     Calls: drop_pde neq reval solveeval sort_partition !~prettyprint
1659find_1_term_eqn(arglist)$    % module 13
1660% checks whether a linear combination of the equations can produce
1661% an equation with only one term
1662     Calls: aeval aeval!* assgnpri drop_pde mkeq neq reval
1663            solveeval sort_partition typeeq union !~prettyprint
1666tr alg_length_reduction
1667tr err_catch_short
1668tr mkeqSQ
1669tr shorten_pdes
1670tr shorten
1671tr sort_partition
1672tr short
1673tr clean_den
1674tr clean_num