1 #ifndef __CS_TURBULENCE_BC_H__
2 #define __CS_TURBULENCE_BC_H__
4 /*============================================================================
5  * Base turbulence boundary conditions.
6  *============================================================================*/
8 /*
9   This file is part of Code_Saturne, a general-purpose CFD tool.
11   Copyright (C) 1998-2021 EDF S.A.
13   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
14   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
15   Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
16   version.
18   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
19   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
20   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
21   details.
23   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
24   this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
25   Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
26 */
28 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
30 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31  *  Local headers
32  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
34 #include "cs_defs.h"
36 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
40 /*=============================================================================
41  * Macro definitions
42  *============================================================================*/
44 /*============================================================================
45  * Type definitions
46  *============================================================================*/
48 /*============================================================================
49  * Global variables
50  *============================================================================*/
52 /*=============================================================================
53  * Public function prototypes
54  *============================================================================*/
56 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
57 /*!
58  * Initialize turbulence model boundary condition ids.
59  */
60 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
62 void
63 cs_turbulence_model_init_bc_ids(void);
65 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
66 /*!
67  * \brief Free memory allocations for turbulence boundary conditions ids.
68  */
69 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
71 void
72 cs_turbulence_model_free_bc_ids(void);
74 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
75 /*!
76  * \brief Calculation of \f$ u^\star \f$, \f$ k \f$ and \f$\varepsilon \f$
77  *        from a diameter \f$ D_H \f$ and the reference velocity \f$ U_{ref} \f$
78  *        for a circular duct flow with smooth wall
79  *        (use for inlet boundary conditions).
80  *
81  * Both \f$ u^\star \f$ and\f$ (k,\varepsilon )\f$ are returned, so that
82  * the user may compute other values of \f$ k \f$ and \f$ \varepsilon \f$
83  * with \f$ u^\star \f$.
84  *
85  * We use the laws from Idel'Cik, i.e.
86  * the head loss coefficient \f$ \lambda \f$ is defined by:
87  * \f[ |\dfrac{\Delta P}{\Delta x}| =
88  *                        \dfrac{\lambda}{D_H} \frac{1}{2} \rho U_{ref}^2 \f]
89  *
90  * then  the relation reads \f$u^\star = U_{ref} \sqrt{\dfrac{\lambda}{8}}\f$.
91  * \f$\lambda \f$ depends on the hydraulic Reynolds number
92  * \f$ Re = \dfrac{U_{ref} D_H}{ \nu} \f$ and is given by:
93  *  - for \f$ Re < 2000 \f$
94  *      \f[ \lambda = \dfrac{64}{Re} \f]
95  *
96  *  - for \f$ Re > 4000 \f$
97  *      \f[ \lambda = \dfrac{1}{( 1.8 \log_{10}(Re)-1.64 )^2} \f]
98  *
99  *  - for \f$ 2000 < Re < 4000 \f$, we complete by a straight line
100  *      \f[ \lambda = 0.021377 + 5.3115. 10^{-6} Re \f]
101  *
102  *  From \f$ u^\star \f$, we can estimate \f$ k \f$ and \f$ \varepsilon\f$
103  *  from the well known formulae of developped turbulence
104  *
105  * \f[ k = \dfrac{u^{\star 2}}{\sqrt{C_\mu}} \f]
106  * \f[ \varepsilon = \dfrac{ u^{\star 3}}{(\kappa D_H /10)} \f]
107  *
108  * \param[in]     uref2         square of the reference flow velocity
109  * \param[in]     dh            hydraulic diameter \f$ D_H \f$
110  * \param[in]     rho           mass density \f$ \rho \f$
111  * \param[in]     mu            dynamic viscosity \f$ \nu \f$
112  * \param[out]    ustar2        square of friction speed
113  * \param[out]    k             calculated turbulent intensity \f$ k \f$
114  * \param[out]    eps           calculated turbulent dissipation
115  *                              \f$ \varepsilon \f$
116  */
117 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
119 void
120 cs_turbulence_bc_ke_hyd_diam(double   uref2,
121                              double   dh,
122                              double   rho,
123                              double   mu,
124                              double  *ustar2,
125                              double  *k,
126                              double  *eps);
128 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
129 /*!
130  * \brief Calculation of \f$ k \f$ and \f$\varepsilon\f$
131  *        from a diameter \f$ D_H \f$, a turbulent intensity \f$ I \f$
132  *        and the reference velocity \f$ U_{ref} \f$
133  *        for a circular duct flow with smooth wall
134  *        (for inlet boundary conditions).
135  *
136  * \f[ k = 1.5 I {U_{ref}}^2 \f]
137  * \f[ \varepsilon = 10 \dfrac{{C_\mu}^{0.75} k^{1.5}}{ \kappa D_H} \f]
138  *
139  * \param[in]     uref2         square of the reference flow velocity
140  * \param[in]     t_intensity   turbulent intensity \f$ I \f$
141  * \param[in]     dh            hydraulic diameter \f$ D_H \f$
142  * \param[out]    k             calculated turbulent intensity \f$ k \f$
143  * \param[out]    eps           calculated turbulent dissipation
144  *                               \f$ \varepsilon \f$
145  */
146 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
148 void
149 cs_turbulence_bc_ke_turb_intensity(double   uref2,
150                                    double   t_intensity,
151                                    double   dh,
152                                    double  *k,
153                                    double  *eps);
155 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
156 /*!
157  * \brief Set inlet boundary condition values for turbulence variables based
158  *        on a diameter \f$ D_H \f$ and the reference velocity \f$ U_{ref} \f$
159  *        for a circular duct flow with smooth wall
160  *        (use for inlet boundary conditions).
161  *
162  * We use the laws from Idel'Cik, i.e.
163  * the head loss coefficient \f$ \lambda \f$ is defined by:
164  * \f[ |\dfrac{\Delta P}{\Delta x}| =
165  *                        \dfrac{\lambda}{D_H} \frac{1}{2} \rho U_{ref}^2 \f]
166  *
167  * then  the relation reads \f$u^\star = U_{ref} \sqrt{\dfrac{\lambda}{8}}\f$.
168  * \f$\lambda \f$ depends on the hydraulic Reynolds number
169  * \f$ Re = \dfrac{U_{ref} D_H}{ \nu} \f$ and is given by:
170  *  - for \f$ Re < 2000 \f$
171  *      \f[ \lambda = \dfrac{64}{Re} \f]
172  *
173  *  - for \f$ Re > 4000 \f$
174  *      \f[ \lambda = \dfrac{1}{( 1.8 \log_{10}(Re)-1.64 )^2} \f]
175  *
176  *  - for \f$ 2000 < Re < 4000 \f$, we complete by a straight line
177  *      \f[ \lambda = 0.021377 + 5.3115. 10^{-6} Re \f]
178  *
179  *  From \f$ u^\star \f$, we can estimate \f$ k \f$ and \f$ \varepsilon\f$
180  *  from the well known formulae of developped turbulence
181  *
182  * \param[in]     face_id    boundary face id
183  * \param[in]     uref2      square of the reference flow velocity
184  * \param[in]     dh         hydraulic diameter \f$ D_H \f$
185  * \param[in]     rho        mass density \f$ \rho \f$
186  * \param[in]     mu         dynamic viscosity \f$ \nu \f$
187  * \param[out]    rcodcl     boundary condition values
188  */
189 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
191 void
192 cs_turbulence_bc_inlet_hyd_diam(cs_lnum_t   face_id,
193                                 double      uref2,
194                                 double      dh,
195                                 double      rho,
196                                 double      mu,
197                                 double     *rcodcl);
199 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
200 /*!
201  * \brief Set inlet boundary condition values for turbulence variables based
202  *        on a diameter \f$ D_H \f$, a turbulent intensity \f$ I \f$
203  *        and the reference velocity \f$ U_{ref} \f$
204  *        for a circular duct flow with smooth wall.
205  *
206  * \param[in]     face_id       boundary face id
207  * \param[in]     uref2         square of the reference flow velocity
208  * \param[in]     t_intensity   turbulent intensity \f$ I \f$
209  * \param[in]     dh            hydraulic diameter \f$ D_H \f$
210  * \param[out]    rcodcl        boundary condition values
211  */
212 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
214 void
215 cs_turbulence_bc_inlet_turb_intensity(cs_lnum_t   face_id,
216                                       double      uref2,
217                                       double      t_intensity,
218                                       double      dh,
219                                       double     *rcodcl);
221 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
222 /*!
223  * \brief Set inlet boundary condition values for turbulence variables based
224  *        on given k and epsilon values.
225  *
226  * \param[in]     face_id    boundary face id
227  * \param[in]     k          turbulent kinetic energy
228  * \param[in]     eps        turbulent dissipation
229  * \param[out]    rcodcl     boundary condition values
230  */
231 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
233 void
234 cs_turbulence_bc_inlet_k_eps(cs_lnum_t   face_id,
235                              double      k,
236                              double      eps,
237                              double     *rcodcl);
239 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
240 /*!
241  * \brief Set inlet boundary condition values for turbulence variables based
242  *        on given k and epsilon values only if not already initialized.
243  *
244  * \param[in]     face_id    boundary face id
245  * \param[in]     k          turbulent kinetic energy
246  * \param[in]     eps        turbulent dissipation
247  * \param[in]     vel_dir    velocity direction
248  * \param[in]     shear_dir  shear direction
249  * \param[out]    rcodcl     boundary condition values
250  */
251 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
253 void
254 cs_turbulence_bc_set_uninit_inlet_k_eps(cs_lnum_t   face_id,
255                                         double      k,
256                                         double      eps,
257                                         double      vel_dir[],
258                                         double      shear_dir[],
259                                         double     *rcodcl);
261 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
262 /*!
263  * \brief Compute matrix \f$\tens{\alpha}\f$ used in the computation of the
264  * Reynolds stress tensor boundary conditions.
265  *
266  * We note \f$\tens{R}_g\f$ the Reynolds Stress tensor in the global reference
267  * frame (mesh reference frame) and \f$\tens{R}_l\f$ the Reynolds stress
268  * tensor in the local reference frame (reference frame associated to the
269  * boundary face).
270  *
271  * \f$\tens{P}_{lg}\f$ is the change of basis orthogonal matrix from local
272  * to global reference frame.
274  * \f$\tens{\alpha}\f$ is a 6 by 6 matrix such that:
275  * \f[
276  * \vect{R}_{g,\fib} = \tens{\alpha} \vect{R}_{g,\centip} + \vect{R}_{g}^*
277  * \f]
278  * where symetric tensors \f$\tens{R}_g\f$ have been unfolded as follows:
279  * \f[
280  * \vect{R}_g = \transpose{\left(R_{g,11},R_{g,22},R_{g,33},
281  *                              R_{g,12},R_{g,13},R_{g,23}\right)}
282  * \f].
283  *
284  * \f$\tens{\alpha}\f$ is defined so that \f$ \tens{R}_{g,\fib} \f$ is computed
285  * as a function of \f$\tens{R}_{g,\centip}\f$ as follows:
286  * \f[
287  * \tens{R}_{g,\fib}=\tens{P}_{lg}\tens{R}_{l,\fib}\transpose{\tens{P}_{lg}}
288  * \f]
289  *
290  * with
291  * \f[
292  * \tens{R}_{l,\fib} =
293  * \begin{bmatrix}
294  * R_{l,11,\centip}   &   u^* u_k        & c R_{l,13,\centip}\\
295  *   u^* u_k          & R_{l,22,\centip} & 0                 \\
296  * c R_{l,13,\centip} & 0                & R_{l,33,\centip}
297  * \end{bmatrix} +
298  * \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}
299  *                 0  &   u^* u_k        & 0                 \\
300  *   u^* u_k          & 0                & 0                 \\
301  * 0                  & 0                & 0
302  * \end{bmatrix}}_{\tens{R}_l^*}
303  * \f]
304  *
305  * and
306  * \f$\tens{R}_{l,\centip}=\transpose{\tens{P}_{lg}}\tens{R}_{g,\centip}
307  *                       \tens{P}_{lg}\f$.
308  *
309  * Constant c is chosen depending on the type of the boundary face:
310  * \f$c = 0\f$ at a wall face, \f$c = 1\f$ at a symmetry face.
311  *
312  * \param[in]      is_sym  Constant c in description above
313  *                         (1 at a symmetry face, 0 at a wall face)
314  * \param[in]      p_lg    change of basis matrix (local to global)
315  * \param[out]     alpha   transformation matrix
316  */
317 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
319 void
320 cs_turbulence_bc_rij_transform(int        is_sym,
321                                cs_real_t  p_lg[3][3],
322                                cs_real_t  alpha[6][6]);
324 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
328 #endif /* __CS_TURBULENCE_BC_H__ */