1 // -*- mode:C++ ; compile-command: "g++ -I.. -I../include -g -c -Wall -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DIN_GIAC csturm.cc" -*-
2 #include "giacPCH.h"
4 /*
5  *  Copyright (C) 2000,14 B. Parisse, Institut Fourier, 38402 St Martin d'Heres
6  *
7  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10  *  (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  *  along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  */
20 using namespace std;
21 #include <cmath>
22 #include <stdexcept>
23 #include <map>
24 #include "gen.h"
25 #include "csturm.h"
26 #include "vecteur.h"
27 #include "modpoly.h"
28 #include "unary.h"
29 #include "symbolic.h"
30 #include "usual.h"
31 #include "sym2poly.h"
32 #include "solve.h"
33 #include "prog.h"
34 #include "subst.h"
35 #include "permu.h"
36 #include "series.h"
37 #include "alg_ext.h"
38 #include "ti89.h"
39 #include "plot.h"
40 #include "modfactor.h"
41 #include"giacintl.h"
44 namespace giac {
45 #endif // ndef NO_NAMESPACE_GIAC
47   // compute Sturm sequence of r0 and r1,
48   // returns gcd (without content)
49   // and compute list of quotients, coeffP, coeffR
50   // such that coeffR*r_(k+2) = Q_k*r_(k+1) - coeffP_k*r_k
csturm_seq(modpoly & r0,modpoly & r1,vecteur & listquo,vecteur & coeffP,vecteur & coeffR,GIAC_CONTEXT)51   gen csturm_seq(modpoly & r0,modpoly & r1,vecteur & listquo,vecteur & coeffP, vecteur & coeffR,GIAC_CONTEXT){
52     listquo.clear();
53     coeffP.clear();
54     coeffR.clear();
55     if (r0.empty())
56       return r1;
57     if (r1.empty())
58       return r0;
59     gen tmp;
60     lcmdeno(r0,tmp,contextptr);
61     if (ck_is_positive(-tmp,contextptr))
62       r0=-r0;
63     r0=r0/abs(lgcd(r0),contextptr);
64     lcmdeno(r1,tmp,contextptr);
65     if (ck_is_positive(-tmp,contextptr))
66       r1=-r1;
67     r1=r1/abs(lgcd(r0),contextptr);
68     // set auxiliary constants g and h to 1
69     gen g(1),h(1);
70     modpoly a(r0),b(r1),quo,r;
71     gen b0(1);
72     for (int loop_counter=0;;++loop_counter){
73       int m=int(a.size())-1;
74       int n=int(b.size())-1;
75       int ddeg=m-n; // should be 1 generically
76       if (!n) { // if b is constant, gcd=1
77 	return 1;
78       }
79       b0=b.front();
80       if (b.front().type==_VECT) {
81 	// ddeg should be even if b0 is a _POLY1
82 	if (ddeg%2==0)
83 	  *logptr(contextptr) << gettext("Singular parametric Sturm sequence ") << a << "/" << b << '\n';
84       }
85       else
86 	b0=abs(b.front(),contextptr);
87       coeffP.push_back(pow(b0,ddeg+1));
88       DivRem(coeffP.back()*a,b,0,quo,r);
89       listquo.push_back(quo);
90       coeffR.push_back(g*pow(h,ddeg));
91       if (r.empty()){
92 	return b/abs(lgcd(b),contextptr);
93       }
94       // remainder is non 0, loop continue: a <- b
95       a=b;
96       // now divides r by g*h^(m-n) and change sign, result is the new b
97       b= -r/coeffR.back();
98       g=b0;
99       h=pow(b0,ddeg)/pow(h,ddeg-1);
100     } // end while loop
101   }
csturm_horner(const modpoly & p,const gen & a)103   static gen csturm_horner(const modpoly & p,const gen & a){
104     if (p.size()==1 && p.front().type==_POLY && p.front()._POLYptr->dim==1){
105       // patch for "sparse modpoly"
106       vector< monomial<gen> >::const_iterator it=p.front()._POLYptr->coord.begin(),itend=p.front()._POLYptr->coord.end();
107       gen res=0,anum=a,aden=1,den=1;
108       int oldpui=0,pui;
109       if (a.type==_FRAC){
110 	anum=a._FRACptr->num;
111 	aden=a._FRACptr->den;
112       }
113       for (;it!=itend;++it){
114 	pui=it->index.front();
115 	if (oldpui){
116 	  res = res * pow(anum,oldpui-pui,context0);
117 	  den = den * pow(aden,oldpui-pui,context0);
118 	}
119 	res += it->value*den;
120 	oldpui=pui;
121       }
122       if (oldpui){
123 	res = res *pow(a,oldpui,context0);
124 	den = den *pow(a,oldpui,context0);
125       }
126       return res/den;
127     }
128     else
129       return horner(p,a);
130   }
csturm_vertex_ab(const modpoly & r0,const modpoly & r1,const vecteur & listquo,const vecteur & coeffP,const vecteur & coeffR,const gen & a,int start,GIAC_CONTEXT)132   static int csturm_vertex_ab(const modpoly & r0,const modpoly & r1,const vecteur & listquo,const vecteur & coeffP, const vecteur & coeffR,const gen & a,int start,GIAC_CONTEXT){
133     int n=int(listquo.size()),j,k,res=0;
134     vecteur R(n+2);
135     R[0]=csturm_horner(r0,a);
136     R[1]=csturm_horner(r1,a);
137     for (j=0;j<n;j++)
138       R[j+2]=(-coeffP[j]*R[j]+R[j+1]*horner(listquo[j],a))/coeffR[j];
139     // signes
140     for (j=start;j<n+2;j++){
141       if (R[j]!=0) break;
142     }
143     for (k=j+1;k<n+2;k++){
144       if (is_zero(R[k])) continue;
145       if (fastsign(R[j],context0)*fastsign(R[k],context0)<0
146 	  // is_positive(-R[j]*R[k],contextptr)
147 	  ){
148 	res++;
149 	j=k;
150       }
151     }
152     return res;
153   }
155 #if 0
156   // compute vertex index at a (==0 unless s(a)==0)
157   static int csturm_vertex_a(const modpoly & s,const modpoly & r,const gen & a,int direction,GIAC_CONTEXT){
158     int j;
159     modpoly s1,s2;
160     gen sa=horner(s,a,0,s1);
161     if (!is_zero(sa)) return 0;
162     for (j=1;;j++){
163       sa=horner(s1,a,0,s2);
164       if (!is_zero(sa))
165 	break;
166       s1=s2;
167     }
168     if (direction==1) j=0;
169     gen tmp=sign(sa,contextptr)*sign(horner(r,a),contextptr);
170     return tmp.val*((j%2)?-1:1);
171   }
172 #endif
change_scale(modpoly & p,const gen & l)174   void change_scale(modpoly & p,const gen & l){
175     int n=int(p.size());
176     gen lton(l);
177     for (int i=n-2;i>=0;--i){
178       p[i] = p[i] * lton;
179       lton = lton * l;
180     }
181   }
back_change_scale(modpoly & p,const gen & l)183   void back_change_scale(modpoly & p,const gen & l){
184     int n=int(p.size());
185     gen lton(l);
186     for (int i=n-2;i>=0;--i){
187       p[i] = p[i] / lton;
188       lton = lton * l;
189     }
190   }
192   // p(x)->p(a*x+b)
linear_changevar(const modpoly & p,const gen & a,const gen & b)193   modpoly linear_changevar(const modpoly & p,const gen & a,const gen & b){
194     modpoly res(taylor(p,b));
195     change_scale(res,a);
196     return res;
197   }
199   // p(a*x+b)->p(x)
200   // t=a*x+b -> pgcd(t)=g((t-b)/a)
inv_linear_changevar(const modpoly & p,const gen & a,const gen & b)201   modpoly inv_linear_changevar(const modpoly & p,const gen & a,const gen & b){
202     gen A=inv(a,context0);
203     gen B=-b/a;
204     modpoly res(taylor(p,B));
205     change_scale(res,A);
206     return res;
207   }
209   // Find roots of R, S=R' at precision eps, returns number of roots
210   // if eps==0 does not compute intervals for roots
csturm_realroots(const modpoly & S,const modpoly & R,const vecteur & listquo,const vecteur & coeffP,const vecteur & coeffR,const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & t0,const gen & t1,vecteur & realroots,double eps,GIAC_CONTEXT)211   static int csturm_realroots(const modpoly & S,const modpoly & R,const vecteur & listquo,const vecteur & coeffP, const vecteur & coeffR,const gen & a,const gen & b,const gen & t0, const gen & t1,vecteur & realroots,double eps,GIAC_CONTEXT){
212     if (is_inf(t0)) // replace with max(R)
213       return csturm_realroots(S,R,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,a,b,-linfnorm(R,contextptr),t1,realroots,eps,contextptr);
214     if (is_inf(t1)) // replace with max(R)
215       return csturm_realroots(S,R,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,a,b,t0,linfnorm(R,contextptr),realroots,eps,contextptr);
216     int n1=csturm_vertex_ab(S,R,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,t0,1,contextptr);
217     int n2=csturm_vertex_ab(S,R,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,t1,1,contextptr);
218     int n=(n2-n1);
219     if (!eps || !n)
220       return n;
221     /* disabled localization of roots, do isolation of roots instead
222     if (is_strictly_greater(eps,(t1-t0)*abs(b,contextptr),contextptr)){
223       realroots.push_back(makevecteur(makevecteur(a+t0*b,a+t1*b),n));
224       return n;
225     }
226     */
227     if (n==1){
228       gen T0=t0,T1=t1,T2;
229       int s0=fastsign(csturm_horner(R,T0),contextptr);
230       // int s1=fastsign(csturm_horner(R,T1),contextptr);
231       int s2;
232       gen delta=evalf_double(log((T1-T0)*abs(b,contextptr)/eps,contextptr)/log(2.,contextptr),1,contextptr);
233       if (delta.type!=_DOUBLE_){
234 	realroots=vecteur(1,gentypeerr(contextptr));
235 	return -2;
236       }
237       int nstep=int(delta._DOUBLE_val+1);
238       for (int step=0;step<nstep;++step){
239 	T2=(T0+T1)/2;
240 	s2=fastsign(csturm_horner(R,T2),contextptr);
241 	if (!s2){
242 	  realroots.push_back(makevecteur(a+T2*b,n));
243 	  return n;
244 	}
245 	if (s2==s0)
246 	  T0=T2;
247 	else
248 	  T1=T2;
249       }
250       realroots.push_back(makevecteur(makevecteur(a+T0*b,a+T1*b),n));
251       return n;
252     }
253     gen T0=t0,T1=t1,t01;
254     for (;;){
255       t01=(T0+T1)/2;
256       int n01=csturm_vertex_ab(S,R,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,t01,1,contextptr);
257       if (n01!=n1 && n01!=n2)
258 	break;
259       if (n01==n1)
260 	T0=t01;
261       else
262 	T1=t01;
263     }
264     if (csturm_realroots(S,R,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,a,b,T0,t01,realroots,eps,contextptr)==-2)
265       return -2;
266     if (csturm_realroots(S,R,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,a,b,t01,T1,realroots,eps,contextptr)==-2)
267       return -2;
268     return n;
269   }
271   // Find complex sturm sequence for P(a+(b-a)*x)
272   // If P is "pseudo"-real on [a,b] and eps>0 put roots in [a,b]
273   // at precision eps inside realroots
274   // returns a,b,R,S,g,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,typeseq
275   // with typeseq=0 (complex Sturm) or 1 (limit)
276   // If b-a is real and horiz_sturm is not empty, it tries to replace
277   // the variable by im(a)*i in horiz_sturm and if no quotient in horiz_sturm
278   // has a leading 0 coefficient,
279   // it returns im(a)*i,im(a)*i+1,R,S,g,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,typeseq
280   // If b-a is pure imaginary and vert_sturm is not empty, it tries to replace
281   // the variable by re(a) and returns re(a),re(a)+i,R,S,g,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,typeseq
csturm_segment_seq(const modpoly & P,const gen & a,const gen & b,vecteur & realroots,double eps,vecteur & horiz_sturm,vecteur & vert_sturm,GIAC_CONTEXT)282   static vecteur csturm_segment_seq(const modpoly & P,const gen & a,const gen & b,vecteur & realroots,double eps,vecteur & horiz_sturm,vecteur & vert_sturm,GIAC_CONTEXT){
283     // try with horiz_sturm and vert_sturm
284     gen ab(b-a);
285     /* // Optimization fails for sturmab(x^3-1,-1-i,1+i)
286     if (is_zero(re(ab,contextptr))){ // b-a is pure imaginary
287       if (vert_sturm.empty()){
288 	gen A=gen(makevecteur(1,0),_POLY1__VECT);
289 	vert_sturm.push_back(undef);
290 	vecteur tmp;
291 	vert_sturm=csturm_segment_seq(P,A,A+cst_i,tmp,eps,horiz_sturm,vert_sturm,contextptr);
292 	if (is_undef(vert_sturm))
293 	  return vert_sturm;
294       }
295       if (vert_sturm.size()==9){
296 	vecteur res(vert_sturm);
297 	gen A=re(a,contextptr);
298 	res[0]=A; // re(a)
299 	res[1]=A+cst_i; // re(a)+i
300 	res[2]=apply1st(res[2],A,horner); // R
301 	res[3]=apply1st(res[3],A,horner); // S
302 	res[4]=horner(res[4],A); // g
303 	vecteur tmp(*res[5]._VECTptr);
304 	int tmps=tmp.size();
305 	for (int j=0;j<tmps;++j)
306 	  tmp[j]=apply1st(tmp[j],A,horner);
307 	res[5]=tmp; // listquo
308 	res[6]=apply1st(res[6],A,horner); // coeffP
309 	res[7]=apply1st(res[7],A,horner); // coeffR
310 	if (res[6].type==_VECT && !equalposcomp(*res[6]._VECTptr,0))
311 	  return res;
312 	else
313 	  CERR << "list of quotients is not regular" << '\n';
314       }
315     }
316     */
317     modpoly Q(taylor(P,a));
318     change_scale(Q,b-a);
319     // now x is in 0..1
320     gen gtmp=apply(Q,re,contextptr);
321     if (gtmp.type!=_VECT)
322       return vecteur(1,gensizeerr(contextptr));
323     modpoly R=trim(*gtmp._VECTptr,0);
324     gtmp=apply(Q,im,contextptr);
325     if (gtmp.type!=_VECT)
326       return vecteur(1,gensizeerr(contextptr));
327     modpoly S=trim(*gtmp._VECTptr,0);
328     modpoly listquo,coeffP,coeffR;
329     gen g=csturm_seq(S,R,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,contextptr);
330     int typeseq=-1;
331     if (debug_infolevel)
332       *logptr(contextptr)  << "segment " << a << ".." << b << ", im/re:" << S << "|" << R << ", gcd:" << g << '\n';
333     if (g.type==_VECT && g._VECTptr->size()==P.size()){
334       // if g==P (up to a constant), use real Sturm sequences
335       if (debug_infolevel)
336 	*logptr(contextptr)  << "Real-kind roots: " << g << '\n';
337       R=*g._VECTptr;
338       S=derivative(R);
339       g=csturm_seq(S,R,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,contextptr);
340       typeseq=csturm_realroots(S,R,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,a,b-a,0,1,realroots,eps,contextptr);
341       if (typeseq==-2)
342 	return realroots;
343     }
344     if (g.type==_VECT)
345       g=inv_linear_changevar(*g._VECTptr,b-a,a);
346     vecteur res= makevecteur(a,b,R,S,g,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,typeseq);
347     return res;
348   }
350   // index for segment a,b (2* number of roots when summed over a closed
351   // polygon). Note that if S=ImP along the segment is 0 we remove
352   // the roots on [a,b] using real Sturm sequences
353   // If S=0 at a or b, this is simply ignored
354   // Indeed the computed index is then the same as if S was of the
355   // sign of R, and since R!=0 if S is 0 this is a property of the vertex
356   // not of the segment (note that contrary to counting real roots
357   // on an interval, S can vanish as many times as long as R keeps
358   // the same sign, without modifying the algebraic number of Im=0
359   // cuts if S has the same sign on both end)
csturm_segment(const vecteur & seq,const gen & a,const gen & b,GIAC_CONTEXT)360   static int csturm_segment(const vecteur & seq,const gen & a,const gen & b,GIAC_CONTEXT){
361     gen t0,t1;
362     if (seq.size()!=9)
363       return -(RAND_MAX/2);
364     gen aseq=seq[0];
365     gen bseq=seq[1];
366     gen directeur=(b-a)/(bseq-aseq);
367     t0=(a-aseq)/(bseq-aseq);
368     if ( !is_zero(im(directeur,contextptr)) || !is_zero(im(t0,contextptr)) )
369       return -(RAND_MAX/2);
370     t0=re(t0,contextptr); // t0=normal(t0);
371     t1=re(t0+directeur,contextptr); // t1=normal(t0+directeur);
372     int signe=1;
373     if (is_strictly_greater(t0,t1,contextptr)){
374       signe=-1;
375       swapgen(t0,t1);
376     }
377     const modpoly & R=*seq[2]._VECTptr;
378     const modpoly & S=*seq[3]._VECTptr;
379     gen g=seq[4];
380     const modpoly & listquo=*seq[5]._VECTptr;
381     const modpoly & coeffP=*seq[6]._VECTptr;
382     const modpoly & coeffR=*seq[7]._VECTptr;
383     int debut=(seq[8].val==-1)?0:1;
384     int tmp = csturm_vertex_ab(S,R,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,t0,debut,contextptr);
385     int res = tmp;
386     tmp = csturm_vertex_ab(S,R,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,t1,debut,contextptr);
387     res -= tmp;
388     // tmp = (-csturm_vertex_a(S,R,t0,1,contextptr)+csturm_vertex_a(S,R,t1,-1,contextptr));
389     // res += tmp;
390     res=(debut?1:signe)*res;
391     if (debug_infolevel)
392       *logptr(contextptr)  << "segment " << a << ".." << b << " index contribution " << res << '\n';
393     return res;
394   }
csturm_square_seq(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,gen & pgcd,vecteur & realroots,double eps,vecteur & seq1,vecteur & seq2,vecteur & seq3,vecteur & seq4,vecteur & horiz_sturm,vecteur & vert_sturm,GIAC_CONTEXT)396   static bool csturm_square_seq(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,gen & pgcd,vecteur & realroots,double eps,vecteur & seq1,vecteur & seq2,vecteur & seq3,vecteur & seq4,vecteur & horiz_sturm,vecteur & vert_sturm,GIAC_CONTEXT){
397     gen A=a0+cst_i*b0,B=a1+cst_i*b0;
398     vecteur rroots;
399     seq1=csturm_segment_seq(P,A,B,rroots,eps,horiz_sturm,vert_sturm,contextptr);
400     if (is_undef(seq1))
401       return false;
402     pgcd=seq1[4];
403     if (!is_one(pgcd)){
404       return false;
405     }
406     A=a1+cst_i*b0; B=a1+cst_i*b1;
407     seq2=csturm_segment_seq(P,A,B,rroots,eps,horiz_sturm,vert_sturm,contextptr);
408     if (is_undef(seq2))
409       return false;
410     pgcd=seq2[4];
411     if (!is_one(pgcd)){
412       return false;
413     }
414     A=a1+cst_i*b1; B=a0+cst_i*b1;
415     seq3=csturm_segment_seq(P,A,B,rroots,eps,horiz_sturm,vert_sturm,contextptr);
416     if (is_undef(seq3))
417       return false;
418     pgcd=seq3[4];
419     if (!is_one(pgcd)){
420       return false;
421     }
422     A=a0+cst_i*b1; B=a0+cst_i*b0;
423     seq4=csturm_segment_seq(P,A,B,rroots,eps,horiz_sturm,vert_sturm,contextptr);
424     if (is_undef(seq4))
425       return false;
426     pgcd=seq4[4];
427     if (!is_one(pgcd)){
428       return false;
429     }
430     realroots=mergevecteur(realroots,rroots);
431     return true;
432   }
434   // find 2* number of roots of P inside the square of vertex of affixes a,b
435   // roots on the square are not counted. P must not vanish at the vertices.
436   // The complex Sturm sequences must be known
437   // returns -1 on error
csturm_square(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,const vecteur & seq1,const vecteur & seq2,const vecteur & seq3,const vecteur & seq4,GIAC_CONTEXT)438   static int csturm_square(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,const vecteur & seq1,const vecteur & seq2,const vecteur & seq3,const vecteur & seq4,GIAC_CONTEXT){
439     int ind,tmp;
440     ind = 0;
441     gen A=a0+cst_i*b0,B=a1+cst_i*b0;
442     tmp = csturm_segment(seq1,A,B,contextptr);
443     if (tmp==-(RAND_MAX/2))
444       return -1;
445     ind += tmp;
446     A=a1+cst_i*b0; B=a1+cst_i*b1;
447     tmp = csturm_segment(seq2,A,B,contextptr);
448     if (tmp==-(RAND_MAX/2))
449       return -1;
450     ind += tmp;
451     A=a1+cst_i*b1; B=a0+cst_i*b1;
452     tmp = csturm_segment(seq3,A,B,contextptr);
453     if (tmp==-(RAND_MAX/2))
454       return -1;
455     ind += tmp;
456     A=a0+cst_i*b1; B=a0+cst_i*b0;
457     tmp = csturm_segment(seq4,A,B,contextptr);
458     if (tmp==-(RAND_MAX/2))
459       return -1;
460     ind += tmp;
461     return ind;
462   }
csturm_normalize(modpoly & p,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,vecteur & roots)464   static void csturm_normalize(modpoly & p,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,vecteur & roots){
465     int n=int(p.size())-1;
466     // Make sure that x->a+i*x does not return a multiple
467     // of a real polynomial with the multiple non real
468     // If degree of p is even the multiple will be a real (because of lcoeff)
469     if (n%2){
470       // If degree is odd then look at q=p(x-a_{n-1}/n*an)
471       // it has the same property
472       // if its cst coeff is zero remove
473       gen an=p.front();
474       gen b=p[1];
475       gen shift=-b/n/an;
476       modpoly q(taylor(p,shift));
477       gen q0;
478       // remove valuation
479       int qs=int(q.size());
480       int n1=0;
481       for (;qs>0;--qs,++n1){
482 	if (!is_zero(q0=q[qs-1]))
483 	  break;
484       }
485       if (is_zero(re(q0,context0))){
486 	q=cst_i*q;
487 	p=cst_i*p;
488       }
489       if (n1){
490 	q=modpoly(q.begin(),q.begin()+qs);
491 	gen a=re(shift,context0),b=im(shift,context0);
492 	if (is_greater(a,a0,context0) && is_greater(b,b0,context0) && is_greater(a1,a,context0) && is_greater(b1,b,context0))
493 	  roots.push_back(makevecteur(shift,n1));
494 	p=taylor(q,-shift);
495       }
496     }
497   }
ab2a0b0a1b1(const gen & a,const gen & b,gen & a0,gen & b0,gen & a1,gen & b1,GIAC_CONTEXT)499   void ab2a0b0a1b1(const gen & a,const gen & b,gen & a0,gen & b0,gen & a1,gen & b1,GIAC_CONTEXT){
500     a0=re(a,contextptr); b0=im(a,contextptr);
501     a1=re(b,contextptr); b1=im(b,contextptr);
502     if (ck_is_greater(a0,a1,contextptr)) swapgen(a0,a1);
503     if (ck_is_greater(b0,b1,contextptr)) swapgen(b0,b1);
504   }
506   // find 2* number of roots of P inside the square of vertex of affixes a,b
507   // excluding those on the square
508   // returns -1 on error
csturm_square(const gen & p,const gen & a,const gen & b,gen & pgcd,GIAC_CONTEXT)509   int csturm_square(const gen & p,const gen & a,const gen & b,gen& pgcd,GIAC_CONTEXT){
510     if (p.type==_POLY){
511       int res=0;
512       factorization f(sqff(*p._POLYptr));
513       factorization::const_iterator it=f.begin(),itend=f.end();
514       for (;it!=itend;++it){
515 	int tmp=csturm_square(polynome2poly1(it->fact),a,b,pgcd,contextptr);
516 	if (tmp==-1)
517 	  return -1;
518 	res += it->mult*tmp;
519       }
520       return res;
521     }
522     if (p.type!=_VECT)
523       return 0;
524     modpoly P=*p._VECTptr;
525     vecteur realroots;
526     gen a0,b0,a1,b1;
527     ab2a0b0a1b1(a,b,a0,b0,a1,b1,contextptr);
528     csturm_normalize(P,a0,b0,a1,b1,realroots);
529     int evident=0;
530     if (!realroots.empty()){
531       gen r=realroots.front();
532       if (r.type==_VECT && r._VECTptr->size()==2)
533 	r=r._VECTptr->front();
534       gen rx=re(r,contextptr),ry=im(r,contextptr);
535       if ( ( is_zero(ry) && (rx==a0 || rx==a1) ) ||
536 	   ( is_zero(rx) && (ry==b0 || ry==b1) ) )
537 	;
538       else
539 	evident=1;
540     }
541     if (P.size()<2)
542       return evident;
543     vecteur seq1,seq2,seq3,seq4,horiz_seq,vert_seq;
544     if (!csturm_square_seq(P,a0,b0,a1,b1,pgcd,realroots,0.0,seq1,seq2,seq3,seq4,horiz_seq,vert_seq,contextptr)){
545       if (pgcd.type!=_VECT)
546 	return -1;
547       modpoly g=(*pgcd._VECTptr)/pgcd[0];
548       // true factorization found, restart with each factor
549       modpoly p1=P/g;
550       int n1=csturm_square(p1,a,b,pgcd,contextptr);
551       if (n1==-1)
552 	return -1;
553       int n2=csturm_square(g,a,b,pgcd,contextptr);
554       if (n2==-1)
555 	return -1;
556       return evident+n1+n2;
557     }
558     int tmp=csturm_square(P,a0,b0,a1,b1,seq1,seq2,seq3,seq4,contextptr);
559     if (tmp==-1)
560       return tmp;
561     return evident+tmp;
562   }
564   static void complex_roots(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,vecteur & realroots,vecteur & complexroots,double eps);
complex_roots_split(const modpoly & P,const gen & pgcd,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,vecteur & realroots,vecteur & complexroots,double eps)566   static bool complex_roots_split(const modpoly & P,const gen & pgcd,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,vecteur & realroots,vecteur & complexroots,double eps){
567     if (pgcd.type!=_VECT)
568       return false;
569     modpoly g=(*pgcd._VECTptr)/pgcd[0];
570     // true factorization found, restart with each factor
571     modpoly p1=P/g;
572     csturm_normalize(p1,a0,b0,a1,b1,realroots);
573     csturm_normalize(g,a0,b0,a1,b1,realroots);
574     complex_roots(p1,a0,b0,a1,b1,realroots,complexroots,eps);
575     complex_roots(g,a0,b0,a1,b1,realroots,complexroots,eps);
576     return true;
577   }
579 #if 0
580   // check that arg is >=pi/8 (assumes im(g)>=0)
581   static bool arg_geq_pi_8(const gen & g){
582     gen gr=re(g,context0),gi=im(g,context0);
583     if (is_positive(-gr,context0))
584       return true;
585     // ? gi/gr>=sqrt(2)-1
586     gen r=gi/gr+1;
587     if (is_positive(r*r-2,context0))
588       return true;
589     return false;
590   }
592   // is im(b/a)>=0, tested without quotient
593   static bool arg_in_0_pi(const gen & a,const gen & b){
594     gen A(a),B(b);
595     if (A.type==_FRAC && is_integer(A._FRACptr->den) && is_positive(A._FRACptr->den,context0))
596       A=A._FRACptr->num;
597     if (B.type==_FRAC && is_integer(B._FRACptr->den) && is_positive(B._FRACptr->den,context0))
598       B=B._FRACptr->num;
599     gen c=re(A,context0)*im(B,context0)+re(B,context0)*im(A,context0);
600     return is_positive(c,context0);
601   }
603   static gen hornerarg(const modpoly & p,const gen & x){
604     if (p.empty())
605       return 0;
606     if (x.type!=_FRAC || !is_integer(x._FRACptr->den))
607       return horner(p,x);
608     fraction & f =*x._FRACptr;
609     gen num=f.num,den=f.den,d=den;
610     if (is_positive(-f.den,context0)){
611       num=-num; den=-den; d=den;
612     }
613     modpoly::const_iterator it=p.begin(),itend=p.end();
614     gen res(*it);
615     ++it;
616     if (it==itend)
617       return res;
618     for (;;){
619       res=res*num+(*it)*d;
620       ++it;
621       if (it==itend)
622 	break;
623       d=d*den;
624     }
625     return res;
626   }
628   // Find one complex root inside a0,b0->a1,b1, return false if not found
629   static bool complex_1root(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,vecteur & complexroots,double eps){
630     return false; // disabled since it is not faster!!
631     int step,nstep =int(evalf_double(log(max(a1-a0,b1-b0,context0)/eps,context0)/log(2.0,context0),1,context0)._DOUBLE_val+0.5);
632     if (nstep<4)
633       return false;
634     // First compute P at the 4 vertex and check whether P[vertex_n+1]/P[vertex_n] is in C^+
635     gen P0=hornerarg(P,a0+cst_i*b0),P2=hornerarg(P,a1+cst_i*b0),
636       P4=hornerarg(P,a1+cst_i*b1),P6=hornerarg(P,a0+cst_i*b1);
637     if (!(arg_in_0_pi(P0,P2) && arg_in_0_pi(P2,P4) && arg_in_0_pi(P4,P6) && arg_in_0_pi(P6,P0)))
638       return false;
639     gen A0(a0),A2(a1),B0(b0),B2(b1),A1,B1;
640     for (step=0;step<2*nstep;step++){
641       A1=(A0+A2)/2;
642       B1=(B0+B2)/2;
643       gen P1=hornerarg(P,A1+cst_i*B0),P7=hornerarg(P,A0+cst_i*B1),P8=hornerarg(P,A1+cst_i*B1),P3,P5;
644       bool found=false;
645     /*
646       P6(A0,B2) - P5(A1,B2) - P4(A2,B2)
647          |            |           |
648       P7(A0,B1) - P8(A1,B1) - P3(A2,B1)
649          |            |            |
650       P0(A0,B0) - P1(A1,B0) - P2(A2,B0)
651      */
652       // ? P0, P1, P8, P7
653       if (arg_in_0_pi(P0,P1) && arg_in_0_pi(P1,P8) && arg_in_0_pi(P8,P7) && arg_in_0_pi(P7,P0)){
654 	A2=A1;
655 	B2=B1;
656 	P2=P1;
657 	P4=P8;
658 	P6=P7;
659 	if (step<nstep)
660 	  continue;
661 	found=true;
662       }
663       if (!found){
664 	P3=hornerarg(P,A2+cst_i*B1);
665 	// ? P1, P2, P3, P8
666 	if (arg_in_0_pi(P1,P2) && arg_in_0_pi(P2,P3) && arg_in_0_pi(P3,P8) && arg_in_0_pi(P8,P1)){
667 	  A0=A1;
668 	  B2=B1;
669 	  P0=P1;
670 	  P4=P3;
671 	  P6=P8;
672 	  if (step<nstep)
673 	    continue;
674 	  found=true;
675 	}
676       }
677       if (!found){
678 	// P8, P3, P4, P5
679 	P5=hornerarg(P,A1+cst_i*B2);
680 	if (arg_in_0_pi(P8,P3) && arg_in_0_pi(P3,P4) && arg_in_0_pi(P4,P5) && arg_in_0_pi(P5,P8)){
681 	  A0=A1;
682 	  B0=B1;
683 	  P0=P8;
684 	  P2=P3;
685 	  P6=P5;
686 	  if (step<nstep)
687 	    continue;
688 	  found=true;
689 	}
690       }
691       if (!found){
692 	// P7 P8 P5 P6
693 	if (arg_in_0_pi(P7,P8) && arg_in_0_pi(P8,P5) && arg_in_0_pi(P5,P6) && arg_in_0_pi(P6,P7)){
694 	  A2=A1;
695 	  B0=B1;
696 	  P0=P7;
697 	  P2=P8;
698 	  P4=P5;
699 	  if (step<nstep)
700 	    continue;
701 	  found=true;
702 	}
703       }
704       if (!found)
705 	return false;
706       // Final check that there is indeed a root inside rectangle
707       // args must be >= pi/8 and degree of (P)*max square length/distance to original square <= pi/8
708       gen dist=min(min(A0-a0,a1-A2,context0),min(B0-b0,b1-B2,context0),context0);
709       if (is_zero(dist))
710 	continue;
711       gen max_sq=max(A2-A0,B2-B0,context0);
712       if (is_greater((int(P.size())-2)*max_sq/dist,cst_pi/8,context0))
713 	continue;
714       gen r1=P2/P0, r2=P4/P2, r3=P6/P4, r4=P0/P6;
715       if (arg_geq_pi_8(r1) && arg_geq_pi_8(r2) && arg_geq_pi_8(r3) && arg_geq_pi_8(r4)){
716 	complexroots.push_back(makevecteur(makevecteur(A0+cst_i*B0,A2+cst_i*B2),1));
717 	return true;
718       }
719     }
720     return false;
721   }
722 #endif
round2util(const gen & num,const gen & den,int n)724   static gen round2util(const gen & num,const gen & den,int n){
725     if (num.type==_CPLX){
726       gen r=round2util(*num._CPLXptr,den,n);
727       gen i=round2util(*(num._CPLXptr+1),den,n);
728       return r+cst_i*i;
729     }
730     // num must be a _ZINT
731     mpz_t tmp1,tmp2;
732     mpz_init_set(tmp1,*num._ZINTptr);
733     mpz_mul_2exp(tmp1,tmp1,n+1); // tmp1=2^(n+1)*num
734     mpz_add(tmp1,tmp1,*den._ZINTptr); //      + den
735     mpz_init_set(tmp2,*den._ZINTptr);
736     mpz_mul_ui(tmp2,tmp2,2); // tmp2=2*den
737     mpz_fdiv_q(tmp1,tmp1,tmp2);
738     gen res=tmp1;
739     mpz_clear(tmp1); mpz_clear(tmp2);
740     return res;
741   }
in_round2(gen & x,const gen & deuxn,int n)743   void in_round2(gen & x,const gen & deuxn, int n){
744     if (x.type==_INT_ || x.type==_ZINT)
745       return ;
746     if (x.type==_FRAC && x._FRACptr->den.type==_CPLX)
747       x=fraction(x._FRACptr->num*conj(x._FRACptr->den,context0),x._FRACptr->den.squarenorm(context0));
748     if (x.type==_FRAC && x._FRACptr->den.type==_ZINT &&
749 	(x._FRACptr->num.type==_ZINT ||
750 	 (x._FRACptr->num.type==_CPLX && x._FRACptr->num._CPLXptr->type==_ZINT && (x._FRACptr->num._CPLXptr+1)->type==_ZINT))
751 	){
752       gen num=x._FRACptr->num,d=x._FRACptr->den;
753       x=round2util(num,d,n);
754       x=x/deuxn;
755       return;
756     }
757     x=_floor(x*deuxn+plus_one_half,context0)/deuxn;
758   }
round2(gen & x,int n)760   void round2(gen & x,int n){
761     if (x.type==_INT_ || x.type==_ZINT)
762       return ;
763     gen deuxn;
764     if (n<30)
765       deuxn = (1<<n);
766     else {
767       mpz_t tmp;
768       mpz_init_set_si(tmp,1);
769       mpz_mul_2exp(tmp,tmp,n);
770       deuxn=tmp;
771       mpz_clear(tmp);
772     }
773     in_round2(x,deuxn,n);
774   }
round2(gen & x,const gen & deuxn,GIAC_CONTEXT)776   void round2(gen & x,const gen & deuxn,GIAC_CONTEXT){
777     if (x.type==_INT_ || x.type==_ZINT)
778       return;
779     if (x.type!=_FRAC)
780       x=_floor(x*deuxn+plus_one_half,context0)/deuxn;
781     else {
782       gen n=x._FRACptr->num,d=x._FRACptr->den;
783       if (d.type==_INT_){
784 	int di=d.val,ni=1;
785 	while (di>1){ di=di>>1; ni=ni<<1;}
786 	if (ni==d.val)
787 	  return;
788       }
789       n=2*n*deuxn+d;
790       x=iquo(n,2*d)/deuxn;
791     }
792   }
794   // Find one complex root inside a0,b0->a1,b1, return false if not found
795   // algo: Newton method in exact mode starting from center
newton_complex_1root(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,vecteur & complexroots,double eps)796   bool newton_complex_1root(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,vecteur & complexroots,double eps){
797     if (is_positive(a1-a0-0.01,context0) ||
798 	is_positive(b1-b0-0.01,context0))
799       return false;
800     gen x0=(a0+a1)/2+cst_i*(b0+b1)/2;
801     modpoly Pprime=derivative(P);
802     int n=int(-std::log(eps)/std::log(2.0)+.5); // for rounding
803     gen eps2=pow(2,-(n+1),context0);
804     for (int ii=0;ii<n;ii++){
805       gen Pprimex0=horner(Pprime,x0,0,false);
806       if (is_zero(Pprimex0,context0))
807 	return false;
808       gen dx=horner(P,x0,0,false)/Pprimex0;
809       gen absdx=dx*conj(dx,context0);
810       x0=x0-dx;
811       gen r=re(x0,context0),i=im(x0,context0);
812       if (is_positive(a0-r,context0) || is_positive(r-a1,context0) ||
813 	  is_positive(b0-i,context0) || is_positive(i-b1,context0))
814 	return false;
815       round2(r,n+4);
816       round2(i,n+4);
817       x0=r+cst_i*i;
818       if (is_positive(absdx-eps2*eps2,context0))
819 	continue;
820       // make a small square around x0
821       // and check that there is indeed a root inside
822       gen A0=r-eps2;
823       gen A1=r+eps2;
824       gen B0=i-eps2;
825       gen B1=i+eps2;
826       gen tmp;
827       if (csturm_square(P,A0+cst_i*B0,A1+cst_i*B1,tmp,context0)==2){
828 	complexroots.push_back(makevecteur(makevecteur(A0+cst_i*B0,A1+cst_i*B1),1));
829 	return true;
830       }
831     }
832     return false;
833   }
835   // Find complex roots of P in a0,b0 -> a1,b1
complex_roots(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,const vecteur & seq1,const vecteur & seq2,const vecteur & seq3,const vecteur & seq4,vecteur & realroots,vecteur & complexroots,double eps,vecteur & horiz_sturm,vecteur & vert_sturm)836   static int complex_roots(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,const vecteur & seq1,const vecteur & seq2,const vecteur & seq3,const vecteur & seq4,vecteur & realroots,vecteur & complexroots,double eps,vecteur & horiz_sturm,vecteur & vert_sturm){
837     int n=csturm_square(P,a0,b0,a1,b1,seq1,seq2,seq3,seq4,context0);
838     if (debug_infolevel && n)
839       CERR << a0 << "," << b0 << ".." << a1 << "," << b1 << ":" << n/2 << '\n';
840     if (n<=0)
841       return 2*n;
842     if (eps<=0){
843       *logptr(context0) << gettext("Bad precision, using 1e-12 instead of ")+print_DOUBLE_(eps,14) << '\n';
844       eps=1e-12;
845     }
846     if (is_strictly_greater(eps,a1-a0,context0) && is_strictly_greater(eps,b1-b0,context0)){
847       gen r(makevecteur(a0+cst_i*b0,a1+cst_i*b1));
848       complexroots.push_back(makevecteur(r,gen(n)/2));
849       return n;
850     }
851     if (n==2 && newton_complex_1root(P,a0,b0,a1,b1,complexroots,eps))
852       return n;
853     gen a01=(a0+a1)/2,b01=(b0+b1)/2,pgcd;
854     vecteur seqvert,seqhoriz;
855     gen A=a0+cst_i*b01,B=a1+cst_i*b01;
856     seqhoriz=csturm_segment_seq(P,A,B,realroots,eps,horiz_sturm,vert_sturm,context0);
857     if (is_undef(seqhoriz)){
858       realroots=seqhoriz;
859       return -2;
860     }
861     pgcd=seqhoriz[4];
862     if (is_one(pgcd)){
863       A=a01+cst_i*b0; B=a01+cst_i*b1;
864       seqvert=csturm_segment_seq(P,A,B,realroots,eps,horiz_sturm,vert_sturm,context0);
865       if (is_undef(seqvert)){
866 	realroots=seqvert;
867 	return -2;
868       }
869       pgcd=seqvert[4];
870     }
871     if (!is_one(pgcd)){
872       complex_roots_split(P,pgcd,a0,b0,a1,b1,realroots,complexroots,eps);
873       return n;
874     }
875     /*
876       (a0,b1)  - (a01,b1)  -  (a1,b1)         seq3                seq3
877          |     n4   |     n3    |        seq4   n4      seqvert    n3     seq2
878       (a0,b01) - (a01,b01) -  (a1,b01)        seqhoriz           seqhoriz
879          |     n1   |     n2    |        seq4   n1      seqvert   n2      seq2
880       (a0,b0)  - (a01,b0)  -  (a1,b0)         seq1                seq1
881      */
882     int n1=complex_roots(P,a0,b0,a01,b01,seq1,seqvert,seqhoriz,seq4,realroots,complexroots,eps,horiz_sturm,vert_sturm),nadd;
883     if (n1==-2)
884       return -2;
885     if (n1==n)
886       return n;
887     n1 += (nadd=complex_roots(P,a01,b0,a1,b01,seq1,seq2,seqhoriz,seqvert,realroots,complexroots,eps,horiz_sturm,vert_sturm));
888     if (nadd==-2)
889       return -2;
890     if (n1==n)
891       return n;
892     n1 += (nadd=complex_roots(P,a01,b01,a1,b1,seqhoriz,seq2,seq3,seqvert,realroots,complexroots,eps,horiz_sturm,vert_sturm));
893     if (nadd==-2)
894       return -2;
895     if (n1==n)
896       return n;
897     n1 += (nadd=complex_roots(P,a0,b01,a01,b1,seqhoriz,seqvert,seq3,seq4,realroots,complexroots,eps,horiz_sturm,vert_sturm));
898     if (nadd==-2)
899       return -2;
900     return n;
901   }
903   // Find complex roots of P in a0,b0 -> a1,b1
complex_roots(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,vecteur & realroots,vecteur & complexroots,double eps)904   static void complex_roots(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,vecteur & realroots,vecteur & complexroots,double eps){
905     if (P.size()<2)
906       return;
907     vecteur Seq1,Seq2,Seq3,Seq4,horiz_sturm,vert_sturm;
908     gen pgcd;
909     if (!csturm_square_seq(P,a0,b0,a1,b1,pgcd,realroots,eps,Seq1,Seq2,Seq3,Seq4,horiz_sturm,vert_sturm,context0))
910       complex_roots_split(P,pgcd,a0,b0,a1,b1,realroots,complexroots,eps);
911     else
912       complex_roots(P,a0,b0,a1,b1,Seq1,Seq2,Seq3,Seq4,realroots,complexroots,eps,horiz_sturm,vert_sturm);
913   }
915   // Find complex roots of P in a0,b0 -> a1,b1
complex_roots(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,gen & pgcd,vecteur & roots,double eps)916   bool complex_roots(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,gen & pgcd,vecteur & roots,double eps){
917     vecteur realroots,complexroots;
918     complex_roots(P,a0,b0,a1,b1,realroots,complexroots,eps);
919     if (is_undef(realroots))
920       return false;
921     roots=mergevecteur(roots,mergevecteur(realroots,complexroots));
922     return true;
923   }
crationalroot(polynome & p,bool complexe)925   vecteur crationalroot(polynome & p,bool complexe){
926     vectpoly v;
927     int i=1;
928     polynome qrem;
929     environment * env= new environment;
930     env->complexe=complexe || !is_zero(im(p,context0));
931     vecteur w;
932     if (!do_linearfind(p,env,qrem,v,w,i))
933       w.clear();
934     delete env;
935     p=qrem;
936     return w;
937   }
keep_in_rectangle(const vecteur & croots,const gen A0,const gen & B0,const gen & A1,const gen & B1,bool embed,GIAC_CONTEXT)939   vecteur keep_in_rectangle(const vecteur & croots,const gen A0,const gen & B0,const gen & A1,const gen & B1,bool embed,GIAC_CONTEXT){
940     vecteur roots;
941     const_iterateur it=croots.begin(),itend=croots.end();
942     for (;it!=itend;++it){
943       gen a=re(*it,contextptr),b=im(*it,contextptr);
944       if (is_greater(a,A0,contextptr)&&is_greater(A1,a,contextptr)&&is_greater(b,B0,contextptr)&&is_greater(B1,b,contextptr))
945 	roots.push_back(embed?makevecteur(*it,1):*it);
946     }
947     return roots;
948   }
square_modulus(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)950   gen square_modulus(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT){
951     return g.squarenorm(contextptr);
952   }
954   // P is the polynomial, P1 derivative, v list of approx roots
955   // (initially should have at least n bits precision),
956   // epsn is the target number of bits precision int(std::log(eps)/std::log(2.)-.5);
957   // epsg2surdeg2 is eps^2/degree(P)^2 as a gen, epsg is the target precision
958   // v[i] is set by newton_improve to be at distance at most vradius[i] of a root
959   // kmax is the maximal number of Newton iterations
newton_improve(const vecteur & P,const vecteur & P1,bool Preal,vecteur & v,vecteur & vradius,int i,int kmax,int n,int epsn,const gen & epsg2surdeg2,const gen & epsg)960   bool newton_improve(const vecteur & P,const vecteur & P1,bool Preal,vecteur & v,vecteur & vradius,int i,int kmax,int n,int epsn,const gen & epsg2surdeg2,const gen & epsg){
961     gen r=v[i];
962     bool nextconj=false;
963     if (Preal && i+1<int(v.size()))
964       nextconj=is_exactly_zero(r-conj(v[i+1],context0));
965     if (r.type==_FRAC || is_cinteger(r))
966       return true;
967     // find nearest root from v
968     gen deltar=plus_inf,delta;
969     for (unsigned j=0;j<v.size();++j){
970       if (int(j)==i)
971 	continue;
972       gen tmp=abs(r-v[j],context0);
973       if (is_strictly_greater(deltar,tmp,context0))
974 	deltar=tmp;
975     }
976     if (is_zero(deltar))
977       return false;
978     deltar=deltar/3;
979     gen sumdr2=0;
980     int N=n; // effective value of number of bits for computation
981 #ifdef HAVE_LIBMPFR
982     if (r.type==_REAL && mpfr_get_prec(r._REALptr->inf)>N)
983       N=mpfr_get_prec(r._REALptr->inf);
984     if (r.type==_CPLX && r._CPLXptr->type==_REAL && mpfr_get_prec(r._CPLXptr->_REALptr->inf)>N)
985       N=mpfr_get_prec(r._CPLXptr->_REALptr->inf);
986 #endif
987 #if 0 // def HAVE_LIBMPFI
988     gen deuxN=pow(2,N,context0);
989     gen rr,ri,dr,di;
990     reim(r,rr,ri,context0);
991     if (Preal && !nextconj)
992       r=eval(gen(makevecteur(rr-plus_one/deuxN,rr+plus_one/deuxN),_INTERVAL__VECT),1,context0);
993     else
994       r=eval(gen(makevecteur(rr-plus_one/deuxN,rr+plus_one/deuxN),_INTERVAL__VECT),1,context0)+cst_i*eval(gen(makevecteur(ri-plus_one/deuxN,ri+plus_one/deuxN),_INTERVAL__VECT),1,context0);
995     for (int k=0;k<kmax;++k){
996       // check if root precision is ok
997       // otherwise try to improve root precision with Newton method
998       gen P1r=horner(P1,r,0,false);
999       if (is_exactly_zero(P1r)){
1000 	delta=plus_inf;
1001 	break;
1002       }
1003       gen Pr=horner(P,r,0,false);
1004       delta=Pr/P1r;
1005       bool test;
1006       if (Preal && ! nextconj){
1007 	test=contains(delta,dr);
1008 	delta=abs(delta,context0);
1009       }
1010       else {
1011 	reim(delta,dr,di,context0);
1012 	test= contains(rr,dr) && contains(ri,di);
1013 	delta=square_modulus(delta,context0);
1014       }
1015       if (test){
1016 	v[i]=r; // we can certify there is a root in r by Brouwer fixed thm
1017 	vradius[i]=-1;
1018 	if (nextconj){
1019 	  v[i+1]=conj(r,context0);
1020 	  vradius[i+1]=vradius[i];
1021 	  ++i;
1022 	}
1023 	break;
1024       }
1025       if (delta.type==_REAL){
1026 	if (real_interval * ptr=dynamic_cast<real_interval *>(delta._REALptr)){
1027 	  mpfr_t tmp; mpfr_init(tmp);
1028 	  mpfi_get_right(tmp,ptr->infsup);
1029 	  delta=real_object(tmp);
1030 	  mpfr_clear(tmp);
1031 	}
1032       }
1033       sumdr2 += delta;
1034       if (!is_greater(deltar*deltar,sumdr2,context0)){
1035 	CERR << "Unable to certify " << v[i] << '\n' ;
1036 	return false;
1037       }
1038       if (N<P.size()-epsn){
1039 	// add 10 bits of precision or double it
1040 	if (N<-epsn/2){
1041 	  deuxN=deuxN*deuxN;
1042 	  N*=2;
1043 	}
1044 	else {
1045 	  deuxN=1024*deuxN;
1046 	  N+=10;
1047 	}
1048       }
1049       r -= Pr/P1r;
1050       // change precision to N
1051       reim(r,rr,ri,context0);
1052       if (rr.type==_REAL){
1053 	if (real_interval * ptr=dynamic_cast<real_interval *>(rr._REALptr))
1054 	  mpfi_set_prec(ptr->infsup,N);
1055       }
1056       if (ri.type==_REAL){
1057 	if (real_interval * ptr=dynamic_cast<real_interval *>(ri._REALptr))
1058 	  mpfi_set_prec(ptr->infsup,N);
1059       }
1060       r=rr+cst_i*ri;
1061     } // end for k
1062 #else
1063     if (N>int(P.size())/4-epsn/2)
1064       N=int(P.size())/4-epsn/2;
1065     gen deuxN=pow(2,N,context0);
1066     for (int k=0;k<kmax;++k){
1067       in_round2(r,deuxN,N); // round2(r,deuxN,context0);
1068       // check if root precision is ok
1069       // otherwise try to improve root precision with Newton method
1070       gen P1r=horner(P1,r,0,false);
1071       if (is_exactly_zero(P1r)){
1072 	delta=plus_inf;
1073 	break;
1074       }
1075       gen Pr=horner(P,r,0,false);
1076       delta=square_modulus(Pr,context0)/square_modulus(P1r,context0);
1077       if (is_greater(epsg2surdeg2,delta,context0)){
1078 	v[i]=r; // we can certify there is a root at distance <= eps from r
1079 	if (is_exactly_zero(Pr))
1080 	  vradius[i]=0;
1081 	else
1082 	  vradius[i]=n*sqrt(accurate_evalf(delta,100),context0);
1083 	// problem with double underflow
1084 	if (!is_exactly_zero(vradius[i]))
1085 	  vradius[i]=min(epsg,pow(plus_two,int(evalf_double(ln(vradius[i],context0),1,context0)._DOUBLE_val/std::log(2.))+1),context0);
1086 	if (debug_infolevel)
1087 	  CERR << CLOCK() << " isolated " << r << " radius " << vradius[i] << '\n';
1088 	if (nextconj){
1089 	  v[i+1]=conj(r,context0);
1090 	  vradius[i+1]=vradius[i];
1091 	  ++i;
1092 	}
1093 	break;
1094       }
1095       sumdr2 += delta;
1096       if (!is_greater(deltar*deltar,sumdr2,context0)){
1097 	CERR << "Unable to certify " << v[i] << '\n' ;
1098 	return false;
1099       }
1100       if (N<int(P.size())-epsn){
1101 	// add 10 bits of precision or double it
1102 	if (N<-epsn){
1103 	  deuxN=deuxN*deuxN;
1104 	  N*=2;
1105 	}
1106 	else {
1107 	  deuxN=1024*deuxN;
1108 	  N+=10;
1109 	}
1110       }
1111       in_round2(Pr,deuxN,N); in_round2(P1r,deuxN,N); // round2(Pr,deuxN,context0); round2(P1r,deuxN,context0);
1112       r -= Pr/P1r;
1113     } // end for k
1114 #endif
1115     if (!is_greater(epsg*epsg,delta,context0))
1116       return false;
1117     return true;
1118   }
1120   // find roots of polynomial P at precision eps using proot or
1121   // complex Sturm sequences
1122   // P must have numeric coefficients, in Q[i]
complex_roots(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,bool complexe,double eps,bool use_proot)1123   vecteur complex_roots(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,const gen & a1,const gen & b1,bool complexe,double eps,bool use_proot){
1124     if (P.empty())
1125       return P;
1126     eps=absdouble(eps);
1127     if (eps>1e-6)
1128       eps=1e-6;
1129     if (use_proot){
1130       int epsn=int(std::log(eps)/std::log(2.)-.5);
1131       gen epsg=pow(2,epsn,context0);
1132       gen epsg2surdeg2=(epsg*epsg)/int((P.size()+1)*(P.size()+1));
1133       // first try proot with double precision, if it's not enough increase
1134       int n=45;
1135       bool Preal=is_zero(im(P,context0));
1136       modpoly P1=derivative(P);
1137       for (;n<400;n*=2){
1138 	double cureps=std::pow(2.0,-n);
1139 	if (debug_infolevel)
1140 	  CERR << CLOCK() << " proot at precision " << cureps << '\n';
1141 	vecteur v=proot(P,cureps,n);
1142 	if (debug_infolevel)
1143 	  CERR << CLOCK() << " proot end at precision " << cureps << '\n';
1144 	vecteur vradius(v.size());
1145 	unsigned i=0;
1146 	int kmax=int(std::log(eps)/std::log(cureps))+4;
1147 	for (;i<v.size();++i){
1148 	  newton_improve(P,P1,Preal,v,vradius,i,kmax,n,epsn,epsg2surdeg2,epsg);
1149 	} // end for i
1150 	if (i==v.size()){
1151 	  vecteur res;
1152 	  for (unsigned j=0;j<v.size();++j){
1153 	    if (Preal && is_zero(im(v[j],context0))){
1154 	      if (is_exactly_zero(vradius[j]) || vradius[j]==-1){
1155 		if (is_greater(v[j],a0,context0) && is_greater(a1,v[j],context0) && is_greater(0,b0,context0) && is_greater(b1,0,context0))
1156 		  res.push_back(makevecteur(v[j],1));
1157 		continue;
1158 	      }
1159 	      gen P1=horner(P,v[j]-vradius[j],0,false),P2=horner(P,v[j]+vradius[j],0,false);
1160 	      if (P1.type==_FRAC) P1=P1._FRACptr->num;
1161 	      if (P2.type==_FRAC) P2=P2._FRACptr->num;
1162 	      if (is_strictly_positive(-P1*P2,context0)){
1163 		if (is_greater(v[j],a0,context0) && is_greater(a1,v[j],context0) && is_greater(0,b0,context0) && is_greater(b1,0,context0))
1164 		  res.push_back(makevecteur(eval(change_subtype(makevecteur(v[j]-vradius[j],v[j]+vradius[j]),_INTERVAL__VECT),1,context0),1));
1165 		continue;
1166 	      }
1167 	    }
1168 	    gen R,I;
1169 	    reim(v[j],R,I,context0);
1170 	    if (is_greater(R,a0,context0) && is_greater(a1,R,context0) && is_greater(I,b0,context0) && is_greater(b1,I,context0)){
1171 	      if (is_exactly_zero(vradius[j]))
1172 		res.push_back(makevecteur(v[j],1));
1173 	      else {
1174 #ifdef HAVE_LIBMPFI
1175 		gen a,b;
1176 		reim(v[j],a,b,context0);
1177 		res.push_back(makevecteur(eval(change_subtype(makevecteur(a-vradius[j],a+vradius[j]),_INTERVAL__VECT),1,context0)+cst_i*eval(change_subtype(makevecteur(b-vradius[j],b+vradius[j]),_INTERVAL__VECT),1,context0),1));
1178 #else
1179 		res.push_back(makevecteur(makevecteur(ratnormal(v[j]-vradius[j]*(1+cst_i)),ratnormal(v[j]+vradius[j]*(1+cst_i))),1));
1180 #endif
1181 	      }
1182 	    }
1183 	  }
1184 	  return res;
1185 	} // end if i==v.size()
1186       } // end for n
1187       CERR << "proot isolation did not work, trying complex Sturm sequences" << '\n';
1188     }
1189     bool aplati=(a0==a1) && (b0==b1);
1190     if (!aplati && complexe && (a0==a1 || b0==b1) )
1191       return vecteur(1,gensizeerr(gettext("Square is flat!")));
1192     gen A0(a0),B0(b0),A1(a1),B1(b1);
1193     {
1194       // initial rectangle: |roots|< 1+ max(|a_i|)/|a_n|
1195       gen maxai=_max(*apply(P,abs,context0)._VECTptr,context0);
1196       gen tmp=1+maxai/abs(P.front(),context0);
1197       if (aplati){
1198 	A0=-tmp;
1199 	B0=-tmp;
1200 	A1=tmp;
1201 	B1=tmp;
1202       }
1203       if (is_inf(A0)) A0=-tmp;
1204       if (is_inf(B0)) B0=-tmp;
1205       if (is_inf(A1)) A1=tmp;
1206       if (is_inf(B1)) B1=tmp;
1207     }
1208     gen tmp;
1209     modpoly p(*apply(P,exact,context0)._VECTptr);
1210     lcmdeno(p,tmp,context0);
1211     polynome pp(poly12polynome(p));
1212     if (!complexe){
1213       gen tmp=gcd(re(pp,context0),im(pp,context0));
1214       if (tmp.type!=_POLY)
1215 	return vecteur(0);
1216       pp=*tmp._POLYptr;
1217     }
1218     vecteur croots=crationalroot(pp,complexe);
1219     vecteur roots=keep_in_rectangle(croots,A0,B0,A1,B1,true,context0);
1220     p=polynome2poly1(pp);
1221     gen an=p.front();
1222     if (!is_zero(im(an,context0)))
1223       p=conj(p.front(),context0)*p;
1224     if (!complexe){ // real root isolation
1225       modpoly R=p;
1226       modpoly S=derivative(R);
1227       vecteur listquo,coeffP,coeffR;
1228       csturm_seq(S,R,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,context0);
1229       // sparse polynomial patch
1230       if (pp.coord.size()<p.size()/10.){
1231 	R=vecteur(1,poly12polynome(R,1,1));
1232 	S=vecteur(1,poly12polynome(S,1,1));
1233       }
1234       csturm_realroots(S,R,listquo,coeffP,coeffR,0,1,A0,A1,roots,eps,context0);
1235       return roots;
1236     }
1237     csturm_normalize(p,A0,B0,A1,B1,roots);
1238     gen pgcd;
1239     if (!complex_roots(p,A0,B0,A1,B1,pgcd,roots,eps))
1240       return vecteur(1,gensizeerr(context0));
1241     return roots;
1242   }
complexroot(const gen & g,bool complexe,GIAC_CONTEXT)1245   gen complexroot(const gen & g,bool complexe,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1246     vecteur v=gen2vecteur(g);
1247     bool use_vas=!complexe ,use_proot=true;
1248 #ifndef HAVE_LIBMPFR
1249     use_proot=false;
1250 #endif
1251     bool isolation=false;
1252     if (!v.empty() && v[0]==at_sturm){
1253       use_vas=false;
1254       use_proot=false;
1255       v.erase(v.begin());
1256     }
1257     if (v.empty())
1258       return gensizeerr(contextptr);
1259     if (v.size()<2){
1260       isolation=true;
1261       v.push_back(epsilon(contextptr));
1262     }
1263     if (v.size()==3)
1264       v.insert(v.begin()+1,epsilon(contextptr));
1265     gen p=v.front(),prec=evalf_double(v[1],1,contextptr);
1266     if (prec.type!=_DOUBLE_)
1267       return gentypeerr(contextptr);
1268     double eps=prec._DOUBLE_val;
1269     if (eps>=1.0)
1270       eps=std::pow(10.,-eps);
1271     if (eps<=0)
1272       eps=epsilon(contextptr);
1273     if (eps<=0)
1274       eps=1e-12;
1275     if (v[0].type==_VECT && has_num_coeff(v[0])){
1276       v=proot(*v[0]._VECTptr,eps);
1277       vecteur w;
1278       for (unsigned i=0;i<v.size();++i){
1279 	if (is_zero(im(v[i],contextptr)))
1280 	  w.push_back(makevecteur(v[i],1));
1281       }
1282       return w;
1283     }
1284     unsigned vs=unsigned(v.size());
1285     gen A(0),B(0),a0(minus_inf),b0(minus_inf),a1(plus_inf),b1(plus_inf);
1286     if (vs>3){
1287       A=v[2];
1288       B=v[3];
1289       a0=re(A,contextptr); b0=im(A,contextptr);
1290       a1=re(B,contextptr);b1=im(B,contextptr);
1291     }
1292     if (is_greater(a0,a1,contextptr))
1293       swapgen(a0,a1);
1294     if (is_greater(b0,b1,contextptr))
1295       swapgen(b0,b1);
1296     vecteur vas_res;
1297     if (p.type==_VECT){
1298       if (use_vas && vas(*p._VECTptr,a0,a1,isolation?1e300:eps,vas_res,true,contextptr))
1299 	return vas_res;
1300       return complex_roots(*p._VECTptr,a0,b0,a1,b1,complexe,eps,use_proot);
1301     }
1302     if (use_vas && vas(symb2poly_num(v[0],contextptr),a0,a1,isolation?1e300:eps,vas_res,true,contextptr))
1303       return vas_res;
1304     vecteur l,l0;
1305     lidnt(p,l0,false);
1306     if (l0.size()!=1)
1307       return gentypeerr(contextptr);
1308     l=alg_lvar(p);
1309     gen px=_e2r(makesequence(p,l),contextptr);
1310     if (px.type==_FRAC)
1311       px=px._FRACptr->num;
1312     if (px.type!=_POLY)
1313       return vecteur(0);
1314     factorization f(sqff(*px._POLYptr));
1315     factorization::const_iterator it=f.begin(),itend=f.end();
1316     vecteur res;
1317     for (;it!=itend;++it){
1318       gen P=_poly2symb(makesequence(it->fact,l),contextptr);
1319       P=_e2r(makesequence(P,l0.front()),contextptr);
1320       if (P.type!=_VECT)
1321 	continue;
1322       vecteur tmp=complex_roots(*P._VECTptr,a0,b0,a1,b1,complexe,eps,use_proot);
1323       if (is_undef(tmp))
1324 	return tmp;
1325       iterateur jt=tmp.begin(),jtend=tmp.end();
1326       for (;jt!=jtend;++jt){
1327 	if (jt->type==_VECT && jt->_VECTptr->size()==2)
1328 	  jt->_VECTptr->back()=it->mult*jt->_VECTptr->back();
1329       }
1330       res=mergevecteur(res,tmp);
1331     }
1332     return res;
1333   }
_complexroot(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)1335   gen _complexroot(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1336     if ( g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return  g;
1337     gen res=complexroot(g,true,contextptr);
1338     if (res.type==_VECT)
1339       gen_sort_f_context(res._VECTptr->begin(),res._VECTptr->end(),complex_sort,contextptr);
1340     return res;
1341     // return _sorta(complexroot(g,true,contextptr),contextptr);
1342   }
1343   static const char _complexroot_s []="complexroot";
1344   static define_unary_function_eval (__complexroot,&_complexroot,_complexroot_s);
1345   define_unary_function_ptr5( at_complexroot ,alias_at_complexroot,&__complexroot,0,true);
_realroot(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)1347   gen _realroot(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1348     if ( g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return  g;
1349     gen res; bool evalf_after=false;
1350     if (g.type==_VECT && !g._VECTptr->empty() && g._VECTptr->back()==at_evalf){
1351       res=complexroot(gen(vecteur(g._VECTptr->begin(),g._VECTptr->end()-1),g.subtype),false,contextptr);
1352       evalf_after=true;
1353     }
1354     else
1355       res=complexroot(g,false,contextptr);
1356     if (res.type!=_VECT)
1357       return res;
1358     vecteur v=*res._VECTptr;
1359     for (unsigned i=0;i<v.size();++i){
1360       if (v[i].type==_VECT && v[i]._VECTptr->size()==2){
1361 	gen a=v[i]._VECTptr->front(),b=v[i]._VECTptr->back();
1362 	if (a.type==_VECT && a.subtype==_INTERVAL__VECT){
1363 	  if (evalf_after)
1364 	    v[i]=evalf((a._VECTptr->front()+a._VECTptr->back())/2,1,contextptr);
1365 	  else {
1366 	    a=eval(a,1,contextptr);
1367 	    v[i]=makevecteur(a,b);
1368 	  }
1369 	}
1370 	else {
1371 	  if (evalf_after)
1372 	    v[i]=evalf(a,1,contextptr);
1373 	}
1374       }
1375     }
1376     return v;
1377   }
1378   static const char _realroot_s []="realroot";
1379   static define_unary_function_eval (__realroot,&_realroot,_realroot_s);
1380   define_unary_function_ptr5( at_realroot ,alias_at_realroot,&__realroot,0,true);
crationalroot(const gen & g0,bool complexe)1382   static vecteur crationalroot(const gen & g0,bool complexe){
1383     gen g(g0),a,b;
1384     if (g.type==_VECT){
1385       if (g.subtype==_SEQ__VECT){
1386 	vecteur & tmp=*g._VECTptr;
1387 	if (tmp.size()!=3)
1388 	  return vecteur(1,gendimerr(context0));
1389 	g=tmp[0];
1390 	a=tmp[1];
1391 	b=tmp[2];
1392       }
1393       else {
1394 	g=poly12polynome(*g._VECTptr);
1395       }
1396     }
1397     gen a0,b0,a1,b1;
1398     ab2a0b0a1b1(a,b,a0,b0,a1,b1,context0);
1399     vecteur l;
1400     lvar(g,l);
1401     if (l.empty())
1402       return vecteur(0);
1403     if (l.size()!=1)
1404       return vecteur(1,gentypeerr(context0));
1405     gen px=_e2r(makevecteur(g,l),context0);
1406     if (px.type==_FRAC)
1407       px=px._FRACptr->num;
1408     if (px.type!=_POLY)
1409       return vecteur(0);
1410     factorization f(sqff(*px._POLYptr));
1411     factorization::const_iterator it=f.begin(),itend=f.end();
1412     vecteur res;
1413     for (;it!=itend;++it){
1414       polynome p=it->fact;
1415       vecteur tmp=crationalroot(p,complexe);
1416       res=mergevecteur(res,tmp);
1417     }
1418     if (a0!=a1 || b0!=b1)
1419       res=keep_in_rectangle(res,a0,b0,a1,b1,false,context0);
1420     return res;
1421   }
_crationalroot(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)1422   gen _crationalroot(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1423     if ( g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return  g;
1424     return crationalroot(g,true);
1425   }
1426   static const char _crationalroot_s []="crationalroot";
1427   static define_unary_function_eval (__crationalroot,&_crationalroot,_crationalroot_s);
1428   define_unary_function_ptr5( at_crationalroot ,alias_at_crationalroot,&__crationalroot,0,true);
_rationalroot(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)1430   gen _rationalroot(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1431     if ( g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return  g;
1432     return crationalroot(g,false);
1433   }
1434   static const char _rationalroot_s []="rationalroot";
1435   static define_unary_function_eval (__rationalroot,&_rationalroot,_rationalroot_s);
1436   define_unary_function_ptr5( at_rationalroot ,alias_at_rationalroot,&__rationalroot,0,true);
1438   // convert numerator of g to a list
symb2poly_num(const gen & g_,GIAC_CONTEXT)1439   vecteur symb2poly_num(const gen & g_,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1440     gen g(g_);
1441     if (g.type!=_VECT)
1442       g=makesequence(g,ggb_var(g));
1443     gen tmp=_symb2poly(g,contextptr);
1444     if (tmp.type==_FRAC)
1445       tmp=tmp._FRACptr->num;
1446     if (tmp.type!=_VECT)
1447       return vecteur(1,gensizeerr(contextptr));
1448     return *tmp._VECTptr;
1449   }
1450   // VAS implementation. Based on Xcas implementation by  Alkiviadis G. Akritas,
1451   // A first C++ implementation was written by Spyros Kehagias and others
1452   // but it was too close to the Xcas code
1453   // This implementation is much faster, using basic data structures of giac
1454   // number of sign changes of the coefficients of P, returns -1 on error
variations(const modpoly & P,GIAC_CONTEXT)1455   int variations(const modpoly & P,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1456     int res=0,n=int(P.size());
1457     if (!n)
1458       return -1;
1459     int previous=fastsign(P.front(),contextptr);
1460     if (previous==0)
1461       return -1;
1462     for (int i=1;i<n;i++){
1463       if (is_exactly_zero(P[i]))
1464 	continue;
1465       int current=fastsign(P[i],contextptr);
1466       if (!current)
1467 	return -1;
1468       if (current!=previous){
1469 	++res;
1470 	previous=current;
1471       }
1472     }
1473     return res;
1474   }
1476 #ifndef M_LN2
1477 #define M_LN2 0.6931471805599454
1478 #endif
1480   // like (ln(n/d)+shift*ln2)/expo, but faster for large integers
LMQ_evalf(const gen & n,const gen & d,double shift,int expo,GIAC_CONTEXT)1481   gen LMQ_evalf(const gen & n,const gen & d,double shift,int expo,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1483     if (is_integer(n) && is_integer(d)){
1484       long int nexp=0,dexp=0;
1485       double nmant,dmant;
1486       if (n.type==_INT_)
1487 	nmant=n.val;
1488       else
1489 	nmant=mpz_get_d_2exp (&nexp,*n._ZINTptr);
1490       if (d.type==_INT_)
1491 	dmant=d.val;
1492       else
1493 	dmant=mpz_get_d_2exp (&dexp,*d._ZINTptr);
1494       return ( std::log(-nmant/dmant) + (nexp-dexp+shift)*M_LN2 )/expo;
1495     }
1496 #endif
1497     return ( ln(evalf(-n/d,1,contextptr),contextptr) + shift*M_LN2 )/gen(expo);
1498   }
compute_lnabsmantexpo(const vecteur & cl,vector<double> & cllnabsmant,vector<long int> & clexpo,vector<short int> & clsign,GIAC_CONTEXT)1500   static bool compute_lnabsmantexpo(const vecteur & cl,vector<double> & cllnabsmant,vector<long int> & clexpo,vector<short int> & clsign,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1501     int k=int(cl.size());
1502     cllnabsmant.resize(k);
1503     clexpo.resize(k);
1504     clsign.resize(k);
1505     for (int i=0;i<k;++i){
1506       gen tmp=sign(cl[i],contextptr);
1507       if (tmp.type!=_INT_)
1508 	return false;
1509       clsign[i]=tmp.val;
1510       double mant;
1511       long int expo=0;
1512       if (is_integer(cl[i])){
1513 	if (cl[i].type==_ZINT){
1515 	  mant=evalf_double(cl[i],1,contextptr)._DOUBLE_val;
1516 #else
1517 	  mant=mpz_get_d_2exp (&expo,*cl[i]._ZINTptr);
1518 #endif
1519 	}
1520 	else mant=cl[i].val;
1521       }
1522       else {
1523 	if (cl[i].type==_DOUBLE_){
1524 	  mant=cl[i]._DOUBLE_val;
1525 	}
1526 	else {
1527 	  mant=evalf_double(cl[i],1,contextptr)._DOUBLE_val;
1528 	}
1529       }
1530       mant=std::log(absdouble(mant));
1531       cllnabsmant[i]=mant;
1532       clexpo[i]=expo;
1533     }
1534     return true;
1535   }
posubLMQ(const modpoly & P,GIAC_CONTEXT)1538   gen posubLMQ(const modpoly & P,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1539     //---implements the Local_Max_Quadratic method (LMQ) to compute an
1540     //---upper bound on the values of the POSITIVE roots of p(x).
1542     //---Reference:"Linear and Quadratic Complexity Bounds on the Values of the
1543     //---Positive Roots of Polynomials" by Alkiviadis G. Akritas.
1544     //---Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 15, No. 3, 523-537, 2009.
1545     int k=int(P.size());
1546     if (k<=1)
1547       return 0;
1548     vecteur cl;
1549     if (is_strictly_positive(P.front(),contextptr))
1550       cl=P;
1551     else
1552       cl=-P;
1553     reverse(cl.begin(),cl.end());
1554     vector<double> cllnabsmant;
1555     vector<long int> clexpo;
1556     vector<short int> clsign;
1557     if (!compute_lnabsmantexpo(cl,cllnabsmant,clexpo,clsign,contextptr))
1558       return gensizeerr(contextptr);
1559     gen tempmax=minus_inf;
1560     vector<int> timesused(k+1,1);
1561     for (int m=k-1;m>=1;--m){
1562       if (clsign[m-1]==-1){ // is_strictly_positive(-cl[m-1],contextptr)
1563 	gen tempmin=plus_inf;
1564 	for (int n=k;n>m;--n){
1565 	  if (clsign[n-1]==1){ // is_strictly_positive(cl[n-1],contextptr)
1566 	    gen temp= (cllnabsmant[m-1]-cllnabsmant[n-1] + (clexpo[m-1]-clexpo[n-1]+timesused[n-1])*M_LN2)/(n-m);// LMQ_evalf(cl[m-1],cl[n-1],timesused[n-1],n-m,contextptr);
1567 	    // gen temp=pow(-cl[m-1]/cl[n-1]*pow(plus_two,timesused[n-1]),inv(n-m,contextptr),contextptr);
1568 	    // temp=evalf(temp,1,contextptr);
1569 	    ++timesused[n-1];
1570 	    if (is_strictly_greater(tempmin,temp,contextptr))
1571 	      tempmin=temp;
1572 	  }
1573 	}
1574 	if (is_strictly_greater(tempmin,tempmax,contextptr))
1575 	  tempmax=tempmin;
1576       }
1577     }
1578     return _ceil(65*exp(tempmax,contextptr)/64,contextptr); // small margin
1579   }
_posubLMQ(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)1581   gen _posubLMQ(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1582     if ( g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return  g;
1583     vecteur v;
1584     if (g.type==_VECT && g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
1585       v=*g._VECTptr;
1586     else
1587       v=symb2poly_num(g,contextptr);
1588     return posubLMQ(v,contextptr);
1589   }
1590   static const char _posubLMQ_s []="posubLMQ";
1591   static define_unary_function_eval (__posubLMQ,&_posubLMQ,_posubLMQ_s);
1592   define_unary_function_ptr5( at_posubLMQ ,alias_at_posubLMQ,&__posubLMQ,0,true);
poslbdLMQ(const modpoly & P,GIAC_CONTEXT)1594   gen poslbdLMQ(const modpoly & P,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1595     //---implements the Local_Max_Quadratic method (LMQ) to compute a
1596     //---lower bound on the values of the POSITIVE roots of p(x).
1598     //---Reference:"Linear and Quadratic Complexity Bounds on the Values of the
1599     //---Positive Roots of Polynomials" by Alkiviadis G. Akritas.
1600     //---Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 15, No. 3, 523-537, 2009.
1601     int k=int(P.size());
1602     if (k<=1)
1603       return 0;
1604     vecteur cl(P);
1605     reverse(cl.begin(),cl.end());
1606     if (is_strictly_positive(-cl.front(),contextptr))
1607       cl=-cl;
1608     vector<double> cllnabsmant;
1609     vector<long int> clexpo;
1610     vector<short int> clsign;
1611     if (!compute_lnabsmantexpo(cl,cllnabsmant,clexpo,clsign,contextptr))
1612       return gensizeerr(contextptr);
1613     gen tempmax=minus_inf;
1614     vector<int> timesused(k,1);
1615     for (int m=1;m<k;++m){
1616       if (clsign[m]==-1){ // is_strictly_positive(-cl[m],contextptr)
1617 	gen tempmin=plus_inf;
1618 	for (int n=0;n<m;++n){
1619 	  if (clsign[n]==1){ // is_strictly_positive(cl[n],contextptr)
1620 	    // gen temp=pow(-cl[m]/cl[n]*pow(plus_two,timesused[n]),inv(m-n,contextptr),contextptr);
1621 	    // temp=evalf(temp,1,contextptr);
1622 	    gen temp= (cllnabsmant[m]-cllnabsmant[n] + (clexpo[m]-clexpo[n]+timesused[n])*M_LN2)/(m-n);// LMQ_evalf(cl[m],cl[n],timesused[n],m-n,contextptr);
1623 	    ++timesused[n];
1624 	    if (is_strictly_greater(tempmin,temp,contextptr))
1625 	      tempmin=temp;
1626 	  }
1627 	}
1628 	if (is_strictly_greater(tempmin,tempmax,contextptr))
1629 	  tempmax=tempmin;
1630       }
1631     }
1632     tempmax=tempmax/M_LN2;
1633     tempmax=-_ceil(tempmax,contextptr);
1634     tempmax=pow(plus_two,tempmax,contextptr);
1635     return tempmax;
1636   }
_poslbdLMQ(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)1638   gen _poslbdLMQ(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1639     if ( g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return  g;
1640     vecteur v;
1641     if (g.type==_VECT && g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
1642       v=*g._VECTptr;
1643     else
1644       v=symb2poly_num(g,contextptr);
1645     return poslbdLMQ(v,contextptr);
1646   }
1647   static const char _poslbdLMQ_s []="poslbdLMQ";
1648   static define_unary_function_eval (__poslbdLMQ,&_poslbdLMQ,_poslbdLMQ_s);
1649   define_unary_function_ptr5( at_poslbdLMQ ,alias_at_poslbdLMQ,&__poslbdLMQ,0,true);
makeinterval(const gen & a,const gen & b)1651   vecteur makeinterval(const gen & a,const gen & b){
1652     if (is_strictly_greater(a,b,context0))
1653       return makevecteur(b,a);
1654     else
1655       return makevecteur(a,b);
1656   }
vas_sort(const gen & a,const gen & b)1658   bool vas_sort(const gen & a,const gen &b){
1659     gen a1(a),b1(b);
1660     if (a.type==_VECT && a._VECTptr->size()==2)
1661       a1=a._VECTptr->front();
1662     if (b.type==_VECT && b._VECTptr->size()==2)
1663       b1=b._VECTptr->front();
1664     return is_strictly_greater(b1,a1,context0);
1665   }
1667   // P is assumed to be squarefree and without rational roots
1668   // find roots of P((ax+b)/(cx+d))
VAS_positive_roots(const modpoly & P,const gen & ap,const gen & bp,const gen & cp,const gen & dp,GIAC_CONTEXT)1669   vecteur VAS_positive_roots(const modpoly & P,const gen & ap,const gen & bp,const gen & cp,const gen & dp,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1670     //---The steps below correspond to the steps described in the reference below.
1672     //---Reference:	"A Comparative Study of Two Real Root Isolation Methods"
1673     //---by Alkiviadis G. Akritas and Adam W. Strzebonski.
1674     //---Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Vol. 10, No. 4, 297-304, 2005.
1675     vecteur res; // root isolation intervals
1676     vecteur intervals_to_process;
1677     // STEP 1
1678     int v0=variations(P,contextptr);
1679     if (!v0)
1680       return res;
1681     gen ub=posubLMQ(P,contextptr);
1682     if (v0==1)
1683       return vecteur(1,makeinterval(0,ap*ub));
1684     intervals_to_process.push_back(makevecteur(ap, bp, cp, dp, P,v0));
1686     // STEP 2
1687     while (!intervals_to_process.empty()){
1688       gen tmp=intervals_to_process.back();
1689       intervals_to_process.pop_back();
1690       if (tmp.type!=_VECT || tmp._VECTptr->size()!=6)
1691 	return vecteur(1,gensizeerr("VAS interval"+tmp.print()));
1692       vecteur & tmpv=*tmp._VECTptr;
1693       gen a=tmpv[0],b=tmpv[1],c=tmpv[2],d=tmpv[3], genf=tmpv[4],genv=tmpv[5];
1694       if (genf.type!=_VECT || genv.type!=_INT_)
1695 	return vecteur(1,gensizeerr("VAS interval"+tmp.print()));
1696       int v=genv.val;
1697       modpoly f = *genf._VECTptr;
1699       // STEP 3
1700       gen lb=poslbdLMQ(f,contextptr);
1702       // STEP 4
1703       if (is_strictly_greater(lb,16,contextptr)){
1704 	change_scale(f,lb);
1705 	a=lb*a; c=lb*c; lb=1;
1706       }
1708       // STEP 5
1709       if (is_greater(lb,1,contextptr)){
1710 	// f=taylor(f,lb);
1711 	change_scale(f,lb);
1712 	f=taylor(f,1);
1713 	back_change_scale(f,lb);
1714 	b = lb*a + b; d = lb*c + d;
1715 	if (is_zero(f.back())){
1716 	  res.push_back(b/d);
1717 	  f.pop_back();
1718 	}
1719 	v=variations(f,contextptr);
1720 	if (!v)
1721 	  continue;
1722 	if (v==1){
1723 	  if (!is_zero(c))
1724 	    res.push_back(makeinterval(a/c,b/d));
1725 	  else
1726 	    res.push_back(makeinterval(b,b+a*posubLMQ(f,contextptr)));
1727 	  continue;
1728 	}
1729       }
1731       // STEP 6
1732       modpoly f1=taylor(f,1),f2;
1733       gen a1=a, b1=a+b, c1=c, d1=c+d;
1734       int r=0;
1735       if (is_zero(f1.back())){
1736 	f1.pop_back();
1737 	res.push_back(b1/d1);
1738 	r=1;
1739       }
1740       int v1=variations(f1,contextptr);
1741       int v2=v-v1-r;
1742       gen a2=b, b2=a+b, c2=d, d2=c+d;
1744       // STEP 7
1745       if (v2>1){
1746 	f2=f;
1747 	reverse(f2.begin(),f2.end());
1748 	f2=taylor(f2,1);
1749 	if (is_zero(f2.back()))
1750 	  f2.pop_back();
1751 	v2=variations(f2,contextptr);
1752       }
1754       // STEP 8
1755       if (v1<v2){
1756 	swapgen(a1,a2);
1757 	swapgen(b1,b2);
1758 	swapgen(c1,c2);
1759 	swapgen(d1,d2);
1760 	swap(f1,f2);
1761 	int i=v1; v1=v2; v2=i;
1762       }
1764       // STEP 9
1765       if (v1==0) continue;
1766       if (v1==1){
1767 	if (!is_zero(c1))
1768 	  res.push_back(makeinterval(a1/c1,b1/d1));
1769 	else
1770 	  res.push_back(makeinterval(b1,b1 + a1*posubLMQ(f1,contextptr)));
1771       }
1772       else
1773 	intervals_to_process.push_back(makevecteur(a1,b1,c1,d1,f1,v1));
1775       // STEP 10
1776       if (v2==0) continue;
1777       if (v2==1){
1778 	if (!is_zero(c2))
1779 	  res.push_back(makeinterval(a2/c2,b2/d2));
1780 	else
1781 	  res.push_back(makeinterval(b2,b2 + a2*posubLMQ(f2,contextptr)));
1782       }
1783       else
1784 	intervals_to_process.push_back(makevecteur(a2,b2,c2,d2,f2,v2));
1785     }
1786     gen_sort_f(res.begin(),res.end(),vas_sort);
1787     return res;
1788   }
_VAS_positive(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)1790   gen _VAS_positive(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1791     if ( g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return  g;
1792     vecteur v;
1793     if (g.type==_VECT && g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
1794       v=*g._VECTptr;
1795     else
1796       v=symb2poly_num(g,contextptr);
1797     return VAS_positive_roots(v,1,0,0,1,contextptr);
1798   }
1799   static const char _VAS_positive_s []="VAS_positive";
1800   static define_unary_function_eval (__VAS_positive,&_VAS_positive,_VAS_positive_s);
1801   define_unary_function_ptr5( at_VAS_positive ,alias_at_VAS_positive,&__VAS_positive,0,true);
1803   // square-free factorization of p, then remove all exponents
1804   // optionally remove factors with even multiplicities
remove_multiplicities(const modpoly & p,factorization & f,bool odd_only,GIAC_CONTEXT)1805   modpoly remove_multiplicities(const modpoly & p,factorization & f,bool odd_only,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1806     vecteur res(1,1),tmp;
1807     polynome P;
1808     poly12polynome(p,1,P,1);
1809     P=P/lgcd(P);
1810     f=sqff(P);
1811     factorization::const_iterator it=f.begin(),itend=f.end();
1812     for (;it!=itend;++it){
1813       if (odd_only && it->mult%2==0)
1814 	continue;
1815       polynome2poly1(it->fact,1,tmp);
1816       res=operator_times(res,tmp,0);
1817     }
1818     return res;
1819   }
vas(const modpoly & p,GIAC_CONTEXT)1821   gen vas(const modpoly & p,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1822     vecteur v(p);
1823     vecteur res;
1824     bool has_zero=false;
1825     if (is_zero(v.back())){
1826       has_zero=true;
1827       v.pop_back();
1828     }
1829     res=VAS_positive_roots(v,1,0,0,1,contextptr);
1830     vecteur w(v);
1831     change_scale(w,-1);
1832     if (w.size()%2==0)
1833       w=-w;
1834     if (w==v){
1835       v=-res;
1836       reverse(v.begin(),v.end());
1837       iterateur it=v.begin(),itend=v.end();
1838       for (;it!=itend;++it){
1839 	if (it->type==_VECT)
1840 	  reverse(it->_VECTptr->begin(),it->_VECTptr->end());
1841       }
1842       if (has_zero)
1843 	v.push_back(0);
1844       res=mergevecteur(v,res);
1845     }
1846     else {
1847       v=VAS_positive_roots(w,-1,0,0,1,contextptr);
1848       if (has_zero)
1849 	v.push_back(0);
1850       res=mergevecteur(v,res);
1851     }
1852     return res;
1853   }
_VAS(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT)1854   gen _VAS(const gen & g,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1855     if ( g.type==_STRNG && g.subtype==-1) return  g;
1856     vecteur v;
1857     if (g.type==_VECT && g.subtype!=_SEQ__VECT)
1858       v=*g._VECTptr;
1859     else
1860       v=symb2poly_num(g,contextptr);
1861     factorization f;
1862     v=remove_multiplicities(v,f,false,contextptr);
1863     return vas(v,contextptr);
1864   }
1865   static const char _VAS_s []="VAS";
1866   static define_unary_function_eval (__VAS,&_VAS,_VAS_s);
1867   define_unary_function_ptr5( at_VAS ,alias_at_VAS,&__VAS,0,true);
1869   static const double bisection_newton_eps=1e-3;
1871   // returns true if a root of p is found by Newton method, such that res-eps>a0
1872   // res+eps<b0 and sign of p changes between res-eps and res+eps
bisection_newton(const modpoly & P,const modpoly & Pprime,const gen & a0,const gen & a1,gen & x0,double eps,gen & eps2,GIAC_CONTEXT)1873   static bool bisection_newton(const modpoly & P,const modpoly & Pprime,const gen & a0,const gen & a1,gen & x0,double eps,gen & eps2,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1874     if (is_greater(bisection_newton_eps,x0-a0,contextptr) || is_greater(bisection_newton_eps,a1-x0,contextptr))
1875       return false; // bisection is faster if the root is too close to the isolation interval boundaries
1876     int n=int(-std::log(eps)/std::log(2.0)+.5); // for rounding
1877     eps2=pow(2,-(n+1),contextptr);
1878     gen deuxn4(pow(2,n+4,contextptr));
1879     in_round2(x0,deuxn4,n+4); // round2(x0,deuxn4,contextptr);
1880     for (int ii=0;ii<n;ii++){
1881       gen Pprimex0=horner(Pprime,x0,0,false);
1882       if (is_zero(Pprimex0,contextptr))
1883 	return false;
1884       gen Px0=horner(P,x0,0,false);
1885       in_round2(Px0,deuxn4,n+4); // round2(Px0,deuxn4,contextptr);
1886       in_round2(Pprimex0,deuxn4,n+4); // round2(Pprimex0,deuxn4,contextptr);
1887       gen dx=Px0/Pprimex0;
1888       in_round2(dx,deuxn4,n+4); // round2(dx,deuxn4,contextptr);
1889       x0=x0-dx;
1890       if (is_positive(a0-x0,contextptr) || is_positive(x0-a1,contextptr))
1891 	return false;
1892       if (is_greater(abs(dx,contextptr),eps2,contextptr))
1893 	continue;
1894       if (is_positive(-horner(P,x0-eps2,0,false)*horner(P,x0+eps2,0,false),contextptr))
1895 	return true;
1896     }
1897     return false;
1899   }
bisection(const modpoly & p,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,double eps,GIAC_CONTEXT)1901   gen bisection(const modpoly & p,const gen & a0,const gen &b0,double eps,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1902     int nsteps=int(std::ceil(std::log(evalf_double(b0-a0,1,contextptr)._DOUBLE_val/eps)/M_LN2));
1903     int trynewtonstep=int(nsteps-std::log(bisection_newton_eps/eps)/M_LN2);
1904     gen a(a0),b(b0),m,eps2;
1905     modpoly dp=derivative(p);
1906     int s1=fastsign(horner(p,a,0,false),contextptr);
1907     if (s1==0)
1908       s1=fastsign(horner(dp,a,0,false),contextptr);
1909     int s2=fastsign(horner(p,b,0,false),contextptr);
1910     if (s2==0)
1911       s2=-fastsign(horner(dp,b,0,false),contextptr);
1912     if (s1==s2)
1913       return undef;
1914     for (int i=0;i<nsteps;++i){
1915       m=(a+b)/2;
1916       if (i==trynewtonstep && bisection_newton(p,dp,a0,b0,m,eps,eps2,contextptr))
1917 	return makevecteur(m-eps2,m+eps2);
1918       int s=fastsign(horner(p,m,0,false),contextptr);
1919       if (s==0)
1920 	return m;
1921       if (s==s1)
1922 	a=m;
1923       else
1924 	b=m;
1925     }
1926     return makevecteur(a,b);
1927   }
multiplicity(const factorization & f,const gen & interval,GIAC_CONTEXT)1929   int multiplicity(const factorization & f,const gen & interval,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1930     factorization::const_iterator it=f.begin(),itend=f.end();
1931     if (interval.type==_VECT && interval._VECTptr->size()==2){
1932       for (;it!=itend;++it){
1933 	if (is_strictly_positive(-it->fact(interval._VECTptr->front())*it->fact(interval._VECTptr->back()),contextptr))
1934 	  return it->mult;
1935       }
1936       for (it=f.begin();it!=itend;++it){
1937 	if (is_positive(-it->fact(interval._VECTptr->front())*it->fact(interval._VECTptr->back()),contextptr))
1938 	  return it->mult;
1939       }
1940     }
1941     else {
1942       for (;it!=itend;++it){
1943 	if (is_zero(it->fact(interval)))
1944 	  return it->mult;
1945       }
1946     }
1947     return 0;
1948   }
add_vasres(vecteur & vasres,const gen & a,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,int mult,bool with_mult,GIAC_CONTEXT)1950   static void add_vasres(vecteur & vasres,const gen & a,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,int mult,bool with_mult,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1951     if (a0==b0 || (is_greater(a,a0,contextptr) && is_greater(b0,a,contextptr)) )
1952       vasres.push_back(with_mult?gen(makevecteur(a,mult)):a);
1953   }
1955   // isolate and find real roots of P at precision eps between a and b
1956   // returns a list of intervals or of rationals
vas(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen & b0,double eps,vecteur & vasres,bool with_mult,GIAC_CONTEXT)1957   bool vas(const modpoly & P,const gen & a0,const gen &b0,double eps,vecteur & vasres,bool with_mult,GIAC_CONTEXT){
1958     if (P.size()<=3){
1959       if (P.size()<2)
1960 	return true;
1961       gen a(P[0]),b(P[1]);
1962       if (P.size()==2){
1963 	a=-b/a;
1964 	add_vasres(vasres,a,a0,b0,1,with_mult,contextptr);
1965 	return true;
1966       }
1967       gen c(P[2]);
1968       gen delta=b*b-4*a*c;
1969       if (is_zero(delta)){
1970 	a=-b/a/2;
1971 	add_vasres(vasres,a,a0,b0,2,with_mult,contextptr);
1972 	return true;
1973       }
1974       if (is_positive(delta,contextptr)){
1975 	delta=sqrt(delta,contextptr)/a/2;
1976 	c=-b/a/2;
1977 	add_vasres(vasres,c-delta,a0,b0,1,with_mult,contextptr);
1978 	add_vasres(vasres,c+delta,a0,b0,1,with_mult,contextptr);
1979       }
1980       return true;
1981     }
1982     gen a(a0),b(b0);
1983     if (a==b){
1984       a=minus_inf;
1985       b=plus_inf;
1986     }
1987     // check and convert coeffs of P
1988     modpoly p(P);
1989     iterateur it=p.begin(),itend=p.end();
1990     for (;it!=itend;++it){
1991       *it=exact(*it,contextptr);
1992     }
1993     gen tmp;
1994     lcmdeno(p,tmp,contextptr);
1995     for (it=p.begin();it!=itend;++it){
1996       if (!is_integer(*it))
1997 	return false;
1998     }
1999     p=divvecteur(p,lgcd(p));
2000     factorization f;
2001     p=remove_multiplicities(p,f,false,contextptr);
2002     tmp=vas(p,contextptr);
2003     if (tmp.type!=_VECT)
2004       return false;
2005     vecteur v=*tmp._VECTptr;
2006     // now improve precision by bisection
2007     it=v.begin(),itend=v.end();
2008     for (;it!=itend;++it){
2009       if (it->type!=_VECT){
2010 	if (is_greater(*it,a,contextptr) && is_greater(b,*it,contextptr)){
2011 	  if (with_mult){
2012 	    int n=multiplicity(f,*it,contextptr);
2013 	    vasres.push_back(makevecteur(*it,n));
2014 	  }
2015 	  else
2016 	    vasres.push_back(*it);
2017 	}
2018 	continue;
2019       }
2020       if (it->_VECTptr->size()!=2)
2021 	return false;
2022       gen A=it->_VECTptr->front(),B=it->_VECTptr->back();
2023       if (is_strictly_greater(a,B,contextptr) || is_strictly_greater(A,b,contextptr))
2024 	continue;
2025       gen interval=bisection(p,max(A,a,contextptr),min(B,b,contextptr),eps,contextptr);
2026       if (is_undef(interval))
2027 	continue;
2028       if (interval.type==_VECT)
2029 	interval.subtype=_INTERVAL__VECT;
2030       if (with_mult)
2031 	vasres.push_back(makevecteur(interval,multiplicity(f,interval,contextptr)));
2032       else
2033 	vasres.push_back( (interval.type==_VECT && interval._VECTptr->size()==2)?evalf((interval._VECTptr->front()+interval._VECTptr->back())/2,1,contextptr):interval);
2034     }
2035     return true;
2036   }
2038 #ifndef NO_NAMESPACE_GIAC
2039 } // namespace giac
2040 #endif // ndef NO_NAMESPACE_GIAC