1 /*
2 * Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the MIT Open Source License, for details please see license.txt or the website
5 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
6 *
7 */
12 #include <dae/daeTypes.h>
13 #include <dae/daeMetaAttribute.h>
14 #include <dae/daeMetaCMPolicy.h>
16 class daeMetaElement;
17 class daeElement;
18 class daeDocument;
20 /**
21 * The @c daeMetaElementAttribute class represents a content model object that is an element.
22 */
23 class daeMetaElementAttribute : public daeMetaAttribute, public daeMetaCMPolicy
24 {
25 public:
26 	/** The metaElement that describes the element type of this attribute */
27 	daeMetaElement* 		_elementType;
29 public:
30 	/**
31 	 * Constructor.
32 	 * @param container The daeMetaElement that this policy object belongs to.
33 	 * @param parent The daeMetaCMPolicy parent of this policy object.
34 	 * @param odinal The ordinal value offset of this specific policy object. Used for maintaining the
35 	 * correct order of child elements.
36 	 * @param minO The minimum number of times this CMPolicy object must appear. This value comes from the COLLADA schema.
37 	 * @param maxO The maximum number of times this CMPolicy object may appear. This value comes from the COLLADA schema.
38 	 */
39 	daeMetaElementAttribute( daeMetaElement *container, daeMetaCMPolicy *parent = NULL, daeUInt ordinal = 0, daeInt minO = 1, daeInt maxO = 1);
40 	/**
41 	 * Destructor
42 	 */
43 	virtual ~daeMetaElementAttribute();
45 public:
47 	virtual daeElement *placeElement(daeElement* parent, daeElement* child, daeUInt &ordinal, daeInt offset = 0, daeElement* before = NULL, daeElement *after = NULL);
48 	virtual daeBool removeElement(daeElement* parent, daeElement* child);
50 	daeMetaElement *findChild( daeString elementName );
52 	virtual void getChildren( daeElement* parent, daeElementRefArray &array );
54 public:
55 	/**
56 	 * Sets the element type for the element that this attribute points to.
57 	 * @param elementType @c daeMetaElement representing the type.
58 	 */
setElementType(daeMetaElement * elementType)59 	void setElementType(daeMetaElement *elementType) {
60 		_elementType = elementType; }
62 	/**
63 	 * Gets the element type for the element that this attribute points to.
64 	 * @return Returns the @c daeMetaElement representing the type.
65 	 */
getElementType()66 	daeMetaElement* getElementType() { return _elementType; }
68 	/**
69 	 * Sets the database document associated with this element.
70 	 * @param parent The daeElement to set the document.
71 	 * @param c The @c daeDocument to associate with this element.
72 	 */
73 	virtual void setDocument(daeElement *parent, daeDocument* c );
setCollection(daeElement * parent,daeDocument * c)74 	inline void setCollection(daeElement *parent, daeDocument* c ) {
75 		setDocument( parent, c );
76 	}
78 	/**
79 	 * Gets the number of elements associated with this attribute in instance <tt><i>e.</i></tt>
80 	 * @param e Containing element to run the operation on.
81 	 * @return Returns the number of elements associated with this attribute
82 	 * in instance <tt><i>e.</i></tt>
83 	 */
84 	virtual daeInt getCount(daeElement* e);
86 	/**
87 	 * Gets an element from containing element <tt><i>e</i></tt> based on <tt><i>index.</i></tt>
88 	 * @param e Containing element from which to get the element.
89 	 * @param index Index of the element to retrieve if indeed
90 	 * there is an array of elements rather than a singleton.
91 	 * @return Returns the associated element out of parent element e, based on index, if necessary.
92 	 */
93 	virtual daeMemoryRef get(daeElement* e, daeInt index);
95 	/**
96 	 * Defines the override version of base method.
97 	 * @param element Element on which to set this attribute.
98 	 * @param s String containing the value to be converted via the
99 	 * atomic type system.
100 	 */
101 	virtual void set(daeElement* element, daeString s);
102 	/**
103 	 * Defines the override version of base method.
104 	 * @param toElement Pointer to a @c daeElement to copy this attribute to.
105 	 * @param fromElement Pointer to a @c daeElement to copy this attribute from.
106 	 */
107 	virtual void copy(daeElement* toElement, daeElement* fromElement);
109 	/**
110 	 * Gets if this attribute is an array attribute.
111 	 * @return Returns true if this attribute is an array type.
112 	 */
isArrayAttribute()113 	virtual daeBool isArrayAttribute()		{ return false; }
114 };
115 typedef daeSmartRef<daeMetaElementAttribute> daeMetaElementAttributeRef;
116 typedef daeTArray<daeMetaElementAttributeRef> daeMetaElementAttributeArray;
119 /**
120  * The @c daeMetaElementArrayAttribute class is similar to daeMetaElementAttribute
121  * except that this meta attribute describes an array of elements rather than a singleton.
122  */
123 class daeMetaElementArrayAttribute : public daeMetaElementAttribute
124 {
125 public:
126 	/**
127 	 * Constructor.
128 	 * @param container The daeMetaElement that this policy object belongs to.
129 	 * @param parent The daeMetaCMPolicy parent of this policy object.
130 	 * @param odinal The ordinal value offset of this specific policy object. Used for maintaining the
131 	 * correct order of child elements.
132 	 * @param minO The minimum number of times this CMPolicy object must appear. This value comes from the COLLADA schema.
133 	 * @param maxO The maximum number of times this CMPolicy object may appear. This value comes from the COLLADA schema.
134 	 */
135 	daeMetaElementArrayAttribute(daeMetaElement *container, daeMetaCMPolicy *parent = NULL, daeUInt ordinal = 0, daeInt minO = 1, daeInt maxO = 1);
136 	~daeMetaElementArrayAttribute();
137 public:
138 	virtual daeElement *placeElement(daeElement* parent, daeElement* child, daeUInt &ordinal, daeInt offset = 0, daeElement* before = NULL, daeElement *after = NULL);
139 	virtual daeBool removeElement(daeElement* parent, daeElement* child);
141 	void getChildren( daeElement* parent, daeElementRefArray &array );
143 	/**
144 	 * Sets the database document associated with this element.
145 	 * @param c The @c daeDocument to associate with this element.
146 	 */
147 	virtual void setDocument(daeElement *parent, daeDocument* c );
setCollection(daeElement * parent,daeDocument * c)148 	inline void setCollection(daeElement *parent, daeDocument* c ) {
149 		setDocument( parent, c );
150 	}
152 	/**
153 	 * Defines the override version of this method from @c daeMetaElement.
154 	 * @param e Containing element to run the operation on.
155 	 * @return Returns the number of particles associated with this attribute
156 	 * in instance <tt><i>e.</i></tt>
157 	 */
158 	virtual daeInt getCount(daeElement* e);
159 	/**
160 	 * Defines the override version of this method from @c daeMetaElement.
161 	 * @param e Containing element from which to get the element.
162 	 * @param index Index of the particle to retrieve if indeed
163 	 * there is an array of elements rather than a singleton.
164 	 * @return Returns the associated particle out of parent element e, based on index, if necessary.
165 	 */
166 	virtual daeMemoryRef get(daeElement* e, daeInt index);
167 	/**
168 	 * Defines the override version of this method from @c daeMetaElement.
169 	 * @param toElement Pointer to a @c daeElement to copy this attribute to.
170 	 * @param fromElement Pointer to a @c daeElement to copy this attribute from.
171 	 */
172 	virtual void copy(daeElement* toElement, daeElement* fromElement);
174 	/**
175 	 * Gets if this attribute is an array attribute.
176 	 * @return Returns true if this attribute is an array type.
177 	 */
isArrayAttribute()178 	virtual daeBool isArrayAttribute()		{ return true; }
179 };
180 typedef daeSmartRef<daeMetaElementArrayAttribute> daeMetaElementArrayAttributeRef;
181 typedef daeTArray<daeMetaElementArrayAttributeRef> daeMetaElementArrayAttributeArray;
183 #endif