1#textdomain wesnoth-units
3    id=Young Ogre
4    name= _ "Young Ogre"
5    race=ogre
6    image="units/ogres/young-ogre.png"
7    profile="portraits/monsters/young-ogre.png"
8    hitpoints=42
9    movement_type=largefoot
10    [resistance]
11        arcane=80
12    [/resistance]
13    movement=5
14    experience=32
15    level=1
16    alignment=neutral
17    advances_to=Ogre
18    cost=15
19    usage=fighter
20    description= _ "When still young, Ogres are sometimes captured and taken into armies to be trained. They cannot manage weapons skillfully, but they compensate for that lack with great strength."
21    die_sound={SOUND_LIST:OGRE_DIE}
22    [attack]
23        name=cleaver
24        description=_"cleaver"
25        type=blade
26        range=melee
27        damage=5
28        number=3
29    [/attack]
30    {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/ogres/young-ogre-defend.png" "units/ogres/young-ogre.png" {SOUND_LIST:OGRE_HIT} }
31    [idle_anim]
33        start_time=0
34        [frame]
35            image="units/ogres/young-ogre-idle-[3,4~1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,3,4,3].png:[200,175,150*3,125*2,100*2,125*2,150*3,175,200]"
36        [/frame]
37    [/idle_anim]
38    [attack_anim]
39        [filter_attack]
40            name=cleaver
41        [/filter_attack]
42        start_time=-325
43        [frame]
44            image="units/ogres/young-ogre-attack[1~5].png:[75,100,75,175,100]"
45        [/frame]
46        {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS axe.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50}
47    [/attack_anim]